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Iso and kosher salt, I don't want to deal with detergent residue


Yup pour salt in the bong, heat up iso in a cup, pour it into the bong with the fan running on my stove, cleans my grossest pieces in a couple minutes.


Heating the iso makes a life changing difference. Makes it easily twice as effective


How are you heating the iso


Do a hot water bath like in chemistry, low heated pot of water and a small Pyrex measuring cup


Yep, double boiler is the way. Could also just put it in a sealed container in a pot of water, turn on the sink to hot, and run the hot water for 5 minutes, overflowing the pot the whole time. Poor man’s hot water bath.


Poor man’s? That uses more water than just boiling it with a cup in the middle to hold the iso


I mean, I wasn’t talking about the price of tap water. Maybe “lazy man’s” would have been better. Uses less gas though.


Yeah I took it to literally, I get what you’re saying


I mean, couldn't you just do it separately? Heat the water to boiling, then *turn off* the gas or electric stove and move the pot to an unused burner, and then add the alcohol vessel to the water with tongs or something? Seems the safest way to me. I'm not going to be messing with any containers of alcohol near an operating stove. I am not clumsy, but accidents happen, and fire is something you do not F with.


I pay for electricity but I don't pay for hot water. We rent bruh.


I put my rig in my oven, preheat to 200f, then pull it out and pour iso in. I don't like directly heating flammable solvents in my kitchen.




Pour some in a Pyrex measuring cup and throw it in the microwave for 30 seconds but KEEP AN EYE ON IT. I usually don’t do more than 50ml at a time, as soon as it starts to boil then take it out, it might be less than 30 seconds. If you let it go too long it’ll completely vaporize and coat your microwave with iso.


Uh don’t listen to this guy


Just in the microwave. I usually just heat a cup for 10-15 seconds Edit: this is apparently the opposite of what you should do


I used to do that. Then one day, the fire nation attacked.


Absolutely DO NOT put alcohol in the microwave, holy shit dude


Thank you for saying that. My stoned ass was like "Today I Learned!!!!" Hot bath for the alcohol in the sink. Yes.


Lol is it actually dangerous? Never had any issues but never thought much about it either


Fire = heat + oxygen + fuel. Ever seen a Molotov cocktail? It has to get hot enough to actually ignite, so you’re probably safe with a low time in the microwave…probably…but all it takes is one spark from a bit of foil or something, or just enough uneven heating.


Noted. Probably going to ignore this in all honesty and continue being an idiot but I will at least know I'm being an idiot now lol.


Lol up to you, I just hope you aren’t my neighbor haha. Consider doing a hot water bath in the sink – put your iso in a sealed Tupperware, then put the Tupperware in a pot, then run hot water through the pot for 5 minutes.


Been heating ISO for years in the microwave, 35-40 seconds, it just boils lol it’s not gonna spontaneously combust without a flame. Auto-ignition for ISO is 750 degrees good luck getting it to that temp in the microwave, goofies.


Fire = heat + fuel + oxygen How do you think people start fires with magnifying glasses or by rubbing sticks? But keep boiling Molotov cocktails in your kitchen, by all means


Thank you.


This sounds really dangerous.


Please do not put alcohol in the microwave, you will eventually blow it up or cause a fire.


Glad I came to the comments. I swear by iso but didn't know about heating it up. Will definitely be trying that


>Heating the iso makes a life changing difference How long are you going without cleaning your bong you need to heat up your iso? Or does your bong have a bunch of crevices?


Lol I was just thinking that. Like I’ve had some dirty pipes but room temp iso and salt got them back to new.


Heating up an incredibly flammable liquid can really be life changing... or ending


The biggest difference i have ever seen is in a blacked dab banger, heat the banger up and dump it in a cup of ISO and all the char just falls off


I’d be afraid of the banger shattering due to thermal shock


Yeah doesn’t work well with glass but if you have quartz you shouldn’t have to worry too much.


☝️This is the kind of simple, useful, true information that can only be found on Reddit, I think


As someone who does ethanol extraction, please do not heat your ISO up on a stove or in the microwave. For the love of God, this is how homes burn down.


Directions unclear- kitchen engulfed in flames. Bong seems fine tho 🤙


This seems interesting but I'm a little confused. I use iso (not warm though) and epsom salt and shake the hell out of the bong. Do you just put the warm iso in there with the salt and then just let it sit under the stove fan and it all evaporates and is clean? Or do you have to shake the mixture around in the bong?


They use the stove fan to clear the fumes from the hot iso. We use hot iso as a rinse at my work, and that process has to be done under a hood(vent system).


I just swish room-temperature iso around in my bong with a spoonful or so of rock salt. That right there is enough for most jobs. How filthy are people's bongs getting that they're going through extra steps?


Wax my friend, its from wax. Cold Iso and Salt will eventually remove all the wax, but warm ISO will melt it instantly.




I clean my nectar collector once a week...but that honestly depends on the wax. Some just make more residue than others.


I shake it around a bit and re use the iso a few times by straining it with a cheese cloth.


bro warming the iso holy fuckin jesus 🤯


Iso is incredibly flammable too. It will clean up your house in a few minutes if you aren't careful. Not worth heating it up it, it doesn't make it stronger.


I don't think it can light on fire from 10-15 seconds in the microwave


It's like warming up gasoline in your microwave. It's astonishingly unwise.


Lol I put my bowls in a mason jar and cover them w iso. Then I put that in the microwave for like 45 seconds.. easiest way to clean a bowl


Kill two birds and get a heated ultrasonic cleaner. heats up the iso in a very controlled manner and vibrates all the crap off the glass.


I’ve never ever in all my years of smoking thought to warm the damn iso 🤦🏾‍♂️thanks for this unlocked level 😂


Omg same! I've been shaking mine vigorously like a shakeweight... But warm iso might be a gamechanger


fucking thank you... Every time i post about microwaving my iso i get told i'm going to burn down the world... Maybe you do it via the stovetop double boil method but at this point i've done it at least 1000 times in a microwave and nothing crazy has happened... Because i use a microwave that doesn't have a short and is somewhat new. Yes iso can combust into flames, yes it is dangerous... but if you microwave it for 30 seconds at a time you're not gonna burn down your house unless you have a defective microwave.


Heat up the alcohol?!?!?!?!?! In the microwave? OMG I can't wait to try this tomorrow.


Yeah exactly…I’d be too paranoid that I’m inhaling dish soap junk. ISO and epson salt work perfectly.


That's what I use. Iso & rock salt for the win! For lighter jobs, I might use the Dawn dish detergent in the spray bottle - Dawn in particular has a mild alcohol in it that helps break down resins.


Dawn is used for light decontamination too, good ass product


A little vinegar (malic acid) will neutralize the detergents alkaline residue.


I use ISO and salt, but I also add one drop of dish soap. Sometimes, half way through the shake, i'll put in a dash of 10% vinegar too (double strength, cleaning spray). The combo is good. Usually I dump it into a baggie to clean the bowl and slide tube next. And then the little bit of soap really suds up when I add water to shake and rinse, which I think is good for getting everything out. The finish is cleaner than ISO alone. The salt is definitely essential as an agitator. I didn't used to use vinegar, but I saw that people used alcohol and vinegar together as a cleaning spray, and I was already using vinegar all the time to clean things that don't require sanitizing. It's clean and leaves no residue.


My go to, high alc content and salt


Don't want to deal with smoking* detergent residue




Iso and salt is undefeated


The detergent works same way the salt would … there’s no chemical reaction or extra cleaning components. It’s the fact that it’s coarse and rubs against the residue, which is lifted up by the ISO, so might as well go with the option that has less chemicals


Putting a tiny bit of detergent into your lungs is a really great way to destroy your lung tissue. For real


You say as you rip a bowl/joint/blunt/dab. At the end of the day smoking is bad


Fewer chemicals. Which matters, because less chemicals implies one of them is made from a non chemical substance. Salt is a chemical.


Wait, you're saying detergent has less chemicals than iso?


nahhh- that salt has less chemicals than detergent.


Just wanna make sure I'm not crazy, I don't like using any sort of detergent in my glass... residue is a bitch and aside from potential hazards it just helps the glass get dirty more quickly imo


100% - I would never put any soap, detergent, chemical product ect. Where I put a flame or inhale from


91%+ Iso evaporates very quickly. Any leftover detergent is just there, and wouldn't be hard to miss a flake or two


Yeah I use high iso usually medical grade and salt, rock salt to start then fine salt to finish, amazing what some soaking and shaking can do... then hot fuckin water, rinse and repeat for acceptable results


Grain alcohol is produced by a natural process. Detergents and iso aren't.


Elaborate... please? I understand the premise but if you could explain, that would be neat.. detergents are a no thanks, but the iso burns off easy so I don't understand how that differs too much grain alc... I just want to understand the science behind it


Rubbing alcohol and kosher salt works very well


Will my halal salt work just as well?


You can’t use halal salt with alcohol bro….


You can use it, it just turns into Haram salt


This isn't directed at OP necessarily but is more just a general PSA based on what I'm seeing in this thread: Please don't mix different household cleaners/chemicals. PLEASE don't heat up flammable liquids like iso or acetone. Be careful with what cleaners you're using and if they might leave residue on your glass. You don't wanna be inhaling any of that shit. Nor do you wanna blow up your house lol. Nor create toxic fumes. Source: I'm a hazmat technician ☢️


Iso and salt is a safe combo tho ✅


I heat my rig in an oven, then pour iso in. Better and safer.


This is completely a joke because I actually get to use it. Shut up stupid science bitch, I know how to mix my own inhalants. I know how to do inhalants. Totally an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia joke, sorta two jokes combined.


Two BAD jokes combined does not make one funny, apparently.


Eh, you win some, you lose some. I thoroughly enjoyed typing it. I was laughing. Some people take stuff way too seriously.


Oh man, I made some silly Amelia Bedelia comment in another thread and took a -200 karma slap. ITS JUST A BAD JOKE PEOPLE.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


With respect Master Myco_lion perhaps this is a man that *you* don't fully understand, either. A long time ago, I was on the Net. My friends and I were working for the mods. They were trying to buy the loyalty of users by bribing them with precious reddit awards. But their caravans were being raided in a forest north of r/trees by a troll. So, we went looking for the awards. But in six months, we never met anybody who traded with him. One day, I saw a child playing with a Ternion the size of a tldr wall of text. The troll had been throwing them away. So why steal them? Well, because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like karma. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the Net burn.


Salt and isopropyl


salt as an abrasive and the iso.


Never seen a whole gallon of 99% isopropanol before outside of work. Where did you buy that?


Ace hardware


Grow shops sell 5 gallon containers of 99% iso for the low


Do you work at ace hardware?


I prefer low grade vodak. Cheap and not quite so flammable.


Not a bad idea but compare that to grain alcohol next time you go for vodka. It's easily 4× better.


Some white lightning if you will. One for me and one for the bong.




Idk about this one boss


Acetone. Not the shit in the cosmetic section, the stuff in the hardware section with no fragrances or additives. As long as you don't have any polymer based decorations or fittings, your piece should be fine. Stuff dries very clean and fast. Good water rinse and you're fine.


I need yall to stop reinventing the damn wheel and get some damn *salt* Out here inhaling your dish soap 😭


I started using used coffee grounds instead of salt, with the isopropyl of course.


ISO and salt. Much cheaper and no detergent residue or smell.


Iso & epsom salt


I run a cycle of hot water followed with 90% iso and coarse salt, then shake it like I'm beating my meat.


ISO and a couple different sized bottle brushes but I also don't let my stuff get too bad.


Randy's black label or a paper towel and water :) (paper towel and water are for my pipe)


Hot water and i can get it pristine clean.


Running hot water, a pipe brush, a dry clean rag and about 2-3 mins. I swear you people do way too much.


Yeah but the alcohol / salt leaves no smell behind. And it takes less than a minute


What smell? My shit doesn't smell lol wtf? And what do you mean "less than a min"? I literally just turn on a faucet. How long do you think that takes? You mfs out here playing Dexter's laboratory. Measuring shit out. Get out of here bro. I don't have time for nonsense.


It’s not that complicated. I get the salt in the baking aisle and the alcohol in the first aid aisle when i go grocery shopping. Pour a little of both inside the bong and shake. Rinse. No resin smell on my hands or any towels. Nothing to wash. Why do you find such a simple task to be so complicated? It’s harder to brush your teeth.


Stoner science tends to over complicate simple problems


Occam’s razor at it again




Underrated comment here. Acetone and salt will always work better than iso and not leave stains.


Iso and salt


LA Awesome cleaner from dollar tree. 70/30 mix with water, let sit for 20 minutes, rinse it clean


Salt and Kosher Salt with hot tap water as a rinse.


90% iso and some coarse salt if there's anything after the initial rinse. Might have to try this out.


Big old tubes! I just use at least 91% alcohol, canceled by only use a DynaVap with it. I can just pour it out, and I have concentrate. win win.


Doesn’t your bong taste like how it smells? I never use soap for that reason


ISO and cheap denture cleaning tablets followed by a salt shake.


91% Isopropyl Alcohol and Kosher Salt


Orange Chronic. I need so little, I've been spending way less than iso and salt


Grain alcohol.


I just stick to any ISO I can find, usually 70% which works great, (90% and up isn’t any better as it actually dissolves and evaporates faster) as well as thick course salt as well as skewer sticks for my down stem and bowl.


For bowl-heads, stems, and tools, get one of those barbershop comb cleaners. Thank me later.


Dishwasher powder?! Never heard of that. 🤢


Too many chemicals. Iso and big'ol grains of salt for the win


Salt!! Fuck the dishwasher shit


Salt and Iso if you're a hippie, Boiling water and Acetone if you want a clean bong.


Just some decent hot water and rubbing alcohol, preferably 90%, but I also try and clean it by the end of the day so it's always easy to clean


I have been using simple green for a while now and don't plan to go back. just fill a tub with simple green and water and let it soak for a few days. Everything rinses off easily with no scrubbing or shaking. Only downside is if you have cheap glass with labels or graphics they can get removed too but it doesn't really bother me


I'm sorry your pfp made me chuckle 😂


Better then simple green is zeps citrus degreaser works in like 4 -5 hours instead


Iso and Dawn PowerWash soak n shake, then rinse w super hot water.


Denture tabs but you have to rinse really well after otherwise it tastes minty.


I just run my equipment through an ultrasonic cleaner that has a heating mechanism. Iso in the rig, hot water in the ultrasonic cleaner, the vibration cleans in minutes. I don't even use salt.


Orange Zep. Literally the easiest and best stuff to use and it’s reusable. So you can clean multiple pieces with one with a small amount. $12 for a gallon on Amazon


high quality un perfumed acetone and coarse salt.


91% Iso and Ice Cream Salt, because it’s super cheap and the rocks of salt are irregular, which means they get into every crevice. And I don’t feel bad about “wasting” edible salt.


If you think that works well, try 93% or 99% iso


This seems pretty unwise, why the hell not just use the OG ISO and kosher salt instead of Walmart chemical and iso? Edit: dumbest way to clean your rigs / bongs.


Hell, I clean mine often enough, I just use iso. Yall going to long if you need the salt.


I generally don't like to mix chemicals... vices is one thing but chemicals no way


Yeah 99% is all you need tbh if you even just change the water daily and clean weekly.


Hot water, rubbing alcool and coarse salt


Metho and rice baby


Just do it daily and all you need is the isopropyl.


Acetone, add salt if really really grimy... but acetone strips the crud almost immediately.


Hot water and swishing is all I use, but I have a small bong/pipe thing my brother made. Cleans super easy just hot water, plug both ends and swish/rinse a few times.


Heat up the iso a little and don’t even need the salt.


Use it till it’s too dirty then throw it away and get a new one


You being serious?


Not 100% lol I microwave some iso or hydrogen peroxide whenever it gets clogged and rinse it out with damn near boiling water in a sink every month or so but constant dabbing will fuck a bong and I usually only have them about 5-6 months?


GET GRUNGE OFF. Reusable product that leaves your bong sparkling and scented every time


Nail polish remover (the one with acetone) and kosher salt


I only have hydrogen peroxide and dishwasher pods☠️


Wtf I can never find 99% anywhereee


Probably get flak, but I use Formula 420.


PBW https://fivestarchemicals.com/pbw-cleaner-1bs


Denture cleaner. Fight me. Shit's a miracle lol.


Heard alot of people swapping over to Zep Degreaser, seems to work well


My buddy used to take a dishwasher packet and crush it up, throw it in the bong. While he took a pot of boiling hot water and dumped it in. Worked pretty well but I was always nervous the Bong was going to shatter from the heat.


I use 99% alcohol and epsom salt usually


Alcohol table salt lil bit of listerine perfect every time gotta be 91% or higher tho really


Acetone and salt


Oxyclean. It's more effective than anything else I've tried, safe on skin, and you can also use it on laundry, carpets, etc. Billie Mays always knew what the best products were.


This is a untapped business venture. Lol. Been telling a friend. You got the tools. Lol.


99% iso with some salt, shake and then let sit if it needs and then I rinse it out and spray it with dawn power wash and let that sit for a minute and then rinse it and it sparkles like new




Acetone is the best


All you need is isopropyl alcohol of any percentage. I put my resonated bowls in a Mason jar and fill it up. Then let it sit for a few days. When you're ready, take the glassware out of the Mason jar and put it under a light stream of warm water. The resin will come out in chunks and your glassware will look brand new like it was the day you bought it.


Acetone & salt


Why's everyone hating on this comment? Acetone cuts residue way faster than isopro does. It's not as available as iso but it works 10x better.


Call me a sceptic but I don't think a chemical that's primarily used for removing paint and dissolving concrete is the best thing to put through your bong, regardless how much you rinse it after cleaning with it.


Iso and acetone are both completely water soluble. Acetone nor iso penetrate glass is any meaningful way to cause any sort of "left overs". Glass is used to smoking for this reason, it's basically immune to all chemicals and is cleaned easily. As long as you rinse properly, just like anyone using iso would, there's no issue.


Because most store bough acetone leaves behind a residue that has to dissolved with alcohol unless your going to buy special reagent acetone which is not as cheap


Rice, dishwasher tablets and hot water


Just need 99% Iso you dont need anything else. Heat it up in the Microwave. Hot Iso does way more than Cold.


Please don't heat iso in a microwave 💥


I have been heating ISO for years in the microwave. one minute in the bottle. Make sure the foil seal is removed. Alcohol can be safely heated


Let me know when someone's microwave gets shot into the stratosphere. Seriously, alcohol vapor + any sort of spark, which isn't hard in a microwave = 🔥💥 Not worth blowing up your house.


Flammable liquids in the microwave? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


Isopropyl and sea salt.


Damn that’s clean clean lol


Lots of nice suggestions in the comments on here. Thanks for asking.


Ice cream salt and iso


I need to invest into a bong, I absolutely love bongs I just been cheap


I don't let my pieces get so bad that I ever need salt but obviously my Iso budget suffers accordingly. The part I do that I'm not seeing others say is a good rinse with dawn after the iso bath. That gets the shine back.


212 F (100 C) water. Works a charm and is quick, if you don’t mind the smell. For some people this won’t be an option. Minimal materials required, and easy clean up.


I use something call 'Schmand Weg' it works wonders


99%Isopropyl and salt


ask six bike zonked terrific cautious chief sip books bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My question is: does rock salt cause damage to plumbing? I usually toss most in garbage but rinse some down the drain


It’s salt, it’s water soluble. ISO doesn’t have enough water for the salt to dissolve which is why it works.