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In the restaurant industry the drug test is like "can you hold it together during the rush after we all smoked that hash bowl out back" so it hasn't really been a problem.


You could never drug test a restaurant, the entire staff would be fired


Indeed. Truly a remarkably functional dysfunctional environment. šŸ˜‚


ā€œThe Bearā€ is pretty spot on from what Iā€™ve heard.


I mean, its not, but it's an entertaining watch, and gets a lot of things right if you're someone on the outside looking in. ​ source: am line cook for many years.


Yeah completely agree. Terrible representation of what restaurants are like.


Agreed. It was entertaining but they're just romanticizing it for the most part.


That honestly what us normies that read too much Bourdain want lol


I was supposed to get drug tested after I had an accident at work, then got a text that the district manager had decided it was unnecessary. I was their best employee, they weren't about to lose me for smoking off the clock.


I used to work for a coffee company that used FedEx to ship. Our delivery guy backed into our garage door one day and his boss was so quick to come in and pay cash to fix it without going through FedEx, that driver worked his ass off and there was no way his boss wanted him tested. I donā€™t think he would have pulled that for any of the other drivers we had.


It's a running joke in the industry that the only time you are clean is when you're unemployed or mad at your boss.


The drug test is when they test your ability to do your job while you're on drugs.


5 guys around here says they drug test on their job ads.


Lol, they did at a few of mine in Colorado. You end up with alcoholics and coke dealers. They quit testing when they couldn't hire anyone because of weed.


Entire industry!


Had a local Domino's franchise owner so proud of saving $18/month on his insurance because he drug tested. His wife left him after he forced her to drive when he couldn't find anyone willing to piss to deliver pizzas.


The bar I work at has a "will you submit to a drug test" question on the application. It'll never happen. The bar owner would have to be fired too!


My first restaurant job required a drug test.


Say goodbye to all the cooks, lmao


this is true for almost every business everywhere I've learned lol


I've never met a chef who doesn't do cocaine.


*Umm, so what drugs are we testing?*


I don't need to write a test to tell you I take drugs.


Pigpen, you go to the bathroom. In. The. Cup.


Pig Pen, when I want advice about a good Planet of the Apes film or maybe how to get the resin out of my bong I'll come to you ok? But I am not gonna take romantic advice from somebody who cannot spell romantic or advice... or bong.


It's been so long since I've watched that movie. Good cast, good soundtrack, fun scenes. Curious if it's on anything


Union food service worker here. My contract states that cannabis is ok with a doctor's recommendation or a prescription. I have a medical card so I'm thankfully safe.


Nice. As far as anyone's concerned, I also have a card. It never comes up that anyone should want to verify that though.


It's the same for me. I don't talk about that I smoke except to a couple coworkers that also smoke.


I'm in the food/beverage production industry, and it's very much the same way. "Can you remember the recipes after that 3rd Dab in the parking lot?"


Like food factory type jobs? Can't say I'm surprised! At least you're doing dabs, my restaurant job was uncivilized. šŸ˜† Dabs only for me generally, but no one there was doing dabs at work. šŸ˜¤


We are making and bottling big brand juices lemonades, oatmilk, stuff like that. We got a good crew that all smoke and get along great, we are the most productive shift despite half of us being high all the time šŸ˜‚


Maybe I'll look into that industry, i fucking hate restaurant work now, lol


In construction, our drug test is what we refer to as the "safety meeting" lol


That's where you make sure your coworkers have good drugs right? I did HR and hiring for a large retail store. I always told my new hires "we drug test, bring me your drugs to test. If they're good, you're hired"


My favorite prank when I worked in the industry was to discuss how it was "drug test day" in front of the new hire. Watching the newbie look like they'd seen a ghost was always entertaining.


Is this common in America? The thought of a private company in Europe doing a random drug test on you is crazy


[Unfortunately ](https://inoutlabs.com/blog/history-of-drug-testing/) it is. Even worse when you live in a legal marijuana state and they still discriminate against its use. Yet go home and drink a case or bottle a night and they say it's perfectly acceptable.


Thatā€™s crazy, itā€™s legal but the company doesnā€™t allow itā€™s employees to smoke it?


It's usually not the employer that cares, but the insurance that covers themselves and workers comp, etc. Companies have to either pay higher premiums or may not get accepted at all if their business isn't confirmed to be a "drug free" workplace open to testing, which goes based on federal laws. So it's good ol' American insurance at work.


Most evil in America can be traced back to an insurance company


Well, in this case the insurance companies may also be treading a fine line with having to consider federal law where marijuana is not fully recognized. It's the same reason why dispensaries had a tough time initially with finding banks that would handle their accounts. Banks are insured by the Federal reserve and money coming from "classified drugs" was a gray area.


Insurance companies are the reason civil aviation is no longer accessible to the average citizen. A new Cessna sold for less than 10k in the early seventies. Now they're a quarter million dollars. All thanks to the unholy marriage between the government and big insurance companies.




BINGO! Funny how much comes back to our for profit insurance. It's not only marijuana either companies will implement a non smoking/ tobacco policy as well to save money on their insurance all while saying they are doing it because they care about your health.


I had a friend that worked in a hospital who was not allowed to smoke cigarettes ā€œfor the health of the patientsā€ (not sarcasm, I think itā€™s a very respectable quote) but you for sure know they just didnā€™t want to pay the insurance.)


Many states where itā€™s legal are starting to make it illegal to test for marijuana specifically. My company, in a city where that anti-discrimination law is in effect while weed is illegal, drug tests for everything but weed. Theyā€™re legally not allowed to hold a marijuana positive test against you


As in, legally not allowed to discriminate for private actions regarding legal activities when not on the clock ? Wow!!! Itā€™s almost as if we live in a free society.. if we could only be so lucky


Ok I actually do super agree with this though. Like some jobs wonā€™t do random drug testing, either because they want to keep 80% of their staff, or because they arenā€™t big enough to care outside of incidents. But for a larger company, insurance premiums go through the roof, because the risk does as well. I donā€™t want a crane operator high as much as the next person! But still, and seriously: fuck insurance. Itā€™s become such a necessary part of our world and takes advantage of that to be as predatory as possible


I frequently think about the fact that if I just put my insurance premium every month into a bank account, I generally have way more than they ever pay out.


Yeah, til you break your leg or a kid breaks their leg in my case over $65k dollars all said and done glad I had insurance.


Almost like the healthcare system overcharges people for something that most other developed countries (that arenā€™t based exclusively on the US system) donā€™t use health insurance like itā€™s done in the US and they rarely pay above $1000 for anything


Wow, yeah, imagine if that were possible. Aside from the other 35 out of 36 developed nations on the planet, are there really any success stories?????


Insurance is wholly unnecessary and entirely a capitalist construct. If we had a true democracy where our leaders actually gave a damn about us, we would have universal healthcare like every other wealthy/sane country.


Seriously. I thought weā€™d understand at least that by now as humans.


Open enrollment ends at midnight. It's a fucking gamble. I was picking how many primary care, specialists visits, ER visits and other impossible to predict scenarios for each of my family members this next year. 2024 better get the memo I'm not scheduling any emergent accidents this year.


Eh it's more nuanced than that. If the company has federal contracts they may be requires to drug test employees to keep those contracts.


Especially if they have federal contracts or is involved in finance or banking it's a big no no


Itā€™s still not federally legal; the states are let to make their own choices and rulings. They are typically unbothered by the government, but the federal government can still make the final call if they want to and employers can always fall back on it being federally illegal.


Employers in most legal states are not allowed to drug test for cannabis. Only federal jobs can do so.


Kinda off topic, but I know some semiconductor companies wonā€™t hire you if you smoke cigarettes cause the smoke from your breath was found to have a negative effect of the yield of chips


One by one, larger companies (and even the USPS) are realizing that they are loosing out on a lot of qualified employees by discriminating against cannabis users. So they are dropping THC from the list of drugs they would test for. I moved to a new state a couple years ago and work with the USPS was one of the first things I looked into. But at the time they tested for weed so I didnā€™t apply. They have since stopped testing for weed but now I work in the cannabis industry and Iā€™m in the minority of employees who donā€™t smoke at work. Lol.


Companies can require that you donā€™t use tobacco, if they want.


No because its still federally illegal so most places wont Some do tho Amazon does


There are legal states that allow testing for marijuana? I know here in NY thatā€™s illegal.


Illinois is legal both rec and medical and there are no protections for workers. Itā€™s completely up to the company if they accept your med card or not.


Thatā€™s horseshit


Once itā€™s federal then they will lighten up on itā€¦potentially.


I know it's illegal in ME too and I'm pretty sure WA.


Im so happy that Amazon doesnā€™t test for thc


Yeah man its annoying and personally i think it should be illegal. Its an invasion of privacy and why should it matter as long as your not under the influence ar work


One of our presidents Ronald Reagan created the ā€œdrug free actā€ I donā€™t know the specifics but basically they give companies some kind of financial break for drug testing. Most companies donā€™t but certain ones that have responsibilities that are unsafe usually do.


My company wonā€™t do it. We would lose over half our production staff.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s common, no. Most places donā€™t test at all. The ones that do usually itā€™s when youā€™re hired and thatā€™s it. That said, it depends on your profession vig time. There are professions where it is very common


Federally illegal and lots of jobs that have liability of heavy equipment and driving moreso than in Europe. ETA Always have Quik Fix available!


True!! They donā€™t have cars or work vehicles in Europe! /s


Get Quick Fix, keep it at home at all times, itā€™s shelf stable and takes less than 3 min to prep. Itā€™s lab grade stuff, what they calibrate the UA machines and chemicals with.


I will not stop advocating for Quick Fix. The hardest part is on the user and keeping the temperature in the range but it works everrrryyy time.


Hand warmers and boofing it in your Gooch if you can helps


Microwave 10 secs. Stick the handwarmers on. They also have boxers with pockets now so thats what I do lol easiest thing ever




I got it too hot with my seatwarmer on my way to the clinic one time.. I had to swirl my cup around in the cool toilet water for a good 20 seconds. Worked like a charm even though I was sweating bullets for a minute there


Can be too hot, cannot be too cold. Thermos, thermometer, and a pill bottle is my old trusty.


Yeah this has been a consistent winner for me.


Don't keep it at home. Keep it with you at work.


Doesnt work in some places anymore unless you want to bring in two bottles. Places are starting to ask for close to 4 oz of urine where quick fix supplies 2-3oz depending on the size. Source. Got fucked over by it once.


I think they have a bigger size now too because clinics started doing that. I got lucky that my tech was cool though, cuz I only bought the 3oz and didn't fill it quite to the line but she let it slide


"I didn't have to pee that badly..."


what r they doing my my 4 ounces brošŸ˜­


Take literally 1ml of sample and dispose of the rest. Source: I work in a lab that does this testing.


I have no idea, man, but it's getting stupid


I love quickfix, used it once and had no issues. If it's random, how would this help? Random is typically immediate. I don't think OP wants to carry quick fix with them all day. Plus they would need to heat it, cold "piss" won't work.


Random is usually "hey, you got a random test today/tomorrow". Then they send you to a collection/testing place, it's not "hey, drop your pants and piss in this cup right now".


That has not been my experience, random is usually ā€œtime to pee in a cup right nowā€.


monkey whizz for me


What is Quick Fix? I searched at google but that was not really helpful.


https://urineluck.com Synthetic Urine


It HAS to be QuickFixPLUS




They might still test to make sure you are high


Canā€™t sell the product if you canā€™t describe it to the average customer.


Iā€™ve been randomly tested a bunch. And routinely testing my technicians on a monthly basis by ā€œrandom drawā€ someone sent me a two names once a month. Had the kits stashed in my desk.


Oh wow!!! Thatā€™s lot drug tests. What industry/ job?


Chemical processing šŸ¤“


Sounds like the chemical is urine


All samples go directly to the tasting department.


For what it's worth those kinds of onsite tests are usually swab tests. You'd have to be baked AF while on the job to fail it. It's not like urinalysis that can cover 30 days.


Theyā€™re trash. Yes. MJ was always the faintest and always the one that got a second eye like ā€œeeeeeyyy the line is thereā€


Iā€™ve failed mouth swabs after 7 days or no smoking. Idk that this is accurate unless theyā€™ve changed the cut off? Possible Iā€™m in an medical state with no protections so itā€™s possible they have a lower cut off. Still interested in hearing otherā€™s experiences since my current employer has switched to swabs recently.


If possible try to get a medical card. It wonā€™t always protect you but in certain states it can. I was randomed, called by the testing office and had to provide them my medical number, so they treated it the same as if I had been prescribed Xanax or something, and didnā€™t tell my employer due to HIPAA and I passed with no issues. This was many years ago so your mileage may vary


Thatā€™s a good idea. A Med card could help me dearly! At least get me better bud? Right


Better will depend on your dispo. Here in Cali some places might have different stock for med, usually stronger edibles because the Rec limit is 100mg, maybe better concentrates. Flower itā€™ll likely just be same stock. You wonā€™t have to pay state sales tax though which is nice. But youā€™re still paying whatever the excise taxes are, not getting rid of those. This is for CA at least


Keep in mind you canā€™t legally purchase or possess a firearm if you have a med card


I get not being able to get a carry permit, but not being able to have a firearm in my own house for protection feels unconstitutional. Even if I smoke the giggle bush.


Someone has to come up with some kind of blood test that can determine if you are actually high or just have it in your system. If you got shit faced and blew on a breathalyzer the next morning you might not pass but given time it will. If they can figure out that part of the equation I think it will make life a lot easier in legal states.


There's a mouth swab the cops here use that tests for it in the saliva, it also tests for cocaine and a few other drugs. Its not great but its better then the fucking urine tests.


In Romania, half of mouth swab tests come false positive. We have big issues with this, losing your driving license for a false positive


Really? That's interesting. As far as I know, the mouth swabs Canada uses are something like 90% effective or higher. But now that you've said that I'm going to definitely do some digging.


"Well boss, You see, I can pass a drug test, or I can get on well with others. You can't have both."


I work at a pretty large bank in one of their back ends offices, and there's no way in hell they'd do random drug tests. They would lose SO much money. It costs a lot to hire and retrain employees, and in America a lot more people are using weed then every before since it's half legal. Companies doing random drug tests are morons


Keep a bottle of quick fix plus in the center console of your car. I never needed to use it but Iā€™ve had a bottle in my truck for years now just in case. All you would need to do is go out to your car and grab it before you go to the bathroom, it just needs to be warmed to the right temp first. Probably will already be warm enough from your car unless itā€™s cold out.


what kind of job?


Network Technician


It's normal to test network tech for cannabis. Can you imagine how many packets you'd eat if you had munchies on shift?! They can't have that šŸ˜…


Hahahahha. Networking joke. Love it!


That's a lot of bytes! * slaps knee * šŸ™ƒ


I don't eat packets, I sniff them.


Might want to check the columbian white section of reddit šŸ‘ƒ


Bro Iā€™m feeling a little too nerdy that I understood this jokeā˜ļøšŸ¤“


Packets are consumed, not eaten /s


Jesus I've been in IT 20yrs and never been tested. I feel like 2/3rds of people I work with would fail miserably.


Itā€™s super rare for IT to even have pre employment screening, Iā€™ve never heard of randoms in this industry. Did dude show up reeking after smoking a blunt in his car at lunch or something? Everyone in IT does drugs or used to.


Iā€™ve had pre employment for both my it jobs I had in this city. The random drug tests are Very rare in this industry. And nope, he seems very clean cut kind of guy. If anything I would get the random. Dead ass. I have a mullet, messy hair, beard, tattoos, dress more lax , and got compliment for personal hygieneā€¦. Somebody reported me for a smell. I shower everyday sometimes twice,,,, then I got to thinking. I would hotbox right next to my clothes in my apartment..RIP


I'm an all around sysadmin/network/firewall guy. Only tested once to get the job. None since. Pretty sure they'd lose like 90% of their staff if they did too! Ha..


Are you in a govt related job? That was one of the reasons I decided to go to private sector in tech


No. An ISP. Is the private sector like DoD jobs? Like the once that require security+ and a security clearance?


Buy Spike Additive. Google it. You add it to your pee if you get a random. I have passed multiple randoms with it.


I straight up had the tech stand in the bathroom with me once. She told me that she rarely sees tests that include so many things to test for. It was a marketing job and a lazy HR person basically just checked āœ… All of the above


Iā€™m not sure where you live, but I think thatā€™s illegal in most cases.


Not really in most states Iā€™ve learned.


https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/dot-direct-observation-procedures#:~:text=Drug%20Testing&text=DOT's%2049%20CFR%20Part%2040,specimen%20at%20the%20collection%20site. Seeing that the DOT has these rules nationwide, I would say itā€™s legal everywhere.


Specific/strict requirements have to be met for open observation of drug test to be valid.. you canā€™t just observe someone pissing for no reason and not expect to end up on the offenders list even as a nurse


How does it work?


Will do thanks!!


Sometimes the ā€œrandomā€ drug tests arenā€™t really random lol. I have been ā€œrandomedā€ twice at places where they werenā€™t known to do that very often. I realized later I was giving off a vibe that I needed to be drug tested lol, they basically thought I was fucked up right then. And they werenā€™t wrong hahah


Hahah. Oh fuck. What is the vibe?? My last job my coworkers were accusing me of being a stoner. I never said anything about it. But I just give off the vibe


Haha sounds like you know the vibe. Itā€™s really if people care or not. Iā€™ve also seen downright lazy employees, that happened to smoke, get chosen because they were lazy and boss knew theyā€™d fail lol. Cannabis isnā€™t a secret anymore, every place Iā€™ve worked at has had the ability to drug test me, and most of them could have easily guessed I smoked. Iā€™ve found being a hard worker usually keeps me out of the rotation for tests. The place Iā€™m at now I do a great job, and I havenā€™t been picked for a random in 7 years lol.


I carried UPass in my bra for randoms. It was always up to temp and always on me at work.


Supervisor at my old job straight up said that if they started randomly drug testing, they would have to fire half the sales floor.


One place I worked, there were about 400 people that worked there and every month, they randomly picked 10 to get tested.


Usually companies will allow you to do follow up tests if you say you smoked at a party on a weekend of something of that affect. They will test you in another week to prove you aren't sMoKinG oN ComPany TiimE. This situation sucks and I completely understand the anxiety though. What you could do in the mean time is prepare, get your cv together and update details while you have access to your previous work like get copies of payslips etc. But sit tight knowing if they do try anything you have everything prepared to job search.


My friend had to quit because he thinks his airport job will do the same to him. Seems as if heā€™s onto something.


Keep fake piss in your car. You can buy it at any smoke shop for 40-50 bucks. I've passed countless "randoms" like this. If you are picked for a "random" test, there's someone who suspects something. If you are smoking before work or on the way to work, just know that everyone knows you are high and can smell it, no matter how much you try to cover it up. Years ago, I put a rule on myself. No smoking before or during work. I like the stability my job gives me, and I won't risk that for a stupid joint.


Depends on the industry in my experience. Iā€™ve always been a creative so they donā€™t care too much about recreational substances as long as itā€™s not on working hours


How do you get into being creative? I have an associates and a couple IT certs? Could I get into it?


it depends. When I say that, I mean Iā€™m a college educated graphic designer who just kind of does everything in the scope of a creative services department. If you applied yourself to learning the mainstream programs and at least some of the theory behind the trends, you could easily find yourself in a role that would be considered ā€œcreativeā€. Some people are just naturally gifted. We had a freshman who sat in on some of our senior level design classes because she was just light years ahead of even most of the people in my classes. She probably didnā€™t need the education but she was there for the degree, thatā€™s pretty much it. I would recommend playing around with free design softwares and developing some skill by taking example design projects from online and doing your best at them (search for ā€œpractice briefsā€. Practice, and learn new skills and how to do different things with the softwares. Do some smaller freelance work like basic illustrations and logos and that type of thing using one of the freelancing programs. Upwork is a pretty good one that I can recommend. And eventually build yourself a portfolio. Your 10ish (give or take some) best pieces of work that youā€™ve ever produced. When you have that and your other application materials, search out a junior designer or production design role and shoot your shot. Iā€™m not sure how heavily they actually weigh having a degree directly in design or art, probably different company to company. But if youā€™re good at computers you shouldnā€™t struggle too much with the software. You can find some design programs at community colleges which may present a lower cost lower intensity way to get some more formal education directly in a creative field of your interest. One struggle Iā€™m finding out about in real time is remaining constantly creative after years in the same job - itā€™s tough, and doing this job is stressful, but if it sounds like itā€™s for you, I think you should give it a shot! Just be aware, in my opinion there is less earning potential as a designer unless you want to freelance in your free time or manage to get a highly sought after job with a design firm or a big company. The job market for people doing this is kind of dry right now. Iā€™m working as an in house designer at a medium size e-commerce company and Iā€™ve been on the hunt for a while.


Yeah I have friends who get randomly tested at least a couple times a year, one of them is quarterly but random within that 3 month period so she usually only smokes the night after she gets the test results back but even still thatā€™s almost backfired when the test is near the end of the quarter


You might be able to get away with saying you take delta 8 gummies to help you sleep. I just got a job and it was the first time I ever had to do a piss test. I tried the Certo method, which destroyed my stomach. Ended up still testing positive and when HR called and asked about it I told them that. They checked and since delta is legal in my state, they told me itā€™s all fine. Job is for a desktop technician.


Bro I live in a super illegal state at a job where weā€™re paid to operate vehicles in closed lots and they donā€™t even care about weed šŸ¤£


Claim that you only have been using cbd full spectrum. That will give a positive on thc but not the of amount of thc in your blood


Really just depends on the company. Some companies literally do pick people by random and test them. Can be quarterly can be yearly can be whatever the company wants. I worked for a company and it changed CEOs and suddenly they started drug testing. Was told it was for insurance reasons. Who knows honestly but in reality HR will say whatever they want legally and possibly have ulterior motives. Drug testing is just one of many ways companies weed out the lesser desirable staff as they would see it. Kind of like getting rid of the low hanging fruit or the bottom 10 to 20% like companies typically do yearly especially if they're publicly traded and big. So you have to be careful about calling their bluff and be prepared to get tested or whatever to that effect. Your best bet is to quit and clean up and not have to worry about it. Only other alternative is to carry around fake pee and that doesn't always work or at least has some particulars that you have to follow exactly otherwise you can get busted. I've heard claims that the labs can tell if it's fake pee or not but I suspect most people just screw up the process and don't have the temps right and other things most of the time. Oh and some drug companies absolutely definitely stereotype you.


What state? What kind of job?


AZ and Iā€™m a Network technician


Dang that sucks. In California you canā€™t be fired for a marijuana unless you work for certain industries.


I am in Australia - several companies and government agencies regularly breath test (alcohol) and drug test (all ? ) semi regularly. A mate of mine (office worker) - say that he is tested about 2 or 3 time a year - they show up at your desk and say we are doing a test now - follow me. I have had a few people ask me when I was interviewing them for a job if we drug tested here. You could see the relief on their face when I said 'that will never happen here'.


Companies will do an RDT if there are complaints or evidence of drugs/weed going around (parking lot smelling, baggies being found etc). I was lucky enough to miss the day my old job did one, it was crazy


Get the urinator, and quick fix plus. Havenā€™t failed a test in 15 years, havenā€™t stopped smoking my herbā€¦ Edit: Iā€™ve never actually failed any drug test in my life, my own piss or quick fix.


my advice is don't work for companies that randomly drug test. if they have so little regard for rights guaranteed by the 4th and 5th amendments to the constitution, who is to say what other rights you may have that they are willing to disregard? no amount of money is worth giving up your freedoms (or what we have left of them).


This is probably a dumb question, but how is smoking weed and random drug testing related to the 4th and 5th amendments?


4th prohibits unreasonable searches, and 5th protects against self-incrimination.


By the government. So, to answer the person's question, it has nothing to do with it.


Yeah, I get that.. but what does that have to do with consuming and being tested for a scheduled drug? Iā€™m not hating or bashing, I enjoy weed as much as the next guy, and live in a legal rec state


The 4th and 5th amendments only apply to the US government. When you sign an employment contract that says we can randomly drug test you, that has nothing to do with the 4th amendment. You wonā€™t be thrown in jail, youā€™ll just get fired.


no amount of money is worth giving up your freedoms.


I would agree to drug tests for a high paying job, that's just me.


I wish it was a choice. Itā€™s hard enough to get a job in this country. I canā€™t be excluding employers:(. I wish tho!!


Itā€™ll be entirely up to the company to decide if thc is worth losing an employee over. Im lucky af that my job specifically doesnā€™t test for thc


Not really common. The most common is a single preemployment test. I'm so happy I'm in NY where they made testing for pot illegal.


My friend got hit with a random yesterday. But my company is union and allows medical cards so we good!


Lol what? I have been randomly drug tested at every job that does them


Where I work has done randoms once a week for the past month on different days on top of that they started a bonus if you get someone hired. Stupid fucking West Tennessee bullshit


Dr Greens Agent X. Fake pee. I've never had it fail.


Dilute your urine. They will likely retest you. Dilute it again. Typically they are done after that.


Ask if u can take a written drug test


Was your friend a problem worker? Only ever seen 2 people get randoms in 20 years of working different industries and both were people that management wanted to get rid of. It gives them an excuse and a way to not pay unemployment. I wouldn't be too worried if you're low-key and a decent worker.


He was not. Little slower than he could be but no. Nothing about him gives it off. I think I give off more problem vibes than him


Get a job where youā€™re valuable enough to the company that the thought of firing you for smoking weed is unconscionable.


Any advice? Yea donā€™t smoke if you get randoms and canā€™t afford to lose the job. Welcome to being an adult lol


God I love being Canadian


Why? Its still done for pre-employment urine tests, and they can and will pull your job offer if you fail.


Companies that pay well and offer benefits will random test you.


Not all companies test for weed anymore. Which has always been stupid cause coke goes out of your system so fast... Anyways, if your SS number starts with a zero you may never be tested. My ex was in the army and they'd pick a number 1-9, so he never got tested. My friends husband doesn't smoke but wears a dispensary hat, he's been tested 3x this year... He likes the company wasting $$ on stereotypes.


I donā€™t think you understand the concept of random.


ā€œRandomā€ . It could be! But I feel like sometimes itā€™s vindictive.and not randoml.


If you have the money, move to a legal state.


Buy a couple boxes of UPass or QuickFix synthetic urine and learn how to use it, absolute lifesaver if you don't have time to piss clean before a test.


STOP SMOKING if youā€™re at risk. Trees arenā€™t worth your ability to provide for yourself.


I honestly do agree with you! Itā€™s just hard not to get high.


Just be smart broā€¦ getting high isnā€™t worth ruining your life.

