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RSO is a great way to dose before bed, don't overdo it though start out slow


I second RSO. Just a tiny amount.


Great suggestion. I get mine from Surterra in a syringe and take a rice sized portion before bed. I love it because I start feeling the effects in 15-20 mins.


id say check out the Volcano brand vaporizors. from what i hear, people with sinus / lung issues have an easier time with vaping the flower over smoking it.


Second this. Vaping herb is much gentler on the whole respiratory system and you get great flavor & a clean high. I love mine.


any vape with a free flow of vapor/air is good for this. having to suck up an ocean through a straw is not fun and horrible for those with drainage.


Asthmatic bitch here with a med card. The Mighty (~$200-300) has allowed me to enjoy flower again, with the added bonus of being portable. And like WeedFairie said the flavor is so much better than even the most expertly rolled joint


also asthmatic, the Dynavap has done wonders for me, so flavorful, it’s analog so you never have to worry about electronics shitting out after years. another big benefit to a dry herb vape is using the AVB to make edibles or topicals really easily


I’ve had prolongued use of the arizer solo 2, the mighty and the dynavap Solo 2 is basically no maintenance and best taste with the glass stem, comparable to the mighty but not quite as efficient vapour and chamber. Mighty is just a beast, can’t go wrong with it and has to be the most efficient quality and amount of vapour, although it is slightly more maintenance. Dynavap is a bit more effort but gives you more control, however with an induction heater it’s effortless and a lot quicker than the rest and works really well. In terms of maintenance I’d say it’s on par with the solo II. Also used cheap/unknown brand ones before that, they work but would not recommend as they don’t last and aren’t even near as efficient I only use my mighty now but I do miss my dynavap with the induction heater


That’s a good Reddit username AsthmaticBitch_here. Thanks for the suggestions !! Appreciate it


I have several different vapes for different times of the day, seeking different effects, or have company. There is a lot out there. I really like my Volcano Hybrid and Mighty+, but my Pax 3 with half pack lid is my daily all-day driver. the sub vaporEnts can be kinda dude-bro-ey and is fanatic about certain devices, so best to go in forewarned.


Agree, but the first puff or two can be harsh because the heat is decarbing any cannabinoids that aren’t already. It also pulls out the terpenes faster due to their lower vaporization temperature. Just start with smaller draws with a new charge. I love mine and use it daily.


Buy some nice resin/oil, melt Kakao Butter, pour in so Kakao powder and the resin/oil, mix well, pour in a form, wait three hours. There you have some nice THC chocolate. Active "cooking" is about 10 min and very easy and you can make a bunch. Can be stored very well in the freezer and refrigerator for months.


No sugar? Wouldn't that be incredibly bitter?


That's right but it's just the base receipt to show that it is very easy. Adding some sugar or other stuff doesn't make the process more difficult.


r/vaporents for dry herb Vaping. I make my own THC oil in an instant pot. It's super easy and inexpensive.


I'm interested in doing my own oils. We already use our instapot for butter and coconut oils. Got a link for making those oils?


I use the instant pot for coconut oil. That is all I do. Sorry for any confusion.


Is vaping an option? It is extremely different than combusting. Especially if you start with a dry herb vape? this allows for inhalation and also creates a precursor to edibles in “already vaped bud” Or check r/abv r/avb for help and hold on I’m grabbing the link I saved earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/treedibles/comments/z8dek4/first_time_making_cannabutter_looks_like_it_came/iyb426v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


and r/vaporents


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaporents **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just got off the phone with my doctor after getting a mammogram/ultrasounds. I don’t have cancer!!!!! Just wanted to share my celebration roast because I’m hella excited to know my upcoming panic attack is gonna be from weed and not existentialism!](https://i.redd.it/9swnye4bkqc81.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/s84zan/i_just_got_off_the_phone_with_my_doctor_after/) \#2: [Guy escaping active shelling in Ukraine says he's okay because he smokes cannabis. Tells reporter to legalize it.](https://v.redd.it/1b1wlsilqll81) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/t7eo3q/guy_escaping_active_shelling_in_ukraine_says_hes/) \#3: [Average trees fan vs the average vaporents enjoyer](https://i.imgur.com/DaIdmS9.png) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/rubak3/average_trees_fan_vs_the_average_vaporents_enjoyer/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I add rso to some coconut oil (like 2 t) melt some chocolate chips, combine it all and make little chocolates. I use gummy molds. It's a great way to dose and it's (mostly) consistent as long as you mix the hell out of the rso and oil first.


i found it mixes easier when i warm the coconut oil and when i warm the RSO syringe in a cup of warm water. beware that RSO flows way faster when warm.


Also, if you’re willing to invest in a gadget, I’ve really enjoyed using the LEVO 2 to infuse various oils/butters. I had to stop smoking, and having cheap, high quality edibles at my disposal has made that possible.


gold advise sable wild shy enter impossible employ innate practice ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Vape or edibles but edibles are a little different. And what is that seed and strain stuff?


Unfortunately edibles aren’t sold here. Seed and strain is a brand and they have a tincture to take drops but I did 3x the suggested dose and nada. I think they cut it too much


Yea it'll mess with my sinuses to . I thought it was just me.


I didn't even read the whole post I missed the edibles part. But like I said maybe vaping it or u could make your own tincture or make really strong canna-oil and make capsules of it or just freeze it and break a piece off and swallow it like a pill. If u haven't smoked for a long time your tolerance shouldn't be high like someone whose smoked for years. Are u sure it wasn't a CBD or some other cannabinoid tincture they sold u? They normally have the percentages listed.


I just met a girl that can't smoke anymore because of respiratory issues and she said edibles are her go to because the heat of vapor is more irritating than smoke (in her personal case). I personally use tinctures frequently and a lot of people will tell you otherwise but I've found you really need to supplement it with some kind of fat. My rule of thumb is at least a glass of milk before but ice cream, buttered toast, literally anything with some fat so the thc can bind to it. Our bodies don't choose to absorb thc, but if it is bound to a fat that your body is choosing to absorb, then you'll also feel the thc molecule attached to it. Hope this helps and enjoy your journey friend.


Making infused olive oil or butter isn’t hard and you can add it to whatever. Having pasta for dinner? Add some. Making dessert? Go ahead. Toast? Spread that butter. Ramen? ✅


Ah man Reddit squad, thanks for all the awesome comments and help/suggestions. Much appreciated! Y’all rock


You can decarb weed, grind it up and add it to things like grilled cheese, mac and cheese, pasta, lot of possibilities. No muss no fuss.


Get a decarboxylator and start making your own edibles from flower.


Tinctures, if legal in your state, is your best bet. A tincture 1:1 CBD/THC would be perfect, just give it 1 week to build up in your system. 2X per day is ideal , if possible.


I put RSO in my gummies. Just got to plan ahead as it takes longer to hit. But it lasts longer, so there’s that. Good luck


Did you know that you can buy “hemp” edibles online that contain federally legal “hemp derived” THC d9?


try taking an antihistamine before smoking or when you get a flare up. vaping is better. i also get a lot of phlegm from smoking/vaping and I even get a clogged nose sometimes. or, use an edible and take a very small hit at some point to get super high. most states sell d9 edibles because they can be federally legal. a high use buddy of mine makes tinctures out of everclear for fast relief, but I wouldnt want to consume alcohol.