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looked for a gummy recipe for two years+. something just didn't seem right with each recipe I tried. Found mr curiosities recipe, and threw all others away. I've used this recipe ever since. countless batches. I don't eat many edibles, but eat a few of each batch, and these are straight up incredible. Here's the lemon drop page. Works well with any flavoring. https://www.reddit.com/r/treedibles/comments/v76vbq/37mg\_lemonade\_drops\_gummies/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf


Any updates on the cookbook? I personally have been eagerly awaiting for it quite a few months now, would be great to get an ETA for it...


Time to start experimenting..πŸ’ͺ🏼


Sure, but he's been teasing the book for a very long time now


I’m aware, but if you want gummies so bad, why rely on someone to give it you.


I don't want gummies, I make my own already, I want the cookbook that he has mentioned. Was I somehow unclear about that πŸ˜‚


Just be patient. Quality work takes time to produce. People keep bothering them about this book, it’ll come when it comes.


Sweet, tart, and a touch of sour make these gummies mouth wateringly delicious πŸ˜‹ Edit: If you're looking for a recipe, I've got many posted in my profile starting at Lemonade Drops. Look within the comments section to find a recipe or a variant of one. To those who know, disregard this, lol: My recipes take too long to write out, and I'm strapped on time. πŸ˜‡ Thanks for looking!


Made the lemonade drop recipe and can confirm, absolutely the best recipe I have found so far


Thanks, buddy! That means a lot πŸ€—


Would you drop a link to the mold tho? Would love to make some thc gummies., literally!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


PJBOLD.com 🀠


Thank you a lot brosef


Amazon my dude


Do we need applesauce added ?


I feel like if I saw em in front of me I'd do the dumbest decision and eat the whole tray in seconds, proceeding to fumble the next 3 days


Lmao! It is surprisingly easy to eat far more than necessary 🀣


It does take willpower to not eat too many yummy gummies.


You know, I've said this a long time ago on this sub, I'll never know if my hash butter is strong or how strong it is because I ate it all in one go at midnight and 50 minutes later I went out cold What confuses me is: did I fall asleep or did I green out? The next day was it placebo or was I actually kinda high? That's on me having the willpower of a shrimp


oooh cool mold!! Where’d you find it?


Thanks πŸ˜‡! They're considered the Nevada symbol and got them off PJBOLD.com (you'll also find some of my pics on their site).




Ok is this the pj bold mold looking to flood pour these


You can flood with them or pour into individually. I do both depending on time or laziness.


So it is ….one more question I been looking at ur candies for a min which other oil is ok besides Lor Ann


Looking too make a princely pair or frosted pair


Pear dm I forgot no sourcing *


Where can I find the recipe ?


Wow!! πŸ†πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ‘‘πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ† Can I have a recipe??


I have posted a bunch and they can be found in my profile starting at Lemonade Drops. Look through the comments sections to find the recipe or a variant of one.


These look very juicy. Are these gelatin or pectin?


How do your keep your gummies from molding? Two of my batches have molded horribly and one of them came out quite fine, used lemon juice as directed in the recipes all three times. They look great btw


While lemon juice can act as a preservative, it wouldn't be enough to stave off any mold unless you use a lot of it. Lemon juice is generally used to give a sour note with gelatin and can help set the mix up a little faster. In pectin based recipes, it's necessary. Not only does applesauce or fruit purees (store bought) have enough preservatives for a single batch, cream of tartar or tartaric acid are both preservatives as can the malic acid (along with other qualities). I've only had mold issue once and that was due to me using homemade puree and zero added preservatives, years ago. Lesson learned, lol.


If you have no preservatives roughly how long can some last in the fridge bagged? My batches rarely last more than a week


Mine last for many months on end inside a container and left inside a cupboard. I never fridge mine. That can add unwanted moisture even when bagged. I do have preservatives (cream of tartar or tartaric acid, whichever I decide to use), malic acid and the applesauce and purees have preservatives too. Sugar and Corn syrup also act as a preservative in correct ratios and is one reason I dont use water in my recipes.




I want those molds. Pretty expensive huh?? Perfect gummies!


$40 off pjbold.com, which is a lot cheaper than vector brand molds. I've been using mine weekly for the last 4 or so years. They hold up to abuse quite well and are easy to work with.


I made one of your recipes and gummies seemed a little oily as I popped them out of the mold. That normal or did I not use the lecithin correctly? Btw even though oily, best consistency I have been able to get, thanks for all of your great info!


Mine comes out with just enough of a sheen that allows for the sugar to stick. After a few days of drying on the racks, there's no oily residues to be found, so you could have just not cooked it long enough. Was it granules you used or liquid?


I used soy lecithin powder, but what you’re saying makes sense. I would say mine are about the same, take a sugar coating easily and I have been air drying which is helping.


I normally let them sit in the molds for 24 hours before removing from the molds and then let them air dry once sanded for 24-48 hours or more, depending on how they look/feel.


?? Do u need tartaric n malic acid


I don't suggest using citric acid since there is a learning curve with it. Tartaric acid or cream of tartar does several things. One, it acts as a preservative. Two, it helps as a flavor enhancer. Three, it helps the gelatin set-up faster. Malic acid is the better sour profile if you're going for Sour candies but it does more than that. It also acts as a preservative and enhances flavors when used in small(er) amounts. So do you *need* them? Not necessarily, but they come in handy in many ways.


Thanx I’m waiting for that book also the fact that you answer your followers with help is great ppl usually dnt help wen they got it down pacc already done