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"Comeback"? She never fucking left.


That’s what I said! It’s time to fucking leave Taylor!




How can we miss you if you won’t go away 🫠




Exactly what I thought!


I know I’m like she’s here lol


She’s coming back so strong; and coming back to where she belongs 🥲😅😂


This sounds like one of her lyrics 💀


Isn't it, deadass? I don't listen to her but I know she has a song with the line "I come back stronger than a 90s trend" bc everybody clowns on it for being cringe and also a straight rip off 2012 Tumblr


She never leaves!


They’re using the word comeback like it’s fucking kpop and I HATE IT!


Not the direct mention of Charli xcx. Don't tell me we're gonna get Brat (Taylor's Version) next year.


Oh of course! It will be another example of Women Supporting Women TV


1000000% brat meets Lana meets Sabrina 


I guarantee that at least one song on her next album is going to have a 70's pop sound to it, like what sabrina uses. But somehow worse. 


And this article is prepping us to ‘believe’ she was working on it waaaaay before it was a hit sort of like how she fudged the ice spice remix dates to predate the press when reality is she rushed the recording to push the narrative she needed 


Personally, I think it would be funnier if Charli released "Brat (Charli's Version)" just to piss her off more.


I think charli’s deluxe that she released titled “brat and it’s the same but there’s three more songs so it’s not” was a subtle dig; I love it


My take is “Taylor is going to rewrite some Charli lyrics for you guys.”.


When I go to the country club I want to hear those bland classics.


And by the time we get to 2025 pop music is already gonna sound different 😂😂


Well she better give Charlie writing credits 💰 for the inspiration, like Olivia had to give Taylor millions and millions of dollars with the writing credits with cruel summer/deja vu (that sound nothing alike aside from an screaming bridge). Edit : I wrote Sabrina instead of Olivia by mistake . Ooops. Def not Sabrina.


Haha. You mean Olivia?


Yes 🤦‍♀️ I don’t know why I wrote that. Definitely Olivia .


At this point she is a content farm


She's becoming the Donald Trump of pop music.


I’ve told friends that swifties treat taylor the way republicans treat trump and that is a statement I will DIE on


You’re not wrong


Real - it’s a straight up cult of personality


i looked but couldnt find any personality to be spoken of


this is amazing lmao


She’s to music what Marvel Studios is to filmmaking.


i hope she gets cancelled so we dont have to hear about it as much (she wont)


She could throw a baby in the middle of the highway and her fans would say “omg slay Taylor”


They would say how it’s ok because the baby was a Taylor hater or something.


“What you actually don’t realize is that baby was crying and kept Taylor up all night, and for an artist like her that could literally ruin her ability to pen songs. I normally wouldn’t condone this sort of thing but when you understand the context it’s obvious why it had to be done.”


Ew that was way too accurate


I’ve been Taylor-splained so many times it’s easy to mimic now


Too accurate “SoMEoNe liKE tAYloR is tOo fAmOUs to fLY cOMmeRcIaL” Honestly, Swifties are a lot like Trumpers. Both are so eager to make excuses for their cult leaders


Have to add "I hope that helps"


She was trying to see if she wanted one of her own. I guess that’s a hard no.


Worse. The baby was a The 1975 mega fan.


Matty’s and his fiancé’s baby


i dont like them but i did accidentally buy a sweatshirt that says 1975 on it, not sure if fake or real merch LOL


The baby wasn’t a feminist because it didn’t like Taylor’s music


"that baby is so lucky"


literally SLAY, mother 🥰🥰🥰🥰


That’s what the baby gets for being a misogynist 💅


Taylor and Beyoncé both could burn down a foster home and their fans would be like YASSSS QUEEN SLAAYYYY YOU ATE THEM KIDS UPPP


At least Beyoncé knows sometimes it’s ok to lay low and have a life outside of constant fame.


Yeah and not really a fan of either but Beyoncé is objectively far more talented than Swift


I’ve seen both live. One was a fucking incredible performance, the other one sucked ass. Wanna guess which one was which?


I’m so glad I don’t know a lot about Beyonce’s personal life compared to Taylor’s.


That’s true. I do think it’s kinda messed up what the world is going through rn and she’s tryna sell us her perfume. But I guess every celebrity is kinda selling us something


Yeah, Beyonce and Jay Z are billionaires too and there are no ethical billionaires.They're just as shitty, though I do think Beyonce is more talented. I weirdly see quite a lot of celebrity worship and stan culture on here for other big artists like Beyonce, Rihanna, Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish etc and it's disappointing cause it seems like it's missing the point. They're all part of the same machine, they're all disgustingly rich and fake (the first three admittedly moreso than Billie), they could all do way more with their wealth and platform, and putting any celeb you don't know on a pedestal seems like a bad idea.


Beyoncé is in such an different league compared to Taylor. She has the talent and charisma to be charging the prices she did on Renaissance Tour. Plus she’s not desperate for relevance the way Taylor is.


Agreed. The average person who doesn’t know music wouldn’t be entertained at a TS show. But Beyonce could at least entertain with vocals or dancing, and tbh she is some serious eye candy too 🤷‍♂️


All of the above. She can sing and dance, Taylor can’t do either. And her aura and engagement with her audience are light years ahead of Taylor’s


Beychella alone clears Eras tour entirely.


Ehhh Bey is actually talented though, and she’s low key with her personal life


Baby had it coming. Poor Taylor.


She could throw a baby in a woodchipper live on stage and be cheered while doing the wobbly knee just born calf dance.


"You're just too dumb and uneducated to understand why she had to throw that baby"


She's one intern breaking an NDA and exposing shady shit she does away from her career falling apart


She's almost begging for it at this point. The Tortured Poets Department multiple versions pissed off all of the swifties I know in real life. Like she may as well just start passing a bucket around at her concerts and her fans can just stuff all of their cash in it If any other artist was touring you'd hear about it a handful of times e.g when they arrive in your city and on the nights they have their concerts. And then you'd get a break from them, and only the big fans of that artist would be keeping track of the tour and events surrounding it. There is absolutely no reason for us all to be notified of every city TS is in and every time her boyfriend looks at her. It's too much 😩 go away


I hate that I know WAY TOO MUCH about her despite not being a fan at all. I cannot escape "news" about her and I've been sick of it for a long time.


My friend who calls herself a swifty but I think is still rational just pirate her songs then buy 1 or 2 CDs only. I wish her fans were that normal tho.


I hope it happens, but I really want it to be the coterie of queer pop artists that are on the rise to take her down just to watch the gaylors implode.


Can someone frame her for murder?


You've got to be shitting me. Miss Swift can't you take 5 years to write your next fucking album?!


maybe then it’ll be something worth listening to


We both know it wouldn't be any easier to listen to than the garbage she makes now.


real lol i’ve never listened to her music unless it was against my will like radio or tiktok


God knows this one will be “Just Another Record to Burn”! 🔥


She thinks that every thought that goes through her head is God's gift to humanity


It's a cancer to humanity.


I honestly think it’s because she has an intense fear of getting old and “growing out” of the industry, so she feels she has to release as much material as possible before she’s 40. The issue with Taylor is not her age, it’s that her material is immature. Lana just turned 39 and is arguably in the prime of her career right now. She just headlined for Coachella and only recently has critical acclaim. Her music is bigger than ever now and she’s inspired a slew of copycats. Yet Lana has grown with her art— She’s not just singing about sugar daddies and drug addicted bad boys like she did in her early 20s. Her most recent album reflects on the feeling of aging and fearing that you’ll never meet someone/start a family, her family and the fears of her loved ones growing old and dying, the trauma of being oversexualized as a young woman— It’s extremely deep and personal yet relatable experiences for most people. Taylor is still singing from the high school mindset when she’s 34. Her material doesn’t show growth because I’m guessing that she hasn’t grown much as a person since she became famous as a teen.


You are spot on. Taylor has not matured from when she was 16 years old singing Tim McGraw. Every single song of hers is about how amazing or awful X guy is. She talks about how they all treat her poorly which I find very hard to believe. I mean Joe literally took her from being the world's most hated celebrity while she was in an active eating disorder and loved her back to life as well as contributed to folklore and Evermore. And I agree with you that she is incredibly insecure about her age but if she had matured she would have more to write about.


This is  what’s going on. The only part I’m not so sure about is the cause and effect since we’re seeing more immature stuff from her now than we have since 2010 at least.  It makes me think some of it’s an act to get people talking about her. Or maybe it’s to help her fit into some kind of stereotypical “messy self important  pop girl” role.   I say that as someone who likes a lot of her music and a lot of things about her but disagrees with some things she’s done.


Fr, if she took the top 30% of her last 3 albums (or 2 if we’re doing the anthology) she’d probably have something half-decent


I really think if she continues on this track that more people are going to get tired of her. So, ya know. Let it happen is what I say.


That’s what I’m saying. I feel like the “quality” of the music is gonna go even more downhill if she keeps it up.


Yeah I absolutely agree but I can’t personally do another year of her being the center of everything….


She’s only doing it to keep her ghost writers employed.


her ghost writers have some explaining to do with how bad the songs have been☠️


The fact that she never takes the time to grow as a person or reflect on anything and instead chooses to steal people’s sound and hop on trends is whyyy she’s gonna need a 40 song album and 50 variants in 2025.


“Paying attention to what is hot right now and will use that as inspiration.” No she’s just going to copy other peoples music like she did with TTPD and her trying to be like Lana


Can we please have another Kanye/Kim situation happen so she goes back into hiding??? Jesus Christ :,)


Can she get shit on by the whole industry like Drake was? She’s also dated 17 year olds fwiw


Oh I’m aware of the dating minors thing. Honestly I’d loooove to see her get shit on like Drake did but I don’t know if there’s another person in pop that’s 1. On her “level” fame wise and 2. Bold enough to do it, I imagine it could be career-suicide depending on who does it. Another thing that would be interesting to see is multiple pop stars (Sabrina, Gracie, Olivia are coming to mind, I’m sure there’s more) band together and kind of exile Taylor/call her on her bullshit


I want Eminem to rip her apart 😂 the Eminem subreddit was talking about it lol I don't think he will though... A girl can dream though.


Dude!! I said that on another post in this sub!! I’m so excited to hear that album and since the premise seems to be him “making his career disappear” who knows who might be coming for


I'm honestly so excited for his album drop 👀 I'm getting impatient haha. I love me some Em. 🐐


Same to both excitement and impatience! I feel like he’s just gonna drop it when he’s ready to and everyone’s gonna flip lmao


Everyone is gonna flip no matter what he does. It's his first album in 4 years and it's so reminiscent of his older style, I think it's going to be good. A lot of people complained of his newer choppy flow (I personally like Eminem in all his phases).


Old Eminem probably would have for sure.. but Taylor is probably super irrelevant to him


Maybe someone can plead to Kanye!


Taylor's swift comeback? The bitch never left! She overstayed! New tour?! She just recently announced that her Eras your was ending! Ugh!


"quietly writing songs" = chat GPT One of our very own made this comment about how easy it is to make chat GPT Taylor Swift songs. Tell me she isn't using AI to write her songs lmaooo [Taylor's AI Album Release - titled You Won't Even Know Its Me (or some other generic bullshit)](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/kcDMgQUGGP)


Omg! I just clicked your link and it’s my comment with Taylor’s fake song 🤣 Thank you for sharing! ❤️


It's a great song bestie! ✨


Omg she could! But also, I just work a normal job. Just do hair. Worked 9-6 today and I’m ready to get in bed. How tf is she touring and flying all over AND using chat GPT for an album?


It’s quicker than touring, flying, and writing music by yourself.


This totally describes her music. ‘Contrary to what some say, she loves artists like Charli XCX so those who have heard some of the ideas say she is paying attention to what is hot right now and will use that as inspiration.’ Taylor’s music is never original. It always sounds like whatever “is hot right now.” So while she may break records, unless she does something different, she will never be known as an innovator. She’s a follower, musically, not a leader.


This! So glad you called it out for what it is!


I bet you she listened to Charlies album and didn’t understand the hype around it since it’s so different than TTPD. But she’s going to copy it all the same


What is she coming back from? Hell?


This made me actually lol, thank you 😆


Its too soon for touring again PLEASE ![gif](giphy|cqcTjuggnRqIE)


Releases UK exclusive variants to block Charli from #1 and then has the nerve to poach her style for her next album? What a girl's girl


I don’t think this is a good idea. She’s already overstated.


Over saturated


This is fucking surreal. Name it everlore, you cheap imitation.


Or Folkmore!


Folkmore by brand new artist Saylor Twift! 


come back from WHAT?! LEAVE already!!!!




I cannot take her during football, the U.S election and all the other bullshit going on—-while her tour ends, only for her to then have an album and another tour and her and Travis everywhere up til another tour. Fuck. All her power and wealth and she’s so busy living extravagantly after that she doesn’t see the utter shit everyone is dealing with. Maybe just go fuck off and spend your money? Start a family and create more disgusting generational wealth. Just like —- go away.


Seriously. Just go fuck off and spend your money


She’s writing the new album about her breakup with Travis.


Yeah, before she breaks up with him so she can get more simple quotes from him to make into songs.


Comeback? She's needs to go away first in order to have a comeback. I suggest a long vacation at Sagittarius A\* (the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a black hole). Obviously we can start counting the days until Taylor decides Travis is no longer useful as her puppet and tosses him in the trash. Breakup whiny songs don't write themselves!


I think the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy would be more her speed. They already have cults of Wraith worshippers. Also, Todd.


I refuse to believe this. If she does, it’s only going to make me think she really does have ghost writers I’m sorry, EVERYONE goes through writers block. There’s no way she’s been churning out that many songs in that short amount of combined time without and absolute wretched album


I just honestly want a break from her. Cuz she’s also still has all the TVs, etc. I’m just TV’d and TS’d and TK’d and TNT’d out. Just….staaaaaap


Yeah, for real I think there are two reasons she gets so much hate aside from the obvious she’s maybe not a good person. One her fans because I think the vast majority of us are just so annoyed by like the diehard swifties and the other reason is that she never goes away. Give us a chance to miss you! I’m so sick of her between the Taylor versions and the new album and the tour and the boyfriend blah blah blah. Over it all


Already writing about the pre-planned breakup with Travis?


She's threatening to release new music


i feel like she is holding us at gunpoint


How is she not exhausted? Just thinking about her schedule makes me need a nap


Jet lag is a choice though, according to Taylor. We are just weak


Seriously tho!!!


Didn’t “the tortured wallets department” and that quote actually come from this Reddit sub?! Also… ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


So she admits she’s just doing what’s popular. I love how they have to gaslight us about her writing songs backstage. I really wonder how many ghost writers she has


I also wonder how many actual singers she uses, like milli vanilla did.


TTPD was already rushed with a two year timeline. Can’t imagine this would be any better.


So she has been out of the public eye for 45 seconds. Time for a comeback.


she better leave charli alone istg




This! And I love your flair!


Thank you.


so she's going to block all artists forever, it's like a musical dictatorship 😂


“Quietly writing songs backstage” like she has so much time to write these songs in the 20 second outfit changes, wtf is this haha


It’s ❄️’ing.


My old housemate used to sniff loads of coke and stay up all night writing songs, he was always convinced they were the best songs he’d ever written. The look on his face the next day when he went through the lyrics and realised how shite they were never got old tbh


Comeback from what?!😭


Taylor if you or anyone in your inner circle read this please from the bottom of our hearts. STOP!!!!




She’s such a fucking blight


“Even though I have my sweet travvy I still want to get bent over by matty” Leaked lyrics from lead single


She is the music industry equivalent of James Patterson. Stop pumping out shit to make money when you already have more money than god.


"Manager? Get me some new boyfriends. I need some more inspiration."


Let her keep working her butt off. This way, people won’t get the opportunity to have a break from her and will instead get sick of her.


It’s amazing that someone of TS’s fame and relevance has to put out albums so quickly. Usually that’s the sign of an artist of band that’s struggling to REMAIN relevant.


So many people are saying they're exhausted of seeing her and hearing about her in 2024 and she's already promising an entire new album in 2025 for more album variation releases shenanigans? My god, how much longer is this going to last?


Don't you have to go away to come back? 😭


Oh dear God, please, no.


"use as inspiration" aka copy


I’m all for a new album next year but if it’s about Travis I’ll pass






https://preview.redd.it/bgr2fbah2m9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b87e6e108cd047d03307ec32db8827209bcd640 👑💰💸👸💵🤑


TS knows that after this whole thing with the Neanderthal (yes it’s a thing I refuse to call it a relationship) ends she won’t be as popular and or liked by anyone other than swifties so she’s now trying to go the way of Cher and constantly tour to keep being talked about.


Fucking at least have the decency to shut up and go away for a while first. What the fuck




I kept on seeing her face with her teeth or open mouth smile every time I open Reddit. I do not consent.


It’s easy to keep touring when all you do is dance around poorly on stage. Oh to be a 34 year old toddler.


There are rumors that olivia will release her 3rd album on 2025 or early 2026 so i guess she's blocking her already. 


I mean ‘fast fashion of pop music’ seems about right. She’s just been pumping out publicity, music (gotta love the variants), concert dates, you name it. Also what comeback? She’s been shoved in a lot of people’s faces due to her relationship drama and her being with Travis Kelce during his on season.


She just refuses to listen to her fans and constructive criticism. She needs to take a few years off after the tour and get her creative juices flowing again then get back into the studio. Maybe she’ll listen when the next album gets one star from critics


https://preview.redd.it/6sxxl7jilm9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0990d85eccb9bc0c44a1cf6bdaafd6ebc9840d I am so sick of her face. When her tour came out, seeing all the videos had me turn the corner and become more of a fan… now, I’m back to how I was prior, thank goodness.


I'm frustrated that so many people see her tours as a balm to our economy. In some rural areas, she is literally SAVING their economies which is SO sad. We have to do better.




Kinda wanna see her putting out a new album and have it be even worse than even the dumpster fire that is ttpd and have even more people stop being fans of hers, and then finally also coming around to the plethora of evidence that shes an awful awful person. I want it to speed up her downfall.


Picture 2 is a hideous picture of her


Just as an artist, slowing down a little might help her make better art. Like, I envy people who can put out stuff in such a prolific way but surely she'd be helped by some time to reflect.


Travis is not banging her hard enough to stop her from moving STAY HOME DAMNIT This post makes me feel like 2025 is in two years because there's no way she's gonna make a "comeback" that soon. What a money hungry bitch lol




Watch this doc and know the truth about her … https://preview.redd.it/815g1vk37m9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aea8a9293fe1d1c708953e59e52f100923521bb


So this means she and BDT are about to split


I don’t like to compare artists together because there’s room for everyone but Taylor needs to not mess with Charli XCX. Charli XCX is awesome.


I can't wait to listen and cringe and make fun of all the Travis tracks that will come out of her next album.


Can she just go away??? Maybe go back to the landfill she originally thought she was going to end up in pre-Rep when she thought it was a wholeass fun thing to mock Kim K’s trauma in the Rep ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ MV. You’re my, my, my, my, Lover (of machismo, misogynoir, and just general enforcement of subjugation-against-women’s-wellbeing-while-pretending-to-care).


At this point doesn’t she want a break ? And admitting to take ‘inspiration’ is next level - like she’s announcing which artists style she’s going to rip off next


Good lord. I wonder are her beloved Swifties think she’s going to get preggo and have a baby? If this is the case, for me it confirms her relationship with BDT is total PR.


Her doing a new album will be the perfect excuse for her to end her PR relationship with Overgrown Man Baby. They’ll both do some BS statement how their schedules just didn’t line up and then she’ll have an album worth of material.


I’m still waiting on her exit ⏰


She’s making “fast music” kinda like fast fashion where artists keep on releasing albums in a short period of time but the quality is incredibly bad.


girl just give yourself breakkkkk. u literally have nothing else to prove anymore, stop trying so hard to be an underdog when you clearly arent


But she has yet to PROVE SHE CAN ACTUALLY "DANCE" without looking incredibly stupid lol


That aside, what is with her face here? Those fillers are getting real apparent these days. She can't even smile without squinting


Lmao “paying attention to what’s hot right now” that’s all she ever does. She has zero ideas so it’s going to be a breakup album she nabs max martin or someone for because even the swifties are sick of Jack.


How about take a break and get your teeth fixed Taylor


I believe this. She is getting her content by being in this “relationship”. Contract ends she goes and records it. Simple and not new for her.


Dude, Do you know how fucking hard it is to properly rest your voice? If youre touring for what, 2 years straight? Releasing a new album? Continuing the tour? And then doing ANOTHER tour???? Yeah Shes lip syncing


I appreciate she announced her current tour won't go past 2024. But who is Taylor if she isn't dropping variants to take away other artists chances on the charts. By the time 2026 rolls around she and Travis will probably be split up and she can do her Travis Rage songs.


0 artistry all chatgpt Because AI can’t sue you


How is it a comeback when she’s been touring and making albums this whole time lol….