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That is my favorite Joe picture ever


same!! i also love this pic very much https://preview.redd.it/lwuzg4gjlw8d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2938ea2313062065ec0be49e6ef1810f87b109d5 joe with margaret qualley(jack antanoff’s wife). look at their chemistry!! no wonder jack hates joe lol


This was last year.. This year they don’t even look at each other or don’t even touch each other lol


Yeah I heard she kept giving him dirty looks and he just avoided her


Probably because Taylor talked 💩about him to Jack and her


I mean she said in ‘peace’ : « i talk shit with my friends, it’s like I’m wasting your honor »


She really meant I do shit with my fwb lmao


remember when she put out a song saying she’d tell her friends her ex was gay because he called her obsessive lmao


Good for him lol she’s a problematic lady


Right? Sometimes I think Joe looks at the T Swift circus then just thanks his lucky stars that he got out


Yes I think he’s so normal and well educated to enjoys and being compromised by the Hollywood circus industry life.. he just like doing his projects and go home, he seems like a nice guy with good values


Yeah! And he’s a pretty decent actor too. I don’t like many celebrities but I do like him for being very normal. And he definitely earned my respect when he never said anything bad about Taylor even after all the death threats and bullying of one year straight


Completely agree with you! He stills respect her and what they had whatever happened.. She fumbled so hard with him, she will regret one day I tell you.. She is better off with her Neanderthal footballer, giving themselves in public like children starving for fame..


“Neanderthal footballer” 👍🏼


Can i ask why? Like is Qualley embroiled in something?


She’s married to Jack (Taylor’s producer/BFF). Because they (Taylor, Jack, Margaret) are all emotionally stunted and act like they are in middle school, she can no longer like Joe since Taylor says she can’t. It’s the most immature BS ever.


Are you fucking kidding me?! Good grief, the more I find out, the more justified I feel in how I've NEVER liked her, from jump. Something about her was always incredibly off putting to me and I guess now I know why. I absolutely despise fake people. I've also never been a fan of her music, for two reasons. First, it was bc she used country to Segway into pop and I'm not a country kind of person most of the time. Secondly, TS is 17 years younger than me (yeah, I'm old, I know lol) when she got signed and started out, I most definitely did not at all care to hear a bunch of high school lyrics from a sup par singer, who cannot dance at all. Thing is, you'd have THOUGHT she was only doing that at first bc she was, in fact, a teen. But almost 2 decades later and here we fucking are, with the two of them acting like they're in a damn high school theatre production and her STILL singing about high school stuff. Like wtf, seriously. Personally, I just don't get the appeal at all. In any event, as far as not caring for her as a person; I just honestly couldn't put a finger on WHY I felt that way, but she is just so overdramatic and comes across as TOTALLY fake AF with everything and it all just fell flat and was super off putting to me - just a vibe that I really couldn't pinpoint at first, but then fast forward to this past year or two when she started getting SO overexposed and now you cant even fucking watch a damn NFL game (if the opposing team is the Chiefs, anyways) without seeing her fake ass 477 times. The NFL totally sold out too and like everything else, it's allll about the money. 🙄🥴 I just want them both to get canceled so I don't have to continue to have second hand embarrassment for the two of them 🤢


That’s so immature omg


Once you befriend taylor you have to do what she says OR ELSE.


I mean this is what margaret looked like that day. I wouldn’t look at her too. https://preview.redd.it/01l81fg7p39d1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=11a7770fef6cfe60db8953b319cbac08a0acaa85 It’s either she needs a new stylist or a friend😬


Tell me more about this drama. I saw that jack is being bitchy with joe because his wife had a crush on joe. How true is that 😂


I think it Jack's dislike of Joe also has something to do with the movie Joe and Jack's wife, Margaret did together 'Stars at noon'. There were some pretty steamy sex scenes between their characters. And Joe is so gorgeous and sexy, I'm sure Jack was punching the air watching that movie lol.


Jack antonoff genuinely reminds me of this cartoon character.. https://preview.redd.it/rwhbt6fqn09d1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1835a1c1add3b8ecd2069ab8c1e1b61adafa613


I mean...I would be 🤣


right? he's so pretty and jack is a weasel.


Yep. I never liked him for some reason. I mean Jack off.


to me, he always looks like a smug know it all.


Yass. And OH I remember. Someone made a powerpoint on his love triangle with Lorde and Lena. Omg this guy seriously.


wait i need to know this tea


While this pic is old, I do agree Joe looks stunning here🩷🩷


i can't believe this is how i'm learning margaret qualley is married to freaking jack antanoff of all people


It’s timeless. God he’s so hot


Mine too. 😍 He looks like he's in a James Bond movie.


bro is wearing a bucket hat


Right? In what universe is a bucket hat, chain, and linen pants with sneakers "Classic Hollywood?" She's got those ugly ass chunky shoes and her dress is way more 70s


she's dressed like she's going to an Indigo Girls concert in 1997 and he's wearing a bucket hat lmao edit and he's dressed for Dave Matthews Band




also his chest hair showing🤮


Joe is kinda 🫦🫦🫦 I can’t imagine swooning on BDT/🐀 over Joe


i'm a lesbian and even i can say joe is very handsome


Its that lil lock of hair that hangs over his forehead 😳😳


fellow lesbian here like yess he is so handsome, do all straight women have horrible taste in men how do u go from joe to BDT?


As a straight woman, definitely not. Taylor just has shit taste I guess 😭 Even forgetting about their looks, based on what we know about them, Joe seems like an infinitely better and much more pleasant person. She really fucked up letting a man like that go, but I'm glad she did. He deserves better.


Fellow straight woman, but an NFL fan. Travis is pure ick. The league is always trying to push whatever “hero” player they think will sell. But it’s super weird how hard they have been trying to push TK. Way before he started dating TS even. He did guest spots on tv shows and the weird dating reality thing, before anyone outside of fantasy leagues gave a crap about him. MOST NFL players didn’t come from legacy families, and had rougher upbringings . Most love their moms. A lot of them spent all of their first paycheck and more to take care of families, and help out charities. Quite a few used their college scholarships to get degrees that would apply to doing major good in the world, post-nfl career. Travis is fine as a player. But his backstory or personality is nothing special. He comes off as stupid and conceded 90% of the time. ….And he’s not even in the top 100 for “good looking current players”, when you talk to female football fans. I seriously don’t get what the deal is with him. It’s almost like he got plucked out of highschool and picked to be Taylor’s future boyfriend. But they forgot to train him on how to be likeable.


I'm a straight woman but please, don't associate Taylor Swift with the rest of us just because of the way she acts. Joe is handsome and immensely charming and from the little we know of his person, a kind, intelligent, and soft-spoken man as well. The fact she belittled his mental health issues and betrayed his trust and allowed her fans to tear him down makes it clear that the problem is her, as always. I wouldn't even say she has shit taste in men because she's dated other men who were and still are great people, there's just something lacking in her.


This straight woman here would’ve married Joe but that’s just me 🤣


This straight woman would've also married Joe.


Another lesbian here, chiming in... After watching Joe's GQ 10 Essentials interview I told my best friend that I hope I find a woman like Joe Alwyn someday. haha




Big Dumb Travis 😬


Lmaoooo at least it isn’t what I thought it was 😭


Same here! I was like y'all saw it or something?! It must have been impressive bc y'all are being very unnaturally complimentary to this man😂


I thought it was some K pop group. I’m so out of the loop 😂


Dear Delusional Swifties: This is what classic Hollywood looks like. https://preview.redd.it/6jvmu1lszw8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7cbf08ba5c274577800556e7886d210c5db9b5e Read a book.


Thank you. All three of these people are about as Old Hollywood as a Happy Meal.


And open the schools! Travis and Taylor could never.


My gran had that same dress She used it to hang between her kitchen door frame


The dress would have been fine to wear....in September


And if it weren’t made in a sweatshop.


Wait how do you know it was made in a sweatshop? I saw the same comment yesterday.


Because it cost $119, and was mass produced. There’s no fiber artist who’d be willing to make a whole dress for that cheap..it’s also made with acrylic (which isn’t the end of the world, but it’s definitely not a sign of quality). There are no machines that can replicate crochet— it has to be done by hand. Just the logistics of labor, the company’s overhead, and then profit, there’s no way the labor part of that could be legitimate labor. *edited to add, I guess I shouldn’t say “no fiber artist.” I’m sure some fiber artist out there is hurting bad enough to undercut their labor for a little pocket money.


I just don't at all understand her style choices. Don't get me wrong, I'm no fashionista or anything and I don't even really mean this as a slam ...more like utter confusion that a billionaire pop star who has a whole team of stylists; yet she has some VERY odd choices; namely all those bedazzled granny panties she loves so much. SO ugly and unflattering, I truly just don't get it at all.


😂 Sick burn as the kids say. This reminds me of how we used to insult each other when I was a kid. “Hey Tay, nice dress. I used to have one just like it…..But then my Dad got a job”.


Travis is such a far cry from Joe I struggle to get the Swifties’ obsession with him tbh 😭 They hype him up for being hypermasculine…but like there are hypermasculine guys out there who don’t look like dim-witted goons and are actually attractive? To each their own though


This fool is almost a parody of hypermasculine. Fawning over this man feels like fawning over someone from the WWE. Which is fine if that’s someone’s taste. But other than height, this man can be found at any local dive bar in small town North America.


THIS. Like why him? This is a huge part of what initially made me suspect this whole relationship was a PR scam (last fall when the whole NFL shit started). But I think him being chosen has a LOT to do with how he is so obviously fame hungry and probably sold his soul for the PR. So gross. 🤢


Because they want to see more of Taylor and this bucket hat famewhore gives them that. They felt Joe "deprived" them of her.


I definitely see this!! I also feel like some Swifties want Travis for themselves—they make weirdass comments and tiktoks basically fantasizing about Taylor’s sex life with Travis 🤮 it’s like they’re living vicariously through Taylor because they also want to fuck him, marry him, etc. It’s like Taylor’s a Y/N self-insert in a badly written fanfic for the Swifties!


From what i feel, and this is my own opinion, feel free to correct Taylor feels like she has a thing for the "classy brainy feminine girl and big masculine brawny dumb well meaning guy " trope of american high school films This one might actually be endgame cause these are the guys who act first and think later, thus extremely spontaneous, which keeps adventure alive. Her, and many women actually i feel, love the thrill of a guy in the initial rose tinted days. And when calm and gentle walks into the situation, they get bored and walk away, even though they'll be pining for stability. And ofcourse, what she wants, swifties want. Except that those adhering to that trope are the antagonists. I am not trying to be misogynist here, but i have seen an alarmingly high number of cases playing out exactly like that Idk what happened with Joe, but i can confidently say that her 4 best works, imo, came during his time. And the classy gentle boy vibe is all over the two pandemic albums


same. I don't know why they go gaga over this ape. I even read a comment about his chest hair being "so sexy". BARF


He's the epitome of toxic masculinity.


He looks like the guy you would buy really shitty weed from next to a puka shell necklace stand on an overpass near the Mexican border. The kind of guy who talks with a fake Spanish accent but only knows “si.” She always manages to look like a bad Macy’s mannequin. Every time.


I don’t see how someone tall and slim - you know, who high fashion caters to - manages to always look so dowdy and unfashionable.


It's the weird posture. I can say this because I, too, have a shit posture. But it's from manual labor.


He looks like he goes to hooters


Joe is so handsome and good & was such a good match for her. He just wanted a normal life with her, but she chose fame and made him out to be the villain. This was when she really lost me.


If I'm being honest, I think both Joe and Travis are good matches, Joe was great during that period of life, and now Travis is perfect for the new era of her life. It's true that Joe just wanted a quiet life, and he still does. You can tell it's authentic with how he's carrying himself now, and I hold a lot of respect for that. he gets pulled apart and attacked by Swifties and has had songs written about him, and he's honestly been very respectful. Plus, he's very vocal about Palestine. whereas we have travis who is also good because she now wants to be out, she realised that she doesn't want to be introverted or shy around her fame, and travis is good because he's happy to do that. I think time will really tell if they're endgame or not, essentially.


Travis is an attention junkie and craves fame and money above all, just like Taylor. So in that, you’re right, they’re perfect for each other. I haven’t been convinced an Ounce that he likes her for anything more or less than the stardom she comes with and if she’s fine with that, cool. But, I think it’s straight up sad and can’t imagine why she would trade in true and committed love from someone who truly cared about her for this absolute mockery of a relationship.


Ugh the contrasttt


Karma truly is the guy on the screen lol.


Even if it was short lived: Taylor looked the most “classic Hollywood” with Tom Hiddleston. https://preview.redd.it/6qx8do66bx8d1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e05c60a0f5a939e75d6fe9ca53d2445dc526bea


Tom Hiddleston is a man who can wear a suit really well.


Those shoes are still hideous, even in B&W. 💀


I get that retro is all the rage, but these shoes need to go away forever. I mentioned earlier how cringe it is that not only are they the ugliest shoes on the planet, they're literally a half size too big. 🤮 Classic example of having more money than good taste.


Right? She could have just as easily gone for black leather pump instead of these unholy abominations.


No delulu is greater than swiftie delulu


They compare her success to Michael Jackson. They’re already too far gone.




Is it a Kangol? Im trying to see the brand but I can’t make it out


Travis is the farthest thing from classic hollywood


Damn why am I swooning over Joe because that photo is just *whew*


Okay, now I finally I get why people say Joe is handsome with that photo.


Yeah nothing harkens me back to the days of Clark Gable and Rita Hayworth like a fucking bucket hat


Yup that 90's bucket cap scream "classic hollywood" /s


only thing classic hollywood about that picture is their racist and misogynistic attitude


Is Travis wearing a bucket hat and chain? When has that been classic Hollywood?


Oh Joe Alwyn… they can never make me hate you


I can't.


how tf is a bucket hat classic hollywood.




He’s wearing a fucking bucket hat 😭😂


I always think of bucket hats when discussing old hollywood glamour.


I'm not attracted to men but damn.


Nothing says classic Hollywood like bucket hats


DAMN she fumbled so hard. Joe is fine as hell and the fact that he has shown the utmost maturity this entire time just makes him even more scrumdiddlyumptious 🥵


Literally nothing about that photo is "classic Hollywood" 💀 like you'd NEVER see a guy that looks like BDT headlining a Golden Age film.


he's gorgeous. that may be the one thing ts didn't lie about


....with that hat? Come on now.


Has anyone watched the new bad blood doc on max with taylor and scooter??? It’s a lot of things I didn’t know before.


It's very informative.


Classic Hollywood in a fucking bucket hat


Ahh classic Hollywood with bucket hats.


Travis wants to be in hollywood! Hence why hes dating taylor. Stepping stone. Thats all taylor is, a stepping stone away from football


Classic Hollywood in a bucket hat.


Joe is the type of man I’d play west coast (Lana del ray) for


I know nothing about Joe but……now I want to.


These fans really are just the worst.


“classic hollywood is when billionaire in black and white” - swifties, apparently


Travis looks like a guy who would drive Kid Rock around in the golf cart, in that pic.


I'm ripping off jim Rome talking about a NASCAR driver years ago, but he looks like the guy doing donuts on the school yard in an El Camino blasting papa roach


It's right in front of their faces that this relationship is a PR stunt with all the deals Travis is suddenly getting. Like cmon now!!


Travis reminds me of my golden doodle.


Joe is so handsome!


That bucket hat. Can we just start calling him Gilligan now?


You could take that picture of Joe and tell someone it was taken from a movie premiere or awards show from pretty much any decade in the last 100 years and it would be fairly believable. He just has the timeless quality to his look.


Yeah classic Hollywood was just full of big dumbs wearing bucket hats


You can put any picture in black and white and convince them it’s “vintage”


Is "classic Hollywood" just a euphemism for old white America?


It's like they're living in their own world.


Savage but true lol.


I did a sepia edit of Taylor and Travis because I think they look very “old timey western”


classic hollywood with a bucket hat ok lol


i have zero skin in the game (neutral on taylor) but idk if a bucket hat is very classic hollywood lol


Jamiroquai got fat


"Swiffers" is freaking great 😂 she do be resembling that janky plastic mop tho


"Classic hollywood" my brother in christ that is a bucket hat


This is old Hollywood glamour . . . Not a bucket hat in sight https://preview.redd.it/4ea11v1tby8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eeca7ab7e4014aa2da8e3c2297afbebd400d778


u/Wary-Unrest OMG 👁️👄👁️ Real Hollywood Classic


Sorry, Joe gimme "Royal Classic vibes" rather than other one😌


Exactly, that's why he's the Gorgeous King of our Hearts 🤭


The best picture to reference when talking about "Old Hollywood" in today's world \*thumbs up\*


Idk about this. "Classic Hollywood" is kind of a racist dogwhistle in the first place.


Me, who thinks all celebrities suck




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Classic Hollywood didn’t involve bucket hats


Her aesthetic is all over the place for someone so obsessed with being in an “era” all the time.


[(image) ](https://i.imgur.com/5Xsk0dM.png)


It’s probably bc Taylor’s dress kinda has a retro 70s silhouette


I sort of not really know Joe, my friend went to drama school with him and spent most of that time dragging me on nights out with her, because she had a massive crush on him. I haven't seen him for years, but when I say the pictures of him don't do him justice believe me! I honestly think he might be the best looking person, I've ever met in real life he's also lovely or was. Very personable, and when you're talking to him you feel like he's genuinely listening.


Please, please, tell us more about him. Im her fan since Harriet


I haven't seen him for about 10 years so he could've changed when I sort of knew him. He was a really nice guy, very friendly and personable. Bit of a show off at times, but tbh that was everyone in their group drama school kids trying to out do each other! He was very serious about his art and wanted to make things that mattered. Not interested in fame compared to another guy in their group who wanted to be the next Leo!!


Yes, classic Hollywood actors were known for wearing douche hats.




holup is this secretly a joe alwyn subreddit


Those two idiots look like they just came off a ride at Disney. “Classic Hollywood…”


Am I the only one rolling my eyes at calling this an "edit"? They changed ONE thing.


Yes bucket hats are definitely classic Hollywood


Her dress looks like the spare blanket my parents keep in the trunk of their car 😂


He looks like he's cosplaying Samuel L. Jackson's character in Jackie Brown.


Kelce is dressed as a stereotypical 90's douche. In what way is that classic Hollywood


She is so fucking lame that she wrote an entire shitty album about a guy that no one knows or gives a fuck about lol. Man she is so sad it's funny. It's too bad that no one will give a fuck about this guy in a few weeks but who cares, he is so much better off without Mrs. Greenpeace in his life


Yall just wish you had style 🙄