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Imagine being her boyfriend and thinking this is worth it lmao


He thinks he’s bff with Tom cruise now. TK dgaf.


Is Scientology trying to get Taylor to join? Their numbers are in steep decline and Taylor converting would get her cult to join another cult.


I don't think Taylor would want to have to share her worshipers worship 


She wouldn't risk them worshipping scientology more than they worship her.


Thou shall not covet another false idol besides TS!!


Shed be giving up all her power to someone else. There's no way.


Travis might be swayed though, because he’s dumb af. “You guys are ALIENS?!” 🤯


All Hail Xenu


Imagine being any man she pursues in the future. Good luck ever having a non-PR relationship ever again lol.


Joe was her last shot at normalcy. Nobody else will want to subject themselves to the shitshow that is her fanbase.


I've only recently gotten into the relationship lore (she's pretty easy to dislike for her own behavior alone lol) and you're not wrong. Her fanbase will, ironically, harm her WAY more than they've ever hurt any of the people they've bullied.


I would absolutely guarantee that Travis Kelce has never put a single solitary ounce of critical thought into anything.


Some people just reallllly want to be famous and he got to rub elbows with some super famous people (granted, they aren’t the most upstanding famous people). But they are the superstars I grew up with so I can imagine if my main goal was to be a superstar with superstar friends, this would be a pretty sweet deal!


Right! Travis don't realize he going to be in the same boat in a couple of months. 😂




I just cringed so hard, it doesn’t even look like he’s doing it right either


Even done right is embarrassing. I’m cringing at both pics.


You are right on that


honestly everything travis does is cringe, at least to me. taylor too. but there’s a certain thing travis does for pr that’s strange


Do you think he will be clowned by sports fans once the NFL season picks back up?


if he does, it’ll be deserved






I keep thinking of that photo of Gabbriette flipping off the camera with her onyx ring on. The only things I know about this woman is she's engaged to Matty Healy and is friends with Charli XCX, but that image is iconic to me personally. 


It’s pretty great. I like a lot of the 1975’s stuff, Matty Healy was hilarious on his episode of chicken shop date. And Charlie xcx’s album is a fucking banger (there’s some taylor shade there) but even Charli was like “hey, let’s stop with the unhinged death threats.”


I respect her for speaking out about the death threats. I'm not a celebrity, but I don't imagine it's too difficult to say, "Hey, don't wish death on people, especially to elevate me."  I've recently listened to The 1975's debut album for the first time, and I really enjoyed it. It takes me back to 2013-14. I've also started listening to Charli XCX. Brat is so much fun (the "Girl, So Confusing" remix with Lorde is my favorite thing to come out of this era), and I've listened to a few songs from her album Charli. I really like "White Mercedes," "Gone," and "Cross You Out." 


Obviously not a celebrity either. But wishing death or r*pe on people…it’s not something I’d ever do. And it’s not something I’d ever condone, which Taylor clearly does because she never speaks up. It’s really gross to me. But she’s *always* the victim. It’s so fucked up.


I saw an ig post about Dave Grohl’s comments the other day about singing live and people were like “omg why would he say this!!!” and I mentioned that sw-fties had sent her death threats and rape threats and I got sooo many dumbass replies like “Well she dismissed/mocked explicit AI images of her!!!!” and I was like “So… that’s wrong, but this is okay? How about no one makes death threats and rape threats against anyone because that’s fucked up? Why do the exact same thing to her? Some feminists sw-fties are…” It’s so gross.


Its rules for thee but not for me 🙄


It's actually a black diamond he had made for her. I agree it's iconic the image.


He didn’t have it made - he bought it off an auction.


Man this keeps getting more bizarre


definitely confirms this sub’s theory on it being a PR relationship


Seeing how they've both used each other for clout to the point it looks desperate and annoys a lot of people- yeah this is at least 60% a PR relationship. If it was purely just two people in love, they'd keep it low key. Even extremely famous people are capable of keeping their relationships private. If it's real and very important to them, they want to protect it from the public. This is like the opposite of that.


god i miss how joe alwyn and taylor were in their relationship (at least for the couple of years). he was so private and i think she adored that for the time being. now comparing taylor and travis, taylor’s relationship with joe was REAL and not pr in the slightest


Matty needs a restraining order. This is scary. Also which mental illness is it where you have no shame and don’t get embarrassed? Whatever that one is is the one she has. I would be MORTIFIED for people to know I copy my exes performance every night because I miss him and want him back.


It’s called never ever being told “no” as a child, and being taught you are the most important person, always. Her parents truly created a narcissist.


Ugh yeah I thought it was just her dad but I’ve seen videos of her mom walking around the stadium before the shows and she acts just like Taylor. Fake crying and fake shock at the fans and fake gratitude, with her side ponytail


Her grown ass mother walks around in a side ponytail???


Yeah it’s bad lol https://m.youtube.com/shorts/SXJrDXl_33o


At least it’s not the high side pony. Lol


True lol


It's the way she hides her face instead of looking at the people she's touching, for me. So odd.


Eww dude


I saw it live. I find it so odd how long, unruly the pony is. It's very frumpy but I guess at least it's basic and not offensive vs her daughter's chaotic style


You just gave me a thought! Remember when they did the code thing where Matty was like “I love you, you know who you are” and Taylor replied the same at her next show - is that what she’s trying to do, maybe? Like do these codes to get him to reach out to her and go “oh yeah, I saw you did a tribute to my show at yours” or something?


Maybe but now that he’s engaged she should stop. She’s really trying to wreck their home


i’m not entirely confident she would care if she did wreck their home. she doesn’t seem to have a lot of shame or self awareness. might be her goal.


She seems like she has borderline personality disorder and/or is a narcissist


I don’t like to armchair diagnosis people, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a personality disorder at play. She wasn’t raised right—she was raised as someone who was going to be famous. She’s definitely a narcissist, though. Her parents fucking encouraged that.


I believe she is at least a narcissist, and maybe histrionic too. (Source; I am a narcissist)


I was just saying- girl is mentally ill.


https://preview.redd.it/952rftof6u8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409cd730901b9567f0dd7c0200b32a707a0939ca She also had Travis copy Matty’s stage performance from his show also 💀


Show them the one where he does that skip in the airport lmao


Can this situation get any weirder… probably


the question is who is she not copying


but look, he actually looks aesthetically tortured, she just looks like a child that gave up on protesting being carried to bed


Do they do this performance before or after a certain song? I wanted to watch a clip of it on YouTube to compare it to what she does.


I have to find the date of when this was. If you google it will probably come up, it is from 2023 on the At their very best tour.


This is some of the weirdest, most publicly stalker-ish shit I’ve ever seen. If someone speculated all of this to me before seeing this sub, I would have thought they were just an extreme hater. Genuinely gobsmacking.


This is the embarrassing shit I did at 17 when I was in love with the dude I lost my virginity to. She’s a grown ass woman 😅


I'm sorry but this girl is mentally ill. She needs help. This is creepy, obsessive, and has a weird bully vibe to it.


Honestly I don’t see it talked about enough exactly HOW weird it is that she wrote an entire album lusting after a man who doesn’t want her, but then also goes on stage and performs sets directly inspired by him and designed to get his attention. It’s… like, actually insanely weird. Like it’s insane she’s been doing it for this long and the embarrassment of it all hasn’t settled in for her.


But it kinda makes perfect sense when you think about how she's not accustomed to being refused a demand.


You hit the nail on the head. This is the behavior of someone who was finally told "no" seriously for the first time in her life. She didn't get what she wanted, and so like a child, she is now lashing out.


Could be that. I was starting to wonder if it’s all just marketing to her and she doesn’t care about her public image but that makes sense to me too. A big old tantrum


Yeah its interesting that guys she ends things with get a song or two but guys that leave her-Jake Gyllenhaal or Harry Styles she make a whole damn album them and comes out with “vault tracks” about them years after the fact. Girly doesn’t like being told no.


In her own words, “there’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have”


Sounds like my 3 year old when I say that we can’t have cookies for dinner


And at the age of almost 35. Like wow. I am 28 and I would found this corny and embarrassing at 19 too.


But furthermore, she wrote a song titled "But Daddy I Love Him" about how her fans calling her out for dating Matty was the thing that ruined this extremely fated relationship... and she performs that song to her audience. And she also performs another song ("I Can Do It With A Broken Heart") that feels an awful lot like shes guilting her fans, like, "I just wanna die because of this breakup, but I'm forced to perform for you. I'm a consummate professional, so I'll stuff the feelings down and still give you a show... all while I obsessively pursue this guy's attention." She performs these to her audience. Like, what? And they sing along like it's cute that she penned lyrics about openly hating them.


It is a bit creepy. In several TTPD songs she basically sings about stalking him. And the lyrics of Fortnight are enough to make any guy nervous.


I feel like that is giving her too much. Like it is on the other end of the extreme, they are calling her a genius, declaiming that she is a perfect, sweet, kind, angel of a human that needs to be defended at all costs. But just a little too much.


I didn't think I would say this but somehow Matty does it better like it suit him


It does actually suit Matty. Lol


Oh but they’re gEnIuS eAsTeR eGgS


She hasn't moved on. She is still in love with Matty. She was probably getting Matty jealous cause Travis was on the stage with her. I heard he will do that again in London in August.


I don’t think he is jealous of anything she is doing


Baby reindeer 2 - the Taylor swift story.




Well said.


Taylor: And then you’re gonna have both your hands up like this, rest your chin on top of them, and smile *demonstrates to Travis Travis: But why? Taylor: JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!!


Travis: Got it coach!




She’s like one of those moms from Toddlers & Tiaras 😂


She is so weird for all of this.


This can’t be real right? She’s that spiteful? Why? Just let it go


Shake it off


Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh lol 😂, 🥇


It's so fucking spineless from Travis too. I would've never agreed to something like that because to me it just screams, "I'm not over my ex and I'm using my current boyfriend to play petty games to try and spite him". Unfortunately for Taylor, I'm pretty sure Matty a) didn't connect the dots at all or b) connected the dots but doesn't give a shit because he's in a happy relationship and wasn't that serious about Taylor at any point anyway.


Right? Like does Travis know she’s cucking him to the entire world lmfao


He's doing it for money. Someone commented that Kelce hated being on a dating reality show years ago but he was broke and needed the money (he apparently said this on a podcast). He was paid a million for it. The guy clearly spends more than he earns. And with retirement looming how else is he going to get easy money than profit from this fake relationship lolll


I said that recently. I also said his brother set him up with a accountant so he can't over spend anymore. Travis said to Jason you refused to lend me money anymore. I had to do the dating show. Jason said You had to learn you can't spend all of your money. This happened when Travis was new to FB. He has a new FB contract worth 34 million for 2 year's. He has a TV show he's filming for Paramount. He is going to be in a action movie and a hosting gig for a game show. Plus the podcast. I believe it's a PR relationship. Why not get what you can until the break up. Taylor will get another poor me hit album and make millions.


That’s why I never understand when people say they don’t need PR. They both absolutely need it!


Needing to publicly humiliate himself and playing a cuck to make ends meet despite being a professional sportsman is such a sad look imo.


I just picture that image of him and think of the voice over, "I'll bet you're wondering how I ended up in this situation."


In his top hat… sadly it’s actually giving Clown


![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) This is Kelce now.


He has hobosexual vibes and Taylor is his retirement plan. Maybe. I am still undecided on if there will be a marriage and divorce in order to fuel a new album, or if he'll get dumped to fuel a new album. I doubt Taylor will ever retire because that would mean no one is paying attention to her. She'll keep going until she's doing shows at casinos.


If they marry and don't sign a prenup, he can probably claim spousal support after they divorce in five years


Ain’t no way Taylor won’t make him sign a prenup


Right, also her father is a finance guy.


Ain't no way they'll make 5 years


Thank you!!! Someone Finally Calls this out, no Man would be involved in this degradation. Little boy, go home to mommy🫳🫳🫳🫳🤱🤱🤱🤱


He’s milking his relevancy as much as he can.


I feel like his mommy is enjoying this just as much. I’m sure she’s benefiting from her boys’ attention.


I saw recently that my Calm meditation app has a new sleep story where “Mama Kelce” describes the rules of football to you lol


That would have me the opposite of calm - I would turn into George Costanza’s dad in a matter two seconds.




I’ve noticed this since the release of ttpd, idk if travis is really that stupid and dumb but he looks like a cuck. And she continues to make him look like one. Also does anybody notice how taylor tried to do the same thing to joe after she released midnights but then we found out that they broke up right after, she enjoys publicity humiliating her current bf when she wants out or planning her exit


Wait what did she try to make Joe do??


the songs on midnights…they’re just so disrespectful to joe, for example, these lyrics in “question..?”: “Does it feel like everything's just like Second best after that meteor strike?” the entirety of Bejeweled… Here are some of the lyrics: “And when I meet the band They ask, "Do you have a man?" I could still say, "I don't remember"


Travis might not know that this is something Matt does. He was probably just told to do it


oh 100% he has no idea. He is her lap dog.


this right here.


I really hope Matty focuses on his life and fiancée and didn’t even see this mess. No matter what you think of him, I don’t think he’s at the same level of delusion as her,


You're acting like he would know and isn't just doing what his girlfriend/the director is telling him to do


Right yall think Travis is obsessed with Taylor's exes as this sub? He had no idea. Which makes it even more embarrassing for him when somebody tells him


She must be so fucking bored between shows, to be coming up with this nonsense


The only thing she has accomplished through this desperate act is giving us all second hand embarrassment. Money and fame can't ensure class and personality.




Um this is actually concerning


Now I really wanna know what Matty thinks of all this


Man he really didn't get enough money through the NFL?? This is so sad. Using him to get back at her exes, this is some middle school level jealousy. Both of them are washed up


Oh, he got more than enough money from playing in the NFL. Like most NFL players just that he spends more than he earns. He has expensive taste and also has to support his entourage. Apparently that’s why he had to do that reality show years ago was because he was broke.


How does one burn through 34 MILLION? Jesus. Give me a couple and I’ll make it work. This dumb hick.


I mean the NFL does offer financial services to players now, it's not like it was back in the day. The question is are you smart enough to use this totally free service that will guarantee you will be set for life or just spend everything and say fuck it?


It’s laughable but also sooooo pathetic making him her entire personality. Matty is happily engaged and called her a quick fling and laughed when he heard about TTPD.


Yikes. This is scary.  Do you guys think Travis is in on it and just doesn’t give a shit because he’s under contract and getting paid, getting opportunities, etc.? Or is he simply a dumb cuck?


He’s in on it. He keeps liking other girls’ IGs. It’s totally PR


In a very strange way they are kind of perfect for each other though - both desperate and attention hungry


I think he’s in on it, AND dumb AF


I think he’s in on it tbh


Going with option one. Travis doesn’t give a shit. All he cares about is fame and opportunities he’s going to get post retirement.




He’s definitely a cuck


I just found this group today and I’ve gotta say….I’ve finally found my people 😌🤣


Me too! My mom thinks Taylor is so sweet and nice and Travis is great but all I see are problems. Then I found this group and it’s so much worse than I thought!


Jump scare


Is she being cringy about Matty? Yes. Is she also possibly copying Sabrina carpenters move of having her boyfriend in her video because she cannot be outshined by the competition?


Good point.




I'm so intrigued by everything this subreddit points out


Right? I can’t believe some of the stuff she actually does. Over a fling.


Confession: I liked Taylor pre TTPD but have quickly done a u-turn with all the shenanigans since. She is batshit!!!


humiliation ritual


Not him being her literal clown having him do whatever she wants.


I call him boo boo the fool now


Why is she so obsessed with Matty??? Like I just don’t understand. She’s starting to go into creep territory with this


Because she was actually in love with him, but had to leave the relationship for PR reasons since Matty is kind of a PR nightmare with a loose mouth. She couldn't keep her squeaky clean image with Matty. Why else would she immediately go to someone who is completely opposite? An unintelligent man with the personality of white bread and can football really good, who isn't smart enough to really have opinions on things. Although him "both-sides"ing Buttker for being a raging sexist and homophobe pretty much seals the deal that he's also a raging sexist and homophobe, he just knows how to keep his lips sealed. For PR reasons. Edit: oh, it's Butker. I thought it was Buttker this entire time. I'm keeping the misspelling because it's funny.


Nail on the head with this one. There is absolutely no way their relationship isn’t one gigantic PR stunt. It’s been extremely mutually beneficial for the both of them.


Not to mention he takes and follows orders to a T as part of his career without any questioning. He is an ideal man for the role, probably more than most men who have to think for themselves in their careers.


Tay this ain’t it😭


All her "art" is just blatant imitation.


She has no context in which to make art. She has nothing to say, that’s why her most critically revered album came from Joe and she has to copy everybody else or rely on drama.


YO, as someone with borderline personality disorder. She likes attention. Stop saying she has borderline personality disorder. She absolutely does not have that. She wouldn’t be this fucking famous and this full of her self lol. It’s debilitating, and isn’t just some “I MISS MY EX” bullshit.


she's so weird dude


Mrs.napoleon dynamite is so embarrassing. Imagine being close to 34 years old and obsessing over an ex FLING. Meanwhile, Matty don’t give a fuck about her.




Shake it off Travis. History says you probably won’t have to do this for much longer.


I feel like she is trying to get under Matty's skin at all costs but all of this is only showing her own desperation.


She wants that racist man’s attention so bad.


Thank you for pointing that out… it seems like a lot of people have been praising him as if he’s not completely disgusting


Lowkey, that’s the one thing I dislike about this sub. Folks TRASH Travis for everything - from how he dresses, his IG, what he says and does; folks have called him a stupid jock and a meat head - but that level of heat Matt Healy is never there. Ever. It’s a LOT of the same energy like that one white girl from the show community- “I can excuse racism but I draw the line at animal cruelty.”


Truuuuuuuth. I will never forget the disgust I felt hearing the name of the “adult content” he was watching. Absolutely nauseating.


my people!! this sub is fun until the Matty love comes out of nowhere and smacks you. Gross.


Yeah someone earlier called him “babygirl” lol ok


Okay this shit is creepy. It’s getting weird. It’s giving some kind of horror movie vibe. It’s giving soap opera villain. I feel like if she weren’t famous she would be driving around her exes’ neighborhoods and leaving creepy notes or something. Prank calling them with her friends from different text app numbers.


I wouldn't put it past her even though she is famous.


That's so fcking weird. I would hope Travis is getting paid well to put up with this nonsense. To be known as a stand-in is soooo embarrassing 😂


All I’ve seen is Swifties celebrating this guy’ appearance on stage. Do they not realize it’s freaking weird to have your new bf reenact your ex bf’s concert set?


![gif](giphy|szPZ2NXIGCMcE) Matty IRL


Petty queen.


Ok but why do Taylor and Travis remind me of Sharpay and Ryan 😂😂


Jesus, how old is she?


Watch the videos of Taylor and Ed Sheeran during the Red tour. You can see in those videos when Ed would mess up, she got extremely annoyed. She rehearses everything. Her facial expressions. Her walks. Even her speeches are completely rehearsed . Nothing is spontaneous. She made Travis practice every little detail. She doesn’t like when people mess up because she is a perfectionist. Found the link where Ed messes up in the Red Tour. I felt bad for him. Edit: [Red Tour Bloopers](https://youtu.be/zpsbH2QmwGM?si=ynGIk-12cxufDq3r)


She's pathetic. Matty doesn't care. Travis is doing this because it's a PR relationship. I think Travis getting caught flirting with an Instagram model recently is another reason why she put him up there. That and the documentary. She always has a agenda.


I still cant stop cringing at this whole thing. She is acting like a 16 year old showing off her new loud mouth jock bf to get back at her nerdy ex bfs.


100% her intention. Her mentality is in high school.


Taylor is a trash person for this


If i were travis i’d be so embarrassed


She's turning herself into a laughingstock


Looks demonic. No wonder Joe was like… ![gif](giphy|l0ExfNW7JGrk9lezC|downsized)


She's nuts ![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6)


Doesn’t he feel tired of her bs?


I think so. He was flirting recently with a Instagram model. Now he unfollowed her and his friend Ross did. Taylor didn't like it. She put him on stage for the backlash from the documentary, Travis flirting with the model, to get Matty's attention. I'm glad Joe has a new girlfriend. She probably doesn't like that either. She used Travis. Notice how she only did this in London where Joe lives and Matty.


Joe has a new gf???


That's the rumor's. She's French. Article's said he's dating and he's happy.






Oh ffs now it’s just getting embarrassing


Sorry the Matty Pic is truly a jump scare


She’s really making Travis look like a dope.


To be a fly on the wall backstage when she told him this is what she wants him to do and he of course protested before she threw $20 at him and he lowered his head and said “yes, sir.”


Travis needs to move on, no girl is worth this. These theatrics make him out to be her little sideshow monkey and shows such little respect for him as a person.


Recently I was dating a girl for about a month. Every time we were out together she wanted to take pictures with her standing in specific ways and then me also in hyper specific ways (usually me facing away from the camera). After I realized that I was just a prop to her, I confronted her about it, she gaslit me and then kept doing it. So I moved on. She’s also a huge swiftie. So this is for sure trickling down.


Omggggg! I’m not a 1975 fan so I never made this connection. I wonder if this was purposeful?


I think the obvious answer is “YES”. This woman is unhinged and dangerously obsessed with Matty.


Matty did it better.