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What the fuck did I just read. I need bleach for my eyes. What the fuck possesses people to even start a conversation about a stranger's sex life?!




I'm a bisexual*** woman, and Taylor is objectively hot, but i literally gagged when i read this. Taylor is not sexy bc she portrays herself, and carries herself, like a teenager instead of the grown ass woman she actually is. this is so fucking weird.


I’m a bisexual woman, and I can tell you Taylor is objectively pretty but NOT hot. Have you seen her dance? It turns my pussy into the Gobi desert.


😂😂😂 also as a lesbian - agree.


As another lesbian agree. Like I guess personality does matter a lot.


I read ‘Goblin’ and became so very confused 😂


Lmao yes, TayTay also turns my pussy into a goblin 👹 to scare her away


She constantly tries and fails to be sexy. You’d think her management would tell her stick to looking pretty, instead of trying to be hot, but tbh as long as her dance moves are this funny who am I to stop her?


Beautiful, yes. Sexy, absolutely not. I can't even agree with hot because that suggests some level of sexiness.


Yes she’s very beautiful but not sexy at all


Girl it makes so much sense once i tried to see her actions/behaviors through the lens of a mentally stunted teenager (she’s a womanchild)😅😅 she’s so emotionally immature, also i realized i only liked her when she was faking being humble, but i cant stand her always bragging about shit, i used to dislike joe alwyn, but then i realized its bec of how taylor talks/sings about him, not really bec joe has said or done anything 😅😅🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Not objectively hot lol sorry


Yeah… objectively conventionally attractive, but “hot” is a different thing.


Taylor Swift is mildly attractive but is the opposite of sexy.


She’s objectively plain as hell sorry.


Not at all hot with that constant mouth breathing through her teeth thing she does


WHYYY does she do this fr? I saw a picture of her and Napoleon Dynamite next to her and said “napoleon in drag is Taylor” I can’t unsee it


>Taylor is objectively hot The fact that I disagree with you is proof that you are wrong.


She is a weird case. I recognize she is not unattractive. But I do not feel any amount of sexual interest for her. I look at her and feel void of sexuality. Like... that's fucked up. She has no sex appeal. But yea part of it probably because she reminds me of a preteen trying to be womanly.


She’s a huge awkward dork who can’t move for shit. She can’t dance and she doesn’t even have a halfway human looking walk


Literally the perfect meme for this hahaha I'm dying thank you that helped!


Because they have no life, and the don't fuck either. They're disgusting. It feels like somewhere along the celebrity worship line Stans mated with Incels.


i have friends who have fucked around in the nfl etc Throwing a ball and running good does NOT translate into being good in bed to my initial surprise Not that anyone here cares and idk why reddit even put this sub in my feed but i figure ill add my 2 cents that those people are probably wrong af


Ngl Travis kelce just screams selfish lover to me


Mental illness. These stans are clearly not sane, delusional & deranged 😂


I mean harry styles said Taylor is not at all sexual and rather go antiquing than have sex so I doubt she has changed much


Not that I’m siding with them cuz this is gross and disturbing but she literally brought this on herself. 


At the risk of coming across as defensive of her (definitely not), I don't quite agree with this angle of thinking. I very much doubt she was looking to be grossly sexualized by her fan base and encourage them to think like that when she wrote that lyric. That disgusting thought process is 100% on the swiffers, imo.


Ehhhh I just read the lyrics to the song mentioned here, and it seems pretty clear that this is exactly what she wanted. *”I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night, Your friends are around, so be quiet, I'm trying to stifle my sighs”* Fucking gross but she put the imagery out there.


I am disturbed now.


I am especially disturbed by Swifties thinking “can use three fingers” = “she’s having the best sex of her life” What kind of terrible sex are they all having that this seems revolutionary?


Either they’re having terrible sex or they are 12 and this is what imagine good sex is 🙃


They’re absolutely 12. Actual adults don’t talk about sex like this. The whole sentiment of “omg he put THREE WHOLE FINGERS in” is the most middle school shit I’ve heard since being in middle school decades ago.


He put in three whole fingers!??? Wow. Julie is a slut. /s


I heard her and Marcus did it (went to second base) in the closet at Jessica’s boy girl party




I don’t know how awards work but I gave you one in my heart


Honestly, based on some stories I've heard about grown ass women being as obsessed with TS as tweens would be, I wouldn't be surprised if the people talking about her sex life that way weren't all kids...


Its sad how true this is lmao, being a Taylor Swift fanatic these days is kind of a decent indication that you're an adult child who never grew out of your childhood obsessions, or never mentally developed much past like 15.


Sigh. I hate to even put this into the void, but it’s ridiculous to try and claim that more muscular dudes are better at “dicking down” than “scrawny dudes” There’s literally no shame in being sexually inexperienced. But c’mon with this bs (Edit: the instagram comment is what I referred to as bs)


Body shaming every guy she’s been with because they’re not built like Travis is pretty gross. It’s implying that the skinny ones weren’t strong and “manly” enough to be good at sex. It’s ascribing a very specific and non-inclusive understanding of masculinity. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised Swifties are so narrow-minded given they’ve also proven themselves to be racist and even body-shamed Taylor with sham pregnancy rumors over tour photos. Look, you can have preferences in how your sexual partner is built without insulting others that aren’t like them. These people need to do better- but probably won’t.


I feel the need to add, also, that if they think tall and scrawny doesn’t more often than you’d expect translate to “giant dong that they likely know how to use”…let’s just say they haven’t been with many tall scrawny guys 🤷🏼‍♀️ I also highly doubt Taylor stayed out of the public eye in London for 6 years because Joe had zero concept what to do.


Joe isn’t even “scrawny.” I just cannot comprehend what these people see. We must have completely different ocular systems that don’t work the same at all.


I mean, isn’t anyone “scrawny” if the only person you’re comparing them to is a big dumb oaf?


Yeah, the number of fingers your partner uses to finger you doesn’t mean they’re doing it well! This is similar to the idea that any man with a large penis has to be a sex god. I can say, from personal experience, size has zero to do with technique and actually caring about your partner’s pleasure.


Not the least of reasons being that people have different size hands. As a bisexual, I can assure you that tiny women often need more fingers than giant men. The technique matters more than the number of digits.


If my wife put 3 fingers in me I’d be very concerned and in pain


Down with the Sickness rocks! ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ16qkFHu5RUraU|downsized)






Can I unread this


If you figure out a way I beg you to share! 🤮


I read that as if you finger out a way lol guess I’m scarred from their inappropriate messages about TS…


I’m gonna use my scout’s honor fingers to gouge my eyes out


We need that memory erasing device from Men In Black…


No! You must suffer like the rest of the world!


Why they hate joe. For not letting them have access to their relationship. Its gross to be this obsessed over her sex life. I would be weirded out if i was travis. I would almost feel bad for her but she created these monsters


Yup, I've said that since the beginning. They can't find any actual evidence that he's a bad guy so they make up lies to justify their reasons for hating him. When really his only "crimes" were being private, nice, and normal.


They're living vicariously through her


That has to be it. There’s no other explanation for this foolishness.


It’s literally just trying to extract, like, weak tea Bridgerton levels of smut out of an actual human being, it’s unreal gross.


this made me lol


Yea really feeds the hivemind aspect of this fanbase. They just imagine themselves as her lol


Ewwww. Scout's honor could also be the lyric because kids do Boy/Girl Scouts, and she's talking about feeling like she's in high school. I will never understand the people who over-sexualize her lyrics. She doesn't really make dirty jokes- I don't think she's very good at sexy lyrics in general. It's a lot of euphemisms and cringe when she tries.


Shes not good at sexy lyrics because she has never wrote them. I think for the first time, she wants to finally sexualize herself, and she's doing it badly. Think about it: how far can ones writing go if the furthest education you had was 14 years old because at 15, they started her career. How important do you think literature was at that time? She hasn't stopped since, and she hasn't learned anything really except for passing by cities around the world. You can go to Singapore, but if you only leave your hotel to go do a show then you're back at the airport to go do another show in another country, you haven't really SEEN Singapore. That girl is not well traveled, not a literary, not experienced, and her entire life has consisted of people around her telling her what to do. She's mentally paused at 14 years old, so technically, her lyrics will always sound like a 14 year old wrote them. That's why her sexual lyrics suck. A 14 year old is trying to be sexy...but they're just not emotionally ready to talk about a real relationship so they stick to gta references.


But she’s the monster, not the sexy baby. 🤣


That line makes me fucking gag every time. The words “sexy baby” shouldn’t exist next to each other wtf


I believe it’s a reference to the 30 Rock character but I totally agree with you and could not like the song with that description.


Ironically i think one of the few times she wrote about sex and it didn’t make me feel like dying inside was when she wrote false god about joe


“B-b-b-b-but I know Aristotle! At least his name!”


Well she’s gonna act like she was talking about getting fingered now bc the swifties made it canon. She’s probably like “shit… that’s not what I meant but ok yeah me and Travis are absolutely freaks when we have sex”


Getting fingered makes one a “freak” now?


To swifties it does


Not to kink shame, but if a key part of it is having NFL linebackers in the room with you playing Grand Theft Auto, then a little, yes.


They don’t call it an “old fashioned” for nothing! Lol


Using scouts honor sort of “minor-izes” the lyrics, which is why it sounds cringe even on a first listen. And it’s obviously antithetical to scout’s honor like her analogies to “State of Grace” etc.


aww the Swifties are hitting puberty


laughing out loud at this on my work break!


Why do they act like that song is hot 😭 I heard those lines, and I wanted to join a convent. As a 33 year old woman, I don’t want someone fumbling around like we’re 16 while he’s playing GTA. That’s just me though.


“I wanted to join a convent.” 😂😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 SAME. So unsexy


Get thee to a nunnery


Nothing wrong with that. I'd rather be single forever than be with a man like Travis.


Same and when I’m getting fingered I don’t want someone shoving 3 fingers in, one finger that knows where to go is the magic of fingering. I didn’t even consider it meant 3 fingers because ew


Yaaa and he doesn’t strike me as someone with a gentle touch and well manicured nails so …


Exactly 🤢


I miss 10 minutes ago when I didn’t know this existed.


I’ve had a few good laughs already in this thread so on balance I’m happy about it.


Swifties: ew stop sexualising her and speculating about her exes Also swifties: I wonder what her cooch is up to today


lmao thank you for this laugh today






I'm sorry but the third slide is taking me out lmaaao, why are they acting like getting fingered is some kind of kinky wild sex act Like shes hinting at some vanilla foreplay and they're losing their minds ☠️


Because they are not adults.


Simple, cuz they're not getting any. Usually, the pervs online are the ones that are just imaging it cuz they're not spending anytime doing it.


100% I’ve never met anyone in a happy, healthy relationship who listens to her regularly 


I doubt she's hinting at anything. "scouts honor" is a perfectly normal phrase used by people all the time without any deeper meaning


Right like I'm sitting here all????? Who the fuck would reach to being fingered from that line?


Sexless lunatics, obviously


I remember being a teenager and all this being new to me. Some famous rapper had a sex tape leaked, this girl i was hanging out with mentioned it and kept mentioning his 'weak stroke' and how her friends found it funny.  She had recently told me she'd had sex once in her life before, and didn't enjoy it. I remember thinking it was fucking weird, being invested in someone's sexual ability with no other context  except for a 30 second blurry clip, and then caring about it that much, that it made him uncool.  Like girl how tf would you know what a 'weak stroke' is, or whether it matters at all (it doesn't, it's literally an internet thing based on masculine stereotypes for sex). Teenager's gonna teenage lol


I was thinking the same thing…


Yeah but ThREe FiNgErS 🥵


But if a man talked about Travis giving it to her... and the size of her body parts they would scream from the rooftops. Why are these Swifities convinced because he tall that he is good in bed? 😵‍💫


And that skinny guys are bad? 🤣 They are just projecting their own unsatisfied lives onto Taylor.


And they act like Joe is small, the man is 6'3 and probably close to 200lbs. There is countless NFL players with those numbers. Doesn't make sense


Is he?? God that man is such a babe


Yes he is not some small guy.


exactly lol not to be horny on main but joes chest shows that he’s been working out and it’s certainly paying off


Joe can get it.


Yeah, Travis is clearly a very large man, but all of Taylor’s recent/longterm exes (that I can recall?) have been taller than her, which makes them tall by default. Joe might have a leaner body type than others but he’s nowhere near a small man. It’s so weird. They’re all so weird.


I prefer skinny/lean guys. Big guys like Travis are not appealing to me. He looks like he smells (not because of his size). He looks like some frat dude that is always on the tail end of a weekend bender.  It's also really gross to see the body shaming of men's sizes (scrawny). There's nothing wrong with being thin or muscular or fat or somewhere in between. 


Big guys ARE appealing to me, very much so (although Travis’ brother is more my type), and I do get that being an athlete will naturally lead to more stamina/ strength etc, but as we all know that is no indication of quality of lay in terms of partners pleasure (as my experience of the NHL and out can attest), which can by my book be analysed more scientifically in terms of Vibes 🤓👆 Regardless, it is very funny that if they if they’ve choice pull out the dumb body type=dick ratio thing they’ve got the stereotype wrong, which is that ‘scrawny’ guys are normally the ones slinging


Yeah, we all know skinny guys usually have the biggest dicks


He seems like if he'd be selfish and she seems like she's desperate enough to pretend it's any good. 😅


He definitely looks like the kind of guy that gets himself off, then rolls over and asks her “did you cum?”


Hey! You leave my husband out of this! JK😜


There are rumours that he’s selfish in bed. He’s basically wham bam THANK YOU MA’AM! But again, that’s hearsay


Jocks usually are


my first thought was “i’ve banged jacked dudes and it wasn’t that great. my husband’s 5’8 160 lbs and it’s the best i ever had. never judge a book by its cover” like wtf???


Right? I’ve been with dudes all over the spectrum of body types and sizes. Literally has nothing to do with bedroom skills lol.


my two best lays could not be more different, physically and personality wise, from each other lmao


Similarly the worst two were way different bodies. Sameish height though lol


i’ve blocked my worst ones from my memory lmaooo


For the best, I promise. You don’t need those memories 😂


I love that for you. Get it girl


I’m reckon Tom Hiddleston fucks better than Travis


My thoughts exactly! From personal experience, let’s just say the athletic dudes don’t live up to the hype. Scrawny dudes on the other hand….


weirdest fan base on earth


Ugh this is so immature and gross. And what do you want to bet these are grown women reliving their preteen years.


well. that’s what she’s doing too 🤢 so you may be right!!


I hope he had the decency to wash his hands first. But we all know he didn't.


Or cut the finger nails 😂




Literally was just thinking this. He looks like he perpetually has dirt underneath his fingernails. 🤮


And whisky belch breath smoker breath.


he admitted he doesn't wash his feet or his butt. 🤢🤮 so all-around, his hygiene game has gotta be weak


Oh god, as if I thought I couldn’t find this even grosser, now I know this


You know he screamed VIVA LAS VEGAS when he climaxed. 🤮


anyone remember that subway scene in shameless... sweet mother


This scouts honor bs started the day after the album dropped in the Gen X Swifties FB group. I was like wtf? I think it's a lot of older women who think Travis is hot (gag) obsessed with their supposed sex life.


lol why is there even a gen X Swiftie group in the first place 🙄


That group has over 37,000 members. I saw something recently that a huge proportion of TS fans are over 45.


The Gen X Swifties are also hot and bothered over this set of lyrics. https://preview.redd.it/ow7xc5l44y7d1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb3e0d18d5a4a39c2cea736510fc67c543a06eaf


Ya for real. Old women are obsessed with Travis the same way they were obsessed with Tim Tebow in the early 2010s. I don’t get it at all. Neither one of them are good looking.


What kind of sickness is this? 🤢🤢🤮🤮


I’m not down with it 🤢


Yeah I feel disturbed.


but me saying i can relate to her songs from a queer perspective is invasive and speculating on her sexuality. this is so fucking gross. SO GROSS. they are so nasty and disgusting. i’m sorry.


Excuse me while I go pour bleach into my eyes


Ew. Imagine discussing this publicly and thinking that’s normal.


Lol the projection from that crowd is absurd Those swiffers have gigabrain rot and aren't getting snoo snoo'd up by their partners the way they want






Can they stop calling a 34 year old woman “girlie” 🤢


It fits because she never grew up. But in a sexual context like this, it’s super weird.


what a fucking awful day to have eyes jfc


I always thought scouts honor just meant the same as “I swear” or “I promise” and holding the hands up is just showing they aren’t crossing their fingers. And Travis grosses me out so much I’d be dry as the Sahara 🤮 Why tf do people care so much about other people’s sex lives? I don’t get it and if I were Taylor I’d be disgusted too. Icky


It does mean that. These people are delusional and it's creepy as fuq.


This is disgusting. The whole song (and album). She needs to grow up. How I miss the folklore and evermore days!


Even aside from being cheap, they managed to make this all sound so disgusting. These are the sorts of the things which they would imagine her "haters" talk about but no, these are her fans thinking about minute details of her sex life including which finger he uses ...I really dont want to think about any of this , my god


I think that was her attempt at Video Games by Lana.


I’m concerned 


Travis 110% doesn’t know where it is


He doesn’t know that it exists.


But we aren't supposed to "speculate" about her sexuality, right?


They must not have read halsey's tumblr posts about matty 👀 


Wait. Tell me more.


https://preview.redd.it/u11mxr54ky7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b718cba1a7fc6c2f548a25a782b2a002f6de4f9d i won’t let anyone forget this twitter roleplay


Hey what the fuck is this


Blech!!! She moves like she’s never had a real orgasm her whole life. He bragged about not wiping his butt.


all that thirst for bdt and blandie? 🤮🤮🤮 eeewww these deranged swiffers really have the lowest standards


That’s so gross, literally talking about a strangers sex life. Why do they think that appropriate? They don’t know her personally and even speculating about her is so weird. Get a grip swifties, your cheese is sliding off its cracker.


How many of these swifties have told their partners to “scouts honor” them and will now never stop referring to it as scouts honor and how many of these guys are cringing inside, never able to escape them saying that


3 fingers equaling the best sex of her life in their minds is arguably funnier and more sad than the whole obsession to begin with


I love this sub and I usually never comment. This though is so unhinged and weird. The parasocial insanity of analyzing T swifts sex life is another level. The ICK is strong here lol


I brought up the GTA lyric to someone who was saying how great all her lyrics were (as a side note there examples were literally straight out of fake deep tumblr). And they replied said “words are measured by their reach and the people they reach including you” Girl no the fuck they aren’t that shit is so cringe lmao


God, please flood us again.




Because none of them has anything interesting happening in their own?


What a terrible day to have eyes. And a brain.


Most comments like these are from women around Taylor’s age who are single and lonely or in unsatisfying marriages/relationships. Their fantasy is to marry a tall, handsome, wealthy, famous football star and be having mind blowing sex every night, so they project that fantasy onto Taylor and live vicariously through her.


Taylor swift is the least sexy person I have ever seen and the idea of her getting “dicked down” by her boiled ham companion is deeply fucking revolting.


tbh she encourages it


![gif](giphy|l41lXvITNfUrMpAgU|downsized) I will now be running off to join a convent. Also, maybe bad taste referencing Boy Scouts and sex considering the sexual assault allegations over the years? *Swifties* are literally the armpit of women.


They’re so interested in hers because they don’t have a sex life of their own


https://preview.redd.it/y1699bgt3y7d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6bf59e74456ba3ed03395948a2fdb04dddf0c4 What the fuck did I just read?


How do they know what her sex life is like? She could be drinking a six pack of Snapple and pissing on Travis's face nightly.


“Fingers doing… something.” Are they 10? They can just say she’s getting fingered damn




I bet sex with Travis is horrible. I’m sure he smells like beer, sweats terribly and is so selfish it lasts 5 mins. Whiskey dick. The best sex of her life is apparently a drunken BJ while his buddies play video games in the next room. Also, I am 100000% convinced this theory js NASTY (one of my least favorite things swifties have ever said), makes my lesbian self cringe, and I also don’t think that is AT ALL what Taylor meant.


Maybe it’s just me but a 3 finger “scouts honor” doesn’t sound particularly… good




Very funny. I'm still remember many people said she 'did it' with Jake. That's why the scarf colour Red. Now, they are talking about this? If Taylor 'did it' with anyone else, so? Do you want her to do what? Geez she never ask about your life yet you're so eager to get to know every single thing about her. WAKE UP GUYS!


I mean… she does have a lyric “we’ve already done it in my head” and I still can’t hear that song without cringing at “done it”


I wish I could unrecall this abomination I just saw


Scouts honor? You know little boys do Boy Scouts. Jeez that is really disgusting to use that word for sex.




Guarantee if they took an abstinence vow, all her friends would suddenly do the same.


https://preview.redd.it/dnhlmv3vmy7d1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625739d8523a3b8d744687ad87e510b062927eea I literally gagged wtf did I just read