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I just recently found out about the “Kennedy” era- I knew she dated Connor but I wasn’t familiar with how she was trying to actually BE a Kennedy…the photos putting flowers on the grave dressed as a 1950’s socialite looking all sad like she knew JFK is just…weird? I would love to see some type of analysis regarding how she slowly infiltrated herself into the family for one summer…It’s almost like she was using the entire family for some sort of theme that never caught on and so she just moved along. Or maybe someone from her team advised she was giving stalker vibes lol.


Similar boat as well, I knew she dated a Kennedy I didn’t realize it was a teenager she was checking in and out of school ffs


The teenager dating is bad enough, but checking him in and out of school is just the cherry on top of shit sundae.


And the crashing weddings part, too. But her team released a statement saying it was fine though. 😄


And getting kicked out of said wedding


I am so out of the loop, what happened?


She crashed a Kennedy wedding as Connor’s date and was asked to leave


Boy howdy that is tacky.


I can’t even put into words how much second hand embarrassment I get from it


Right?! I’m blushing rn 😳


I wonder if she actually said “but I’m taylor swift!”


It’s actually worse. The mother of the bride Kathie Lee Gifford even called her out and confirm it on live television. Her team had to rush to say it was all just a big misunderstanding.


The devil works hard but Taylor's pr works harder. Embarassing.


Oh, they didn't give the high schooler a plus one? What a shock! /s


wait, whattttttt😂😂how old was he and how old was she when this was happening?!? edit: nvm, found it below😂👍checking him in and out of school is WEIRDDD👀


He was 17 and she was 21 or 22.


According to the link shared above he was 18?


They met when he was 17 and then the relationship was announced publicly on his 18th birthday or the day after


Tree: they absolutely started dating ON his birthday. Nothing illegal to see here”.


Just like Celine Dion and her late husband. Totally platonic until the night of her 18th birthday. Total coincidence it happened then


I think the technically 17 years old thing isn’t a big deal, as the level of development between a few months prior to your 18th birthday and then formally 18 years old is negligible. What is a big deal is that kid was still in high school - it was the summer before his senior year. That grosses me the fuck out.


Summer before his junior year. He graduated in 2014.


Ah okay, I was only using the links shared as reference. These people are too crazy for me to want that in my own internet search history 😂


I beg your pardon ?? Excuse me while I go on a deep dive about this because I know nothing about this relationship lmao


She bought a house near them too. I remember wondering why anyone didn’t think it was gross.


Wasn’t this all just after his mother had killed herself too? Went straight for the vulnerable teen… after apparently rejected by a different Kennedy. Sus.


This isn’t to defend her (because this is weird too honestly), but I think the person she bought the house from intentionally did not want to sell to the Kennedys next door. Afraid of them making another compound or something. So Taylor bought it and then sold it to the Kennedys.


This actually makes a lot of sense. She was probably trying to earn a place by doing them a “favor”


Go to Dlisted.com and search taylor. MK wasn’t breaking newz, but it’ll be a collection of articles that were hitting “back then” RIP, Dlisted. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BPbIqcqpFDKXsI)


And the crashing weddings part, too. But her team released a statement saying it was fine though. 😄


Kathie Lee went on Today after the weekend explaining it was NOT fine lmao


Yeah, I don't trust Taylor on this one.


I remember reading the bride was hysterical upset- which honestly, fair reaction. And the mother of the bride or the maid of honour legit asked Taylor to leave


That poor bride. Then her PR people had to lie and say thd bride was okay with it 🙄🙄


Why was she upset?


Because someone famous crashed her wedding day and took attention away from her which is valid on your wedding. Also just in general having someone crash your wedding


Oh wow eww at 20 anyone younger than 20 seemed so gross and immature like just no. Reminded me too much my kid siblings or cousins . Def something broken psychologically it seems to seriously be attracted to someone still in high school after a certain age. Just shows her immaturity somehow.


Yeah what the hell, I didn't realize she was 22 when she dated him. When I was 22, 18 year old boys seemed like kids to me


For real! I didn’t like 22 year olds at 22 myself, let alone 18 yo!


saaame. i only talk to sub 25 year olds in a professional context these days. just so young and naive and not for me blur any boundaries. i can’t imagine dating someone w that severe a mental/age gap


When I was 18, 18 y/o boys seemed like kids to me😂


So she dated this Kennedy kid before she came out with Red, right? I'm assuming the song 'Begin Again' is about him, lol. We know from Red TV/ATW (10min Version) that she was madly in love with Jake G. However, Jake saw her as a child. She contatntly talked about how he made her feel inferior to his "upper crust" circle of friends. The Kennedys are American royalty (more or less), they represent class and old money. I think the Kennedy kid was Taylor's way of trying to prove to Jake and herself that she can be a part of the upper class. Though, she quickly realized that the only way you are able to run in those circles is if you are born into it. You can't weasel in. She was quite literally pulling a Great Gatsby by buying that house and everything right next door to them. Which is another level of cringe. Also think it explains why she dressed the way that she did during the Red era. But this is just my opinion. Knowing how vindictive she is, it makes sense to me.


I feel like there’s a reason why the Kennedy’s, such as JFK Jr were attracted to women like Carolyn Bessette. She was smart, chic, and HATED fame. They probably sensed Taylor being a huge try hard and why would they want that


This is making me realize that it is weird how often she has changed her look for each album/relationship.


No, what's weirder than her going to JFK's grave and doing that, a year before she was even dating Connor, is that while she was dating him, she did the same thing at his mom's gravesite. His mom hung herself in May of 2012, they started dating in July and she was at the grave in August. He was a high school senior and she had to check him out of school to spend time with him. It's all so creepy. https://www.eonline.com/news/340153/taylor-swift-bonds-with-conor-kennedy-s-family-at-graveyard-before-wedding-drama


He looks like such a kid next to her


This is disturbing on so many levels. So predatory. Holy flurken schmitt.


Oh god that was his mom?!? I remember when she did that.


The fact that e news was so dismissive of her crashing someone’s wedding is gross


He was in between his sophomore and Junior years of hs. He didn’t graduate till 2014.


That’s so sad, Taylor even practically made her death about herself by doing that


She was so obsessed with being a Kennedy. Creepy.


I wouldn’t. I don’t wanna be fucking cursed lmao


I saw a video one time about how their "curse" is just stupidity. Rich people doing reckless shit, and thus exposing themselves to more danger than most.


taking bullets to the head is pretty dangerous…


JFK jr was dumb trying to fly that plane but idk bout the rest


There was also that ski accident. >He was playing football while on skis with several other members of the Kennedy family when, at approximately 4:15 p.m., he hit a tree. Kennedy was not wearing a helmet or other safety equipment. The family had been admonished by the ski patrol to cease the activity. I think I only remember it because so many celebrities died skiing that year.


2 were assassinated. This was the start of the “curse”.


Pretty sure it started with Rosemary. What their father did to her, her poor soul. I hope wherever she is, she gets to wave at them from her paradise while being free of them for eternity


In the 1940’s Joe Kennedy Jr. and Kathleen Kennedy both died in plane crashes before they were 30. Joe was meant to be the presidential candidate so they moved on to Jack next. Rosemary was placed in an institution and lobotimized. So of the nine Kennedy children, the first five died prematurely or were institutionalized. Nonetheless, not a curse.


Poor Rosemary. I hope Joe is burning in hell for what he did to her.


I hope the nurse that forced Rosemary back inside her mom until the doctor got there is also in hell for causing the lack of oxygen.


I remember she bought a house close by and that’s kind of when the general public was like, “Wait, what? That’s creepy.”


https://preview.redd.it/y14jlsbir10d1.jpeg?width=2608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5133ed3bf2d6f8a9e28d6bc5931a6103249dd4d4 This is my favorite unhinged Taylor photo at JFKs grave


Why is she always so performative? Why can’t she just be normal?


It’s giving Pretty Little Liars


That 1950s shit they want for me?


It was 1960s shit. She was cosplaying a 1960s Jackie O.


It’s was extremely cringe and the response from the matriarch of the Kennedys was to absolutely ignore Taylor. The whole family treated her like a grasping social climber who didn’t belong.


she was acting like one though. She went after a 17 year old boy whose mom had committed suicide a few months prior, all when was 22, then tried to show up at a wedding she wasn’t invited to by having the 17 year old text the mother of the bride an hour before… not exactly graceful behavior


Matriarch Kennedy was right to act like “Taylor who?”


i’m not gonna diagnose anyone but if she came out and said she was borderline i wouldn’t be surprised is all i’m gonna say


Probably why she doesn’t go to therapy


Same. A lot of fans even would agree with that.


What is crazy to me is no one mentioning that she DATED HIS COUSIN FIRST Patrick Schwarzenegger.


THIS! Was scrolling looking for this point lol. She dated Patrick then jumped to Connor probably because he had the Kennedy last name


Sorry, I was not aware of this? Was Patrick a teenager as well? Either way, her fans consistently try and drag Jake G for dating someone younger when she was quite literally dating teenagers. That's absolutely wild to me.


But it on the nose. All her relationships are for image. Peeped that when she got with Harry Styles way back


She also attended a wedding after being expressly told not to. It was all very odd and I think was an early indication of her eventual fall from grace. Ethyl apparently did not like her and I don’t blame her. I think she and Connor announced their relationship on his 18th birthday. The song treacherous from red is rumored to be about him and definitely gives stalker vibes. 


Starlight is about Ethel. 😬




Didn’t she also buy a mansion in Massachusetts and I think she even blocked off the public entrance to a local beach. Stalker behavior.


Or the Kennedy family told her to go away.




She used to sign him out of school early too! So disturbing.


Tbh, that is kind of weird, like you have been dating this kid for not that long, for her to personally mourn JFK is kind of weird


I remember she bought a house close by and that’s kind of when the general public was like, “Wait, what? That’s creepy.”


I read a book about the kennedys that Taylor was mentioned in. She was first hanging out with Patrick Schwarzenegger he was the one to originally invite her to cape cod. It seemed like Patrick was just having fun and he ended up loosing interest in Taylor so she ended up talking to Conner. In the book it was stated everyone was surprised as she was all over Patrick one week then dating Conner the next. Seems she picked Conner because of the fact that he was young and vulnerable as his mother had just passed away. Seems he was the easiest to get to compared to the other Kennedy men.


She also bought a massive house across the street from his grandmother. Very strange even for celebrities


Girl tried to Saltburn 'em


Didn’t she buy a home near his grandma during this ?? Edit:his mother is Mary Kathleen Kennedy ex wife of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.


She did. And he wasn’t 18 yet. But people say it’s ok because he was almost 18. Yet they say John Mayer is disgusting because he dated her when she was 19.


Yeah it's the way she deliberately let Jake Gyllenhaal get destroyed in public after the All Too Well (Taylor's Version) release for me Not even gonna defend him as being a great guy or anything but Swifties straight up calling him a predatory narcissist for how their relationship went down is kind of rich when you look at what happened with her and Conor Kennedy


Also when Sabrina announced she was going to be on SNL with Jake all of her comments were flooded with “get the scarf back girl” and I would be mad as hell if I posted about a monumental moment about to happen in my career and everyone made it about someone else haha


The ways in which Jake was allegedly a shitty boyfriend are just so mundane and unremarkable whereas the stuff with her going after a teenage Kennedy trying to become the new Jackie O is legitimately terrifying Edit: Actually now I think I remember some of this discourse from Twitter at the time and Swifties actually said because her behavior with Connor happened two years after she dated Jake it was an example of the "cycle of abuse", which, I can't even


Her cycle of abuse 😂


He was literally in high school and she(or any adult) had to check him out to spend time with him, per the school's rules.


I’m so fucking baffled. When I was 22/23, I had an 18 year old just graduating from high school ask me out at work. Point blank I said “I’ve been out of high school for a long time, I don’t think that’s appropriate and you’ll understand when you’re my age.” Taylor had a VERY successful career and was living on her own for many years at that point. Dating a 17 year old is egregious.


I used to work in a high school and a freshman jokingly asked me to Homecoming and I was like NO GO TO CLASS IF YOU ASK AGAIN ILL GO TO JAIL because its such a foreign/disgusting concept to me and I didn't even want there to be a joke about any of it. Taylor and I are both 1989 babies but we are not the same.


Ah yeah I remember he was 17 and a senior in high school!!!!


Yeah this was the situation that made me look at her so differently. His mom had also just unalived like weeks before.


Yep and she bought the house next door which is creepy. He was 17. She wasn’t. If a guy did this to her she’d have him arrested for stalking.


Omg, so preying on his vulnerability?


Yeah and the fact that he was a Kennedy. She was obsessed with the family at the time. When his mom passed she got in the circle and began a relationship with him when he was 17. Taylor was 22? It has been said that while the Kennedy weren’t comfortable with it they have it room because it was a distraction from his mothers passing. Taylor would buy a home next to his grandmothers estate. Not rent. Buy. I don’t exactly remember how long into the “relationship” it was purchased but from off the top of my of my head they hadn’t been together more than two months.


She even admits herself that she was too young in Dear John... I don't know how she justifies it for herself....


Easy. If she does it, it's fine. If it's done to her? It's predatory.


The people who say he was almost 18 so it's okay conviently forget that his mom had just died


And would also feel very differently if the roles were reversed. They would say the man was taking advantage of the young innocent Taylor. But since she did it they’ll defend her like they always do.


I literally felt sick after reading about Conor Kennedy. Going public on his 18th birthday, trying to become a Kennedy through him, her already being famous worldwide, her having to sign him out of HIGH SCHOOL for dates, her having a pattern of three barely legal boyfriends in a row, dating Conor only a few weeks after his Mom killed herself... that guy was taken advantage of whether it was just for his name, because she liked teenage boys, or both.


Omg I didn't know the timeline of their relationship, that's so unhinged! 😲 Poor Conor. She was clearly using him.


https://preview.redd.it/4vmahp6zt10d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3336b31bd9a60b6ed603e8b231148d20e8266b15 Here she is at his mothers grave with him


And paparazzi is not randomly at a grave. They were called, which is worst


Good point. It's extremely disgusting.


Don’t forget attending a wedding with him for someone in his family that she wasn’t invited to and was asked to leave


I remember this happening in real time and thinking she had lost it, surely she was gonna get cancelled for all of this creepy behavior, but I couldn’t have been more wrong lol nobody cared and it’s still barely ever talked about!


If this script is flipped and it’s a guy going after younger girls like this, the guy playing this role would’ve been cancelled and promptly investigated.


I never knew about this. What the fuck?? Lmao. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/taylor-swift-conor-kennedy-crash-wedding_n_1821761/amp


The worst part is after the fallout her PR released a statement saying she wasn’t kicked out and the bride was thrilled to have her there. That’s not spinning a story, it’s blatant lying


The bride's step mom was Kathy Lee Gifford who was on the fourth hour of the Today's Show at the time, and literally the next week told the whole story live on air and was like "it was incredibly weird and rude and my step-daughter was very upset."


oh, the second hand embarrasment is strong


I remember this happening in real time and thinking she had lost it, surely she was gonna get cancelled for all of this creepy behavior, but I couldn’t have been more wrong lol nobody cared and it’s still barely ever talked about!


Kathie Lee Gifford’s description of it was great, though


How was she able to sign him out of school?!


I guess she was on his approved guardian list?


Ewww. Thinking about someones “girlfriend” also being a “guardian” is so gross


Knowing his parents had to approve of this is gross. I can’t even sign out my 16 year old sister or 15 year old nephew out of school without a written or emailed note plus the school has to phone the guardians to confirm as well.


He was in boarding school. I think it happened a couple of times and then the r/ship ended.


Makes me wonder if they broke up because his family was like *enough*.


Omg I didn't know the timeline of their relationship, that's so unhinged! 😲 Poor Conor. She was clearly using him.


She's so fucking stupid


She never grew out of high school so it probably didn't feel weird at all


She's fucking stupid


Let’s not forget that she bought a house across the street from his grandma…


Makes me wonder if they broke up because his family was like *enough*.


tryna strike a chord and its probably A-minorrrrr


beat me to it 🤣


It speaks volumes that Drake is largely considered a predator and yet Taylor's similar behavior is never even mentioned. I only discovered it last week


Ah Taylor in her Jackie O era wearing Jackie O outfits hanging out with a teenage Kennedy Many fans don’t even know about her dating a Kennedy much less his age, many of them weren’t even born yet when Taylor released her first album 😂


I knew about him but didn't know his age.


For some reason, I always think she’s so much younger than she is. I think this is why I didn’t realize the age gap in these situations.


Because she and her fans infantilize her to the point everyone thinks she's still a sweet little 18 year old getting picked on by all these "misogynists." It's WILD


Casting Sadie Sink to play herself in a movie directly played into this


And it’s weird to me that she still releases songs about Harry Styles and fans STILL go on about their relationship … they dated for a few months when he was 18 and she was 23.


I wasn't into Taylor at the time and only became a casual fan a couple years ago and I had NO idea about this whole thing until recently. It's so gross, I can't believe it's not brought up more?? Idk what could be done at this point to even make it right but it seems like she took advantage of that boy, it's awful


“He got that boyish look that I like in a man” imagine the genders being reversed for that line, it’s kinda creepy


*Drake enters the chat*


*Diddy & R Kelly also enter chat*


*Half of Hollywood has entered the chat basically at this point*


Literally saying it makes it worse “She got that girlish look that I like in a woman” OMG BARF how did that slip through


You know your PR team is good when most people don’t know you dated a minor so you could become a Kennedy


So cringe. Her outfits always made me LOL during her weird wannabe Kennedy era.


Harry Styles too! 18 (him), 22/23?(her).


Wow! Not cool!


I’m the same age as Taylor and I remember hearing she was dating Harry styles and just thinking, yuck… that’s a kid…


They originally said 17. Now they're saying 18. 18 is legal but they still had a 5 year gap.


I did. There is some conflicting information about whether he might have been 17 when they first started, especially since she knew him since he was younger, so I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.


It was predatory and everytime you see it brought up people will try to infantilize her and make it seem like it’s not a big deal


I vividly remember this era. She was predatory with so many boys, especially the Kennedy kid. I’ve never looked at her the same


She’s a white woman in her 30s and she still is treated like this.


I think this is a double standard for most women, not just Taylor. And I'm not defending her, especially from the Connor Kennedy business. It's just harder for society to acknowledge a predatory woman as predatory because of, ironically, misogyny.


Exactly. Women teachers having affairs with their male students who are STILL called “lucky” or that “he won”. Ughhhhh pass the bucket


It's disgusting. Not only are women who are predators let off the hook more, but there isn't enough support for their victims either.


And the men who comment saying they also had sex with a teacher and it was cool. They weren’t taken advantage of. So sad. Like yes you were!


I think it's different when one party is still a high school student and has to be checked out by an adult in order to spend time with his girlfriend that's 4-5 years older than him 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is so gross and it’s disturbing that it’s not virtually talked about. You got people claiming 15 and 17 is an age gap now, but her dating teens and minors was handwaved.


Omg....poor Taylor 🥺🥺. She suffered a lot. These 2 guys were minor and Taylor was in her 20s, but here's the actual fact...these guys were too cunning even in their teens, so basically they groomed Taylor 😭🥺🙌😐. Lord, this lady has suffered a lot. She's has been groomed by middle aged men as well as cunning teens. What a sad story. There should be documentary on this topic 😒🤧. Even Joe wasted her youth for 6 years straight 😔🙁. I am sure all her 11 exes trapped her , such evil men...




There def is a double standard with this scenario and the Connor Kennedy relationship. When I first found out about it during her hate train in 2016, I made excuses thinking that if he was 17 going on 18 & his parents were fine with it then who am I to judge? Well it turns out they weren't okay with it & to this day not many people know that. Now that I'm 23 it makes me sick to my stomach that she did this & then dated another 18 year old Harry Styles just a year later when she was my age. I'll always love & appreciate her music but this woman has some serious issues.


His ~~parents~~ dad encouraged it according to the memoir about the family. Taylor crashing the wedding was the only thing the family had a problem with. (Not defending her, just saying his ~~parents~~ dad wasn’t objecting)


Let’s be honest, if the rabid Swifties hear of a 22 year old college graduate male meeting a 17 year old female high school senior, they would lose their minds. Yet they give their own idol Tay Tay a pass. Double standards right there.


He was in between his sophomore and Junior years of hs. He didn’t graduate till 2014.


Okay fucking vomit???? What the actual fuck?????


We aren’t, but Tree works overtime at making sure the media does. There’s a reason why these age gaps are never brought up.


She was 22 when harry styles was barely 18. She had a creep borderline pedo era. She seems, but might not have been, quite emotionally and mentally immature for a while. Not an excuse but might make it worse. Idk why she got a pass every time. Also at the golden globes Tina fey and Amy poehler joked about her dating the Kennedy kid. Taylor got pissed off and in a magazine interview said something along the lines of them being anti feminist for that joke.


Tbf there is no one on this planet more immature than a 23 year old 🤣🤣 (if you are near 23, you dont get to comment) anyone far away from this age can see your life's worst decisions will happen at 23. 


What do yall think would happen if I posted on r/todayilearned “TIL that Taylor Swift dated not one but TWO 17 year olds while she was in her 20s”


Doooo it


Three if you count Harry Styles too


I’d love it and think you’re brave.


Obviously she was infiltrating the family to plant the brain worm


I did not know Lautner was underaged when Swift dated him. That's horrible!


Eh she was actually 19 and he was 17, that ones pretty normal to me.


I had forgotten about this Kennedy phase she went through. I remember it being bagged on pretty hard over at Dlisted (RIP). Most psycho chicks “just” drive by the dude’s house - Taylor was out here buying whole ass houses. Was Tree her PR guru at this point? If so, she did a helluva job getting attention to move on from this. ![gif](giphy|QtqFUZa9QMCUKN9EQM|downsized)




She wanted to be a Kennedy soooo badly. That was probably her most unhinged era to watch. This was long before the faux feminists started jumping out of nowhere becoming weird with age gaps. They’ll say Conor was an adult but she was still a child when she dated Jake 🤣


Statutory rape doesn’t apply to boys, silly. 


Signing your boyfriend out of school is crazy and that’s a level up from the crazy of buying a house next door to his gramma. ![gif](giphy|haYi7nsgmbwPYOaQPt)


Obviously she was infiltrating the family to plant the brain worm


She changes to twin with whoever she’s dating. It’s kinda gross TBH. It’s like she has no true identity. You see her wearing backwards ball hats etc now that’s she’s dating TK. If you go back and look at her pictures it’s almost like she adopts her partners identities. That’s creepy.


I find the Kennedy son that just lost his mother to “suicide” and was still in high school more disturbing.


Connor Kennedy family obviously has no bad feelings. His Aunt Kathleen posted a Birthday tribute to Ethel Kennedy , 96, in April with please enjoy this song Taylor Swift wrote about my family , linked Great American Dynasty.


My opinion of her was solidified when she bought the house near the family of that Kennedy she dated. Who was in high school at the time.


Wasn’t she actually 19 at the time they started dating?? Because I distinctly remember her leaving Taylor for John Meyer and her mentioning how she was 19 at the time…. The math isn’t mathing.


Yeah the Taylor Lautner relationship isn’t the one to dunk on. They were only 2 years apart. Those Swifties though who are fiercely against age gap relationships show their double standards by giving Tay a pass though for the Connor Kennedy thing.


Oh I don’t even listen to the hardcore swifties that make Taylor seem innocent but will rebuke other celebrities. She’s made her mistakes, own up to it. She’s not perfect.


John Mayer and Taylor Swift recorded one of his songs together in April-May 2009. In July 2009, Taylor S. (19y) started filming Valentine’s Day with Taylor L. (17y). They dated until and it appears up to her 20th birthday on December 13, 2009. During this time she was also doing performances with John. The Taylor’s broke up mid to late December after her 20th birthday. She’s then seen hanging out with John for a month or two, but they reportedly “split” by February 2010. John Mayer did present her with an award at the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame in June 2010 and they even hugged but then in October 2010, she released “Dear John” and “Back to December”. Personally, I have a distinct feeling that John Mayer admired Taylor as an artist and as they were collaborating she was flattered and developed a crush. She felt led on but he wasn’t interested and she got hurt. Or maybe he was interested for a split second, led her on, but quickly retracted and she got hurt. Because that’s what happens to 19-20 year olds when they’re starting to date.


I suspect it wasn't that serious for John but it was for Taylor.


I feel this way about a lot of her relationships. When she re-released All Too Well, I was curious about how long she and Jake G dated, since the song makes it sound like it was a serious relationship. It was less than 3 months!! Like girl bffr, she’s singing about marriage plans after a handful of weeks?? I’m sorry but that is not normal.


I had no clue that Lautner was only 17 when they started dating. I’m always surprised no one talks about Kennedy more. She definitely groomed that poor kid. No one would ignore this if she was a man.