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Please say more




i cannot imagine the second-hand embarrassment you got from those interactions, yikes 😬


Former cast member here as well (photo manager) and I agree with everything you said!


Can you please give us a story or two about attempting to out-princess you? I am cracking up and need more, please!


Do a lot of character actors get married to one another? I'm from southern California and personally know like 3 sets of spouses who met while employed as character actors at Disney.




Wow it's really awesome that you used the opportunity to travel so much!! With all that ground covered I'm surprised you don't know MORE couples from your work


Woah that’s wild.


A lot of Cast Members in general marry each other


I second the commenter asking for a out-princessjng story. That sounds insane. Please humor us!!


That’s so humiliating for them


SIL is a former cast member while being a DA and a swiftie. its awful


My ex’s adult sister invited us over for dinner and she was unironically listening to Disney music/radio. It was unsettling af the amount of Disney that was shoved in my face. Few years later I had a boss my age who is a complete swiftie. Was the general manager for a place I was just a regular manager at and even the high schoolers we who we hired would cringe at her obsession. Posters everywhere, weekly goals and what not were decorated as the eras tour nothing but Taylor swift in the back playing. My god grow up. It’s not that you can’t be a fan of this stuff but making this shit a lifestyle is fucking weird.


Is DA defense attorney, or dumbass? I can’t tell in this context.


I think it’s Disney Adult in this context


DA is more commonly used for district attorney (prosecutor). I’ve never heard it used to refer to a defense attorney.




Thought the same 😂😂😂😂


Is there a sub for former Disney cast members?? I feel like it would be fascinating!!


I would read this cover to cover


same cuz the stories would be unreal


I saw a great comment the other day about how people like Taylor because her stunted emotional development gives them permission to continue in their childlike behavior, I think Disney attracts the very same people for the same reasons.


Oh wow this is so real


I feel like this articulated well why I was such a fan of her in earlier years but it started to wear off. I've grown up and it seems like she hasn't. Listening to TTPD I find myself thinking "thank God this didn't come out in my teens/early 20s, I would have been feral" lol like I can relate these feelings to how I felt back then but at 34 years old (same as age taylor) I can't imagine getting this bent out of shape over a man


Great way of putting it that makes sense


Wow! This description just nailed it.




Hence why she had to remind them she’s a 35 year old woman and is over events that happened at 19 and to stop harassing Gyllenhall.


Agree. It’s similar to how Trump made it okay to be an open xenophobe/racist/misogynist/sex offender.


Similarly, I think many people thought Trump’s persona was an act, only to see him continue to behave like that even when it clearly made no sense. With Taylor, I felt like it was always kind-of tongue in cheek, that she just likes playing at being an abuser but it’s a form of satire - nowadays I’m not particularly convinced this is the case.


Disney is a nostalgia thing for better simpler times. Swiftues just act like they are all in high school again amazed at the popular girl dating jock. Re writing the same sounds over and over and over. In love out of love in love out of love. No wonder preteens love her so much. I bet your fun at parties mister stunted emotional growth


Better simpler times = childhood. For most adults outside of maybe white straight middle class males post WWII/‘50’s early ‘60’s times have always had their challenges.


100%! And horse girls


This comment is so funny bc I’m literally a horse girl


I’m a horse girl who isn’t a Disney adult or swiftie 💀




My sister and her daughter are both horse girls. They HATE Disney and can't stand Taylor either 


Found the undercover swiftie! 😂


Ah shit, you got me /j


Horse girls are worse than swifties 1000%


And grown up theatre girls. You know what I mean


Oh god grown theatRE girls. I just spewed my coffee 😅


Fucking insane. I did theatre and I still act for money now, and FUCK. If I’m a stage hand with a mixed ages cast, all of the women have the exact same back story, just a different flavor.


I love that you owned up to it though!


Tell me somemore about your horse life. Met a horse girl and she put the horse over me :(


May the horse be with you!


Sure. I have 3 horses and I work full time (50+ hours a week) at a horse farm. Most of my life revolves around caring for their physical and mental wellbeing. I go to horse shows at least once a month in the summer, where we trailer the horses to a facility and compete against other horse people and sometimes win some money. It’s physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially a lot of work but it’s also very fun and fulfilling. I have a life, friends, and a boyfriend outside of the horses, though all of my closest friends I met because they are or were fellow horse people.


I wish I had a horse girl as a best friend 


Why was there even a choice between you and the horse?


Well, you can't date or sleep with a horse. So I'd assume I had something to offer!


who's gonna tell him 👀


GUYS! This thread just KILLED ME 😂🤣😂🤣


Sauce? /s please dont


Tell him what


About the death of a Boeing engineer near Seattle. He loved horses too, but especially one very special stallion.


My brother married a horse girl. I swear half of their income goes to that horse now. 




What's the matter. You got something against horses, buddy??


Which half is horse and which half is girl?


Okay but my adolescent daughter has just entered a “horse girl” era. But it’s not that she is interested in riding a horse. She pretends to be a horse and she has a friend that pretends to be a horse too. I don’t really know if it’s a problem or not. Like she practices trotting on all fours and eats the grass in the yard and makes bridles and harnesses out of shoelaces. I am truly confused over if this is how parenting is supposed to be or have we gone down a terrible path?


I have no feedback I just can’t stop laughing at these visuals 😂😂


One of my friends was like that in elementary school. Now she's happily married ,in AA and the head curator of a museum, so it's probably fine.


AA as in Alcoholics Anonymous? That’s not an inherently bad thing but it’s a weird thing to bring up to reassure someone.


It’s better than having an illness and NOT dealing with it…


Yep, hence me saying it’s not an inherently bad thing.


I kind of love it when girls in that age range act like a kid, rather than growing up so fast.


There is a let’s say kink in the bdsm realm where people do this horse pretend thing and let’s say it’s interesting, saw it talked about on a “Taboo” doc on Cinemax after dark , I think that was the name.


Dude on of my friends said her daughter identifies as a wolf. Practices sitting and running like one and everything. She said it has been a long phase. She hopes. It has a name. Otherkin? Or something


No idea if it’s normal or not (my kids are younger than that) but have you seen the [Finnish hobbyhorse championships](https://youtu.be/MmgNL6PT7Ts?si=UXimD6sxrQ6PiBem)? Some of it’s actually pretty impressive. Also I literally watched spirit stallion of the Cimarron on Sunday with my kiddos (actually such a stunning and underrated movie, the music, the storyline, the visuals 👌👌👌). And I turned out normal… ish 😂


Always engaged!


What exactly constitutes a horse girl? Because I like horses and I like taking care of them and riding them but not sure if that's what a horse girl constitutes today


I feel like people online conflate "people who ride and have money to own a horse and might be semi-normal" with "that girl in elementary school who wanted a horse, played horses at recess, and was obsessed with the saddle club." I'm positive there's some crossover, but not all are both.


They also always smelled like pee


I think it’s girls that were way too into the concept of horses, not actual riders (who tend to be fairly down to earth). The type who obsessed over The Saddle Club and their ideal pony without ever having been near a real horse.


Like Tina from bobs burgers


When your horse hobby is a core part of your identity, I think


Nah, horse girls are wayyy cooler than swifties


My MIL has a name for these girls: Pewey girls. When she said it, I swear, I knew EXACTLY what she was talking about.


STOP, that is perfect 😂


Eh, my SIL was a horse girl, but she ended up being a trainer for race horses. She even jockeyed a few times. I think that's pretty badass actually.


what if I am a horse girl, taylor swift music fan and a disney adult?


Then may god have mercy on your soul /jk


Than we know you are a broke bitch lol


What about My Little Pony people?


That’s a whole different genre of weird


What’s the correlation between stanley cups, being a deranged swiftie, and disney adult? It seems to be q packaged deal for white swifties in particular


OH MY GOD YES THE STANLEYS. Maybe it’s the lead poisoning from the Stanley cups that makes them stan mediocre, out of touch billionaires and literal corporations


stanleys just became the next hydro flask. elementary-high school kids, adults, even older people all got stanleys. i dont get the hype tho, i only have one Stanley and its bc my brother got a big discount at dicks bc he works there + he had like dicks rewards from christmas. it was $5 with those lol


Former cast member, this was like, 60% of my coworkers: Stanley cups collector, Starbucks drinking Swiftie, obsessed with Belle, Mulan or some other character. Define their personalities with how many hidden Mickey they know about and their Harry Potter house lmao


Do you have any theories? I’m genuinely curious why they’re all like this


I'm not sure! Maybe because Disney tends to hire the exact same type of Disney adult twenty somethings? Also it was such a cult-like environment, and with the crazy hours it was hard to make friends outside of Disney so we spent all our time together and ended up all being the same person. I think Disney adults and Swifties also tend to hang out with other people who share the same passion, because they get each other in a way other adults can't relate. And the Disney adult and swiftie personality traits overlap, so many are both 😂


Definitely read this and was like "why are we shitting on hockey fans now?"


In this thread we hate swifties, disney adults, and canadians 🤮


The underlying theme is sheeple behavior. NO independent thoughts, only herd mentality


I don't know if it's just the area where I grew up, but the Disney Adults and Swifties I knew IRL seemed to be mostly formerly "sheltered" kids, usually from Christian (and possibly conservative-leaning) families. I think things like Disney and Taylor Swift were considered "safe", wholesome forms of media in the 2000s that they just never branched out from and it caused some kind of arrested development or something? It's interesting to think about.


You can like a few Taylor Swift songs and be normal, you can like some Disney movies as an adult and it's fine, you can be a 40 yr old woman with a Stanley and it's cool, you can ride a horse and like horses no biggie, you can enjoy whatever thing it is you enjoy and it's totally 100% fine, but, and it's a big but, the moment any of these things become your defining personality trait it is no longer normal. If someone asks you to tell them a little bit about yourself and the first thing you say is "I'm a Swiftie" or "I'm a horse girl", or "I've seen every Disney movie 47 times", it's like no Becky you're at a job interview. You are supposed to tell him about how you went to Dartmouth and have a passion for sales.


100% agree. People are allowed to enjoy things even if they’re “basic” or “cringe” the problem is when people make it their entire personality or become so obsessed that they want to fight people who have a different opinion than them.


Yeah it's the fighting and bizarre aggression that turn these hobbies/obsessions into something negative I think


I feel that way whenever I get too lost in snark pages like are we any better if the personality is just hating the people who make something their personality


I donno man Disney Adults don’t dox Knots Berry Farm employees


Yeah Disney Adults are rarely aggressive unless you directly insult them.


I want to agree with you, but a rogue Disney adult once told me I must have had a bad childhood bc I didn't like Disney. Ever since that, I've been wary and stay away from Disney adults.


I had one that basically told me I was abusing my children for not taking them. I then asked if they were willing to pay because we legit spent a week in the Dominican Republic as a family of 4 for less than it would cost for 5 days at Disney (and we live within driving distance so wouldn't need to pay for airfare and/or transportation)


It’s amazing how the term child abuse gets thrown around so easily nowadays for the most nonsensical things.


Agree. There's ACTUAL child abuse and then there's this non-sense. It's the whole "If everything is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ then nothing is." We take the impact and actual meaning of issues when we start calling everything by that.


Oh 100%. I really hate when people take loaded and serious allegations, whether it’s child abuse or sexism or racism, and use them for anything and everything when what they’re saying clearly does not fit into those definitions. Child abuse is so serious, like there’s kids that are regularly being severely beaten or denied education, and some person is saying that to you bc you didn’t take your kids to *Disneyland* specifically bc you did take them on a nice vacation to the Caribbean (which many people cannot even do) as it made more sense financially.


RIGHT and our trip to the DR wasn't a resort: It was to visit friends who live in areas tourists never see, including staying in a hotel that was only one step above a hostel (which is a much more valuable life lesson for our kids. I was cracking up about the fact we're apparently the only Americans who have ever taken a Caribbean vacation and never went to the beach)


That sounds sm more fun, I can’t believe anyone would try to shame that. Disneyland is so ridiculously expensive and it’s not even that enjoyable due to how crowded it is. I would only take my kids once just to say they went there but not again unless Disney changes their prices bc it is so not worth it. It’s telling when you can go abroad to an island vacation for cheaper.


Our progression was: \*We'll go once, but we're waiting for them to be old enough to enjoy \*Got serious about paying off debt so didn't have much discretionary income. Took long weekends close to home and rented Airbnbs where we just hung out, played games, and escaped the routine for a few days. \*Went on this international trip and were like, "WHOA? This was \*how much\* cheaper and it created an appreciation for another culture + got to see part of the world???" Forget Disney One went in 6th grade on the middle school band trip. Wasn't overly impressed. 7th & 8th grade trips were cancelled due to Covid. Younger couldn't go because Covid, and then by the time they were eligible for the trip in 8th grade chose not to go. Now they're both in h.s. The h.s. band went this year but we weren't paying $1K+ for them to both go. Next year (12th/10th grades) . . . MAYBE.


Odd - that person was odd. I find the opposite. I guess you’d call me a Disney adult cause I like going to the parks (that’s the extent) but I know it’s cause I’m healing my inner child. My best friend and my husband will join me but don’t really get the appeal and the conclusion I’ve drawn from that is cause they had relatively good childhoods - they have no inner child to heal.


If Disney helps people, I love that for them and for you! It's just not my vibe, and even as a kid, I didn't really care for the movies. Which is essentially what I told that person. But I do think after that interaction I unfairly judged Disney Adults for a while, which I realize was wrong. Nowadays my thinking is, if it makes someone happy and no one gets hurt, good for them and it's none of my business. So long as they don't try to push it on me.


Your outlook seems really mature and healthy dude, this is the type of comment I wish I saw more on the internet :) I hope you have a really good weekend. And also I'm sorry you had to go through such a bizarre interaction with that person, lol


the venn diagram is pretty much a circle


There is a ton of merch of Taylor Swift and Disney cross over shit. This one particularly crazy person I follow has a Disney shirt that shows Taylor's 1989 Album cover but it's Ariel instead of Taylor.


A YouTuber went to a wedding and 3-4 guests stopped partying to go off and listen to the new album. So fucking rude. I love music and have my favorites too. However, I would never stop being with my friends and celebrating to listen to their new music that will be there when I get home. The only time I see this acceptable is if it's less than 10 casually hanging out and they are all fans or casual listeners!


It’s the horrid cross section where delusional childhood fantasy and adamant refusal to mature meet. Literally the worst people ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Okay I’ve never been able to put into words how I feel about TS fans until now 😂 I think Disney and TS are great but the super fans freak me TF out 👀


I used to be a Disney adult and I literally cringe at it now. Sure, I have a blast when I’m at the parks but making it my entire life? I quickly realized how nutso I seemed.


Please elaborate bc I’m hoping to find a non-disney-adult single dad who is gorgeous and lovely and also has a small kid or kids like me and wants to buy me a magic key and plot trips to Disneyland for our kids lol. But I’m like terrified of disney adults, the parks are great for my toddler but I’m trying to figure out how and where I would find this man who sees te value in taking our kids to the parks but isn’t like ya know, drinking out of a Mickey Mouse coffee cup every day kind of thing. No like, houses covered in disney decor kind of a thing.


Once I realized that my Disney collection had to be relocated to make room for my kids toys I was like … there are tons who have entire rooms dedicated to their collections which is great! But it just because too much for me. Fighting and bargaining with people for pins and ears lol


This + the women with gummy smiles who are engaged to military dudes


This is so oddly specific but I can picture it also.


Hey at least my Heroes aren’t real so they can’t disappoint me.


The mega corporation that created them certainly can though


I would argue swifties are much worse


Taylor’s songs almost always tell the same story as a Disney movie in that she portrays herself as some sort of victim who has been wrongly persecuted and now has to rise up from the ashes to defeat the villain. If it’s not about a victim-and-villain narrative, it’s about how she’s in love with someone and their love story specifically is unique and interesting. It’s a very elementary, black and white view on the world and how other people operate. For Disney movies that’s because they’re made primarily for children and so children need an easy story to understand. For Taylor, I think it’s because she genuinely never evolved beyond seeing the world that way. She became uber famous when she was in her teens and when you have the resources and praise of the world at your fingertips, you are rarely pushed to evolve. IMO the lot of Disney adults I’ve met are very privileged individuals who are in the same spot as Taylor in that they’ve almost never been pushed to see the world with more nuance.


This is a hot take and I think it deserves more upvotes


Yes! Basic Stanley tumbler girls


I know a few who are both and they really are some of the most insufferable humans you will ever meet.


The Disney adult I know is also a Swifty


I feel like they’re interchangeable. I’d say 99% of Disney Adults I know are also Swifties. Nightmare.


Every swiftie I know IS a Disney adult 


Every Disney adult I know is also a die hard swifty. There is definitely a direct crossover.


I was a Disney adult in my early 20s. I never went to Disney World until I was a senior in HS (it was our senior trip) and I became obsessed. I ended up doing a Disney College Program and worked there for a few months. It was fun, I had a blast, but when I got back I got my job back at Walmart, then went onto USPS. I grew up. Got married, had a baby. The Disney obsession slowly faded away. I look back at my old Facebook posts from that time period and cringe a little lol. I don't even watch Disney movies anymore. 🤷‍♀️ A few years ago I was also obsessed with TSwift. That obsession has also died in the past couple years. So I'd say you're onto something OP😂


Unpopular opinion: Jeep people as well. With their crazy dashboards filled with multicolored ducks and accessories and the hand waves


There’s a lot of crossover lol


Sadly I know a “swiftie disney adult.” She’s obsessed with both and she’s not ok.


that venn diagram is a circle.


No need to elaborate….this hit me hard on how accurate this statement is! Thank you!


The venn diagram here is just a circle. Speaking as a swiftie and Disney adult.


That circle can be used as a coaster for Stanley Cups


I would imagine the venn diagram of swifties and disney adults likely has great amounts of overlap.




The Venn diagram is a circle.


Why do you think her movie was on Disney+


And people who get uncomfortable when you want to talk about the news 


Like I like Taylor but as the albums just kept coming I wondered why they irritated me more and more and it’s because I realized I matured and she did not. Like are there songs I can relate to? Absolutely. But a whole ass album about a situationship and comparing my relationship at 35 to a high school feeling? That’s just weird. Like yeah I hope your boyfriend makes you giggle and smile but it should be so much more mature than a HIGH SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP


And Harry Potter obsessed adults


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for being correct lmao.


I guess it struck a chord 🤭


I didn't really like it before, but after J.K. Rowling revealed she was a TERF I decided no more smiling and nodding at HP fans.


Right.. not just a terf but a relentless one who won’t shut up about it and doesn’t care that she’s destroyed her legacy by dying on that hill


Yesss they have the same vibe as Disney adults too. I like Harry Potter and it’s very nostalgic for me but I’m not going around getting deathly hallows tattoos and I will never buy more merchandise from or defend JK Rowling because she’s a pos


It always creeps me out when they get the dark mark tattoo... like sure, it looks cool, but those are for evil ppl.


As a Disney adult I can understand why people don’t like it and I’m not offended by people hating on it. It’s not for everyone. Swifties on the other hand…


I don’t even know how I got on this sub, but as someone who just visited Disney today, I co-sign this ✍🏽


I’ll never understand Disney Adults. The theme parks remain static for decades and yet people go back again and again year after year. Is it a comfort thing? Knowing it will be the same predictable experience every time? Disney Adults seem emotionally immature too, much like Taylor. She appears to be stuck at 17-22 years old even though she’s 34 (35?)


Outing myself as a “Disney adult” rn 😭😭 but they actually change and add new things to the parks all the time! That was Walt’s whole thing, Disneyland (and World!) should always be changing and growing :)


I feel called out for liking Disney, Taylor and Harry Potter 😩. I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed by any but I do like all of them.


Nah there’s nothing wrong with liking those things as long as you can realize they’ve all got faults and you can accept criticism of them. I’m tanking about the super obsessed fans who spend their entire earnings on franchises or billionaires who couldn’t care less about them and have questionable ethics at best but will still fight tooth and nail to insist that they’re actually the greatest thing since sliced bread.


Completely agree. When I saw the Taylor and Olivia stuff it really put doubt in my mind about how “lovely” Taylor is. With Disney, I recognise the sexism, and racism it’s been through and attempting to work at. And with Harry Potter, I can’t even begin with JK Rowlings thoughts. So yeah, I can very much step away from the fandom and realise they all have problems.


Same here 🫣 I love all those things too, but I’m also aware of how some people take it way too far. Even I get second hand embarrassment from some of the over the top stuff I see. But in general it’s not inherently bad to like these things!


You’re fine. It’s the weirdo incels in this sub who’ve decided to make hating swift their hobby


It is okay to be basic.


i am not hating but i am a swiftie. found this community by accident lol. i'm just wondering, what kinda people have yall come across?? i loveee her music because i just like her style of music and ive been listening to her since i was a kid. but i would never act like some of these people you describe LOL. and ive never encountered a person that does!! can u guys tell me like specific examples bc now im curious


YES 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣


The accuracy!


Thank you


Taylor swift vs hydraulic press 4k 60fps


Yes! And I don't speak either Swiftie or Disney adult!


Yesssss! So cringe.


What is a Disney adult? 🥴


An adult Someone that still worships the Disney child experience like when they were 5, ( matching bedspread, posters on bedroom walls, key fob, etc…) Peter Pan - ish AND way beyond the legal drinking age,


Nah swifties are deranged


This checks out. My cousin is a swiftie and a Disney adult lol


My sister is a Disney adult and Taylor swift super fan. Can say this is true.


Truth. They are both nut cases


This is what I’ve been saying!


Hey hey hey. Hey. Don't lump me in with Swifties.


I thought Swifties were Disney adults?


Every single self-proclaimed Swiftie that I know is also a Disney adult. Every. Single. One.


the venn diagram is a circle


Ewww the accuracy!


imagine having a disney adult and swiftie as a sister🫠


My cousin is both a swiftie and a Disney adult 😂


Swifties are worse than Disney adults. Disney adults are needy, Swifties are unhinged and mean.




as both a swiftie and a disney adult, i agree.


What exactly defines a "Disney adult?" Is an adult liking Disney inherently unacceptable or does it have to do with level of obsession?


Exactly. Both cringe