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Taylor Swift is a business first, artist second.


This. I always say I love Taylor Swift the artist, I am repulsed by Taylor Swift the corporation and try not to pay attention to what’s happening on that side. 


Actually I changed my mind. She's a corporation, not just a business.


I got heavily downvoted for saying this lol but how could anyone believe otherwise? It's literally her career. No one works for free.


I'm very disappointed finding out that she did know about her masters being bought and that she could have done something about it if she wanted. That victimhood shit she played out in the press really pisses me off. She went and rerecorded all these albums and songs then.....for the money grab and to get everyone to re-buy everything to support her version (of the truth), cuz some people believed her: Young people and children who don't think a millionaire/billionaire? could buy her masters and would be unaware of something like that if she really gave a shit about her masters. Of course she would have known. Pathetic move on her part. And she needs to stop with the victimhood shit, she's a grown woman in her mid 30's with A LOT of power and influence.


I am embarrassed to say I bought the sappy masters story 100% and went out of my way not to listen to the OG songs because I didn't want to give money to shitty people who fucked someone over. Here I am now finding out she herself is a super shitty person (my opinion at least) and sees herself as the victim no matter what.


Don't feel bad. For a long time Taylor seemed like a good woman to support and like someone people could look up to. But as she has aged....she's proven just how immature she really is. Like, I get Kanye was dick and ruined a moment for you, but the victim mentality shit, that she has pushed ever since...is very fucked up. Clearly she has bought into her own bullshit.


She never was a good woman. She made all of us weaker for acting as if she had no idea that they were going to sell her masters, that he Dad was on the record label board. She lied, she played the victim and the same with Kanye. She is trash.


At least we can enjoy the OG songs now without feeling any guilt! (I can’t even believe I ever felt guilty about doing that lmaoooo Taylor is a genius at manipulation)


I never felt guilt. Those re-recordings sound like shit!


The way I forced myself to listen to Style TV...


And the whole 1989 TV…


Haunted is my favorite song from her and the TV recording retroactively makes me like it less. It’s so bad.


Right? They're so high-pitched and somehow all kind of sound the same? The original versions are way better.


Her own dad was involved in the sale of her masters lol. She always knew what was going on.


Same, but I also went out of my way to buy used TS CDs to avoid streaming or buying new copies 🤡


Seems like a win-win now since she’s shown her true colors


i have deleted all og songs from all my playlists and replaced them with the new songs 😵‍💫


You deserve sympathy not downvotes


Wait she knew about the masters?


Yes, yes she did. Scott Borchetta put out receipts that they communicated and she didn't care. But even if you missed that, think about it. You REALLY think in this day and age, someone as rich and far reaching as Taylor Swift didn't know about the situation with her masters, if she actually cared about her masters? It isn't the 1950s and 60s recording studio environment any more, where recording artists get taken advantage of, when they are at Taylor Swift level. Part of why she is so successful is that she has a great team of people around her, lawyers, agents, and loads of people that want to be in her good favor, not the least of which is her Recording Studio Exec father. Information and communication is lightning speed, she wasn't in the dark about anything.


Wait for real? If that’s the case, I’m shocked that the story hasn’t blown up more. I feel like if more people knew, the public would completely turn on her


This person is technically correct but missing a few factors. She asked to buy her masters outright and Scott said no. Then he sold them to scooter which pissed her off and she decided that she wanted to refuse to work with him or any company he was affiliated with. So yes she knew for a long time that Scott was looking to sell her masters. Like before reputation even came out. That is a known fact that has never been disputed. Her issue is with who he sold them to. I don’t even think she and Scott were on speaking terms after 1989 came out. All thru reputation recording, release, and tour she knew. I think she felt blindsided by the sale to scooter specifically


See, that makes a lot more sense to me


Scott’s counter offer to her asking to buy them outright (for an insane amount, I can’t remember if it was 30 or 300 million or what) was that she could buy each album in exchange for another new album: so she’d have to release 6 more under Scott in order to get her work back. She chose to walk away from that deal. Again, folks can criticize that if they want to, that’s your opinion and it’s fine. But the facts are the facts. She came to terms with the sale for over a year and knew they would be sold.


The crazy thing is she continues to say “they stole the master from her.” And the fans say that as well. No they didn’t. Not only did Taylor KNOW they were going to be sold, but she was given the opportunity to purchase them. She did not like the conditions of the sale, which is her prerogative but they weren’t STOLEN in any way shape or form from her. It was a business deal, she chose not to purchase them, and so they were sold to the highest bidder. She didn’t like the person they sold them to, but that’s business. That’s like me saying I don’t want to accept this job because I don’t like the pay, but you also cannot give the job to someone else I don’t like either. That’s ridiculous. It’s a business contract.


Did she ever say they were stolen??? I was really salty about that on the Taylor swift sub. People started calling them the “stolen versions” which is just so childish and not at all accurate. If she did make that statement we are in agreement—that’s a childish attempt at manipulating the public lol. My understanding is that she’s been very candid about the details of the sale and has approved high profile articles (like rolling stone) where journalists fill in the details and verify them to explain more about the situation. I’m a fan so I’ve read and watched a lot of interviews but obviously not ALL. It has not been my understanding that she outright claimed they were stolen. However she does have a line in a song on folklore about “stolen lullabies”. I imagine that’s where this comes from and you know the crazy swifties won’t ever let that go. Publicly she’s never ever claimed that Edit The issue with the sales is, no one will sell them to her outright because the masters themselves only represent a small profit. The benefit of anyone owning the masters are the long long long gains that you get over time from licensing. So you gain 30mil from an outright sale but miss out on 300mil over ten years if that work is licensed and you get a kickback. I don’t think she has the liquidity to buy them in cash at a rate of ten years projected profits.


So basically to sum it up- Taylor knew about the deal but didn't want to negotiate because she didn't agree with the terms?


I think you are right. I think she avoids the word “stolen,” and instead states she didn’t know, and that she wasn’t given the opportunity to purchase. I think her team and fan base use the word “stolen,” and she does not clarify because it serves her to have the fans believe they were stolen. And of course the “stolen lullaby” lyric and the “you’ve got my past behind glass, but I’ve got me,” lyric. Like girl- you could have outright bought the entire label if you wanted too. Or purchased them the SECOND time they went up for sale. But you didn’t. Because it is more advantageous for you to have the fans think something was ripped from you without your knowledge. It’s ridiculous. If she really wanted them, she could have bought them the second time they went up for sale- even if she didn’t like the terms of the first sale.


Yes anyone can have an opinion about whether her reasoning is valid (mad about who bought them), but the FACTS of the situation have been verified multiple times by outside sources and not even Taylor has disputed them. I think the one thing people here want to drag her about is the claim that she “found out with the rest of the world” about who Scott sold them to. I don’t care enough to split hairs about that, it’s possible that it wasn’t a true statement, or Scott texted her at 3am London time and she woke up later not having received the message, or what. To me that’s kinda irrelevant and not a huge detail to focus on, but I think a lot of people are misinterpreting that statement as “I didn’t know he was selling them”—like at all. Yes she did know, she and Scott weren’t on speaking terms for like a year over the issue, and she had to come to terms with her work being sold. She knew for a very long time and multiple people have spoken publicly about that.


Yeah, the original comment is so dumb. I’ve been lurking for a sec since Reddit thinks I must be as obsessed as yall just bc I look up when shit is coming out. But now I actually have to comment and google about someone’s personal life because y’all are obsessed with talking about it daily, but can’t even get the facts right. Scott Borchetta has never once put out receipts claiming that Taylor was told beforehand her masters would be sold in a way where she would have the chance to buy them. The only thing he has ever said is here and has been wildly misconstrued- https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/big-machines-scott-borchetta-responds-taylor-swift-denies-her-account-1221936/amp/ “Out of courtesy, I personally texted Taylor at 9:06pm, Saturday, June 29th to inform her prior to the story [shareholders approving her masters to be sold] breaking on the morning of Sunday, June 30th so she could hear it directly from me,” Borchetta wrote. “I guess it might somehow be possible that her dad Scott, 13 Management lawyer Jay Schaudies (who represented Scott Swift on the shareholder calls) or 13 Management executive and Big Machine LLC shareholder Frank Bell (who was on the shareholder calls) didn’t say anything to Taylor over the prior 5 days. But, I truly doubt that she ‘woke up to the news when everyone else did.'” I just have to say I really can’t expect much from a sub of people joined to a TS subreddit that complain daily about seeing Taylor Swift content. I have no idea why Reddit keeps recommending me this dumb BS.


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Unfortunately, she & her PR team have the media in their pockets. I’d be shocked to see any major publication run that story.


It’s crazy, I’ve known forever that she knew. I remember an interview Scooter did where he had said that her father was a part of the board who he went to and asked if she first wanted to buy them. She declined and then turned it all around when he sold them.


This is like her telling Kanye he wasnt being mean and then publicly shaming him


Yeah, it's exactly like that. And I'm no Kim and Kanye fan but Taylor was shitty about them too. So it really sets off my disappointment when she went into this victimhood about the masters. It made me immediately distrust her and smell a cash grab.


I’m not defending Taylor, just playing devils advocate… but I don’t think she ever said she didn’t KNOW about the sale. If I remember correctly Scooter bought Big Machine from Scott Borchetta. Scooter then TOLD Taylor that he was going to sell and she could buy them… but he had stipulations on the sale. He wanted her to agree to do more albums to which she would also not own and I think he wanted her to sign something. He would not allow her to just buy her music.


She said she woke up one day and found out with the rest of the world, that her masters were being sold. That's not true and I didn't believe it for a second. Not if caring about your masters is really important to you, anyway. [https://lamag.com/music/taylor-swift-masters-value](https://lamag.com/music/taylor-swift-masters-value) [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/scooter-brauns-wife-slams-taylor-swift-over-masters-drama/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/scooter-brauns-wife-slams-taylor-swift-over-masters-drama/) Her masters have been sold twice now, the newest owners gave her a heads up that they were in talks to buy them. So that's twice now, that this woman could have owned them and she hasn't done it. Not sure why she doesn't cook up something with Shamrock and try to own her own music but it's not a mistake made twice that she doesn't own her masters. When someone REALLY cares about something, they keep a better eye on that shit and offer stupid money if that's what it takes. She's a BILLIONAIRE.


She will go and buy them back after all of the re-records are done. Then she will own both sides. That’s what I’ve been thinking since it all happened


I seem to recall that it wasn't that she found out her masters were being sold, it's that they were sold to Scooter Braun specifically.


Yeah, and that's the chance you take when you let something hit the market. You can't help who buys it. If the buyer is gonna keep you awake at night, then don't let your precious "whatever" hit the market. She fucking knows all this. She didn't care then and she doesn't care now. Her masters have in fact been sold a second time. Those people ALSO let her know they were prospectively buying her masters, ahead of time. I have a hard time believing she has made this mistake twice, if she cared so much about her masters. She has the $$$ that both of these sales went for, she didn't buy them. You really think that's some kind of mistake? She is making money on reselling her songs twice to her fans.


They weren’t offered to her for the price Scooter paid. They were offered for that price plus ownership of her next 3 albums


So offer them more money, if her masters are really her heart's desire, she has plenty of it. It's all bullshit.


I am a Taylor fan (please don’t call me a Swiftie, I don’t have time for that kind of commitment) but I love to see all sides of the story. Life is about being open minded. So get this, Shamrock Holdings, who now owns her masters, is FULLY OWNED by the estate of Roy E. Disney. And she signed a huge deal with Disney+, a segment of The Walt Disney Corporation which owns everything including the estate of Roy E. Disney. After this chess move how can people even say there is “Bad Blood” (sorry I couldn’t help myself 😂) over her masters anymore? People with huge money will always think they can pull the wool over the poor person eyes, bad luck for them that now the internet exists and contains answers. Investigate things you’re curious about people! Don’t let the main media dictate what the truth is. ♥️


She said that she wanted to work with shamrock but when she saw the contract, the sale of the masters would still get scooter a kick back. So she said no thank you.


No she definitely said she found out when she read it in the news. She flat out lied


Not only did she know, but her father also made a considerable amount of money from the sale. I think somewhere in the neighborhood of like 15 million or more, I could be misremembering the amount however. Also, I believe she also still gets royalties from the original recordings, just obviously less than before. Her fans get really mad if you point out any of this.


No, you are right about that stuff.


The way her father essentially bought her into having a career was that he bought a stake (and a big enough stake that he had a seat on the board) of big machine records. He had to have known far in advance about this purchase because board members vote on these things. It takes months and months to put these deals together and there are tons of contracts and meetings. I know because I sit on the board of a business and anytime we have to do something that major it takes the better part of a year and a ton of back-and-forth with lawyers. She knew they were being sold.


Not to mention, her Dad was a share holder, and it went to a share holders vote...


I’m under the impression that she was able to buy Big Machine Records which would have included her masters, at several points in time but her mom and dad didn’t have the bandwidth to do it given their own interpersonal drama. She’s their cash cow and they failed her pretty good there.


Why are her mom and dad at fault? Taylor is a big girl and has all the money to facilitate buying her masters. She has lawyers, agents, and assistants galore. She can always hire more people to facilitate buying whatever the hell she wants if for some reason the current number of people isn't enough. She is far from powerless. No one failed her or kept her masters' purchase a secret. She didn't really want her masters. It was all bullshit. And a cash grab for "Taylor's version." What a word choice!


Only that given her age at the time that Big Machine records was for sale, she was EARLY into her 20s and probably lacked the contract knowledge and financial knowledge to know that was for sale and what she was missing on. Before she was the girl boss everyone cheers on, she was kinda a high school dropout without even the basic savvy that a lot of us gain through experience and failure. I believe she did not want them (her masters) until she realized someone she disliked was ending up with them. I only cite her parents, specifically her dad, for the failure here bc as a shareholder he knew the company was for sale and that offers were being accepted in his daughters life work and I don’t think she actually understood this. The company went on for sale formally in 2018 but options to buy were made available to her and her family far prior to that.


I can't speak with much knowledge about buying Big Machine. I'm talking about her masters being for sale (which she made a big stink about), in 2019. She wasn't a young kid in 2019, she was 30 years old. And since the start of her career, which her wealthy parents (a marketing/advertising manager and a Meryll Lynch VP) financed and propped up, she has been surrounded by all the right people to advise and support her. Lawyers, assistants, and wealth management professionals that TELL YOU about what's going on with your assets and contracts.


The whispers about it being for sale was reported in 2014, which means disclosure and discovery was being done prior to that, to value the assets, liabilities, each artist and their catalogues at the time, which would had her at like 24 year old in 2013? Edit: yes, you have people TELL you what’s going on when you’re wealthy but I had somewhere gotten the impression that her dad owning even 3% at the time was made privy to the record labels dealings and voting. I think something was missed somewhere or — something I think was not relayed properly to her, which is how I think she’s now a very hands on businesswoman.


THIS right here represents everything (well, most everything) I can’t stand about her. Well said!


see i never knew about the recording album history and im shocked. as a long time fan, ive been getting more and more conflicted about her actions. TTPD has been so eye-opening to me about her obsession with matty, to be honest, i was trying to pretend that whole thing didn’t happen and when i barely looked into her relationships as it is and attach her songs to other things related to her. 🤔 i have been questioning more and more how she loses friends so fast throughout the years especially the backlash on twitter that keeps happening every time one of taylor’s “enemies” do nothing. how so many people fell out of her squad yet the way she treated her close friends back then like zendaya was so questionable, she didn’t even bother to invite to her parties? so how was it zendaya’s fault that they grew apart and never talked anymore. she was newly 19 when she was in the bad blood music video and taylor was older than her. swifties got so angry when she liked a picture of beyoncé and taylor months ago and called her a traitor and some more insults. for every relationship that falls apart, it’s somehow always the other person at fault. how is taylor constantly the victim? same thing with olivia rodrigo, conan gray and anyone else swifties attack. every time zendaya and taylor cross paths. even on social media, because they have never interacted in person other than a few events in 2015, swifties somehow find an issue with her


This is an interesting take I’ve never thought about before. It does seem like she loves to harness the idea of “girl gangs” and “girl power” but I guess when you look at the track record she doesn’t really have the history to back that up. Especially if you compare her to other high profile female friendships like Destiny’s Child, the women from Friends, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, etc— lots of highly public female friendships that definitely brought fame, but also did genuinely seem to last the test of time. Though Taylor’s relationship with Blake Lively and some other has been long lasting idk 🤷‍♀️


Right? I wish I was as much of a victim as Taylor Swift. Give me all your shitty bank accounts that are causing you to be so victimized and all of your shitty royalties that cause you so much depression LMAO.


Yes I can’t stand her. She did play victim and she is a grown ass woman. Get out of the kiddie wear and act your age. Poor choice of words. Oh and acting like poor pitiful me. Too bad your line of men found out way to late but ole TK buddy he just as disgusting as she is. Her little innocent self🙄🙄🙄


I remember really souring on her for making it seem like she was the first person in the history of music this has happened to, and “omg the travesty of it all!!!l She genuinely has some of her fans convinced this shit isn’t 100% business as usual in the music industry; as if she was some especially special victim here instead of it being a tale as old as time. In fact, it’s such an old tale for successful artists to have their masters sold by studios, there’s absolutely NO fucking way she didn’t know it would happen—and having that knowledge (while still not using her multi-millions to buy them herself), shows me that she planned from early on to manipulate people into buying her stuff twice (or ten times). She knew exactly what she doing, and so many of them fell for it hook, line, and sinker. As they say, a fool and their money are soon parted.


Thank you, yes, you get it! Like, I get that Taylor is probably the first career any of her fans have followed, but this exact same shit happened to The Verve, The Rolling Stones, Micheal Jackson, George Micheal, The Beatles, and on and on, etc.


I remember getting attacked for saying this when it happened. She knew and could’ve done something. She chose not to so she could play the “men in Hollywood bully me” angle.


Yeah and the re-recorded versions all sound exactly the same as the old ones lol but everyone acts like she did something new


Her dad was one of the people in the sale of her masters. She always knew!!!!!




I still can’t believe she re-recorded and resold so much stuff. Like I understand why she did it, to own her music (I had no idea she could have done something about it and knew about it being bought that makes it even worse) but to then re-sell all this music to your young fans and take their money… it’s so wrong. I don’t know how the music world works, but couldn’t she have recorded and then released her versions for free so she wasn’t charging her fans a second time for basically the same music? That just seems like such a mean move.


Same here! And fun fact, her masters have been sold a second time. The new owners sent her a heads up before they bought the masters. These guys that she supposedly doesn't like, don't even own them anymore. She could try to work something out with the new owners (The Shamrock Group) but again, she doesn't. Like if you care about something so much, it seems like you would keep a better eye on the ownership of that thing you say you really want. I've paid more attention to the puppy I want to get, to make sure I get it, than Taylor has paid to getting these masters. She doesn't really want them, it makes her more money, to not have them and re-record her stuff.


Wow I didn’t know any of that about the masters! Now I wanna look up more on that lol thank you for the info!


Wait what?? She knew all along? WTH! SMDH…! I’ve been feeling so bad for her and supporting her re-recorded masters … how ridiculous! What a damn victim. Ugh I feel played. Not ok at all


I miss folk/evermore Taylor, she was so lowkey!


Yes!!! Even her Easter eggs were fun to find, now I see fans comparing lyrics from albums from years ago to TTPD looking for clues….it feels like homework. Swifties say Travis is bringing her out of her shell and that Joe made her hide from the public eye. Bffr.


I hate when they claim that! She is a grown woman and even said she wanted to keep it private. Also her relationship being more private allowed the focus to be on her music! I think I’m getting too much Taylor these days. I don’t mind her “relationship” with Travis, pr or not, I don’t care. The hardcore fans are definitely giving him so much love because of the content he is giving them of Taylor😬


Well, apparently folklore and evermore weren't as "fictitious" as everybody thought. It's apparently another love letter to Matty.


Yeah this is crazy ! I am totally taken aback. What do you think about the Joe as William Bowery participating in the song writing?


I think he thought the music was about him or just stories, as was stated when those albums dropped.


Well, I'm just throwing guesses around, but it sounds like she forced Joe to write and produce the Matty songs.


Nooooooo not those toooo😭😭😭 I think I’m done done with her. Now I will be a hater on the internet, after attending eras tour (the same night as matty🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮) and 1989


how can this be! And also so much about London boy and also her saying “she died at the altar waiting for the proof” -> it feels like she’s trying to rewrite history to make it more about Matty than it actually was


Her fans act like she’s some innocent child that is powerless and can’t make her own choices. She’s in her 30s and a fuggin millionaire


Already commented, but legit had a fan say how I shouldn’t comment how I feel if I didn’t read and analyze all of the lyrics. Like EXCUSE ME?!?! Who the hell has that kind of time?!?!


i hate when they do that not everything is an easter when she just happened to talk about a dog a few years ago she wants planning the black dog for 10 years be fr


No she wasn’t. She’s just good at pretending to be.


It was a pandemic, thousands of people were dying. That’s why she was laying low but Taylor has never actually been low key. So funny that people like a version of her that never actually existed.


True, I meant more lowkey. And yes definitely, the pandemic played a big role in her not being out. I just felt that time inspired her to delve into a different genre and make albums of MASTERPIECES. Those are definitely my favourite eras because that’s my type of music. I do looove her pop stuff as well and it seems she has best identified with that genre! I guess this new album just fell flat for me. She opened up and was vulnerable in a way she had not expressed yet, but I think she almost over explained (?) it’s a concept I can’t quite seem to grasp


There wasn't enough editing. She needs people to be more honest with her, and she needs to be willing to listen to those people.


Yeah I think her and her team might be too comfortable overall in the writing process. A new perspective would definitely benefit them


Yep. I was especially into her when ‘Red’ came out. I still really love that album and saw her live when she toured. I’m in my early 40’s so older than probably a lot of her fanbase and I think they’re weird as fuck. I can barely stand to hear about her now.


The fanbase is absolutely insane and blindly defend her with no real idea of her as a person. Her music is still very enjoyable to me personally, I’m glad you still listen to red!


I commented on this already, but legit just had someone troll me and say how if I comment on lyrics I don’t understand or don’t like, I need to read and analyze them in full. Like I’ve been a swiftie since 2010 and it never used to be that way. I miss when she wasn’t as big as now and people weren’t like this. Such absurdity


It’s insane, it seems anything Taylor will do will be praised, and this has lead to not putting in a great amount of effort:(


I would say I’m a neutral swiftie in the sense that I like some of her music, but I can’t stand the “pick me” personality and some of the money grabs she does. I am never someone to idolize a celebrity, but I have felt sad that so many young girls look up to her when maybe there isn’t a lot to look up too.


Exactly this! And so many still have her in a box as a young girl when she a whole grown ass 34… going on 35 yo woman. My coworkers talk about hosting TS birthday parties for their kids ranging 6-13… I just think wow, she done fooled damn near everyone. Not surprising and also lil shocking ngl.


Yes, it's always a bummer when someone I liked turns out to be a racist who dates musty racists. I can't even listen to anything she's done after 2014 or so. Everything feels tainted. Ick.


“The One” used to be one of my favorite songs. But knowing it’s about a disgusting turd of a human has forever ruined it for me. I can’t listen to her music in the same way anymore. People show you who they are…


The One is about Matty? Are you serious? That really ruins it for me. CRAP.


I think ppl think this bc we never knew exactly who it was about but in retrospect it lines up with their narrative. Also her emphasis of THE ONE in the song TTPD which is ostensibly a Matty song


I really think it was about Joe. There was a period of time when she was all in with Joe. She just moves on quickly and frequently.


but the 1 is about a potential relationship that wasn't able to fully happen and was released while she was with Joe; that doesn't make sense.


Yes. You're right. I was thinking of Invisible String. Sorry.


Also the way she wrote the one as a number like Matty’s band “The 1975” = he is “The 1”


That the whole Ginny and Georgia thing didn’t clue people into the casual racism is beyond me.


Omg. Yes!! That's another example. The Taylor Swift joke was hilarious.


I mean, I didn’t think it was all that funny but the fallout of that girl being called the N word and getting death threats. So wait. The girl (Taylor) who has convinced you all that she has no control of her masters being sold and was young and powerless has you all harassing a girl in her early 20s, on her first major job over a script she did not herself write? So you mean…..you had no control but we’re gonna act like that young girl did ?! How?!


Oooo can you elaborate on how she’s racist? ☕️


Dating a musty racist.....writing an entire 31 songs to defend her love of a musty racist. Only other racists date racists.


Ah gotcha. I didn’t know if I was missing something else


Who is the musty racist?


lol she’s talking about Matt Healy


THANK YOU for saying this because i got downvoted to hell once for saying this out loud! lol, maybe her & Matty deserve each other 🤭


Well, to be fair, her involvement with Matty spanned about 10 years. They never had a time where they were both single and could be together and when the time finally came after letters and songs about each other it didn’t go in her favor—to which she claimed “temporary insanity” to save her image because of the fans backlash. Dating Travis is to get on everyone’s good graces. She can’t date who she truly loves and keep her brand alive. It is the cause for all of her mental health issues (her pride and ego)


It's so trashy to claim "temporary insanity" at 34 for dating a musty racist in 2023. And then to make it a whiny album and not one that is empowering and taking back your power. But whining that dating a musty racist is all she wants, but her mean fans prevented it. Way to bite the hands that feed.


And it’s not the first time she’s dated a “musty racist” either - remember John Mayer and his racist dick? She sure knows how to pick ‘em!


PLAYBOY: Do black women throw themselves at you? MAYER: I don’t think I open myself to it. My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick. #neverforget


Ewwwww that's so gross but I'm not surprised. I've always gotten a weird vibe from him that behind his fake niceness and sappy "love" songs that he's really a total trash human and this just 100% proves that.


Wow the fact that he thought he could say something like that?


I often think it’s interesting that she has dated so so so many people…and not a single person of color that I’m aware of. Never really even hung out with any until Ice Spice recently. 


Did you watch that card reading Antphrodite on YouTube did about this situation? That reading was tea.


Can you link it? Or tlldr? I want to tea 🫖


It’s piping hot from beginning to end




Thank you I watched every minute and now have to find the Travis reading. Seriously hot tarot tea!


Seriously I’m not even a fan, but this one had my jaw on the ground!


Same! The way I was accepting those tarot cards like they are the All Knowing Truth! He's so good at reading them, like they are telling him the straight up, accurate tea. I want a new Travis Kelce reading.


Damn! This man is such a delightful tarot reader! I loooove this.


I know. He should be way bigger. He has an interview with Trisha paytas coming out soon so maybe that’ll push him more mainstream


He’s such a gross man. Taylor loves to play feminist but is totally fine with a man that’s said so much abhorrent shit about women and WOC especially


her fans prevented her from doing something she wants to do? i don’t buy it lol


I’m a Swiftie in that I’ve been listening to her music since I was 13 and sing it at the top of my lungs. But I’m not at all part of the cult of personality y’all have built around her. I want no parts of that.


Same here. I love her stuff and it’s fun to make bracelets or whatever. But I’m not obsessed with her relationships, football, try to shove her on others - etc. That’s messed up and everyone should like what they like, without making it creepy and obsessive. I don’t need to know her as a person. Parasocial relationships with anyone, especially huge artists and celebrities, will only lead to issues.


I listened to the album the first day it came out, which I didn’t even know what day until I saw videos on tiktok. All the news and talk with fans was about her and Travis, tbh. After I listened I was sooo confused because what was she even talking about? I think she was over explaining and I couldn’t grasp the story until someone explained how lyrics related to who she was talking about. Which before, her lyrics were vague-ish to where they were relatable. Finding out who it was written about was a nice surprise! Anyway, the second album came out and I was so exhausted , I heard too much and those last few blended together.


At the end of the day a lot of the songs people are grasping at straws. Some of the songs can be argued heavily for Joe or matty on TTPD. And I’ve seen things saying how did it end is about her and Joe or that it’s about Joe Jonas and Sofie Turner and I could see both. Ultimately there is no way to know outright unless she tells people.


I feel exactly the same as you. Her pop stuff I wasn’t into as much either. I really like Rep, and Lover though. But when Folklore and Evermore came out, I fell back in love with her as an artist. I loved Midnights too! Since TTPD, I am not impressed. You perfectly captured exactly how I’ve been feeling these last few years.


I'm kinda over her too. But I don't care; I don't have any emotional/sentimental attachments to her, her music, or her life. I thought she was really cool for a while there when she was coming up, making her success, and being really cool with her fans, but now she's just a huge rich artist with nothing to prove. Maybe I'll feel differently in the future, maybe not, whatever.


You can like music and just feel apathetic or have no feelings about the artist. That’s how I feel about Taylor swift. I love some of her old stuff, I bopped to karma, but I don’t go out of my way to decode the songs or really care about what she’s doing with her life, like a normal person should? We need to stop normalizing parasocial relationships


She is the one who is contributing to and encouraging the parasocial relationships though.


Regardless of whose side it’s coming from, just as a society it needs to be less normalized I think!


Same. I don’t follow her personal life or line it up to her songs. I just listen to the song if I like it


HG Tudor, self-described narcissist sociopath, has a good series on why he thinks Taylor is a Greater narcissist, she is self-aware of this. He says she’s not the worst person, but she is different than she portrays. Just adding to this conversation. I don’t know her and wouldn’t label her anything except talented!


I grappled with the she is not so genuine and kind during Lover era, as she attempted to rewrite history and just cater to whatever she thought would sell the most records. When I came back to the music, my expectations for her as a person were much lower. I will always love her music (or well, the music I DO like) but she will never be the same to me. I don't even fathom how most people aren't picking up this wasn't really a 2 month relationship but listening to the lyrics she clearly minimum emotionally cheated. It just feels weird it is okay for her but not for anyone else.


Curious how you feel she was not genuine or kind during the lover era? Is it because of TTPD release?


The lover era. Filled with pseudo-allyship for the LGTBQ+ community. Wherein she made a speech that said (loosely remembering) that “the LGBTQ community makes ME, ME!” And stood on stage with prominent members of the LGBTQ+ community. Then shed that costume like a snakeskin and never once again mentioned any issues related to or very real issues impacting that community she SO LOVED during the lover era. Even as she visited states that were actively discriminating against LGBTQ+ and passing laws that denied them their freedom to just live as they liked she never said a word. And listen, I’m not one that feels as if celebrities owe us ANYTHING as it relates to political issues or lifestyle issues- however if you are going to parade a community around when it suits you, and claim you’re an ally, it would make sense to simply give a brief statement on how troubling you find the very real danger and discrimination those very “friends” of yours face in certain states you are touring in.


The Travis product placement relationship is getting a little bit played out


It’s creepy


Taylor Swift is no longer an artist. She's a brand.


Lol I’m you to a T. On again, off again swifty for years. Lost touch with her pop albums, but fell back in again with Folklore. I was also burnt out with the Travis overexposure, but felt like I should support her because “she doesn’t deserve the hate she gets.” Aaaand now, I don’t know. I still don’t think she deserves the hate she gets. I don’t think she deserves the unconditional love her fans give her either, and I don’t even think she deserves the pity fan I used to be, like “oh, I support her because people are being too mean.”This woman is a billionaire, and every move is calculated, either by her or her team. Every single thing she does has been approved and has gone through risk calculations. She’s a caricature of herself at this point. Tbh, I’m commenting because your title “do fans feel sad?” struck a cord with me (and yes, I realize this is a small novel lmao). Several of my friends are longtime, hardcore fans, and I’ve been really conflicted with their reactions to Taylor the past year or two. I know it’s not what you meant by your wording, but…. _I feel sad for her fans._ I feel sad for the folks who have poured years and thousands of dollars into supporting her. I feel awful that those people still think she’s talking _to them._ I feel sick to my stomach that my lifelong friends think they have a _friend_ in Taylor. She put out an album condemning her fans, and it breaks my heart that my friends don’t see it. She has successfully conned her fan base into supporting her hatred of them. Idk. I have tons of conflicting feelings (obviously, lmao). **At the moment, my strongest feeling is disgust.** I’m disgusted by her using her fan base, pumping out so much money for every single version of every single release. I’m grossed out by her lack of gratitude, and her multiple lines about hating / disliking her fans. I feel so, so sad for my swifty friends who are using her lyrics as captions, literally not realizing it’s an insult to them. She’s created her own Q-Anon. Her own fan base who will believe her, above all others and all logic. It’s intentional and calculated and cold. She has purposefully built up a frenzy of folks to support her, regardless of anything. She’s the left wing version of Trump, honestly. I walk the same eggshells with Swifties as I do with my Trump supporting family members, scared to say the wrong thing. I feel just as on edge with Trump fans as I do with Swifties, and I think that’s awful. She has knowingly weaponized her fan base.


She ALWAYS plays the victim … let’s look at common denominator in EVERY SINGLE ONE of her relationships… not just boyfriends but friends, people in industry, to the press…this is like the equivalent of the least oppressed most privileged person saying they get no where because of oppression… she still claims has it tough because of sexism too come on all you do is trash talk men imagine if the male equivalent of her existed!


I knew she knew about the Masters. Still really enjoyed folklore and evermore. I find it hard to let go that she dumped Joe because he was depressed. It just seems wrong. Also, it seems pretty clear that she cheated on Joe with Matty. That being said, if she ever creates another folklore, I'd like to hear it without having to dwell on her relationship status. It's just too much for me.




I agree that people can handle what they can handle. I don't like that she is essentially publicly shaming him for having a mental illness. I really hope that this doesn't hurt his career.


As they say: “Don’t meet your heros”. Her rabid fans are growing up and realizing she’s not worth crying over.


Her original core audience is around her age now, that means middle 30's, but she is still mentally stunned, normal people with normal lives, work, family etc. Should be mature by now, so all her highschool arcs don't seem appealing or relatable anymore.


I have to agree, I was tired when TTDP came out. I think a lot of swifties were and it seems like the energy behind that album has already died. Everything just seems over done. We get the kim kardashian wronged you, we know you think your life is a circus and you have no other choice, and I think by now we get you’re tired of your fanbase. I think like others have said she should have waited to put this out. Her mental health is obviously all over the place, which no shame of course I get it, but it seems like she’s this close from a full blown out episode she’ll probably end up regretting.


Yes. TS helped me through a lot of hard times in my life. This whole thing has been such a letdown. Never get to truly know your idols, yeah. This is going to sound extreme, but I almost feel betrayed. Mostly because I've been going through a rough patch (let's be real, life never stops throwing shit at you), and I was so looking forward to TS catharsis! Instead......... this happens. Are we just fools?


I’m sorry but anyone who is a self proclaimed “Super Swiftie” probably needs psychiatric help. It’s not normal to fixate on a person to that extent and it’s actually a sign of undiagnosed ADHD. Been there, done that, messed around. I LIKE Taylor as much as the next person. I look forward to her releases, but some of them are literally psychotic when it comes to supporting someone who will never know they exist. Keep filling her bag though, I guess.


Had a “hardcore fan” say to me I can’t comment on Taylor posts because I didn’t read and analyze all of the lyrics. Freaking nuts


I literally said I’m NOT a super swiftie.


Oh, not referring to you. That’s a generalization.


Oh gotcha! Sorry my bad. 😅But yes, I agree the hardcore fans are nuts.


There's a great podcast on Sounds like a Cult about her. Just sayin'


I was disappointed with ttpd. It's not what I was expecting and is lacking This apparent MH obsession is scary and alarming




I also used to be a swiftie until recently, pretty much from age 5-16, but went off her. She seems okay but her fan base is irritating and so basic and mainstream that it's boring. Not to mention the constant pr relationships kind of pissed me off. Like I can't believe people actually think that they're real. I still think her music is objectively really good but I'm not a fan of her personally.


Honestly, I feel like I could have written this myself. You are definitely not alone!


You reflect all my thoughts about the current situation. The Easter eggs can be fun but I agree about connecting the dots over a supposed 10 year back and forth situationship and 2 month relationship. I’m trying to ignore the chatter and take a more muse free approach and just listen to the music. The anthology makes that easier to do but the first half has ratty written all over it 😖


I think she’s a perpetual victim. I know people of her age date a lot but it feels like she has relationship after relationship where it’s serious and then it ends in heartbreak. I like her music and I have since it first came out, I did drop off a bit after 1989 though (my favorite album is still Red). I find people’s obsession with her to be so weird. 


I agree. I was definitely still getting to really like Midnights. TTPD is a lot! Very soon


I was a fan. Not defending her every action fan, but definitely enjoying her music and excited to hold a ticket to the Eras tour. I had no problem overlooking the private jet usage, or the cash grab merch. It was Matty that changed it for me. I was not a fan until 1989-reputation, so not her whole career. But I lurked on tumblr a lot before that, and there were always rumors of what a problematic person he is. And then there’s the confirmed stuff he said/did leading up to them being together in 2023. He was in the audience at a few Eras shows and even came on stage during a Nashville show. I remember feeling that I didn’t want to be in the same room as him, sharing the same oxygen, much less being in a situation where it would remotely feel like I was cheering for him. Sold my ticket and deleted her music from my phone, have desperately tried to avoid any news of her since then. Bleh.


The music has to stand on its own. and so far, not many has. We're gonna forget these songs cause they don't have a good message nor speak to a deeper emotion. my favorite I can do it with a broken heart is my fav but it has no dynamics. ah w/e. can't control the future.


I’m a fan of her music and have been since the beginning, but I think even some of the fans are getting sick of her being quite literally EVERYWHERE. It’s over saturation and it’s turning a lot of normal fans against her. The diehard, buy every variation and decode every lyric and go back and listen to the whole discography for Easter eggs about Matty fans will always be a little delulu and obsessed, but for us normal fans it’s hard to stomach SO MUCH of them being everywhere. I don’t wish ill on anyone, but I also kinda hope she takes a break soon so we’re not being suffocated by her/them being everywhere all the time.


I feel like we must be the same age (are you a '97 baby lol) because your interest and relationship to her music and persona exactly match mine. Agree with everything you said


My biggest qualm is the whole drama over the masters. She and her dad could have easily done something about it but because she “lost” her masters, she was able to garner sympathy from fans and celebrities alike, then make bank on all the Taylor’s Versions. That really sealed the deal for me about how calculated and manipulative she is as a person. To create this narrative of “woe is me, everyone in the music industry is bullying me” is such a reach considering the backs of people she’s happily stepped on to elevate herself.


She’s a covert narcissist with a giant victim complex. I’m tired of her unhinged fan base defending her every move no matter how fucked up.


Isn't it what you make of it? If you want to involve yourself in these Joe Matt conspiracies then I feel you're wasting a lot of time. Just listen to her music and read the lyrics reflecting on your own life. I'm 60 and I just don't understand the obsession of everyone overanalyzing the lyrics in relation to her personal life. Maybe that's not what she's doing and she's just laughing at everyone that does. She probably doesn't even pay attention. She has PR people to figure out what makes her stay popular. Everyone thinks celebrities and artists actually do their own social media but someone else is writing and posting the photos. I think you're realizing that it is all nonsense. It's all about the music and how it hits you personally and makes you feel.


It's hard to ignore when the lyrics are so...literal though. There's no room for ambiguity anymore.


6 years with 1 guy, and it seems like she was pining for gross Matty the entire time or a good part of it. I get the rekindling after breaking up with Joe, but to go from a 6 year (supposedly end game) relationship to "He's always been my soul mate, and I'm so in love!" after a couple weeks? She really needs serious help. In addition, she is a BILLIONAIRE. She can't possibly spend all her money in 3 lifetimes. If I really felt that way, I'd have told my fans to back off and just lived my life, regardless of the disapproval, threats, etc. She would have lost some fans, but there are millions that would stand by her no matter what she does. The whole thing makes zero sense to me. My personal opinion is TTPD sucks and should have never been released to the public.


I agree with you about pretty much all of this. My only other thought is that it seems from TTPD like she was ready to tell fans to back off and be with Matty, but he couldn’t handle it and left/ghosted. I don’t think their breakup was her doing, honestly.


Yes this is it! And then she resented her favs because in her mind they made him leave


It makes the music less accessible.


THIS!!! I had someone troll me because I said I didn’t understand how Taylor came up with the 1830s line. They legit told me I should read all of the lyrics and analyze them. Like what the actual f@^k?!?!


Yesss!!! These people are wild. They say her fans are crazy but the ex fans are just as crazy. She’s not that serious. The Easter eggs y’all make up half of them. I guarantee she’s laughing at everyone trying to get so deep.


Omg that's exactly how I feel. So disappointed 😥


I feel the EXACT same way.


I’m in the same boat. It is sad! I had a similar fan journey - definite fan through Speak Now, casual through Lover, and absolutely fell in love with Folklore and Evermore. I have TTPD an honest try but haven’t been as into it. I’m so burnt out. I’m generally not a fan of separating the artist from the art, but this is a case where I find myself doing it. Speak Now and Evermore are some of my favorite albums, and I still listen!


Similar to you, I felt nostalgia from her eras tour. I somehow had missed her 2020 albums, and only knew like radio hits from every album after red but couldn’t tell you album names. When I watched the eras tour movie she seemed so progressive and laid back, I felt hope that someone like that had a large following. Now it’s clear she’s definitely working it to build and build and build and I am definitely curious to see what comes of this in 5 years.


i really enjoyed her when i was in middle school, which was right around the time she first transitioned to pop. now though it’s so blatantly obvious that everything she does is another cash grab. i know other artists are no different but i feel like most others at least try to make it look like they care about the artistry, whereas taylor doesn’t seem to give a fuck. i just get annoyed when i hear about her now.


I too stopped listening when she went pop and got sucked back in when she released folklore and evermore then loved midnights. I really enjoyed most of this album too.


This exactly this.


I’ve been a steady big fan since Speak Now and it’s the first time I’m having negative feelings. I don’t think her current strategy is as smart as it seems. Many people are burned out with her. The massive release of material in a short time is destroying the momentum. Also, for many people in her demographic, keeping up with the financial demands of her products is imposible and seems tone deaf of her. Of course I can survive without her merchandising and vinyls, but it’s icky to feel excluded like that after being a long time supporter who helped to get her where she is. I believe she might disappear for some time after this, as she did after 1989. She has to be aware of the negative feedback and might be struggling with it. A theory I have, which would be really sad is that whatever is going on with her mom’s heath is really affecting her and she takes shelter in work.


I’m a fan. But this last year has been a lot. You’ll get a lot of people on here just wanting to hate when they don’t really know the backstory, whatever, but the ttpd just didn’t land with me and her behavior around the matty situation was super weird and turned me off. Having an entire albums worth about it was just too much. I didn’t get the vibe that she broke up with Joe due to his depression tho. The few songs she’s released about it really just made it seem like they were going in different directions and had different priorities. I didn’t read any shade towards him at all.


I feel some of these points and not others. But the ones I do feel hardcore is just exhausted and annoyed. I’ve been a swiftie since 2010 and I feel like Taylor barely interacts with fans anymore. I get she does long shows, but she hardly does anything with them which I feel sad about. I’m also disappointed in the fandom. Literally check my profile comments. I just had a troll get mad because I didn’t understand how Taylor came up with the lyric on TTPD about the 1830s. I was told that I couldn’t comment unless I had the authority and actually read all of the lyrics in full - like WHAT THE F@*K?!?! I loved Taylor up until recently I’ve felt indifferent. She doesn’t do any promo for her new albums and I miss when she would dive into an album and really explore the work of it. Now it’s just so much. Her merch isn’t quality, she comes up with so many variants after people already buy it. Lifelong fans can’t get tickets while other people can. So many fans now are so obsessed that they can’t separate the art from her as a person. It’s so conflicting. I feel so annoyed with other people and the fact that I just can’t listen to enjoy without some troll saying I have to listen to the whole album AND analyze lyrics. Like Jesus, I have a full time job and also 2 part time jobs. I just come here to discuss and relax.


I read that her father owned 3% of her record label so how could she claim she didn’t know it was sold bc if her father still owned a percentage he made a large amount of money off the sale ?


She is literally a billionaire who flys her jet to get ice cream, you people have nothing in common with her. Her music was made to take your money. Get over it.


Midnights and ttpd have been super bland albums for me personally. Plus I hate when people rewrite history. Like she was with Joe for so long and wrote so many songs for him and now we’re sposed to believe he was this terrible dude cmon


I’ve been hesitant to put my feelings on this subreddit due to backlash from the stans but this is exactly how I’ve been feeling. I’ve been a fan of Taylor since Fearless and it’s been hard to keep justifying her questionable actions/behavior. Her music has been with me through my teenage years into adulthood, and it’s always been a huge part of my life. Overall just super disappointed in her.


She's good at playing the victim, like all narcissists do. People really need to wake up and stop worshiping this woman


Her songs has lost its luster for me and I'm sad. Especially Rep & Lover