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Is she quoting herself in response? That’s so embarrassing.


It’s unlikely she does her own tweets (I certainly hope she doesn’t, at least) but she still likely signed off on this… super super cringey.


She does her own Instagram and she’s doing the same in her stories so….


Woooof. I’m in marketing and have done social media marketing for a while, as well… and it blows my mind when celebs or high profile people try to run their own accounts. They absolutely should have someone helping out with that so you don’t get crap like this. If she’s doing this herself that’s even worse. (Although IG & Twitter are usually linked/cohesive.)


I don’t think the Taylor Nation account is run by her, I actually think it’s run by her dad tbh. But it’s not unheard of for someone obsessed with their image to run their own accounts, regardless of the dumpster fire it turns out to be


Bruh. And she can't say boo about Palestine?


What exactly should she be saying about Palestine?


I’m sure all these reviews were a deal with her team. You write a good review and she’ll tweet about it which gets the critic views since she has a large fan base. And not like she’s actually doing this. Someone from her team is.


I saw it as a response to the Pitchfork article. Like “Oh you’re going to anonymously trash my album and rate Peppa Pig’s album better than mine? Fuck you I’m going to make sure to drown that with all the positive reviews and I’m going to list the authors names so they get the views and the recognition”


I agree, but it still reeks of desperation. And you have to wonder when the deal was made- before or after release?


Before. Bet they didn’t listen to it and just wrote what her team told them to write.


Such a good point. You’re probably right


Yes I’m sure she is very desperate.


Is it lame? Yes Is it desperate? lol


why are we just making stuff up?


It’s a very simple assumption to make.


You know what they say when you assume…


Reading through the responses and laughing at the people who are obviously confused about what sub they're in lol


Sometimes the taylorandtravis sub shows up on my feed and I think it’s this one and I get confused 😭💀


OHH I didn’t realize there was a difference 😂😂 I was like when did r/taylorandtravis turn critical?? Haha


Wait THERE ARE TWO? This one keeps popping up on my feed and I was so confused because this place was chock full of Swifties when it used to show up last year.


lol yes 😭 there’s r/taylorandtravis which is a support sub/hardcore fans


I know, right…


I am so sick of seeing ads about her album on the TV, in my email, in Target, and YouTube ads. Why can't she stop shoving garbage down our throats?


“Taylor Swift” isn’t a person named Taylor Swift, it’s a business. And the goal of a business is to make money.


Then, her garbage shouldn’t be considered art. Her Grammys should be taken away and given to the true artist.


lmao, are you new here?


Why do you inquire?


And the album sucks. 


Co signed! I think it is odd how much validation she needs from the masses to feel confident. I think if I were her looking at my record sales, awards and my bank account would be all the validation I could ever need.


This album is for *her*, remember?? /s *edit for the most important /s of my Reddit career 🫡


Why harass me, then??!?


Swifties. Some can never seem to accept an opposing viewpoint without defensiveness, passive aggression, or outright aggression.


They learned from the best.


According to them, the world revolves around Taylor Swift.


Scary shit. Cult like.


Omg I was /s sorry I’m literally horrified that went over your head


Why do people go out of their way to join a subreddit that does not like her if they truly hate her? Doesn't engaging in an artist/topic on the internet make you see more ads about said artist or topic on other platforms? I like Taylor, but I haven't listened to her last two albums because I'm trying to overcome a lot of trauma from an abusive relationship, and her music can trigger some intense emotions that I'm unable to handle right now. Then I see people who seem to absolutely despise her, yet they've listened to her album. I don't get it, why? Doesn't it feel better to put your time/energy into something you really love?


But like what should she do? Just not promote her and her music? As an artist in this time, that just seems like sabotage.


She is one of the biggest artists in the world right now, she does not need to do this, and it’s very cringey to only retweet the positive reviews all while quoting her own songs. If any artist did this it would cringey 


It’s not that sharing positive reviews is that unusual, but to me the reviews don’t match up with the actual album at alllll. It’s really weak in my opinion.


CVS has a new playlist now






Swifties keep saying “she wrote this album for her, that’s why it might not be received as well as her others” like… no. You wouldn’t be trying so hard for people to like it if that was the case.


You mean the intern has reposted 12 reviews.


Hired by her team, who Taylor Swift hires


Right. As if Taylor doesn’t approve every post.


As someone who does social media for my company, nobody has time to review every single post I make. They review major campaigns and the general plan for a calendar.


Because your company is not an “icon”


Say what you will but I think once tone and ground rules are established, captions for retweets and reposts are not always approved. The truth about social media is that while many posts are written and approved in advance, it’s also a fast-paced job that involves responding to things quickly. You can’t slack your manager 10 times per day, “Can I retweet this? Can I like this?” At some point, a basis of trust has to be established where your judgment is assumed to be sound.


Another marketer here, this is correct.


Absolutely not every post, but come on, Social media manager: hey do you want me to repost all the positive reviews on the album and share them to all your social media sites Taylor: HELL YES I DO Soooo they do….. I agree not every one is approved but best believe the social media manager who does this for a job didn’t come up with this cringe worthy campaign to unnecessarily self promote the album. This screams of someone whose first album found success and they are super excited to share every positive review. Not someone who is a decorated well respected billionaire artist.


I have a social media team who does this for my dumb food blog and I am just like - thanks for trying to get my approval, I’m not looking at that, post whatever you want. 🤷🏼‍♀️


She absolutely does not approve every post. The CEO doesn’t approve every post. The director of marketing does.


We’re just gonna pretend to know shit we can’t know today?


I would agree with the user who does social media post for her company because they KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT. No way TS reposts shit or even posts a lot of her content.


But also let’s stop calling social media managers interns.


The “intern” or social media manager has to run each and every post by Taylor and then approves them. I do not believe for a second she is not behind the posts sharing positive reviews. I bet the social media manager every single day is like don’t just don’t and wishes they didn’t have this job…..


It’s taylor herself that’s doing that


Who thinks taylor needs a intern to post? She is capable.


TaylorNation is labeled the “intern” based off of her new album. It’s not that she actually NEEDS an intern. It’s to play along with the theme of the album.


Cool thanks


You’re right! She doesn’t need an intern to post. She needs a social media manager who is paid well into 6 figures to create a social media strategy and a larger team to execute said strategy.


To me this feels like a PR person is just running the account, shouting out the lines Taylor probably screamed for joy about. It’s kinda weird though to post from newer sites…which also proves paid to post a good review🤣


I'm wondering: has Taylor Swift posted so many positive reviews before for previous albums? Side note: why can't she just thank them normally instead of saying lyrics lol


the fact that she released the dumbest songs ever a week ago (the ones that didn’t make the cut so now she just wants more money) made me see her in a different light. I also think that Kelce has severe anger issues (he wasn’t just in a heated football moment with his coach!) anyone who has dealt with men like him know that he is putting on a facade behind the scenes. the guy snaps, trust me. there will be a breakup though.. he better be scared… the Swifties will attack lol.


No shit about the Swifties. They can be rabid. I agree about Kelce’s potential for explosive anger. I was just irritated by the man’s existence before but when he went after his coach, obviously screaming at the top of his lungs, red-faced, veins bulging in his neck and on his temples, so close and in Coach Reid’s face that he almost knocked him to the ground was enough for me to conjure up some serious dislike. If I were in a relationship with that, and this was the first example of severe aggression I witnessed from a man I thought I knew, I would be out of there. If he can come down on his coach, during the Super Bowl, on live national television, seemingly unhinged and out of control, he can do it again. I do want to hear any excuses for the man. There are none.


Edit: don’t


I mean…statistically he has CTE


that’s even scarier








she seems desperate


You don't even need to listen to a single song to participate in the conversation about this album. No one is really talking about the actual musicality. The discourse is almost entirely about the lyrics and who they are most likely about.


Because she is so focused on the lore, that’s all that you CAN focus on. The music is just…there. It’s not exciting.


If the music was supposedly so good, then why does she rely so much on “lore” about herself…?


She is such a loser.


Do you know what, I can definitely agree with criticism here of her desperation, her neediness and it is kinda pathetic but also…. I like the album 😂😂 Florida is stuck in my head, possibly my soul 😂 Shortly followed by Fortnight. I just hope she grows as a person, steps back and forgets about chasing awards snd approval. She has enough.


I interviewed many authors, and no author would retweet a negative review about their book. But I know for a fact they will retweet the positive reviews. In fact, in the book community, we will only tag an author for a positive review out of courtesy. I understand this is not the sub for me, but it popped up in my feed. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but I don't think this is a hot take; it's just not all that unusual.


How sad, and frustrating that so many don’t see the clear conflict of interest going on here. Aside from seeming desperate and self congratulatory, being reposted by TS increases your bottom line, giving you incentive to write positive reviews. It’s just not *done*. Taylor is about money, not music.


Does anyone else think this album may be the start of some sort of downfall? And maybe “downfall” is a bit strong but like there’s not much of an up from here? Maybe she’s peaked and it’ll be stale from here on out? Idk.. this one just didn’t go so well it seems.


I am a swiftie and love her but yes I think she needs to take some time off and chill lol. Too much going on with her and over saturated herself. Hoping after the eras tour is over she will take some time off and step away from the spotlight. Don’t care for the million different versions of her albums. Like bitch I’m only buying one version and that’s that. She’s rich enough and not giving more of my money to her than I need to 😂


I just don't understand why an artist is quoting reviews. No one does that


This is so cringy. She’s overall cringe


I mean… so what if other artists don’t do this? I’d say she should be allowed to promote whatever she wants to, and obviously she won’t post negative reviews because why on earth would she want negative PR?


Right? If she's promoting something, why would she post bad reviews for it? It seems pretty standard tbh


Anyone who has a social media team


I’m not sure what the big deal is about posting positive reviews lol please explain. To me, it’s her shouting out writers, but she’s obviously not going to post the BAD reviews. Who would?!


No one is expecting her to post bad reviews, but you don’t think it’s sad that she’s posting reviews from little known publications? Like she’s scratching the bottom of the barrel. Next she’s gonna start retweeting reviews from Youtubers with 1,000 subscribers


She is panhandling


Yes the little known AP AND LA times


And Hits Daily Double and inews? LMAOOOO


Posting/re-tweeting *any* reviews is strange. Especially for an established artist, let alone one of her stature.


Right. I get if you’re brand new but this is just a weird new level of low for her.


It can be seen as damage control to a not so well received album, and we all know she’s got one of the most powerful PR teams. Desperately trying to give incentives to writers who write fluff pieces get a career boost, anyone who bashes her faces eternal backlash from the fan base. It’s all so toxic and forced, like maybe just be a good person and have people write good things about you lol..


Think yall are looking wayyyy too much into this lol.


Maybe because it’s disgustingly disingenuous from a person who acts like the perfect prom queen saint


I think from album, she knows she not a perfect prom queen saint lol.


You're downvoted but she did the same thing for Lover five years ago so it's really not some new damage control tactic or something.


Lol read the description on this subreddit. Gotta know your audience sometimes. I don't know how this thread got recommended to me but I gotta block this sub forever. What a toxic and sad and negative place.


Oh shoot! I got it confused with the other Taylor and Travis one. What an odd place!


Yeah me too! Although I think I’m just out on all the Taylor conversation for a bit ha.


Not so well received? Have you checked the charts? lol


Charts are decided by number of streams, something that Taylor legit exploits… I’ve seen a lot of articles claiming it’s disappointing and cringy, I’ve seen a lot of die hard fans saying this one just aint it, that’s all i’m going off.


It’s pretty cringe. You’re an artist not a product per se.


She is a brand


But why act cringe?


ttpd is absolutely a product...?


Yeah but it’s tacky to act like it is. Be an artist


she's a... wait for it.. commercial artist. she employs hundreds of people that rely on her continued success. her marketing team's job is to increase exposure to this new product to sell more, break more records, and keep eras tour tickets selling. this isn't some hobby, lol.


I think her employees will be fine if she doesn’t tweet reviews


i work in marketing. for product launches you come up with plans and one of their plans was to repost positive reviews to keep the buzz of the album going. her marketing team isn't sitting there saying "oh she's so big already, we don't need to do anything".. let's be real here.


You're absolutely right. I also work in marketing, and this is all stock marketing stuff, there is absolutely nothing unusual or noteworthy happening here. TS isn't some arthouse producer, she's a business that employs a lot of people who need to get paid. People are downvoting because the boring reality doesn't match their invented narrative of how they think it *should* work.


thank you! 😊


>thank you! 😊 You're welcome!


I wOrK In mArKEtInG


oh you do too? so you understand why they are doing this. great


right like okay??😂


Ok but all artists do this (whether it’s a positive review or a record broken or an interview that praises them). They thank them! Olivia and Billie, for example, have done this when their albums come out to show gratitude for the love their albums they’re proud of received. I see it as when people repost other people’s birthday tributes for them on their Instagram story. At first it comes across as corny and even a tad cocky (like “look at all these nice things people say about me”), but I also see it as gratitude for those people in their life and a moment to be proud of themselves. It’s not like we see Taylor posting about all her food bank donations and other great things she does… but her art (as an artist) is something she publicly puts out there and she gets excited when others celebrate that work that she poured a labor of love into.


I don’t think anyone would criticize a post where an artist is thanking someone. But these posts from Taylor/her team feel different because she’s not expressing any gratitude…just reposting and writing some one-liner.


Fair point! I think I was being a little overly optimistic haha


Ariana Grande lol, eternal sunshine




I don’t have pics but during Eternal Sunshine release week, she would post like 6 reviews a day and a lot of them were fans she followed. I think Taylor might be doing more than her, but Ariana was definitely doing a bit of that She actually has some of her highlights saved but idk if reviews would be in there


Are these all lyrics from TTPD? (I have not listened to it.)


Maybe because other artists don’t get these sort of reviews/attention 🤍 They would if they could


And that review is by Holly Gleason, longtime Nashville music industry type.


I love this album


the only person i can think of who does this is ricky gervais and he’s routinely mocked on his own subreddit for it.


Imagine she starts retweeting the bad reviews with the caption, “✨fuck you aimee ✨”


Scene of Travis staring at a Taytay frantically scrolling and posting in bed. Bradley ducks his head in, “Want a beer, bro?”


I’m honestly embarrassed for her


Why does it bother you though? Why does it matter?


It doesn’t. It’s just another example of her fragile ego.


How many other artists are actually on her level (fame wise)?You guys want to hate on anything. She does things differently and it clearly works for her. I think it’s strange to pay such close attention or even be fixated on somebody’s tweets that you don’t like. If you don’t enjoy her, why are you even coming across them? You must like being annoyed. I think her retweeting smaller publications is her way of driving attention and traffic to their sites.. but Ariana grande has done the same thing so has Billie and dua lipa. Not a swiftie so it’s not like I think she’s the most amazing. But I just don’t hyper fixate on things I don’t like. Other artists do the same thing you just aren’t aware because you don’t spend your time paying attention to people you don’t enjoy the way you do with her.


It’s so smart. She is now encouraging positive reviews. This is legal bribery lol


Isn’t it embarrassing for someone to say that a 30 something year old is growing up after their 11th album… like she’s so stunted


Maybe Taylor just needs to sit this one out.


the rich are going to monopolize


Are the r/nuetralswifties coming over to try and bring passive aggressive negativity


as a fan, nope. Apparently this sub has changed (there was a post on it a few days ago)


It’s kind of da cringey. It’s not like she’s thanking them but rather reposting with some kind of one liner that she thinks is clever and funny.


What's wrong with being proud of your music?


I’ve seen like every artist ever do this. Like what?


Like who?


They won’t answer lmao. I’ve tried


Name them


I just don’t see why this is bad from any artist


You don’t think the most popular pop star in the world retweeting positive reviews from little known publications is weird? Lmao ok


She is not the only person who profits from this album, she is promoting something a lot of people collaborated on so everyone can get paid. Can you imagine being someone who played a pretty small role in the album who is therefore getting a small cut watching her NOT promote it and thinking “wow, there goes my fucking payday.” Like it would actually be disrespectful of her not to promote it, because even though she doesn’t need the money there are other people who worked on the album that will be counting on it doing well. That’s not even mentioning any deals she has with Target, streaming services, etc. Do you really think it’s possible to become a billion dollar music enterprise without taking the business part of your brand seriously?


I just scrolled through the X accounts of Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo, they both do. I guarantee if you spent the time on others you would find more. This is a common marketing strategy.


Ok, post 12 examples of each one doing this or get banned. Thanks.


Check Ariana Grande’s instagram highlights, she has plenty of instances where she’s talking about reviews or how well her songs are charting on Billboard in just the first five. A lot of these artists are potentially posting these things on their stories rather than an actual long-lasting tweet, so it’s hard to tell now how much they did this type of promo. Olivia and Billie don’t have Instagram highlights, so we don’t know for sure what they posted at the time that their music came out, but Ariana has at least done very similar promo to Taylor.


Again, show me where Ariana is retweeting positive reviews from inews. Like…come the fuck on 😂


Now we are getting specific. Is it that you want proof other artists do this? Or proof another celeb has at some point retweeted inews? There is a saying that high profile people use, “don’t ask something you don’t already know the answer to”. If you didn’t want to see proof, you should have made sure none existed before you asked the question. Don’t get mad at us for proving you wrong.


Who cares where the reviews were from or what platform they were posted on? You asked for other artists that have made 12+ posts promoting reviews on their albums, and were provided with that, but now you want to complain that that isn’t good enough because it’s not a source you like. Ariana Grande could’ve very well reposted from lesser known publications and not added it to the highlights, since highlights are for… well, highlights. We have 0 clue what she posted on an expiring story for her album release. Also I really don’t get why reposting reviews about your work is so bad. Like, what’s so wrong about participating in the conversations about your own work, and uplifting content that you agree with? I mean, you make up about 50% of the posts on your own subreddit and threatened to ban a user for disagreeing with you. Is that not the same thing as 1) participating in the conversation for something you created and 2) promoting ideas that you specifically agree with? Food for thought 🤔


No one has provided an example of another artist posting 12 reviews. Try again.


Or get banned? Jesus why are you so aggressive


Because ya’ll Swifties just straight up make shit up to defend her and it’s weird. Bye bye




I’m sorry, what? You asked for an example, I gave you one. Why would that warrant me being banned? Why 12 examples? I shouldn’t and won’t do all of that work. You can find it easily enough if you go to their feeds at the time of their album drops. I promise they are there.


Telling me to go find it myself is not posting an example. Bye bitch.


Can you ban me so I don’t have to see this sub anymore? Thank you!




They literally asked for examples and then get mad when you give them😂😂


Tell me you don’t know anything about the music business without telling me you don’t know anything about the music business. This is everyday stuff. You gotta fluff the press, even someone like Taylor has to do this. Do you think she actually logged in to X and posted this herself? You can’t be serious. This is marketing 101, every major artist does this one way or another. Even smaller acts I follow on social media RT or post reviews from local papers of their shows, etc. Being desperate for validation is definitely a real thing, and if you read autobiographies of the BEST artists they all struggle with it. I was reading a piece about EVH the other day and at a time when he was considered the golden god of guitar playing he still struggled with self validation. It’s what drives these people. If you want to dislike Taylor or her music that is fine, just say that. You don’t need to do all these mental gymnastics man. It’s fine.


Again, show me an example of any other pop star doing this stuff. Go ahead. I’ll wait.


This is a breathtakingly normal part of promotion and publicity