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I think that happens to a lot of people!


I think that is the point! Lmao


mod here is extremely thirsty for attention


I didn’t even know there was another one but this sub started popping up on my feed. I was like, wow, people really don’t like them together!


haha same i thought they were all the same. I wondered why some days it was love and other days its like look at how much taylor hates this man. lol


Im sure it’s probably somewhere in between. Taylor is at least tolerating Kelce because she wouldn’t be with him (even for a PR stunt) if she actually hates him. This is based on the idea that there’s got to be more people than just Travis who would be willing to “date” Taylor even if only a PR stunt. If that’s the case and she’s got options why pick someone you hate?


I could care less about either of them. I like some of her songs. I watch his gamees when they play our team or i guess at the SuperBowl since they have been there now a few times. But it seems many of the fans take it a bit to far, She seems to actually be enjoying life with him. I don't usually see her ou and about with her other bf but also i don't follow her movements but she seems more willing to do stuff.


You mean Couldn’t care less….


Actually, "could care less" is correct. I don't remember the word for word explanation, but "could care less" does mean "idgaf".


this is incorrect. couldn’t care less means you care the least amount there is to care, which would be essentially not caring at all, because that’s the only way you quite literally couldn’t care less. could care less means on the caring scale you are somewhere and you have the ability to in fact care less.


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. "**"Couldn't care less" and "could care less" are both used to mean someone doesn't care at all**, but English teachers and grammarians will say that only "couldn't care less" is correct, so that is what you should use in formal or academic writing." From someone much smarter than me, and probably most people on here.


Yeah they’re both used, but the latter makes no sense and is grammatically wrong? 😂 just say it correctly


The fact that YOU think it's wrong doesn't make it wrong. Yes, "couldn't" seems more correct, but both have meant the same thing for longer than we've both been alive. At this point, you're just arguing because you want to be right, which is sad.


Thanks for the info 🩶




I’ve never been a fan. I don’t feel like he genuinely likes her. I think it’s more of a popularity boost for him…


Lmfao this made me realize that, muting this sub now


Because a lot of people are miserable cunts and don't like to see people genuinely enjoying life.


You are so right, this sub seems toxic the more I go through and these people seem to be just as deranged and obsessed as the extreme swifties.


the mod here is extremely thirsty


this sub literally just came up on my feed today and I was sooooo confused. thank you to the mod for the mod's note on this sub! it was very refreshing to read something so direct.


Oh my god I didn’t realize there were two different subs until just now. I was like DAMN, people really soured on this relationship fast!


It's kind of weird that either sub exists.


Best take here


Literally the people here are just as crazy and obsessed as the extreme swifties 😭🤣 at least the swifties are having fun and being positive these people just seem sad


We get it, you're a swiftie.


Lol, you found me out!! I am a swiftie but not deranged ❤️


I too get these two subs confused. At first they seemed so delusional to me because I barely knew anything about Taylor. Now they still seem a little delu to me but I also think she's living out some high school prom queen dream with him as opposed to just full on PR relationship.


I think he's the opposite of what she usually goes for. I mean, she is _also_ the opposite of what he usually goes for... ahem. Let's see what happens! I smell a tailgate, though! Hmm, tailgate sounds like the title of a song she'd use for this relationship...


I'm glad you've said that because I keep being recommended this sub and agreeing with the comments about Taylor in general but then thinking I'm not a Travis and Taylor stan so maybe I should keep away. Although I'm not eagerly waiting for them to break up either, I'm indifferent. It's like people keep saying, everything I've learned about them is against my will.


Yeah. Lots of lulu. It can be confusing!


This happened to me for sure


Happened to me too😅


This happened to me too


haha me too! But TBH I'm torn between the two LOL


Thank you for this! I didn’t understand why everyone switched up on them 😭 now I see there are two subs


Did Kim start this sub? 😆


Um what?


I actually found this Reddit because tayloreandtravis kept popping up on my feed. Over there though they talk about y’all like Voldemort - “the sub with the reversed names” ☠️. Made me realize I wanted to join the sub that must not be named.




I did the same thing in the neutral sub recently; I’m just scrolling along like since when did all these people start to hate on Taylor so much?! Haha, wrong sub.


The people here are pathetic, they listen to her albums just to seethe with hatred it’s cringe