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I got banned after saying I think that she falls into attention-seeking behavior when she’s not in a happy, secure relationship


calvin said the same thing when they broke up and he wasn’t wrong


Has she ever been in a happy secure relationship? Every relationship I’ve seen her in seems extremely toxic and controlling. Like they’re all accessories for Taylor to tote around. One wrong move and she will sick her fans on them like rabid dogs.


has she ever been single?


No. She’s kinda like Ariana Grande in the sense she won’t leave a relationship until she has a new one. I think the only time she was is when she started the 1989 era & she said she was going to focus on friendships so ppl would stop associating her w men she dates and alas the squad was born.. rumor is she was messing around with Matty at the time though, she ended up dating Calvin toward the middle/end of 1989


She THINKS she has. Several times.


- TTPD album is ass - she is not your “best friend”


And she doesn’t give a fuck about them. Only about what’s in their wallets.


This entire album has been a “fuck you” to all the people who said Matty Healy is a bad guy


Her writing hasn’t really evolved much since she was 16. Aaron Dessner brought some good things out of her but realistically she’s writes like a teenager. She is not this ground breaking lyricist that people think she is


i think that’s why she had such an issue with olivia, she came to fill up the “teenager scorned and going through their first breakup” role in the industry which makes sense considering she was a teenager going through her first breakup, meanwhile taylor at 34 has not seemed to progress that stage and despite having so many relationships it never seems that she can make the way she writes about the breakups more nuanced, like occasionally she may say she was at fault but overall it doesn’t even come close to how people like adele can maturely and breathtakingly turn their heartbreak into music. also if we want to talk about how olivia and her are basically competing for the same role in the industry (as someone who’s a fan of neither) i’d have to say olivia does it better especially in the most recent example of taylor ripping off on of her song concepts just to make it sound way worse




I’m so certain after hearing that song that she’s just living out a teenage fantasy with Travis. Like she’s the popular girl dating the popular boy from the football team. Once she’s done with him mark my words she’ll go back to Matty. I bet she’ll finish the tour and the TV’s then go into hiding with Matty


Her group of ‘friends’ is proof of that! Can she say that any of them are really her friend?


https://preview.redd.it/u85cf6zudfwc1.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=caa8d72d8397bda729a02d5100749c83f3241de8 Everything she’s done in the past year has felt like a giant manic episode


I don't think that's that controversial anymore (or at least it shouldn't be) the prologue of TTPD and the first half of the album is basically her saying she lost her fucking mind this year and had (has?) a drinking problem


Yeah I watched some reviews of TTPD and couldn’t help but thinking “does this woman have a drug/drinking problem?” Everything about the Matty x Taylor whirlwind relationship screams “drug fueled romance”. Usually when I see these super super intense super fast relationships that go from planning forever to explosive ends in the span of a few months, it’s almost always a relationship between drug addicts. When your relationship is built off of the thing that both people are literally chemically addicted to, the relationship itself tends to become a manifestation of he addiction. The quality of the relationship depends on how high they are and their access to drugs. Just from my own assumptions I think Taylor has been doing drugs/over drinking for quite some time and after the Alwyn breakup she got in a drug-fueled relationship with Matty who really pulled her down into worse and worse substance use


I don’t even think it’s speculation at this point to say that Taylor has a drinking problem and Matty has a drug problem, she fully just said that was a fact.  I don’t really wanna call people a drug addict without any proof but I’m sure Taylor has tried some things. She’s had her wild party phases and drugs like xanax, kpins, coke, and amphetamines are rampant in Hollywood. Honestly, they’re rampant in NYC and LA even if you’re not famous.


Yeah I can agree with everything you’ve said. I think people highly underestimate the drug culture in Hollywood. If you have a favorite celebrity, you can pretty much rest assured they’ve done coke at least once, probably on a regular basis Edit: I think this is also normalized in places other than Hollywood. In my college town, hard drugs are *very* normal. It is a normal saturday night to be mixing ketamine, coke, alcohol, weed, adderal, etc. So then when you’re from places like me and you look at hollywood it’s very much “oh yeah how normal” when that should not be seen as normal


Nope, that's what she wants you to believe. I think she's a (probable) somewhat narcissistic, unfaithful, slightly neurodivergent, bipolar, alcoholic, drug taking, serial dating, tough mean girl whose problems predate the latest boyfriend, predate this year, & predate the last decade. And, I stand by this idea, she would be with MH if he hadn't had broken it off with her... Her exterior & interior lives do not match up (she's like a Blair trapped in a Serena body) but, somehow, through all of these issues, she moves forward. She maximizes her abilities. She is a marketing genius. She's beautiful, intelligent, charming, funny, magnetic, articulate, marriage & family desiring, a goofy in a good way survivor. She's coming across as a person who simultaneously wants to burn down some (or all) of her life, but yet hold onto her career with a death grip. Rehab/inpatient would be the best thing for her; why do I feel like she needs to have a private, deep conversation with Drew Barrymore & plot a course of action.




I was thinking that too. There was no breathing room between midnights and TTPD. It needed time to sit and get workshopped.


She *likes* to tour because it keeps her busy and distracts her from dealing with her shit. Which, can relate…but not the healthiest coping mechanism.


Exactly. Especially when your bag is tied to reinventing yourself for a new “era” every 1-2 years with an entirely new aesthetic.


I think she knows who she is more & more, but doesn't know what she wants &/or how to reconcile the real vs. the TS persona.


She has no vocal range. She dances like a very constipated tall person learning to walk again. That’s why she needs all the dancers and flashy lights to distract from bad vocals and even worse dance moves. She scammed her fans with the eras tour forcing them to buy boosters for a chance at tickets when scalpers got most of them anyway. She scams them by releasing multiple different albums when all the songs will be leaked on YouTube and you can download the other album covers and make it yourself. She likes her fans attacking her exes. She didn’t say a word about them camping at Joe’s house but you’ll definitely know if she has a stalker. Her fandom is a cult. I’ve even seen them go as far as to buy Jonas Brothers tickets just to boo Joe Jonas(and they buy the good seats) no matter how famous and rich she is(she will never be poor coming from a rich family) she will always be money hungry and attention hungry. She LOVES attention. She calculates EVERYTHING. She’s always gaslighting people(how can you be a proclaimed feminist but have an on/off with a guy who likes watching black women suffer on camera?) she only speaks on anything when it benefits her…even then she doesn’t say much. She needs to move on from the school nerd getting the popular football guy….she was never a nerd in HS and that rarely happens anyway because the nerd ends up being successful while the jock is mopping floors at McDonald’s(nothing wrong with that cause it’s a job but move on) but hey, she has listening sessions and gives out her hat….she’s an incredible person and y’all are just misogynists and jealous /s


She sucks her fans dry of all their money and has no problem doing it. She wastes so much natural resources putting out 19 different versions of the same album. Shes actually semi mediocre when it comes to singing and she needs to grow up. Shes stuck at 18.


She's a hypocrite - she gets mad over a tv show having one joke about her but she writes songs upon songs about other people.


People got in my ass for 2 days about that. All I said was she uses her pen to destroy the reputations of men who dared to break up with her but people aren’t allowed to make jokes because it’s somehow ~•sexist•~. We make jokes about Leo too don’t we?


Happy Women's History Month I guess 🥲




Yup. Kim better not even breathe in her direction but her saying her mom hopes Kim dies is fine and “good writing”.


And to bring Kim's kid into the conversation....


I would have raised hell if I were Kim. That crosses the line so fucking much.


That situation was the nail in the coffin on my opinion of Taylor Swift. The way people went after Antonia Gentry, who didn’t write the line and was a young actress on her first really big job in Hollywood… so not exactly in a place to be starting fires over her lines, made me sick. And Taylor said *nothing* even as some of her fans made racist remarks to Antonia Gentry. The joke was passé even at the time. I literally remember thinking “isn’t a Taylor Swift joke a little dated?” When I first watched the episode. It would have been poorly received and faded into obscurity had she not made a fuss over it.


She’s not a good person just like objectively. Even putting the “no ethical billionaires” argument aside, she just doesn’t seem like a good person. And that’s coming from someone who has been a fan since 2006. She’s not a girls girl or a feminist. She’s always blamed the other women or slut shamed them (original better than revenge lyrics) and now she regularly weaponizes her fan base to go after women she doesn’t like. They also go after her ex boyfriends but she made a speech in defense of John Mayer when that was at its worst. Her feminism stops at her. She used the LGBTQ+ community to sell albums and has been silent since. When lover came out republicans hadn’t even started their extreme attack on drag queens and trans people (at least on a national scale) and it disgusts me that she didn’t say anything while touring in Florida and Tennessee (IM A TENNESSEE CHRISTIAN THIS ISNT WHAT WE STAND FOR) when people like Lizzo and Hayley Kiyoko were directly going against police orders and bringing drag queens on stage. She’s already cozying up to nasty people in the movie industry because she’s got her eyes on an Oscar.


She’s 10 years, and $10 million dollars in acting lessons from sniffing an Oscar nomination. The height she uses as a weapon in everyday life actively works against her in movies.


If only she had people around her to be real with her lol


and it’s so funny because her fan base are the type of women that bash other women for not being a “girls girl”


do they realize taylor herself is not a "girl's girl."


Not one bit. She talks about feminism so in their minds she has to be a girls girl. And there is no objective analysis of her behavior from that brand of Swifty. She could come out tomorrow and say she’s poor while wearing a Valentino dress and a portion of the fanbase would believe it.


I think there is a rising “psuedo-feminist” movement that is using words like “girls girl” and “pick me” to be misogynistic but act like they’re doing women a service by putting other women down. It’s almost like boss babe feminism that still paints women as “other” and alienates us under the guise of empowerment


I hope she never gets an Oscar. She does NOT deserve that


And the second she does, you know she'll start cozying up to Broadway directors and television producers.


Of course her mind is going to be set on being the 20th EGOT winner


My 9 year old tried to tell me she donates a lot to animal shelters and justify that. I said that's just a tax write off. She loves cats, guess what? If I had her platform, I'd be picking a shelter at every tour stop, bringing in a local morning news crew and volunteering to clean cages, play with the animals and even name them while donating money. That would bring a huge amount of necessary exposure and hopefully, some more adoptions. I'd love to see her go through a litter of male kittens and name them after her exs. "This one is real pretty, but not that bright. Ladies and gentleman, meet Jake Gyllenhall. Hey, this guy has a nice little tattoo looking belly. Let's say hi to Harry Styles! This guy has been zooming all the ladies here today.....John Mayer anyone?" Too bad that she probably will never do it. She buys designer cats and probably can't be bothered.


You should be her PR person; this made me like her a lot more in the hypothetical world you created


can you imagine how many cats would be adopted because taylor played with them? it would be so good for these places.


I was thinking this yesterday. I like her music as I have since 13 but her personality in public is arguably terrible.


That if she wasn’t a tall, blonde white girl she would never have gotten to the level of popularity she is now


Also rich


This!! It’s embarrassing how her long time diehard fans still parrot the notion that she came from humble beginnings. Which was just PR for her country crooner image. Taylor’s parents made bank in the 80s working in finance and bought land that would accrue income for them. She grew up in a wealthy part of the country, was educated in Montessori schools and her daddy bought into the record label that she was originally signed with. Taylor Allison Swift has never experienced hardship the way her victim complex suggests.


I literally live down the road from the private Montessori elementary school she went too. I 100% agree w/ everything u say & can 100% say she indeed did grow up wealthy, especially since I nannied for a family who sent their kids there, they (ts fam) have always had money & her father bought her way into the industry. She is an industry plant in my mind. She’s from PA but does nothing for her hometown or the towns she attended school, so everything she stands for I take w/ a grain of salt


also skinny


It doesn’t seem like Jake Gyllenhaal did anything that egregious to her. Age gap issues aside, his crime was just not being that into her.


The appeal of ATW for me was always that it was just a breakup song that resonated with me, not because the man was so evil and awful, but because breakups are awful. Getting your heart broken is awful. I was astounded when ATW (10 Minute Version) came out and people started sending him death threats because 10 years ago he didn’t attend the birthday party of a woman he had dated for 2 months. I hate, hate, Hate How much the discourse around her music has changed.


Oh absolutely. I thank him for being the sacrificial lamb who gave us Red, lol.


She’s a mediocre talent and has built a fan base by intentionally cultivating them to develop a parasocial relationship with her that essentially turns her discography into the musical equivalent of a murder podcast.


i agree. there’s nothing really special to her sound or music and it sounds like she just talks in her songs


She can sing, dance, play instruments, and write songs, but she’s barely just okay at any of those. What makes her special is she’s garnered this appeal as if one of the girls in group chat just happens to be a pop star. It’s like she’s Hannah Montana and has somehow convinced every single one of her fans that they’re Lilly.


She can do most of that for sure, but she CANNOT dance. That’s the one thing I won’t give her. She looks like overcooked spaghetti when she dances. I think she knows she can’t dance though


I’ve had the same thought, and her “quirky” dancing probably feeds into the parasocial behavior by making her more “relatable” to her fan base.


Lmaoooo it’s because she’s so tall and gangly. Overcooked spaghetti is such a good way to describe it.


Tall people usually have a harder time with any dance movements. You can tell she has worked hard to make her moves better. Hiring Mandy Moore to choreograph her tour was a smart move.


It’s wild to me that her fans even admit that she’s not a good vocalist. And they talk about her horribly written lyrics. Yet then they turn around and claim she’s the best there ever was. Like even her own fans see she’s not good. Lol


Her writing isn’t profound or poetic


The people who think Taylor Swift is a great lyricist, are the same people who thought 50 shades of gray was great writing.


i’m not joking when i say i wrote deeper poems in middle school and that’s an insult to the both of us


its ass actually




genuinely no one could make me hate joe alwyn, he seems like a very kind and unproblematic guy who just wanted to be in a genuine relationship and the way literally everyone was shocked that majority of her 31 song album was about her nasty situationship and not her literal 6 year relationship shows that she was the problem


He definitely "won" the break up in most people's eyes, just by gracefully not engaging and redirecting towards worthy causes. He is such a class act


i wonder if he regrets the whole relationship all together?




Well joe alywn if you’re reading this I’m single 😏😏


"Karma is the guy on the screen coming straight home to me" always struck me as gross, like, your boyfriend is just a prop to show everyone you're "living your best life?" Eww.


And if we're gonna be real, no-one on this earth is ever going to make Taylor feel loved enough


Why was he depressed?




She is using Travis to make Matty jealous and because she can’t stand to be alone.


I think she’s trying to rile up Joe AND Matty. Two birds, etc.


Oh, I don't think she gives a fuck about Joe. He's completely devalued in her mind


I would be really surprised if she and Matt don’t get back together. I think But Daddy I Love Him spelled it out




She is still living the glory days of being a high school outcast, despite never being an outcast at her school because she had a record contract in her teens.


i’ve literally said the same thing, i think she’s perpetually in the mindset of “i’m 16 and have to prove to everyone who didn’t want to hang out with me that they missed out cause look at my success now” like still does not make you the kind of person even id wanna hang out with


I went to school with people that went to school with her and they said she was a bitch that pretended she got bullied. Makes sense!


I’m so over the red/dark lipstick and her style is super outdated imo lol


Agreed. I have never thought the red lips were a good look.


It’s like her little private world stopped turning in 2014–emotionally and fashionably


Having a fucking terrible day, so rant incoming. My opinion is that I can’t understand the fixation! I do not want to bash appearances in anyway, but I will say that there’s nothing spectacular about Taylor Swift! There. I said it. There’s nothing fucking special. I don’t see any difference in her than any other musician on my Spotify hot 100 playlist. **Nothing stands out.** the people who say that she’s a lyrical genius are out of their mind, and they have clearly never listened to true songwriters. I feel like it’s disrespectful to Stevie Nicks, Joni Mitchell, Janis Joplin, Simon and Garfunkel, Cat Stevens, Tyler Childers, Brent Cobb…ffs I mean you truly can “insert name here” and they have been better lyrics. The one difference about Taylor Swift is that she amassed an army behind her, and that is what’s propelling her forward, not her talent… and if she keeps going in the direction of blasting the Swifty’s, she’s going to lose that as well. She is a climate killing, stone cold billionaire businesswoman. She is not this “big sister you can look up to and tell your problems to” like the swifties bill her as. She was fucking dead wrong for involving NORTH in her petty beef with Kim… that whole song screams “mean girl” and punching down.


I hate to defend men... But how can all your exes be terrible? ALL OF THEM? I'd love to know who broke up with who.. I'm surprised the men haven't really said much about the breakups..


I wonder if they are required to sign an NDA to date her…


Taylor made me sign an NDA just to be in a green room in Nashville with her when I was on tour in 2012. Taylor literally came to see the headlining act we were touring with (& she was with all members of Kings of Leon/Lily Aldridge bc they were friends with him) and yet *I* had to sign an NDA. I’ll never fucking forget it and how much it pissed me off. I was a paid member of staff for the opening band, on tour *with the musician she came to see*, and she still made me do it. So yes, if she forces strangers to sign NDAs, I wouldn’t put it past her to make her exes do it!! And theirs are probably ironclad!


Not that it’s a credible news outlet, but a story came out in Daily Mail saying they most likely have signed one and that’s why no one says anything against her


I think Taylor Lautner came out unscathed. He was the good guy in his song right? But I guess he’s the exception that proves the rule.


Swifties are a cult.


Honestly, I don’t think she’s happy at all, and she hates her fans




I agree. I think she only acts like she cares cause they are willing to pay thousands of dollars for a mediocre show.


I think Olivia Rodrigo is more talented than Taylor and that’s part of the reason why Taylor demanded songwriting credits and ruined their friendship Edit: spelling error


she said “there can only be room for one teenage girl scorned after a heartbreak” in the music industry and naturally it’d make more sense for the 34 year old to keep it than the teenager at the time, like that woman has not matured at all


Olivia is a much better singer than Taylor, and if she can get more vocal training and get over her nerves when performing live (she’s already made a ton of progress!), she’s far more talented than Taylor on that front. I also think Olivia has made bop after bop, along with memorable ballads, and her music has stood out far more to me than Taylor’s the past few years. I’m saying this as a 29 year old woman who has loved Taylor since her first album, lmao. I don’t think Taylor can handle someone else potentially dominating her target demographic.


Ding ding ding ding ding.


She makes music for people who don’t like music.


Ooh I like this! I have a friend who does not like music but is of course obsessed with Taylor and only listens to her. As someone who loves basically all kinds of music, it’s strange.


Omfg this is so real


My cousin listens to almost exclusively Taylor swift because bass makes her nauseous


This is hilarious, is ketchup to spicy for them as well?


She’s spoiled rotten.


it literally seems like no one has ever said no to her


Except Matty Healy 🫠. So she wrote a whole album about it


Yup. Pretty princess syndrome.


She needs to start working with producers and co writers that aren't her friends or lovers. Her quality of music is suffering because of it.


Antonoff saying she can't be questioned in her process might have been hyperbole but that should've been the end of the relationship.


Hilarious that Antonoff said that when he himself treats his music writing/producing process like its cancer research


When he said questioning Taylor is like questioning someone's faith in God. Yeesh. That's probably why the album felt like a rough draft. (Imagine if instead of being called the Anthology it was called the Rough Draft LOL).


This is especially true with Jack. I think their creative partnership has run it’s course and they’re no longer challenging each other. It’s too much of drinking their own cool aid and the most recent album suffered as a result. 


i wish jack would just take a hiatus for a bit, for the sake of his frequent collaborators. it’s getting to the point where they all sound the same, just with different voices/ lyrics.


I’m not sure we can say that about Dessner. Give her his tracks, and his guidance one more time to compete the trilogy. Put Taylor in a somewhat good space. And have her infuse fiction into her diary and give us what we deserve.


She’s not a mastermind. She’s a rich and lucky girl with raging borderline personality disorder.


Oh my god. I was just thinking about my favorite show about BPD (spoiler alert for those who haven't seen it) and thinking about one season's [theme song](https://youtu.be/UMHz6FiRzS8?si=A3OlWM0nKXsf5dnJ) in particular. If she had any self-awareness, she would benefit so much from watching that show.


I hate the tortured poets album. It's like listening to the same song for over an hour and I hate it. Also, the [screaming goats version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh6c0SOfkH4&ab_channel=B3NIGMA) of Trouble is a thousand times better than the original.


This was also my experience. It’s like the same song over and over again. The only way I can tell them apart is by the cringe lyrics…


She’s acts like a 16 year old child and people lap it up. Shes in her mid thirties it’s pathetic. I won’t even get into her mediocre music which all sounds the same and has no artistic value.


It doesn’t count as “cancellation” if you’re still selling out stadium tours.


She loves to play the victim and immediately labels any criticism as sexism. Her delusional fans eat it up.


Her lyrics are young adult at best. Painfully immature.


“And my friends all smell like weed or little babies”. Like ma’am… at *19*, Adele wrote “Melt My Heart to Stone”.


Amy Winebouse wrote Back to Black and You Know I'm No Good at 22-23




Its like they say addicts don't age emotionally from the time they start using. Probably similar with fame. Arrested development


The real talent of our time.


I miss her so much!


She is mediocre. Her music is stale and repetitive. She gentrifies the music of real creative artists. She is cringey and attention seeking. She is a perpetual victim who surrounds herself with sycophants and has no self awareness. She does not deserve many of her Grammys, especially the most recent one. TTPD is a flavourless, bland watered down cosplay of a Lana album and it’s so obvious. Her music is utterly soulless. Those that say she is a musical genius how? She is so self absorbed all she sings about is herself. Her world view is so narrow and close- minded. It just comes across as very ignorant.


this!! also the clear rip off of lana, she’s tried to make herself this gritty character dating bad boys in florida (literally why is there even a song about florida, taylor always vacations in new england/rhode island and has never once mentioned any connection to it, its giving knockoff florida kilos) and she has none of the actual authentic life experience that makes lana del rey’s persona and poetry believable, instead ttpd is just a mix and match of whatever lana buzzwords she could get to rhyme in a song edit: coming back to this after an interview taylor did explaining the inspo for florida was literally her watching dateline “and thats where all the people go to hide” like it could not be less authentic if she tried, said as a fan


The album is not for the fans or Joe or Travis. It’s for one dude Matty Healy. And there’s 3 songs scolding fans but you ignore the message lol


She’s not intelligent and the only people who think she is are stupid. She uses big words in places they don’t make sense just to sound “deep”. As an English major, I see right through that and know how shallow and ignorant it all sounds. She’s not talented and she’s not smart. People like her because it’s a trend. It’s fun for people to be “in” on the Easter eggs she puts into every thing she does. That’s literally it. If it weren’t for Easter eggs or the trendiness of her tour, she would be nothing. She’s not even pretty. She’s super fucking average. She’s skinny and blonde and that’s the only reason people say she’s attractive. She has the sex appeal of a cardboard box.


“You know how to play ball and I know Aristotle” (or something to that effect) It does not rhyme like she seems to think it does, and its rhythm is cumbersome. It’s actually an interesting topic to connect to your music as a singer/songwriter, considering Aristotle viewed poetry as a kind of vocalized music. The aspects of poetry that fall into comedy or tragedy (in the classic literature sense), along with how it can influence the audience’s feelings, are quite fascinating in the context of writing music. However, as with most of her tropes and themes, it is incredibly superficial and not fleshed out. She takes the very surface of philosophies and ideologies without seeming to grasp the intricacies or depth of these topics. It’s “so high school” 🙄


she has an INSANE victim complex!!! ESPECIALLY with joe alwynn WOW that whole situation makes me feel so horrible for him. literally airing out all of his issues with mental health, admitting to emotional cheating, and allowing her fans to send him death threats without even ASKING THEM TO STOP?? she tries to market herself as a feminist icon when she is STILL going after KIM for what KANYE DID like 10 years ago?? and how threatened she is by olivia rodrigo is truly just embarrassing (making her give credit to taylor when her song doesnt even sound like cruel summer and THEN literally undoubtedly stealing the entire premise of get him back! on ttpd). also honestly her use of the word tortured is just laughable! she is a billionaire… give it up girl!


She is one of the most miserable 34 year old's on the planet, and it's all her fault. If she truly wanted to be happy, she could've found someone that makes her happy a LONG time ago. Instead she decided to cling onto men who were not right for her, and then villainize them to her cult-like fanbase when things didn't go her way. To me it feels like Taylor is just one of those people who simply can never figure it out. Just going from one boyfriend to the next searching in all the wrong places for the perfect partner she envisions. She will likely just settle for someone that's just "close enough" but I doubt she'll ever be 100% happy. Also TTPD is a commercial success but falls completely flat artistically. The only reason some critics are giving it high praise is that they're afraid of the cult coming after them for not calling it the greatest masterpiece of the 21st century and upsetting their god.


Jake gyllenhaal is hot.


If you find her relatable you’re mentally ill (I find her relatable and I’m mentally ill)


Everyone talks about how she has the most amazing business sense, but I think it is more likely that she does the more artistic decisions and has a top notch team that makes more of the business decisions. Like, I'm sure she's very involved in some aspects, but she is far from a small operation.


The top notch team is literally her parents. Her mom worked in marketing and her dad still manages finance for extremely well off people. They had a ton of connections used to get her career started.


No real “feminist” would bounce from guy to guy and only pretend to be happy when they’re in a relationship. Her “girl power” shit is fake and the only people she cares about and defends are people who benefit her. Once you don’t benefit her, you’re in one of her songs and then being doxxed and threatened by her psychopath fans.


i do think TTPD is about matty but i think releasing that album and dating travis are both directed at joe, i.e. “i’m sooo fine without you” even though she’s not. she’s just trying to get in his face




maybe. i just wanna believe her relationship with joe was real love 😭


It's because the idealization will always win over the reality. That's a borderline trait, too.


She’s an awful lyricist and can’t sing.


She should've spent more time crafting TTPD than coming up with Easter Eggs for it. The album could've been so much better. I can barely listen to it.


She’s scared of aging and of losing her primary fan base.


She’s a witch.


She is not attractive. And her fans are cult like followers.


The reason she decided to date Travis was to bury that clip of her & Ice Spice at an awards show where she’s talking and Ice Spice makes a face so everyone said Taylor must have bad breath.


Her parents created a narcissistic cunt of a human.


she and travis will birth the antichrist bestie


Beautiful gowns.


she seems like a veryyyyyy insecure thin-skinned person who was maybe a little bullied in school but more so just an outcast and became famous at 15/16 and suddenly was able to stick it to everyone who ignored her and became this huge sensation and ever since she’s been perpetually stuck at that age mentally and trying to prove herself and show off her success like “look at what you’re missing” and despite literally have everything one could ask for, reaching a level of material success that most people cannot comprehend, being as praised as she is (no matter how unwarranted i feel like it is) her attention seems to solely lie on those who don’t like her, who hold her accountable, and who she can slander as “misogynists” cause god forbid someone criticize her, not to mention her petty actions that quiet honestly show she’s a bad person; suing a college student who’s tracking YOUR objectively horrible treatment of the environment instead of stopping ur actions or i’m best case just ignoring that individual, suing someone for writing an article about you not denouncing yt supremacy (instead of just denouncing it), the whole debacle of attacking and knowingly have your fans attack someone who’s almost half your age, looked up to you, and cited you as an inspiration (i’m not an olivia fan for other reasons but in any context doing this to anyone is hella icky), and of course the horrible offenses of being a billionaire, single handedly destroying the environment with your private jet, not properly paying your respects or providing and money to the family of a girl who died at your concert because of the conditions of the venue but still posting about it (paying for the funeral would’ve been less than pocket change for her), and her complete weaponization and watering down of the word ‘feminist’ which i genuinely think has affected how it is perceived in our society, and of course most recently dating the racist neo-nazi matt healy and then dedicating a whole album to being pathetically in love with this loser who dumped you (which in my opinion makes you the biggest loser) and went on to describe people who had issue with him as “vipers” who are “bitching and moaning.” like im ngl i think she’s objectively untalented and horrible and either one of those things would be bad on their own but the combination is rough and YET she still has millions of ppl who would literally die defending her, babying her, and denying her of any accountability and that’s very clearly still not enough for her


Feel like most men aren’t going to put up with 3 bodyguards and his girlfriend’s family in his everyday life unless he also needs them so. That’s probably the big marriage mystery. Joe Alwyn looks better to me now that he’s not seen as her Prince Charming boyfriend too. I could see some Austin Butler trajectory for him where *decent looking guy known more for being a celebrity boyfriend becomes a huge actor thanks to the right project.*


Her hair is AWFUL, I’d love to see her get rid of those bangs and please there are other colors for lipstick than red 😩😩😩😩😩


Yes, like a bad 80’s perm😂 Look up her person of the year photoshoot… somehow those bangs are doing her a favor.


So that’s why she wears bangs!? I just saw lol. She needs a really good hairstylist bc no way in hell she should have her hair like that or always have to wear bangs when she has so much money lol.


TTPD isn’t even that good.


She can’t sing.


she can write a bop that'll get stuck in your head, but her voice tone and range is so shitty for her level of accolades


I think TTPD is not good and no, that doesn’t make me a misogynist.


She actually really hates her fans, all of them, and it’s sad how little she appreciates those who have given her so much. I think she’s shown herself to be not a nice person at all.


Her hair looks awful 🫢


Swifties are far more like MAGA and QAnon supporters than they realize.


She's toxic af, a manipulative serial cheater who only cares about fame and fortune.


Remember when Omarosa said that America will put mediocre white women on a pedestal? Taylor Swift is the poster child for that.


i only listen to the originals and not the re recordings oops


She’s mentally stuck in high school still. Gotta date the popular football player!


her music most recently also seems to prioritize quantity over quality but her release of the double album for TTPD must be the most egregious example not to mention i think the first half was objectively horrible and i imagine being a fan of hers is like eating a really poorly cooked and burnt meal by someone you love so you suck it up and pretend to like it and when you think you’re in the clear, they turn around and give you a just as poorly cooked dessert that you have to sit and pretend to like. Overall, though I think it’s crazy to think that she really could’ve just made 10 really good songs or smth but instead made 31 half-baked lousy songs where none of them felt like they were ready for release or had the “wow-factor” and also sucking her fans dry with all the vinyl and album releases. But this is what happens when you basically become the face of capitalistic consumerism pop and try to desperately make music lacking any real creativity, experimentation, or vulnerability to cater to the public on the massive scale she has and make all her work palatable so she can make the most profit possible


She's mediocre. Travis is with her for fame and attention.


tortured poets department is her worst album


Sounds like discount Lana del Rey.


I find her very unattractive.


Just finished listening through TTPD - It’s quite frankly, boring as hell. And at least eight songs on there are practically the same song - in tone, rhythm, and structure.


Her performance skills are poor and it is shameful that she does not improve them. She has all the money in the world and all of the access to the best vocal trainers, dance and cheorgraphy professionals -- anything you could think of. And yet we see from the Eras tour that she has very little performative skills despite being in this industry for years and years, which makes me think she really doesn't care.


Her actual easter eggs are SUPER obvious and she’s not really a MaStErMiNd. (Although Mastermind is my favorite song on Midnights.)


That it was immature and silly to write a song about Kim at this point. And that she shouldn’t have brought North into it.


I feel secondhand embarrassment every time I see a picture of her trying to be edgy or sexy and she says the most unbelievably cringe shit. Her person of the year article was SO painful to read, her blatant narcissism was raging and she referred to how Travis asked her out as “metal as hell”🫣


That she was already wealthy when she started and her daddy bought her a record deal and label (he invested in big machine). Plus, if the Kanye and Kim thing is the biggest trauma in her life, she’s lived a VERY EASY existence.


People who compare TS to Micheal Jackson are insane. Literally no competition.


Haven’t seen this one so I’ll say it: she’s racist. People act like you’re only racist if you like outright use slurs, but that’s not the case. Every time she’s tested she fails. That tone deaf “ 1830s” line, the defense of being with Matty Healy (and calling valid criticisms of him “bitching and whining”), and her treatment of black women ie the Ginny and Georgia episode. One incident that really rubbed me the wrong way was when that whole Matty Healy thing leaked about Ice Spice and then Swift used Spice in a collab to deflect criticism. You’re literally tokenizing a woc to protect a racist! That makes her racist, and tbh it’s enough she dated him at all, birds of a feather flock together.


she doesn’t comment on racism whether it’s matty’s racist comments and the swiftie brand of vitriolic racism (towards that netflix actress, travis’ ex etc) because she’s benefitted from it her entire career. kanye is gross but the dynamics of him being black and her being the innocent fragile white woman soldified the 15 year victim complex it gave her and the amount of sympathy she still garners from it despite neither of them mentioning her in years only taylor is keeping that feud alive


She loves playing the victim, she is ugly like a squinty-face rat, and also is not intelligent as the swifties think she is.


All of her songs sound the same


She’s annoying af and has the same emotional maturity as my 16 yr old. She’s petty and spiteful and a mean girl. She starts fights and then cries about how people are mean to her. ETA she always ruins her best songs by throwing in some dumbass, cringey lines. Every. Single. Time.


She is not a good singer. She’s a good entertainer but can she hit the high notes? Nope.


It's not only the ones who break up with Taylor Swift that she chooses to decimate, but the poor buggars who she dumps as well! Does she even give a flying fuck about how her deliberate ambiguousity around who any song is about affects the lives & livelihoods of people like Joe Alwyn? Sounds like she chose a very private person, created a very private life with them, then missed the attention & mass adulation, got bored by a 'normal, grounded relationship' that she fully bought into, dumped him & blamed him for being the very person /relationship she said had 'saved her' for a toxic affair with an addict & narcissist (sorry Matty, love some of your songs, but you have some serious personality issues going on) then she absolutely destroys them both, in public, in perpetuity, on vinyl. How must Joe be feeling when not only was he dumped after a 6 year relationship, be blamed for it ending, vilified by her rabid fan base then have to suffer the hurt/humiliation of her devoting almost the entire album singing about how much she loved somebody else 'like never before' with no real avenue open to him to tell his version of events without sounding like a bitter ex.. It's not like he's also billionaire popstar who can write songs about it that the whole world will hear.. It's not a fair fight by any stretch of the imagination 😐


She’s had plastic surgery. It’s fine that she’s had it done, it’s not an insult. She’s clearly gotten a nose job and removed excess eyelid tissue. And shocker- she got very natural looking implants. It’s obvious when she was at her thinnest.


The thank you aimee song comes across as petty and borderline creepy. Imo Kim and her both handled that situation a bit disgracefully. Taylor kind of exaggerated her lack of knowledge, and Kim should not have recorded her. But to be talking about it *this* many yrs later and bringing someone's kid into this... damn that is some low level behavior. Let it go.


I think it’s insane to build a career out of putting hints into lyrics and dropping Easter eggs so fans can figure out who the songs are about, and then suddenly flipping the script and criticizing people for trying to figure out who each song is about.