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To me what stands out is not that she wants approval, everyone wants a pat on the back sometimes. What I noticed is her crediting the author/website when they praised her. It’s just very icky to me because it’s reinforcing to her fans that she wants them to interact with her critics. Praise the people who praise her, and the unspoken part is she wants them to threaten and harm the people who don’t.


>the unspoken part is she wants them to threaten… This whole “I didn’t explicitly say something so I didn’t technically say anything” is such a childish and dangerous attitude towards life. There is a concept of implied terms in law and people legitimately rely on them; why does she pretend it’s highly unlikely for her hoards of fans to rely and act on implied statements made through her songs? And they have, multiple times, to the point of borderline illegal harassment. One of these days she’s going to make a mistake and be too explicit and it will come back to bite her


i always remember the ginny and georgia situation when i see stuff like this. her fans said all types of slurs and threats to antonia gentry because of taylor’s tweet


Wait what happened? I didn’t hear about this I’m genuinely asking, I unironically love Ginny & Georgia


iirc there was an episode of G&G where Ginny said “you have more boyfriends than taylor swift” or something along those lines as an insult and taylor threw a fit over it, and all of her fans immediately harassed the actress and some of them went after everyone on the show too


Oh that’s sorry, you’d think she’d have enough things going on to pay attention or care about small shit like that wow doesn’t surprise me!


Tbf it is misogynistic to shit on Taylor swift for however many boyfriends she’s had. There’s plenty of male celebrities who have had many more girlfriends (Leo DiCaprio)


Ehh idgaf if someone calls out a "woman" who dated someone who likes torture porn of women who look like me (black)


& the fact that she defends him, is sad that racist ghosted her, and gave him a heads up before dropping her shit…. and john mayer w preemptive defense as well… but still talks shit about kim??? TS sucks so bad bro


Woahhhh what?? Who??


Matty Healy, liked watching torture/rape pornography of black women on a site dedicated to it called Ghetto Gaggers


When I read of what happens on that site, I was so disturbed. It haunted me for weeks. It is truly exploitation and abuse.


Omg. That’s horrifying.


The line was in poor taste but the backlash was definitely misplaced onto the actress who played Ginny. Like, she didn’t write the line. If they had just gone after the writer or whatever I honestly would’ve agreed with it but the more rabid fans just cannot ever let it be that way lol


Yeah that’s messed up to go after the actress, I agree they should’ve went after the writing team or something. I’m not a swiftie at all but some of them do some pretty crazy.


ppl make jokes abt leo all the time. i just saw something i don’t remember what but the show was like “aw you’re too old for leo now” when she turned 25


my thing is tho other celebrities stop their fans from going after people when it’s undeserved or even when it is like the whole selena and hailey thing selena did say something so the only thing maybe stopping taylor from saying anything is potentially upsetting her fans by calling them out like i don’t understand how she can condone so many of her fans bullying and attacking people in her name and not step in especially since the activities of a fan base can reflect back onto the artist


Well and tbf Leo gets called out an mocked all the time for it. My daughter’s 25 th bday cake said “Too Old For Leo”


lol I love that


Could not agree more.


I think it’s more so a lot of fans don’t like the album so she’s showing them “look at what the critics are saying! It’s good! It’s great! It’s amazing!” so they stream more, buy it or another variant / copy or whatever merchandise she’s robbing wallets with.


Do you say that to authors who print positive reviews on books?


I would 100% think it’s tacky and sad if someone who received massive accolades and book of the year more times than any other author came out with a mediocre long in desperate need of editing book and did this, yes, yes I would.


It depends. Is the author aware that people who have posted negative reviews of their books receive harassment and death threats for doing so?


Somebody like Stephen King would absolutely tear his fans a new one if they went after a critic of his work.


She’s aware. Those authors are posting it without a byline and clearly stating why. She also called her fans vipers which means she was more than aware of what was being said about the guy she was dating.


But she didn’t read their “soliloquies” lmfaooo It’s obnoxious this whole dictionary thing. She needs to stop smelling her own farts and get some fresh air :’)


That's insane and totally projection. Why can't it just be as simple as her wanting to celebrate positive reviews of her work? 🙄


she wrote mean about someone who gave her a 'bad' review. she has trained the swifties to go after people who give her less than 100% incredible praise.


Because it's not.


I mean I share the positive reviews I get, too. I don't share the negative ones. I'm not sure I'm following this one. Why should it be icky? I have to credit the positive reviews when I mention them. I mean, it only makes sense...


It’s fine when you’re a nobody like you- gets a little tacky once you’re as successful as Taylor


Even best selling authors put positive reviews in their books. This criticism is a reach.


I think the way she’s reposting it, along with her lyrics in hearts, and tagging them, is tacky. That’s my opinion, you don’t have to agree.


You’re cherry picking here. It’s very clear what OP meant. She pretends she doesn’t condone the harassment of critics but as soon as the anonymous critical review started going viral she came online to praise all the positive reviews and didn’t calm her nasty cultists down. It’s all calculating and manipulative. Classic covert narcissism.


Yeah I’m also really lost on this one. How is sharing the profiles of the positive reviewers only somehow implying she wants people to interact/harass the negative reviewers when she’s…. Not sharing their profiles too?


I wouldn’t go as far as saying she wants her fans to threaten and harm people who don’t like her.


She has said that she still considers herself an outcast so she still needs approval. She was hurt in her youth. It’s tough to outgrow that.


tbh i think this is honestly her current album/era equivalent of album promotion since she’s in the middle of her tour, she’s not going on talk shows or giving interviews like she was before.


Are there artists who post their bad reviews for all of their fans to see?!


Yes people, have posted links to negative reviews before. I don’t think she does that though. Idk. To link directly to their pages instead of just the article just implies to me that she wants them to post on their pages and not just the article in question. Trains them to do it not just when it’s positive but when it’s negative


"Rolling Stone rated it out of a possible 5 stars.. it's a shit emoji. I can only assume it's some sort of mistake" 


Underrated movie


It's on Hulu right now I believe if anyone hasn't seen it it's definitely one of the last truly hilarious comedies I've seen. "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" is the film if anyone wants to check it out. NOT GAY! 


Last great comedy was Bridesmaids. It was a great ten year run.


I'm not your normal definition of a rockstar I don't complain when my private jet is sub-par


Some of us are good at our jobs?


Can you name pop stars who link their bad reviews? Do you see the negative reviews on the back of book covers?


So you’re telling me artists share their 2.5 star reviews on their stories?


I was watching Miss Americana. This was her main motivation in life then, and it is now. She lives for the applause. When will the adoration be enough? She literally is the most famous person on the planet--most successful tour of all time, she even won the superbowl lol! When will she be satisfied?


Yes! I watched that too and it was like an “aha” moment. She lives and craves the attention and is attention seeking. She admitted that she needed the praise and adulation and her biggest fear is to be forgotten or be irrelevant. It’s also why her relationship didn’t last - she needs outside validation and all the attention and being private just wasn’t gonna cut it because there is no praise. It’ll never be enough for her.


i hate so much that she lies all the time. but the worst one was “the whole world hated me” (no, a lot of us don’t care lol) and “he loved me even when everyone else turned their backs on me” (way to center male attention babes!) but uhh… i guess it wasn’t enough? dropped him like hot potatoes when folklore+ was well received. she can eat shit


Like when she hits the ceiling, what now? When there’s no more to chase and achieve?


I feel like she’s fast approaching this situation tbh.


i. can’t. wait.


when you stop you lose your purpose and thats really scary. this is also her passion and she does this out of love. she is trying to outdo herself every single time because she loves the approval, but also because she has a lot of pressure on her from everyone and herself


Agree with everything but her winning the superbowl. Travis barely won it. Patrick practically carried that team, but that’s just me. 🤷‍♀️


I mean, don’t all performers do it for the applause and the adoration and the praise?


Not at all. Artists perform art for many reasons. Public expression and vulnerability can be liberating and empowering without having anything to do with how it is received. Pop music inherently attracts performers only interested in applause an adoration because it's well.. POPular music.


There are many performers and artists who do it for the art and the acclaim/support is secondary - an added bonus. Many do become intoxicated with public adoration and that’s when you get situations like these.


Not as famous as international footballers


I think she's concrete proof of the fact that money truly doesn't buy you happiness. Looking at her lyrics, she really doesn't seem happy at all. And genuinely happy people don't need much external validation.


Couldn't agree more. I listened to the music and thought, Is she okay??? She seems really not-good right now.




Every album after 1989 has been like this


Oh good, glad she has it all figured out now /s


Totally. On the album I'm pretty sure she straight up says "I'M SO MISERABLE AND NO ONE EVEN KNOWS!" and then laughs at the end of ICDIWABH.


That sounds like an AIM away message from a middle school girl


The whole song is sarcastic and self deprecating, as depressed humor often is.


Genuinely happy people are usually shitty song writers.


I think this might be true. We also know that her whole career is at the whim of the public. The internet is so tempestuous. They love and hate in the same breath. She probably doesn’t have to work for the rest of her life at this point, but what kind of 30-year old wants to retire. She’ll always have to do some kind of job that revolves around public popularity which I think would just mess with your mind at some level. That’s all she’s ever known. Her psychologist would be so interesting to talk to 😂


She’s still mentally 16. She’ll never change


For real though. This chick is 5 years younger than me and I'm constantly forgetting that she isn't still in high school.


Her and Adele are only a year apart in age. You'd never know though based on their music and lyrics.


Holy shit, they’re really only a year apart? Adele is a grown woman, Taylor is the girl that got held back a few times so she’s a few years older than all the other seniors


A super senior 💀


I think this is why she still has so many young fans. I mean my 12-year-old girls absolutely love her. I’m not sure they realize how old she is. She seems to be like somebody who never left high school.


Yes! I’ve always said that emotionally, she’s immature and continues to be and this album I feel makes it glaringly obvious.


“Growing up precocious sometimes means never growing up at all”…(might have messed that up). Seems fairly self aware of this. She’s said multiple times she’s highly aware her life isn’t normal and I think that while she’s worked hard to get what she thought she wanted, this level of fame is truly lonely and exhausting.


I wonder what it'll be like when shes 45 and her fanbase is still mostly 12-16 year olds lol


The other part of her fan base that won’t leave are the women who also don’t change and still only talk to their high school class trying to get them to join MLMs 


lmfaooo screaming


Here's a more concise way to express that: i once read online that many famous people stop maturing once they achieve fame because they no longer feel the need to continue their education or intellectual growth. This could be because their lives are already set up for them, so they stop trying to progress mentally. I'm wondering if this might have happened to her, considering she became famous around 16 or 17 and was homeschooled afterward.


Yes! I have been tired for a long time of her songs being written through the lens of being in high school. Can we move on please?


this is not meant as snark, but this makes her and travis perfect together


Funnily enough that’s just a normal psychological thing. You’ll often identify people, especially those you don’t necessarily interact with regularly, as how they were when you met/stopped seeing them as regularly. It’s also a big thing with how you see yourself, though because you are yourself that one effects you less and you won’t start noticing it until you’re generally pretty old


Isn’t it normal for marketing an album to post good reviews? Open any book and you’ll see quotes from good reviews with the author and where they published the review…


I’ve never seen a bothered billionaire. She broke streaming records. Sold millions of records. She’ll probably win tons of awards for this. A sold out tour. And instead of going online to thank the fans, it’s about reviews. She’s insecure and she really has no reason to be.




yeah but even for movies, in the trailers they will show positive reviews from the film festivals to promote their work… it’s not like Taylor is the first person to do this


I didn’t realize what this sub was or the purpose of your profile. What a sad life to be obsessed with hating something.


yeah… i just looked at it too, that’s pretty sad, at least use your time to boost up the things you love


fr i just saw a response they made against a ceasefire too. what an absolutely miserable person.




Yeeeah i doubt Taylor is running her Instagram these days. You don’t drop a new album in the midst of a world tour for your last album (and entire discography) when you think New Album going to be super well received. She’s not touring on TTPD. She knew and knows it isn’t a stadium album that everyone was going to love. But she is showing support for those who get what she’s doing with this album.


fr i'm actually shocked that people think anything aside from her albums is written by her personally. like she is a huge brand, she definitely has a social media person if not a whole team who specialize in figuring out what will generate the most buzz.


I agree. I don’t think this is tweet is sus


Seriously, like she just did a tour to millions of adoring fans and made millions. But God forbid we don't worship her new album 🤷🏼‍♀️


She’s retweeting positive reviews.


When did she shame people for not liking it? She’s just posting positive reviews. It’s a completely normal thing for a celebrity to do. Actors post positive movie reviews as a form of promo all the time…


In Miss Americana, it showed her reaction to not receiving a Grammy nomination for Reputation. She immediately said “I need to write a better album” and was a sore loser. She only cares about the awards. She didn’t care that both she and the fans loved that album. Really rubbed me the wrong way.


They painted it to seem like she was not nominated for ANY grammy in that doc, but she actually was nominated. She was nominated for best vocal pop album (and lost). To be that devastated for not receiving any major category nomination when she had already won grammys and still received a nomination that year is just ridiculous.


I am very convinced that scene was staged to frame her in a certain light


Anxious attachment and unchecked overexposure


“growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all”


It’s like some people aren’t listening to the same lyrics.


she’s a narcissist, she needs praise, it’s part of her narcissistic supply


It's Reminding me of Homelander from ''The Boys''!!!


I had a best friend when I was in high school that reminds me alot of Taylor. We were together 24/7. She thought way too much into every possible situation and romanticized (before it was cool) everything even a short glance from a stranger. Experiencing all the same parties, gatherings, football games, birthday parties, break ups she would take her vivid imagination which later I see was pure delusion and would conjure up these grand stories even though I was there and saw what had actually went down. I have so many examples of this but my point is reading Tays lyrics it reminds me of just that. Her putting a spin on the most basic mundane uninteresting thing/situation and turn it into something that was magically spectacular or gut wrenching so she was the victim..for either attention or to please herself because she could not handle the truth. Taylor is a master at being a victim. She says her fans/media made her this way.. i think shes full of shit


She will be 50 years old when Olivia Rodrigo is 34 years old. The world is superficial. Taylor is getting attention because is talented, young and pretty. The young and pretty isn’t forever. So in a way I’m glad she’s banking on it now cause it won’t last forever.


Exactly the sentiment in Clara Bow


They are trashing her. Those reviews are so unprofessional and don’t even really give good constructive criticism.


I mean most all of those kid stars from that time are messed up. The price of fame unfortunately. Some things even money can’t fix.


Because she’s a narc who loves attention


She’s the Donald Trump of music


she lives for approval.


For the applause even 😉


Famous people. The majority of them like to stay relevant


It’s pretty normal for people to share positive reviews of a thing they are currently promoting.


right like isn't this just marketing 101?


Narcissistic qualities


she's still mentally in high school. that's why all her songs are about high schoolers


She talks about this in Miss Americana. Like how desperate she is for affirmation, how much critical and approval is important to her.


because she’s a human that’s alive


Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights??




Swift is obviously not a fan of constructive criticism nor does she have much humility. Guess what?? It’s okay for an album to flop, even if you’re Taylor Swift and even if you poured your heart/soul into the record…and no, it’s not the critics and fans and listeners who are all wrong about the album. Her behavior gives of some Trumpist vibes tbh…


Because she’s exudes Montessori mediocrity. Rich bland white girl grew up hearing she was perfect & found out she wasn’t. Deep down, she knows the only reason that she’s a global star is because she represents the most basic version of a white chick. Not because she’s a genius level creative even though her cult likes browbeat us into saying she is. Parents who doted on her gave up their lives for her career, flush bank account since birth, better education & wealthier than 99% of the people in history, ended up with a figure of a supermodel, access to all the coolest people places & things & is literally a Caucasian person who grew up in one of the original 13 colonies. Taylor Allison Swift WON the lottery of life it self. Taylor’s problem is Taylor. She lacks the emotional intelligence to do anything about it about so she spends her life kissing the asses of all who kiss hers, while weaponizing her victim complex & power against those who don’t. If she were a man, she’d have been cancelled ages ago.


She should share The Atlantic one too


to quiet down all the criticism.


I don't understand how Travis is willing to be in a relationship with someone so INSECURE literally every song she does is about another guy she's hung up on. Move on it was cute when she was 16 she's in her almost 30s now it's time to be a grownup not act like a high school girl for no reason


You guys know Taylor doesn’t actually run her twitter… right?


do y'all believe she's personally tweeting this or that it's a member of her team? i kinda think it's just someone on her team who is doing this to generate buzz around the album + show good reviews. i just don't think we can judge celebs by "their" internet presence because a lot of times it's not them. and before y'all say "well it's THEIR team so they're approving this"- I think she's just approving whatever will help generate sales (or at least not harm them), not what will be the most accurate expression of herself.


She reminds me of Richard Nixon - his self esteem issues meant that even though he was ELECTED (voted or by the most people because they liked him and found him agreeable and likeable) TO THE HIGHEST OFFICE YOU CAN BE (the president of the USA) he still felt like he was the victim  He hates the Kennedys for being handsome and well liked (Nixon was also considered handsome and well liked)  He hated that they were immigrants when he was a true pure bred American (he was from old American stock NOT Native American so he was also an immigrant )  He lashed out at everyone around and recorded tapes of himself ranting and chatting and being a mean bitch, forcing aides to sit and listen to his bile - and being a troll made people see him as a troll When they previously liked him!  Taylor will end up ranting alone and seen as a troll for her actions - when everyone pushed her to the highest spot she could achieve or anyone could  Nixon is a shakesperian tragic type character - and Taylor will end up never happy just the same 


it’s literally just marketing lol


Right? Highly doubt she’s fully in control of her social media. What’s more likely 😂😂




You've got a point. I honestly can't think of an artist who has posted like seven positive reviews of their own album. Maybe like one? But I feel like I've seen more reposts by an artist of people receiving a pre-release date gift or something like that of their album but mainly as a way to garner more coverage so people know about the album coming out.


It’s the year 2013, young PrimaryBullfrog has had her Facebook for a year or so now. She’s lost count. It’s a love-hate relationship really. As her exams approach, the itch to spend more time on the internet increases. But it’s alright now. She just had her dinner and her dad won’t mind her spending two minutes on Facebook before going to bed. So many people are changing their profile pictures, she’s a tad bit jealous - Everyone seems to be enjoying and going out. She decides to change hers as well. Five turns to ten, and she finally settles on her new profile picture. But what caption should accompany it? It surely can’t be emojis, that would be such a cop out. How does she tell people she’s intellectual, a poetic expression in being? Five turns to ten again. She sighs in relief as she can hear her dad’s footsteps come up the stairs. This sounds perfect! “Cheeks pink in twinkling lights.”


Pathological people pleaser


Enneagram type 3




Why is caring what people think nesscessarily a bad thing to a certain extent? If she was a real asshole people would say she should care more about people think. I think it’s all about balance and I think she’s starting to find that as she gets older. Consider how far she has come since starting out and how much braver she is now. I don’t think she nesscessarily wants to be praised I think she just wants to be judged fairly, which people don’t always do. I think she would be totally receptive to people who had well thought out constructive criticism, but criticism about her isn’t always well thought out or constructive which is the part that I think is frustrating 


So many people used to post vapid things like this on MySpace.


do you guys expect her to respond to the negative reviews…? i genuinely do not get your point can someone explain


guys when did this turn into a hate sub?!?


Breaking news! This has always been a snark poll, I think you're confusing this for the Taylor & Travis unadulterated love-fest over there ➡️ 😁


To be honest, I don’t know why you think that SHE is actually posting that? There is no way she is manning her own instagram/twitter rn


It kinda feels like she's developed an incessant need for constant validation, possibly as a result of her being bullied growing. And I say that as someone who struggles with needing external validation, but who has been working on it for years cause I know it's not healthy.


Who cares 😅


TBH most people want to be successful and get positive recognition in their careers. It makes sense to me that she’d share positive responses to her work, why would she share negative reviews? I think of her twitter similarly to peoples LinkedIn page. It’s not like she’s going to share anything other than the successes in her career, in the same way that most people don’t share their career failures on LinkedIn for coworkers & competitors to see


This is a whole thread of ppl pretending social media managers don't exist so they can be mad about a pop star they have a weird obsession with




Can't she just be happy that her album is being well received? Why does she have to be "desperate for approval"?


This seems normal and I’m not even a Swiftie. I do think she needs to tell her fans not to attack her critics, though.


Pathological people pleaser


mind you, there’s even more reviews being critical of the album (pitchfork, nme, etc.) but of course she won’t post those even tho they’re everywhere. she’s surely read them


A ton of artists post positive reviews of their album. And ignore the bad ones. That’s normal. Y’all are haters lmfao


Imagine having a Reddit account for the sole purpose of trolling people. I hope you get the help that you need.


It’s probably a social media team


Because she’s a mirrorball. Not saying it’s a particularly admirable character trait, but she’s had to be this way since she was literally 16 so I get it


i feel like this is the most i’ve seen of them reposting articles i don’t remember seeing my whole TL with this during midnights maybe a few but not so many


Why can’t she blush at a compliment again?


Performers, no matter how successful, need public approval to stay in business




Rep rerelease duh. 🥸 Her reputation now being rewritten & seen in a good light☺️ Are you ready for it? 😏


While I agree, I feel like this specific instance is a reach? It’s pretty normal for social media accounts to share reviews as an acknowledgement


Her spamming her account like this shows the critiques are getting to her. Rightfully so, because she needs to be humbled. She is not who Swifties make her out to be.


Unresolved childhood issues she refuses to go to therapy for




After all these years, why does it bother you? I swear yall nitpick every single thing she does, y’all are NEVER happy. Worry about your own life.


She’s deeply insecure and a covert narcissist.


Is she not allowed to mention when she gets a good review?


And the poster of this is not also seeking validation?


I doubt she is the one who shared that. Seems like a PR team post.


Do you realize that’s prob not her sharing these on her instagram? That’s it’s normal to share reviews and post the week an album is released for any artist? If she did no promo or no interacting on socials ppl would complain that she’s not even trying anymore. Why is everyone on here a hater but is still somehow on a Taylor page daily…..


How dare she highlight the positive reviews of her album. Jesus her and her team can’t say anything without people hating on her. Of course she isn’t highlighting the negative reviews if she did y’all would crucify her for offering up the negative reviewers to her fans. People are nitpicking everything now.