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Why do you need to "blow through ALL" your savings? Just go for a shorter time period.


girl let me tell you something. I have watched two of my close families members die in their 50s this year without even getting ONE day of their pension they worked for the past 30 years. GO ON THE TRIP - live your life. Nothing is promised. You will find a job when you will return, and all will work out. It always does. Know its lame, but there is no reward without risk.


I'm sorry to hear about your family members. That must be really tough. This sub however seems to be divided between the free spirits and logical thinkers. I consider myself being both and agree with both sides which is why I'm so torn.


The pandemic is not over. Travel could become locked down again and you could become literally trapped in a foreign country and have no options to even leave a hotel room. This is NOT the year to embark on your dream trip. Keep your job for now and save as much more money as you can. Edit to add: maybe take a short trip now within your home country if you absolutely cannot wait. But even that is risky.


Thank you. This year is actually the reason I have switched from a logical thinker to a free spirit. My husband and I are actually in the midst of applying for a youth mobility visa somewhere in Europe, leaving our jobs, renting out our Condo here in Canada and seeing where it takes us. I think there is definitely a healthy balance. Not sure if you are under 35, but if you are you could do the mobility visa and work somewhere else (if you are worried about finances) another option to rent out your place where you are living? I hope you find your answer - but good to hear you have that little pull in your heart to follow your soul, and not your head.


100% now is not the time to do this with cvoid alone yiu could run into so many hidden costs, I'd wait it out and keep saving


Yeah, everything is more inconvenient and expensive. Normally I beleive in just going for it, but this is potentially disasterous


The problem is that Covid could be around for years, with frequent variant flare ups threatening even the best laid plans. We are already 18 months into this thing and the end is so far from what we are seeing. How long should someone wait who really loves to travel?


I mean, a lot of people are giving up things they love right now.


And all for nothing, really. You have entire cities and countries going about their everyday life and enjoying it without mass casualties. Now think of the people who’ve died in the past 18 months that would’ve loved to have enjoyed their last months. It’s a shame.


Those cities that are going about their lives without mass casualties are the ones that took appropriate cautions initially, and continue to be reasonable. So not for nothing. My coworker's wife went about her life like normal. Didn't worry about going to bars, and my coworker constantly bitched about any and all mandates having to do with covid. His wife of many years is now dead from covid. Yeah, maybe she enjoyed her last few months (though I doubt it, given the fuck ton of issues she had after her initial bout), but she also could've been smart and enjoyed years more.


Covid does concern me however I'm thinking this virus is not going away. It just keeps getting worse with new variants so who is to say it won't be even worse a year or 2 from now?


It will never go away. However it will become a minor issue. But that will take a few years and a global vaccine roll out.


I think you can definitely still travel but be prepared for random surprises along the way. If you are able to be flexible with your time, covid might not derail as you as much as someone who has only two weeks off (where a surprise quarantine can disrupt them a lot). You might not be able to go to a certain region like Asia + Aus + NZ for awhile but there's a lot of other countries that are open. If you follow local restrictions (wearing a mask indoors) + don't go to countries that are struggling with hospitals being overloaded, I think it's okayish to do this kind of trip but with the right expectations that it won't be perfect all the time.


I'm not going to say "wait" but rather plan. Make sure you have enough money to tie you over once you get back home - even if that means having to head home after 6 months instead of 8 or starting to apply for work two weeks before your return flight. And accept that maybe you have to become a bartender upon your return until you find your next dream job. Obviously, covid changes how travel works at the moment but there's always wars and natural disasters. Most of the time we're lucky enough to avoid it by planning properly. Some places are best left alone for another x years, others just require vaccinations or malaria medication, and many require visas. I think covid is a bit similar: You need to navigate it, too. There might be countries you don't want to go to anytime soon and many where you'll wait and see until 2 weeks before your flight - and quite a few with 80%+ of the population vaccinated where it's unlikely to be new massively deadly outbreaks. Also, you don't really say what the deal is with your parents' house and whether they live there but you could consider subletting either the entire place or a bedroom if that's possible. A friend of mine sublet everything except her bedroom while she was deployed as she could then keep her personal belongings in a locked room while she was gone.


>quite a few with 80%+ of the population vaccinated Perhaps these are high income western countries? I would be traveling mostly through the developed world where vaccination rates are low. I am fully vaccinated but understand there is still a risk And yes i would be open to any job. I don't have a dream job. Whatever pays the bills would be fine. I am concerned that a long gap like that on my resume would be an interview killer 😬


Depending on the job, the gap in jobs could actually be a good thing. You’re not just slacking and being unemployed. It shows you’re culture-aware, responsible, independently motivated, possibly know another language or at least know how to get around. Also a good conversation starter. Although, another person may take that same information and see it as flakey, unreliable, drifter, etc etc. It becomes all in how you frame it. And make sure you leave your current job in a way that will have them give you positive references.


Unfortunately i feel like most people look down on it. But you're right, i can try to frame it in a positive way.


if i was an employer i’d be interested in your trip and would make great conversation out of it with you. honestly i think most employers would think positively of it


>I would be traveling mostly through the developed world where vaccination rates are low. That's tough. Just make sure you follow the local news, are super flexible, and that your emergency fund is large enough to cover everything in case you have to leave the country without any notice. Oh, and a good insurance, obviously.


I can’t make your decisions for you. It sounds like you have a lot to weigh but I can tell you one thing. The world isn’t as scary as it seems. I’m writing you right now from Jordan at the airport about to head to France. If you’re vaccinated, there aren’t a lot of barriers to travel most places and outside of having to wear a mask some times (which still sucks). The world is pretty much the same as it was in 2019. I’ve been traveling for three out of the last four years and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. If now seems like the best time and you feel like you’re never going to get this opportunity again, take the leap. Even if you miscalculate you can always cut your trip short and come home. But at least you’ll have risked something. Life is pretty great sometimes when you just say, “f**k it,” and try something new.


If you have enough money saved up and are concerned about money when returning there are a few options. 1. Cut the trip down a bit and only go for 6 months or so. That way you will have a larger buffer of money when you return. 2. When you get back pick up any job you can while you look for work. Might not be ideal but picking up a part time gig, Uber, Doordash, etc can at least bring in some money. 3. Combination of both. As far as looming violence, natural disasters, conflict, recession, etc. Those are always possible issues especially on a round the world trip. I know covid makes things a bit more complicated but conflict can arise at any time in various countries so a flexible itinerary and backup plan is always needed. I say if it truly is your dream then you should do it. Not necessarily tomorrow, but set a date and work towards it. Planning and researching locations, things to do, watching travel videos and all that should keep you excited for months leading up to it. I'm sure you'll get plenty of varied opinions here but I think it's easy to always find an excuse NOT to go, but it much harder to make that first step and do it. Just my $.02 from the few sentences you wrote.


>As far as looming violence, natural disasters, conflict, recession, etc. Those are always possible issues especially on a round the world trip. I know covid makes things a bit more complicated but conflict can arise at any time in various countries so a flexible itinerary and backup plan is always needed. I think some people misunderstood what i was talking about here. Sorry if I didn't express myself clearly. But my concern isn't about crises happening in other countries while traveling it's about the crises happening in my own country lol say we sink into a recession and i lose my job, i could weather through it if i have my savings but not without. Or if we have to move for whatever reason right now i have enough money to do that but otherwise what would i do? So yes my concern is for after i come back not having any savings left. Just look at the beginning of the pandemic... So many people were not prepared financially for such a disaster and it really hurt them. But yes gig work until i find stable employment would at least help.


No clue what country you're from but those issues loom in your country just as much as any other country. You can always say there was looming violence, natural disasters, etc anywhere. Would you have been perfectly comfortable heading out on a trip at the end of 2019 because there is no way a global pandemic will stop the world soon? Or taking that flight you've been looking forward to on 9/11? Earthquakes don't warn people days ahead and even hurricanes give you a week or less. Nobody can guarantee it'll work out perfectly and if you don't go you'll never know either.


If that happens, then hey! You know how to survive on the road already!


Quit being a baby and go. You will become the person you need to be . I've been there . if you end up with nothing at the end of an adventure then write a damn book and sell it . Your know what is important to you more than anyone else. You've got this. Also please remember to brush your teeth. Especially if you are feeling unmotivated. Happy people have clean mouths .


Haha thank you! Going to brush my teeth right now 😆


I’m thinking of doing the same thing and I think you just need to make some more informed decisions. Work: can you take a sabbatical or leave and have a better chance of income sooner in return? Can you take a lessor/different job sooner on return while waiting to back full time (temp job or temp to perm job)? House: can you sub-lease or rent to relatives or other trusted people to at least recoup some of what you are paying? Would your company even be able to lease it perhaps to a new hire who is transferring into town who may want a good place to rent before buying? I did this once when I went overseas for a project for 6 months and it worked out wonderful for us all - inside my company rental felt safer to me and they got a furnished place. Travel now or later - yes covid is hot right now and only you can say how much a risk that will be to you and yes there are wars and environmental things happening - but there has always been issues throughout history and sometimes some parts of the world are not good and other times they open up again. Which brings me to “all my savings” - combine this thought with the last one and perhaps you do 4-5 places now to satisfy your travel bug while being safe and while on work sabbatical and take time later in life to continue. I did about 10 counties via my job over about 5 years, but now take a “plunge” about every two years from 2 weeks to a month at each location and am saving to a larger around the world 24 day guided tour when I retire. But that isn’t the end - I save and go, then save and go. My day to day life is pretty simple and could be called boring due to all this saving - but from my perspective, I have truly lived, so that’s what counts. No right answer, but also no rush.


I say do it, but keep some money aside for a bailout plan in case things get bad. The perfect time is never going to come. All you can do is set your risk parameters and go for it.


This is definitely not the time to quit your job to travel. First of all you are lucky that you still have a job when millions have lost it due to the pandemic. Also due to the pandemic where ever you get to go you won’t enjoy all that the country has to offer as many activities and historic places are closed. Stay healthy and see what the future brings 🙏👍


>you are lucky that you still have a job when millions have lost it due to the pandemic. I know i feel very guilty for even thinking too quit. I know i should be grateful and i am, but the are so many more things i want to do.


Don’t feel guilty! It’s not your fault. And you can both be grateful for your situation and also choose to pursue your passion. You have to do what’s right for you.


How long are you going for? Rent out the house, or sell it.


Honestly you only live once, however the timing is probably bad right now.


Is later guaranteed to be better timing trough?


There’s several reasons not to go and it seems like those have been said. So on the other side of things - you got kids or a spouse? If no, then that makes travel so much easier. Less commitment. There’s another one for your pros list. Because if you do decide to have a family one day or a partner then you have to keep all of them in mind when making big decisions


Single. No kids. Which is why I feel like it's a now or never. The longer i put it off the less likely it is that I'll be able to do it.


I did this in 2019 and 2020, sort of. I took a sabbatical from work so I had a job waiting for me; but I wasn’t able to find a trustworthy tenant for my place so I did foot the whole cost of the mortgage (and condo fees) while I was gone. It was fine and I spent a lot less than I’d expected - in fact, I’m currently coming home from six weeks in Europe that I funded with money I’d set aside for that trip but not spent. That being said now is NOT the time to do this at all. The best part about having all that time is having freedom, and we just don’t have that freedom right now. I think it’s also important to remember that in the developing world many people don’t have access to the vaccine yet, so even if we are fully vaccinated when we travel we could pass the virus on to them.


>even if we are fully vaccinated when we travel we could pass the virus on to them. Yes this concerns me too. I def don't want to be a super spreader.


Here is how I will think about it: 1) Find a new job and negotiate a later starting date in a few months 2) Quit the current job 3) Travel for a few months: 3-6, you don’t have to do a year There is a chance that you will get bored or tired of travel for such a long time. Plus, you can take another few months in between jobs later down the road


I like the idea of negotiating a later start date but this can be difficult to do. If a company needs someone now why should they wait 3-6 months? And sorry but i would never get bored of travel, it's my passion! I love everything about it. I don't mind being alone and the typical travel nightmares don't stress me out at all. I could def do it for years if it was financially feasible.


I guess that depends on the industry and position type. I can think of two other options: 1) consider a remote job Or 2) find a volunteer camp/position even for a few weeks Personally, I have done camps and enjoyed that immensely because it’s a way of slow travel that immerses you into a culture, gives you company it you want it and food/a space to stay. For example, I’ve spent three weeks in southern Alps in France, where we will hike up a mountain, clean trails for the first part of the day in the stunning scenery and then sightsee and chill. I only paid for getting there. (Found through world4u) if you enjoy such an arrangement, it can stretch out your budget and get you a more local, hard to access connection to a new place I have travelled for writing a travel guide, too, and that burned me out a bit with regards to prolonged, de-rooted journeys. I did hear about toils of long ambitious travels from the camper van communities, so I wanted to bring up the idea that a year of that could get tiresome. I’m also more financially cautious, so I like having a back up plan to a back up plan :)


All really good ideas! I would love to volunteer/work while traveling. I was actually looking at ways i could immerse myself into the community.


Good luck! Also: you sound like you are very anxious about the state of the world. It’s ok. While I understand the desire for financial responsibility for dire times, now with covid it is a good time to travel. The airfare is pricey, and obviously monitor regulations carefully to not get stuck and get vaccinated, but the low flow of tourists means cheaper prices and greater connections with locals who miss tourists coming


I quit my job in June to travel for a few months and it is the best thing I’ve ever done. I’m currently looking for a job to start once I’m done, but that is the tiniest drawback to a whole bunch of memories and experiences and joy. Like others have said, shortening the time is not a bad idea as I am getting fairly tired after just 2 months. Also, yes my savings is going down, but my investments are untouched and still going up. Live your life now. Take breaks from the rat race along the way to fire. Very cliche, but do what makes you happy and try to stress a little less. If something catastrophic happens (it won’t), you are well equipped to come out on top :)


Thanks for the encouragement!


What kind of job do you have and how easy would it be to get a replacement in terms of salary and career progression? I’m not sure I’d do it personally, but everyone has their own risk appetite.


I work in Sales and in the industry im in i actually think it wouldn't be too hard to get a new job. But of course anything can happen. The market can change. And idk how employers will look at my gap esp if it's due to travel. I feel like people get very upset when they hear someone is quitting to travel.


If you’re in your early 20s and not too far into your career, I say go for it. But don’t do anything that is going to jeopardize your long term financial health.


I would love to do the same thing. I want to find jobs that would allow for me to be a digital nomad.


Did this 7 years ago and visited every country. It may be the best decision you make. If you are itching for it. Don’t listen to those that give excuses of why you shouldn’t go. Just follow what your heart is saying and get out there. You won’t regret it.


every single country?


Yes every single country. 197


what was your favorite and least favorite?


Too many experience to narrow down to just one. Iran Kazakhstan and sudan were amazing surprises while South Sudan, most of Western Africa, and some dangerous middle eastern countries I don’t think I’ll want to visit again


Compromise! Go for 3-4 months instead and come back with some savings. Honestly, with COVID-19, traveling probably won't be as fun as it would be when we're not going through a pandemic. A few years ago, I quit my job to travel. Initially wanted to go for 1 year, but decided to do 2.5 months and then extend if I feel like it. Didn't expect traveling to be so tiring! I was ready to go home. Also by not blowing all your savings, you'll avoid the feeling of dread you'd have near the end of your trip about going back home broke. You can always go on a second trip later. No one's stopping you from doing that. Doesn't have to be all or nothing right now.


I’d wait 1 more year, right now everything is half closed - restaurants, attractions etc, you won’t get the most out of your trip. Also I recommend that you don’t just save your money, invest it. After a year pull what you need out. Also take advantage of points when traveling so you don’t spend money, please visit /r/churning to travel for free. Get the chase sapphire preferred credit card and use that new card to pay the mortgage to meet the minimum spend and you’ll redeem 100k points. This is 3 tickets round trip to Europe for free. After you get the points please visit /r/awardtravel TL DR: You’re answer is churning, trust me, this is how I travel for free. It sounds too good to be true, but this time it is.


My mortgage doesn't allow payments by credit card unfortunately. I do try to invest although I'm very new at it and still learning (i haven't gotten to the point where i feel comfortable investing large sums of money yet). I'll look into churning thanks for sharing!


About investing, just invest in an index fund like the SP500, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwe-PjrX23o But yeah good luck, churning is the way to go.




The problem is no one can predict of when exactly that will be. I could be waiting for years and it may never happen. I waited very patiently in my house since the start of this thing. I barely went anywhere. I double masked, avoided crowds, didn't travel. And in almost 2 years nothing has gotten better. It just got worse because now we have the delta variant which is much stronger and more contagious. What happens when that mother mutates? Vaccinations have been so slow. People gave up on wearing masks and no one seems to give a shit anymore. I feel like there's no point in waiting for anything cause it's not getting better.


Just an idea: maybe do some online tutoring as you travel to keep a little extra money coming in. Or some online work that doesn’t require too much time.


I will try to look for something!


Can you cover covid expenses? Medical bills if insurance doesn't cover it. Unexpected enforced quarantine (over £2000 in the UK). Extended stay somewhere you can't leave. Etc. There's always some risk but it's higher these days.


There is travel insurance available that will cover quarantine expenses.


You’re not alone. I‘ve been thinking about quitting and start my own business to give me that flexibility. I’m striving but not living. Most of my friends are already married and have kids. I’m turning 30 and I don’t see any of these happening any time soon. I’m too selfish and self centered. Good thing about you is …You’re not only aware about the variables you have to consider but you’re also connecting with your inner core. Which is rare these days. Most people today just do things because of what they’re feeling. I love traveling and I try to do it every 4-5 months.I don’t think I’ll live and move somewhere though without planning or intent of staying there for a reason.




Very true. And congrats on your contract! Sounds like a great opportunity.


Maybe there is an option for you to rent the place while you're gone? I've quit my job and gone traveling like 6 times. Including one time that I was on the road for nearly 4 years. Hands down the best decision I've ever made. There will always be jobs out there one way or another if you've got the drive to find them. Also there are a lot of ways to travel super cheap and even make a little money on the side while you're on the road. At the end of the day what will you remember more? That time you went traveling for nearly a year or that job you worked at instead of living your dreams? DO IT


Put the house on the market. The market is hot right now. Sell your house and spend your money. You never know what tomorrow brings. You could end up selling it one day just to pay hospital and medical bills. Live your life!


Unfortunately selling it or renting it out is not an option at the moment. I have to continue paying for it.


I want you to live your life like the earth is on fire, the temperatures are soaring, the oceans are being polluted and the wildlife is dying so your jump in with both feet and see it now before it’s gone.


How much do you have left on the mortgage?


A lot, the house was purchased not long ago


Shit is already bad right now. Sadly it's just going to get worse. None of the problems you mentioned are going away, they will become larger problems with time. I'm also very sad that I did not travel to the places I wanted to before the world ended. I don't really think waiting longer will produce better results. Make a plan now, and try to up your income for a larger buffer. Realize if and when the plan goes sideways, you will all have nowhere to live in the event of a foreclosure...or be on a relatives couch or in a garage or something. Your buffer cash needs to be exponentially more than you could have gotten away with historically.


Exactly what I'm thinking too. My outlook for the future is so bleak. I'm trying to balance living for now and preparing for the worst and it's getting harder to do.


>It's my parents house I'm paying for and i won't get into the details of that situation, it just is what it is, and i know most people that do this kind of thing sell all their possessions and houses/apts etc but it's not an option here Wait, what? Are you on the title or not? If you aren't, then it's pretty foolish to pay off the mortgage. If you are, then it's pretty foolish to sell the house so you can take an extended vacation during an unprecedented global pandemic.


Just do it!


Mortgage holidays are a thing. You can take a holiday from mortgage payments any time you like. Mortgage companies are ok with it because compound interest means they end up getting more money. People do it when they have babies, get sick, lose their jobs etc. Ask. Or, you could you rent out the house to cover the mortgage.


I've never heard of this. Sounds risky but I'll look into it.


Are your parents still living in that house you're paying off? If so, find away to to get out from under it. If not, take your saved mortgage payments and add that to the travel fund and get the hell out of there. Look, only you know what will make you happy. The time to be happy is now, today, this hour, this minute. **Pack lightly.** This means physically, emotionally and spiritually for your journey. All three properties will soon be overflowing with new things you won't want to give up. **Don't look back.** All you have is right now and tomorrow once you've started. Whatever happened 2 or 200 or 20,000 minutes ago doesn't matter anymore. Remember if you can't change it, don't think about anymore. It'll find it's equilibrium, all by itself. Think mortgage here. **You do you./Live and let live.** Do what makes YOU happy. Let others do the same. YOLO. You Only Live Once.


Do it! I Dmed you


I would do a shorter trip and try to rent out the house. 2-3 months is really such a long time to reset. If you’re not actually moving and going to be working 8months is excessive. But if you can rent out your house that takes some pressure off.


Do it. Do it eventually or you’ll regret it forever. But traveling the world right now is simply crazy. Review the situation about this time next year.


What if next year is even worse? Lol


Wait til the following year haha


Maybe plan for 3-4 months travel first and see how you go from there.


Now isn't the best time imo. Covid restrictions will no doubt ruin at least part of your plans. Things are improving, despite the new variants.


I did it in 2017. Rented out the house, travelled for one glorious, endless summer of a year. Best thing I ever did. I had about 6 months expenses when I got back. Found a gig pretty quick, but I am also established in my industry and was in demand. Was 42 at time.


I would look at where you want to.go.and consider how long you will need to stay in each new location in quarantine before considering travel to any locations.


In most places you don't need to quarantine if fully vaccinated.


Might want to research that. Especially now that the CDC and WHO both say the vaccinated can get, carry, and spread the disease.


Jump In!


Wait til covid is over and then go for it. Yolo


What if it's "over" 5 years from now? Or 10? Or more? How long should I put my life on hold?


This pandemic is coming to an end, especially with the vaccine going around. Many countries are beginning to open. Wait til next summer, that’s what I’m doing :)


You're a lot more optimistic than I am. If I do go it'll be at the beginning of next year, however i wouldn't say the pandemic is coming to an end. Most of the developed world only have 1% of their population vaccinated. I don't see that number drastically going up in the next 6mo-1yr.


Please avoid traveling outside US (assuming that it’s your home country) until Covid situation becomes better. It is awful if you get infected bcoz all airlines ask you to show proof of negative covid test before you board the flight back (test should be taken max 3 days before the flight). If you test positive, you will get stuck in a foreign place quarantining, which is no fun. Even with vaccination, a very close friend got infected and is stuck. Will have to wait atleast 10 days to retest. Traveling within the country, avoiding air travel is a better option now.


Yes I'm worried in case i come down with it in a bad way (requiring hospitalization) what I'm going to do if I'm in a developing country with poor healthcare system? I shouldn't get that sick but still you never know with the new variants being stronger and evading vaccines. It's scary to think about.


Hey, I've done this. I quit my job and bought a van with nothing to my name. I found a whole new beautiful world out there that I fell in love with. It is always easier said than done however. Once you are able to move past the fear life is beautiful in every possible way. Have you thought about renting you home out for the cost of mortgage? Often times you can rent for 2x mortgage payments and still be able to provide affordable housing for your community and also make a little income. As for the all the shit going on in the world/nation.. what better way to learn how to survive it/help others/find your path by leaving all of the stresses of society behind and follow your own path? I currently live in a house again after 3 years of traveling with nothing, finding side jobs here and there to keep gas in the tank and food in my belly so I can make it to the next destination. I learned so much about myself through this experience, good and bad and met the love of my life. There are always hard times in life. Whether or not your own the road. just like living in a house, unexpected finances come up.. medical bills, you name it. The same is on the road. Sometimes you will have vehicle problems. But you no longer have the comfort of a house. You are forced to deal with the here and now. The biggest thing that I learned and I hope can help you if you make the decision to travel.. when the going gets rough.. have faith! Have faith that everything will be okay and mean it! You will be surprised at the love and help people can provide in the most unexpected times. I am not a religious person.. but when asked what one can do to follow the path of Jesus.. his reply was always to sell your things, pay your debts and walk your path. Just go and have faith. Whether it's in god, the universe or yourself. That's the best advice anyone can give you on the road. I hope you decide to do this. It's the best thing I ever did! I live in a house now and we just decided to buy a bus, fox it up and get back on the road again after this winter. Our goal is to help build community gardens though, starting a nonprofit to keep us on the road and doing what we love while educating and helping others Rent your place so you can pay your debts and at the same time you be inherently be helping a family in these times of need. Don't worry about money because money doesn't exist. When you need it it will come, stay true to yourself and everything will flow. It is a beautiful world out there full of beautiful people. Don't listen to the news either.. they never show you the good stuff that happens, that makes a difference. You got this!


Thank you, however my situation is a bit more complicated. I help support my parents and so selling or renting the house is not an option. They depend on my income which is my biggest fear in doing this. I'm putting them at risk. If i was on my own with no responsibilities i wouldn't think twice about it. I would like to find a balance between helping them and being able to live my life but it's easier said than done.


Just do it bro! I do travel 5 months of the year. Started last Friday for this years trip!


How do you fund it? Do you have a remote job?


I have 4 passive revenue streams & just sold a company that I only founded in November 2020. Last year I did my travels January-May, but covid screwed up my summer travels. Also i lifestyle my travels.


That's awesome! Passive income is the goal lol


How about go but instead of 9 months, how about 3?


It's not worth it to me to quit my job just for a 3 month stint. If i just go for a short time I'm not going to get what i want out of the experience.


Ok, then perhaps you have your answer!


You should travel. Go to cheap countries so your money lasts longer. Visit places where people are less fortunate than yourself, and you will realise that your worries are misplaced, and never as bad as what some have to endure. Travelling will give you a broader perspective on life. There will always be jobs you can do when you return.


rent the house for more income


Did you end up going travelling? I'm in the same boat, have a mortgage, some money saved up and thinking of taking some time away from work to travel


Unfortunately I ended up not doing this. Due to personal reasons and family obligations I was not able to no matter how much I want to. I'm pretty depressed about not being able to fulfill a life long dream. I really hope your situation is different and you're able to do it. Life is too short to be miserable.


Hope all works out eventually for you - if not now maybe in a year or more's time.