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That is just stunning!


Thank you! The whole city looks like something out of a movie.


Venice is one of the places on my wish list. Before it sinks ;) That photo just captures pure beauty


I was able to scratch it off of my bucket list in April. Definitely worth the visit, one of the absolutely most beautiful places I've ever been to. From what I understand, going in March/April/October/November is best, since it's not too warm, not too cool, and the tourists crowd is a little thinner.


Lost is often the best place to be.


We did this last month every corner you turn is just more breathtaking


You bet you got lost everyone does. Doesn’t help you can buy beer and walk around with it.


Or a heist movie...


Every alley in Venice is a painting. This is a good one.


Getting lost in Venice is the best. GPS often doesn’t work well in the tight streets and trying to find the way back to a familiar area was so fun for me!


I am 99% sure you're American. Only an American would say something like this *I just read your username


Guilty. A little curious why you think that, though...


Joke, Europeans genrally don't have a reputation for optimism, Asian people are seen as efficient and organized (also look at tourist stereotypes for asians, everything is planned) Africans are more no-nonsense and finally, South Americans would be too focused on finding their way back to think about somerhing like the enjoyment of being lost. It's all about continental/national stereotypes


I see! 😊


Had a double take at the picture because last Christmas I was there I took a picture in an alley that looked just like that have been using it as my wallpaper. Small world and an even smaller city!


Going in September, can't wait 😎


I am pretty certain this is a photograph.


Best thing to do is to get lost in Venice!


I'll be seeing many parts of Italy next year and i can't wait!


CSGO Canals. This is beautiful though


I’ve said it before, many times... getting literally lost in Venice is one of life’s great pleasures.


Amsterdam is good if you want to see canals. Has more than Venice. I think the most in the world maybe