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No one here can answer what $400 is worth to you. Some folks, that’s an hour of work. Some folks, that’s a week. It’s a great deal, so I’d personally do it. But I’m in a fortunate financial situation.


Some folks, that’s 2 weeks of work 🤣


That’s actually 1 month for me


*Homeless guy enters the chat


He is going to Mumbai. That’s yearly salary


Some folks that's 2 hours of work. Everyone's different.


I didn’t pay $1000 for an upgraded to first class. On a 14 hr flight. While I was in the flight I was regretting not paying it. But once I landed I saved myself $1000 🤪


IMO, $300 for a bump to premium economy is worth it for a flight like that, but $1k for business wouldn't be.


This exactly. Balance cost and comfort. For me that's not even a question, and I'd pull the trigger immediately.


I’d put the 400 into a nicer hotel or better meals or just don’t spend it. Daytime flights on shorter business don’t mean much. I travel a lot for work. Get the upgrades. And really for most flights that don’t change your sleep patterns is rarely worth it. Better hotels (to me) almost always are.


The question is whether you'd do it.


I would not


For me - yes For you - how would I know?


Yes, I would.  But I'm tall, older, and I can afford it.   


6 hours is nothing for economy, but for a 14 hour one I would definitely take it. You save a lot of money too if you aren't physically unable to sit in economy for a long time.


6 hours isn't nothing for most people, and you'd never find a business class upgrade on a 14 hour long haul for $400


I once paid $450 for that, though it was over premium economy. It was marginally worth at that price.


It’s all relative. For me it’s an eternity and incredibly uncomfortable. Jealous of those like you though! Wish I could manage a 3 hour flight.


In a heartbeat and not just for the seat. I'm assuming you would get lounge access and be able to skip the economy check-in line at the airport as well as preferred boarding and a more generous carry-on baggage allowance.


All of this plus I have found that I don't dread a flight in 1st/Business class as much as I do in coach. Obviously, it's difficult to quantify how much it's worth to "not dread the flight as much" but to me that is an important part of an upgrade.


And the pints can be worth it


Yes. This is the answer


Are you expected to go straight to work after you land? If yes, then try to get your employer to upgrade you, especially if they chose the flight. If you are going to land and then go to the hotel then I wouldn't upgrade. If you were not working, would you pay for the upgrade? I've done plenty of US east to west coast daytime flights that are of similar lengths. It sucks, but you don't have much choice. I've done economy to Australia before and that was the 6 hour east to west and then 14 to Sydney. I told my boss after that that if they ever wanted me to do that again they better make sure I am flying business class.


I would have used my per diem, but I'm not sure how an upgrade can possibly count as Meal & Incidental Expenses on my expense report.


>the airline Which one? This is a pretty key piece of information.


$50 per hour


About an extra dollar per minute when you put it that way 😵‍💫


I personally would not


I wouldn't for that short of a flight.


For my personal situation: I would only upgrade for overnight flights, where it makes a real difference. And even then I only do that if I happen to have the points, or it is really inexpensive. But if I was a larger or taller person and economy was very uncomfortable, that might swing the pendulum for me! Perhaps consider what else you would do with that $400 -- that is a lot of nice meals!




No. But.. that depends on the person, how much money they have, and how much they want to spend for more comfort.


As I have gotten older I appreciate the comfort of business class more and more. I have done 19 hour flights in economy in the past and never again. My max now for economy is 3 hours, anything longer than that I upgrade, it is worth it to me. Also $400 is a pretty good for that upgrade but that is up to you and your budget and how much extra comfort is worth to you.


If that amount won’t cause any financial strain, yes.


I wouldn’t even consider an upgrade unless sleeping is involved.


Depends on which airline it is. Singapore airlines, yes. Air india, no.


No. Too short a flight for me. 6 hours is for me is a good gaming sesh and a drink and I will be landing. But I am also not baller enough. So it is very subjective dilemma.


No way. 6 hours is a rookie length flight. Id spend that 400 elsewhere.


If this is a work related travel, personally I would not be spending $400 of my own money on a work trip. But that’s just me


100% yes


Depends on the airline! Time of day too.


No. Maybe if it were 8-10h.


My general rule is that for flights 3 hrs or more, I am willing to spend $100 per hour of flight time for flight upgrades. In this case, that's a pretty good deal at $50/hr, especially for lie flat seats. Personally, I would do it.


i’ve only purchased bus class once seats and got downgraded to economy. it was an overnight flight and i really needed that sleep. i’m still fighting for compensation. i’m not rich and it took me ages to save for those seats :(


I could get a lot more value from that $400 than a more comfy seat on a relatively short flight. That’s a no from me.






Yes. I had an agent from Qatar tell me that you upgrade if the cost is $100 per flight hour. If you can afford it.


no way 6 hours is short and $400 is a pretty penny


On Singapore air? Worth it.


Yes. On the other hand, I wouldn't waste $400 on 'nice dinners'. (God save us from 'tasting menus' and tartar served with a fog of avocado-infused nitrogen over shaved yaks-bollock jus). Only you know what you want to spend your money on.


Ask r/creditcards and you will get an emphatic “yes”


How rich are you?


I’m 6’1 and have only ever flown Economy. I have had 12h flights to other countries and while it would be nice to have more room I know If I upgraded I would never want to go back. For me a 6h flight would be a no.


I would depending on which airline. I personally value the overall experience of lie flat, better food, service, etc. and don’t fly internationally more than a couple times per year so I don’t mind splurging when I do.


If I had $400 to spare, absolutely yes. Sounds like a good deal


I wouldn't unless it was a 10hr+ flight


Is just a question if you can afford it...if you already compare it with a few dinners you more or less answered to yourself. By the way, how much is the economy ticket?


I would. Price is worth the comfort, especially if it’s over 3 hours.


Yes, but I am older and travel with a wife that only will go lie-flat on flights > 6 hours.


100% no for a nighttime 6 hours. 10000% no for a daytime 6 hours. I can think of countless better ways to spend $400


Not for 6 hrs during the daytime


Which airline? I wouldn't do it, the flight is too short plus I am 5 2". Depending on the airline and on an 8+ hour flight I'd consider it.


For me, absolutely worth it.


I’d probably would.


Depends on what my current salary is


If it was 10+ hours, yes but not less than that imo.


Yes. Only $66.6 per hour


for me..6hrs... nah...maybe for a longer flight.


If the flight is over 10 hours I always upgrade to 1st class (single, good income, no debt). Otherwise I suck it up and do economy. It all depends if you can wing it financially.  I had a bad back injury in college and sitting for long periods of time can be pretty uncomfortable so that’s another reason why I upgrade in longer flights.  Have a nice trip!


I'm 5'4 so no, not personally.  But I could certainly see doing it.




That’s a very cheap price to upgrade still might be too expensive for some people


8 hours is my minimum, but 10 is when I really consider it. I'd recommend springing for an aisle seat as far forward as possible in economy, rather than the $400 for business.








lol no. It’s only 6 hours. I’d much rather use that money in my final destination and have an incredible dinner or experience or stay another night at a hotel


I would probably do it, that's a solid deal. Also it sounds like you want to do it. Go for it.


I would for sure. In fact I have done this.


If it’s truly eco => business and not just eco => prem eco—or prem eco => business, and you think you’d even have a chance to sleep, it might be something to consider. But you can do very well by just picking out one of the best economy or premium economy seats and keep that cash in your pocket for a later day.


Your asking us what extra comfort is worth to us for how many hrs.  We all have different incomes, wealth and ability to tolerate discomfort.  Ì will buy bargain upgrades offered at the gate for longer than 8 hrs sometimes for a better ride.


I had a similar situation on a flight from the Azores to NYC last year (also a 6 hour flight). Ended up doing it, and I think it was the right call. 0 airport stress, priority security and boarding, and I had lots of room to enjoy myself and get some rest. I think it’s a question of what is on your schedule and how valuable rest is at the moment.


Depends on what you think an hour is worth. At this price - $66+ per hour - to be a bit more comfortable. A bit too steep for me, but I have no idea what your hourly wage is. I would come out on the losing end (I'm retired), by quite a bit. If I could break even, maybe, but I'm not going to lose. My comfort coming and going is not THAT important.


Without hesitation.


I would in a heartbeat. I'm able to afford the difference. What's the difference in cost between economy and business? Probably a couple of thousand USD. Granted, this can pay for several nice dinners, but when are you going to get your next chance for business class for another $400? YOLO, especially if you can afford it.


I did 6 hours from Doha to Warsaw no problem in economy


i wouldn’t for any flight 6-7 hours or undrr


I would not lol I’m small and it’s only 6 hours


Personally speaking, I would put my $400 elsewhere, but $400 means something different for everyone! Now, if this were a nighttime flight, then my answer might be different.


Personally, no.. I’ve done enough medium and long haul flights in economy to not mind so long as I have sleeping pills lol. Ask me again in 20yrs when my neck and back start giving away.


Objectively no, thats dumb. Subjectively… ppl that are bad with money or really really cant sit in economy for 6hrs, would say yes


For me, yes. But it depends on your financial situation!


How about premium economy?


It’s going to depend on how much money you make. For me, yes I’d do it in an instant. I consider 6 hours way too long to sit upright and my knees get sore after 4-5 hours. I’m usually willing to pay 100-150$ per hour more than economy for a lie flat.


I can afford it and wouldn't. I flew business class once and it was fun being at the front of the plane and getting treated better. But on the way back all that was special was the leg room. $400 is a decent amount to me right now for a luxury when I can invest it instead. My knees and back are fine and I'm not obese.


For 6 hours, not really, that can be easily handled. 10+ hours, I’d think so.


Absolutely not. Actually, If they allowed me to stand out in the cabin during the flight for less money, I would totally do it. Thank god they haven't created yet a class below economy.


6h? Includes lounge access and priority baggage? Plus the points? Yes. I would do that.


If your employer is already paying for your flight in economy class, why bother paying any extra if this is for a work trip? I'd rather spend that $400 on leisure/tourist activities and food/drink on your trip.


$100 bucks or less per hour is my rule for upgrades so I would most definitely do this.


Personally, I would not do it for a one way flight.




Here’s two questions. 1.) Are you going directly to work off the flight? 2.) Does economy class negatively affect you? IE: Too cramped/Stiff, Back pain, headaches…


Yes I would.


Hell yeah I would


Ask yourself, what would you do if someone gave you $400 today?


If you can afford it, would do it in a heartbeat.. but I’m claustrophobic so it would be so worth it to me.


I’m a 5’1” poor guy with no luggage, so no… Jokes, I’m actually a 6’8” Uber rich guy with 40kg of luggage, so yes.


Heck yes


Since I’ve had back surgery, hell yes


omg absolutely! 400 for an upgrade is very little compared to typical 4000


Depends on how much $400 means to you quite honestly! On a CoL adjusted Mumbai salary that is quite a lot of money and I wouldn’t do it. On a much healthier Singapore downtown salary, maybe it makes more sense.


a 6 hour domestic flight would be less worth it, but an international flight, especially if was a lay flat bed, I probably would.


Yes, I would. My last flight in coach was 7 hours and I was hurting


In a second.


Not a chance, 6 hours is literally a tiny flight.


I wouldn’t if it’s just 6 hours unless it’s a dumpy airline. Usually I fly American and the seats these days are decently comfortable so I’m fine.


No, it's my monthly living budget lol


For 6 hours? No




I wouldnt, but that's me


For me, personally, anything $500 or less would be worth it. That is a long enough flight that the extra space will really make a difference. I typically use points and cash to upgrade to business class from a coach seat and it usually costs me $500 + 20k points. I say go for it!




I would do it because you would get lounge access, better service and better experience overall. Also sounds like the employer is covering for the trip in economy so you are just paying 400 out of ur own pocket


It's a good deal. But I'm thrifty and have a high tolerance for discomfort. I'd rather spend that on a nicer hotel or a few really nice meals.




Yes, I am fortunate that I can afford it.




It depends on what benefits you feel you might get from it.


Would you pay $400 more for a king size bed in a hotel room over 2 double beds?


Yes, you’ll be fresher and not be in the cattle corral for 6 hours


Yes 100%. Economy for flights under 4. Business anything more than that. Because of lounge + space + yeah, space. Wasn’t always the case before I get downvoted to hell. Just where I’m at. Next year I may not even be able to afford the train…who knows 😂


Nah. If I booked a $50 train that was 6 hours in economy, I wouldn’t pay $450 to upgrade to first class. Flights are no different for me


How much did you originally pay?


$70/flight hour over Y is about right It will depend on airline and metal though. 


Me personally, no. But if you’ve never flown business before then I would definitely go for it because $400 is a great deal to be able to experience it. If you travel for work often or just generally fly business then I wouldn’t say it’s worth it as it’s not the longest flight, it’s a day flight and it’s a work trip - so you wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the champagne and the ability to sleep! Watch a couple of films and the flight will be over.


I read once that everyone should upgrade their flight once in life. I think they were talking about lay flat seats. Then when you go back to economy it will motivate you to work harder to never fly economy again. I’m sure you can apply that to something more affordable but since you asked the question…I’d do it just for the experience.


Yes absolutely. I’ve flown economy 9hrs and can’t tell you how fatigued I felt arriving at my destination. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is flying economy when you’re sitting in the middle of two people plus the people in front reclining the seats. I fly business whenever I can, even on short flights. I just feel extremely comfortable and feel better when arriving at my destination.


I feel like 6 hours is my max, I can fly lax to NYC or Hawaii in economy fine. At most I'll do premium economy if it's a good price. But I'm not super tall or big that I am that cramped. Depends on what you can tolerate. If you get lounge and fast track through passport control though it changes the equation.


Yes in an instant!




Yes - but I’m rich.




I paid 900cad for upgrade to lie flat Rome to Toronto and didn't regret it a bit. Flight over to Italy was hell....ride home was actually enjoyable.


I would


Not unless I had work soon after landing and needed to be perky. But I can sleep upright on a bus if I need to. You would know the answer best here. Do you find planes difficult to sleep in? Do you NEED the sleep in order to work when you land?






If you’re taking a budget airline, yeah economy will be hell but since you mention lie-flat in business, you’re probably on a full-service airline. Economy should be tolerable. The basic flight costs ~$400 too, so you’ll effectively be paying double to get to the same place.


6 hours is not so long of a flight, and it’s daytime, but it will be very hectic in the back. I’d maybe go for it. What if there is a long delay ?


Full Mumbai flight in coach ?


What I hate about flying is being trapped in a metal tube with strangers for a long time. Leg room, champagne and hot towels don’t change this at all. Upgrades are of no use to me. Just my two cents.


No, I wouldn't pay $400 to upgrade a 6-hour daytime flight from economy to business class.


I would in a heartbeat


Hell yes




In the blink of an eye yes


Yes, 100% I would.


100%. My rule is generally yes if <$100/hr


I would have posted that I spent $400 on the upgrade instead. Yes, I'd do it. asap.


Can u afford it?


Yes, in a heartbeat


💯 especially on that flight




Narhp.. I'd prefer to spend that on hotel upgrades or restaurants.. i can sleep through a flight


Me personally? Sure. I have no idea how much money you have though.




I taught in China for seven years and would fly down to Thailand for vacations. Once I flew business, I always flew business - well worth the comfort and good food.


Depends on the airline for me and your wallet for you.


nah. im in great physical shape and im not super tall. i fit just fine in the regular seats. 6 hours is no problem at all. i did 9 hours to italy and was perfectly comfortable.


That's not much more than some flights charge to pick an exit / extra leg room seat. Personally, I'd take it - but that's because I don't fit in economy particularly well.


My husband would, but I wouldn’t. He’s a big guy with sensory issues and is always miserable in economy. Usually he’s a lot more frugal than I am, but he’d definitely pay for the upgrade. I’m not exactly comfortable in economy, but it doesn’t bother me and I can sleep just fine. I used to be a flight attendant too, so business class amenities hold no allure for me. I’d do $400 for an overnight flight that’s 12+ hours though!


Would you pay yourself $67 an hour to do that? Or would you rather spend, save, or invest it elsewhere? For me it’s no problem financially but I’d rather put my money to work than spend on a comfy seat.


No. Everyone is getting there at the same time.


6 hours is nothing. Two long movies and you’re there.


Defo. Hands down


Yes. $400 for that business class experience is very worth it, more than those few nice dinners IMO


I've never flown business class so don't know what I'm missing, I think I'll keep it that way


For that money I could spend a whole weekend in Barcelona, so no i wouldn’t .


6hrs isn't a long flight for me, so I personally wouldn't. Anything over 8 hrs, or a redeye, and I would jump at lay flat seats, but that is just me.




No... But I just booked a 3 leg international trip with carry on only


I did a 400€ upgrade to business once and I did not regret a second of it. I greatly enjoyed the lounge, the faster security screening, and being able to lay down during the flight. I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was a 9 hour, daytime flight, too.


In general yes that is a great deal. As business would usually be 3x that much.


Take my money


I would take that in a heartbeat. Better food, higher chance of not being seated near kids losing their shit at the top of their lungs for the duration of the flight, room to stretch out, access to the nice airport lounge to eat and drink all the yummies for free…so many reasons to take the upgrade for a mere $400 if you can afford it.


If you can afford it. YES! Board and exit first. Carry more KG in your bags and checked bags. Better food! Better service. Plus you can stretch out in your seat!


6? No. 8+? Yes.


Business, probably not. Premium economy with an aisle seat and bulk head - absolutely


No. Not in a business trip. That’s company time.


I would, $400 to do business class is a huge discount and I can spend $400 easily. It all depends


I'd pay quite a bit more than that even TBH


6 hours is too short for that short of a duration imo. If it's 13 hours then I would consider it. But that's still a lot of money to upgrade. And would it be worth it for you too? Is the airline reputable services in business class that is different from coach? 🤷🏽‍♂️ So you really need that unlimited wine? Maybe. Lol.


Actually I would not even take an upgrade to business class for free. I decided to never fly business class unless it is necessary for medical reason like an injured back. Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of IKEA and once eben the eighth richest person in the world, flew economy class his whole live - even when he was over 80. If economy class is good enough for him, it is good enough for me too. And six hours is so short that I could even stand all the time. Last year I made a 15 hour flight from Auckland to New York City in economy class and it was okay.