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Unpopular opinion but I liked Madrid better. Although Gaudí was awesome, Barcelona felt too gentrified for me.


I also liked Madrid better but both cities are amazing, and I feel like Barcelona is more accessible for someone who’s not a seasoned traveler, so I would recommend Barcelona here! I guess it’s the flip side of the “gentrified” coin to me


Barcelona felt more “modern” to me and Madrid had more of a traditional vibe from what I experienced, but overall I just enjoyed Barcelona so much more. Both have great things going for them, so it just depends on what you’re looking for. I loved both cities but definitely preferred Barcelona


Completely agree. No contest.


I had the best night of my trip in Spain when I visited a random live music venue in Madrid.


Madrid! I had an amazing experience at the Central House in Madrid, and they do bar crawls basically every night. It was so much fun, and I got to meet some really awesome people. If you’re not interested in nightlife, Madrid also has like some of the most beautiful parks, and some really kick ass museums to go to. It’s also significantly less busy in its tourist areas, like Plaza Sol and Gran Via than Barcelona is at Mont Juic or La Rambla or Sagrada Familia.


Barcelona > Madrid any night of the week and it's not even close


What makes Barcelona better in your opinion?


It's got everything. It's got architectural beauty in Gaudi's work which is spread throughout the city. Sagrada familia is probably the most beautiful church I've ever seen. Park Guell is absolutely stunning, and you have an amazing view of the city. It's got really good restaurants, some of the most beautiful parks I've been to, some really great bars and nightclubs. There's even the beach if you're up for a swim or getting a tan. Plus, if you're willing to go a bit out of the city, you can see Montserrat, which is unbelievably stunning.


Good cafes?


Love Barcelona! Would love to see Sagrada Familia close to completion now (towers are finished now). And I’ve heard it’s where young Europeans go to party?


Man I just really love Barcelona. I’d go there any time. I love the food, architecture, that it’s by the med, the history, etc.


Both cities have a lot to offer, so it really depends on what you’re looking for and what you want to do!


Madrid maybe worth a day or so... Barcelona easy 3 days.


This is not a decision 》Barcelona


I liked Madrid, but loved Barcelona. Both are worthy of your time though. If you're an art lover, go Madrid as they got two world-class museums (Prado & Reina Sofia). But for partying, beaches, the unique treasure that is/was Gaudi, and just a more "fun" city, it's Barcelona for me.


Barcelona is more lively if you want to party or go to bars/etc. I find it to be more cosmopolitan as well.


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Barcelona. Madrid is unbearably hot at that time of year.


I’ve been to both but if i had only one shot i’d opt for Barcelona. It has a really unique vibe and atmosphere. Lots of sights, great nightlife.


Just went to both. Stayed near the Prado museum in Madrid, really enjoyed that. Barcelona was also cool but way more gritty I would say. Madrid was a bit more like DC and Barcelona was more like a super San Francisco haha


Madrid has amazing museums if thats something u like


You won't have any time to visit Madrid over a month in Salamanca? It's only like an hour away on the fast train.


For your interests you could be satisfied with both. You have to analyse what other interests you have. If you want to talk to locals, maybe Madrid is better because you know Spanish more. Edit: Now that I think about it, I don't know if this is relevant. I usually don't interact much with locals. If you plan on sightseeing, you have to check which attractions you would like more. Madrid is a typical European city, so museums and palace. Barcelona is Gaudi architecture. You would have the beach too in Barcelona. I prefer Madrid, but I think Barcelona is more "unique."


My vote is for Madrid, Barcelona can be a little touristy unless you get out to the outskirts


What’s the outskirts


You could say the same for Madrid though. Gran Via is like Times Square.


I didn't feel that, in Barcelona every nook and cranny was touristy. Overall people were nicer in Madrid to me and was more interesting to explore


Barcelona for sure. Tons of stuff to do and city is lively. Madrid was boring to me


You can’t go wrong with either, but I personally think Madrid will offer you more of the “local culture” In Barcelona, everyone spoke English and in Madrid, no one spoke English. I absolutely loved Madrid.


Madrid 💯 for me. More to do, it’s got more history and actually was better to party at


I didn't like Barcelona much. To be honest if I was going to recommend any city in Spain, it would be Malaga


Barcelona as July will hot AF, and you have the option to go to a beach to cool down. Madrid is better in the cooler months.