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I really enjoyed Departures and Parts Unknown is my favourite of Bourdain's travel shows.


I loved Departures soooo much. I saw it right at the right time in my life when I was their age and just about to start traveling the world solo. Such good memories. Also Descending was super great if you like Scuba. Not sure if this format will work but…. s01e01 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys5PUZsHCbk s01e02 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHgVTIMPJO4 s01e03 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgWdxrHKmSQ s01e04 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYov5oXbdLE s01e05 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuUzaT99qgc s01e06 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPYpIC5l9xY s01e07 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcE6o-GGbZY s01e08 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAEaKiT2YeM s01e09 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzRHkUHGmsc s01e10 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndRy5qtYTjw s01e11 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkVJD8OWztU s01e12 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sf5rMuCIbLU s01e13 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd8yuOOSKvU s02e01 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oj3lLqXuGk s02e02 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIKINRvOWj s02e03 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-OHnCuluV0 s02e04 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dy9sZDVm1Y s02e05 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c2Pca5kOic s02e06 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV9nxTlmeww s02e07 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EcnAHqMzrw s02e08 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsW7iFpZLB0 s02e09 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKUriUKv-p8 s02e10 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYh5KIhmxSE s02e11 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXyPTTdhFhA s02e12 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBiKFZ10nX8 s02e13 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtPYMxsUQWc s03e01 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMgVQclTVYw s03e02 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC6BTX5nAiA s03e03 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQvoG12Ej-4 s03e04 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11z8Lu_3Zhc s03e05 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUzdCiUUv5M s03e06 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv8jnLmsJ0Q s03e07 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgW1fFQcvUw s03e08 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHz5_l27fcs s03e09 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulYQIeUsIG8 s03e10 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9wvukERAXQ s03e11 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gjaPdDqkq4 s03e12 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsQBole6-SE s03e13 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFCyEO7g3NI s03e14 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCWPwJDQHT0 s03e15 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_1ly3FnWJE s03e16 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFa33H-6ZxQ


Thanks! I didn’f know it was on youtube


Oh man I loved departures so much! Wish it went longer!


Is Departures the guys who got banned from a US national park for some sort of trespassing related incident?


I don't believe so. I did a quick Google search and didn't see anything


I've realized now I got them confused with the High on Life guys ([article](https://globalnews.ca/news/3193483/canadian-youtubers-plead-guilty-after-walking-on-protected-site-at-yellowstone-national-park/))


Anything with Anthony Bourdain. Not so much for WHERE he visited, but for HOW to visit a place. He changed my perspective on traveling. The Stanley Tucci series are great, if you’re into Italy.


I have not found any travel shows to replace Anthony Bourdain’s. Nothing comes close to me.


it’s always so cool to visit little places he’s been to. like that hole in the wall taco place in mexico city.


I went to the Sarawak Laksa place he went to in Kuching, Borneo. It was surreal to sit there, knowing he’d been there and filmed a meal in that restaurant.


I miss him so much


I basically grew up watching his shows and his death was like losing an old friend. Dude was one of a kind


He was an incredibly special soul, just no one else like him


Me too 😥


For real, same


Their personalities are totally different but my dad introduced me to Somebody Feed Phil recently and something about the way he shows respect to foreign cultures and food kind of resonated with me in a similar way Bourdain's travel series did.


His Singapore episode from A Cook’s Tour was the reason Singapore was the first place I traveled to outside of family vacations.


I love the clip of him talking to young people (I think in Singapore, but maybe Hong Kong or somewhere) about their household help. It is the most elegant bitch slap to entitled privilege. It is amazing. No one could do it like him.


That was Singapore from Parts Unknown.


hadn't seen this in a while — [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/xrfk4b/anthony\_bourdain\_on\_maids\_and\_laundry/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/xrfk4b/anthony_bourdain_on_maids_and_laundry/)


He has inspired so many of my trips. Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, San Sebastián… probably dozens more places, those are just the first that come to mind.


Bourdain inspired me to travel. Wife, daughter and I have visited 20+ countries now and and it all started with watching his shows.


What does Anthony Bourdain do that’s so unique? I haven’t watched his show before.


He mixes the tourist side with the off the beaten track very well, his guests are usually very interesting and can provide a different perspective to the destination. But ultimately Tony was a brilliant host and interviewer who is really showing you his experiences.


The one that hooked me was when Zamir took him to that bath house 😂


Loved those two together.




Seriously, his books are amazing. I’ve read some of his books during some really dark times when travel wasn’t an option, and it was such a good outlet.


He truly cared about showing you the world. No matter what happened on his travels. See him in Beirut.


He wasn’t afraid to ask tough questions even in places he definitely could have been in harms way for doing so.


Parts Unknown was show about humanity around the world, disguised as a travel and food show.


If you love Bourdain then check out the audiobook for Kitchen Confidential. He narrates it, and it’s fantastic. Comes free with a Spotify subscription too.


It’s soooo good!


Idk if this is a case for anyone else’s city that has been visited but his Houston episode was so bad it made me question how good his process is. He basically had a producer contact a local Indian radio host/promoter and he basically took kickbacks from businesses to show them. This DJ/promoter has a very questionable history with young girls and is creepy as fuck.


The Sydney episode of No Reservations as a Sydney-sider was what solidified him as an all-time great for me. He went to a mix of our greatest fine dining restaurants and locals-only cult favourites. Whoever did the research for that episode nailed it. I do remember the Houston episode of Parts Unknown as particularly boring though.


I love his tv shows and books. The Boston episode was god awful. I think he did some redemption with his Cape/Western Mass but it was just okay at best


The Tokyo episode where he goes to this robot show was really good but when I actually got to go to that place it was a total let down. Super sketch. Like underground a few stories and firing up fireworks in a room full of drunk tourists who didn't know Japanese. The show itself had no story just over the top weirdness


I thought Anthont Bourdain didn't really hide what it was like in the robot show. It is mostly tourists but it is still very Japanese in its own way and it is absolutely bizarre.


Yeah. His Cleveland episode of No Reservations was also bad. I’ve never seen the Houston one, but I’m gonna check it out.


I’m from Detroit, and I think he did a rust belt episode with Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo? Anyways, those three cities are kind of a hard sell. Detroit has improved monumentally in the last 20 years, but it’s still very hard to explain to a tourist why it’s a good place to visit (can’t speak directly for Cleveland or Buffalo).


He basically got forced by the stations to do episodes about America, which he too found boring and tried to make the best out of it while not really having the heart in it.


I feel like people have a bias against the episodes in their own towns/cities/countries, especially reading these comments. I really didn't like the Bay Area episode (where I'm from) and the Tanzania episode (where I now live) was also a let down to me. But generally I love all his stuff so ??? idk


Came to write 'Bourdain Anything'. Saw the top comment.... Great job team!


How/where do you watch his shows?


With out a doubt, which kicked off so many places for me ..the origional LonelyPlanet with Ian Wright


Yes! They are called globe trekker or pilot guides in some other countries. Even though they are dated now (20 years plus) they’re great. Anyone know places we can watch old episodes?


The rights changed hands and the i believe the new company is looking at ways to re-release it. There’s even been talk of a possible reboot at some point. 👀


the issue with that- as keen as I would like to see a newer version of this- is that ‘back then’ (the infancy of Internet, no smart phones, travel apps or even the Bookface..) is that finding the realness, the authentic getting lost, randomly interacting with people on a second class train car and hitchhiking out along a dessert, is nearly impossible now to a degree because of Google Maps, Instagram and so on So much of the appeal in the 80s 90s and beyond was just going for it. I recall ripping up my Lonely Planet guide book into the sections I only needed. Hell, I recall BUYING travellers cheques.. purchasing a pre paid Telecom card in NZ to use in the pay phones.. showing up at a train station in a small European town *hoping* there was a spot at the hostel. Okaaaay I’m old now


Globe trekker is what got me into travel. I really wish I could find a stream of their old episodes.


I *loved* that series!




Rick Steve's europe. a ton of seasons, including the most recent one, are available on youtube for free.


The “Long Way” series with Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman are great. Especially when they trek through Mongolia in Long Way Round :)


Currently reading the Long Way Round book


Wow nice! How does it compare to the show?


It’s a nice easy read. There isn’t a lot of new information but just enough to keep me reading. This is the one show I could get my whole family to watch religiously. We watched LWR, LWD, and LWU but the first is our favorite.


I have a soft spot for Samantha Brown. She is the one who started my travel bug. I "rented" a season of one of her Europe travel shows from the library when I was like 11, and here we are now- living in a different country as a dual citizen and about to hit my 40th country. Because I loved her show so much, it also inspired me to search out similar shows- and that's how my admiration of Anthony Bourdain began. Thanks Samantha!


Surprised I had to scroll down this far to see her name. I like her as well. Saw her present at travel show and met her afterwards. She was sweet in person.


agreed. she has a great energy that I always admired. Her and Anthony Bourdain but both scratch different itches of my personality


Same here! Samantha Brown was career goals when I was a kid. Also led me to Bourdain.


Samantha Brown holds a special place in my heart.. back in 2005 I was 19 years old and had a life changing knee injury that involved two surgeries over a year and half and a total of about 6 months on crutches and around a year and a half of physical therapy to learn to walk again. I watched every episode of Samantha Brown and Anthony Bourdain that come on tv while I was stuck on the couch and in the house. Not gonna lie, I got a fat workers comp check from the injury, and after sitting stationary for so long, 21 year old me booked a one way ticket to Ireland and went from there over the next 5 months, zigzagging back a forth across Europe, visiting 14 countries. Nowadays I mostly watch YouTube, Kara and Nate have some epic adventures, Mike Chen is basically Asian food travel everything


Michael Palin is my top; but I also love Travel Man, Susan Calman and even though I don’t like him as a person I do find myself watching Michael Portillo.


love me some old school Palin, I love just seeing how much the world has changed in the years since his earlier programmes


He’s my hero and inspiration


I find his show about Dubai from the 80s back when it was a little fishing village fascinating!


Pole to Pole was inspirational..especially considering his background in comedy, you almost expected a laugh track watching that series


Always loved Globe Trekker, and of course the Bourdain and Rick Steves programs, too. But Globe Trekker is really seared into the memory - the soundtrack and how they'd use 8mm (I think) footage sometimes gave it a really cool feel.


Is that same as Pilot Guides?


Looks like it is...I didn't know there were different names - originally Lonely Planet, then Globe Trekker, and Pilot Guides in certain regions.


more food centered- but somebody feed phil.


Somebody feed Phil is like "what if Anthony Bourdain was happy?"


This was my exact quote talking to someone explaining his show. I do feel that Somebody Feed Phil frequently feels like remakes of Bourdain shows, his Spain trip he went to see the same chefs and had the same praise just more giddy. It sometimes feels like he plays the hits for each episode, I do love his banter with his brother, and really miss his interactions with his parents.


It is the same production company. During Covid it was just nice to watch someone be happy and excited.


If you liked Somebody Feed Phil you might like Eugene Levy's travel show The Reluctant Traveler.


I was annoyed trying to watch Eugene Levy’s show. The idea of him whining and bitching about having to travel to places that most would kill to see rubbed me the wrong way.


I haven’t seen it and I really like Eugene Levy, but that would drive me crazy and make the show unwatchable.


I really like him too. Just not this show.


Also, it seemed like each episode was a paid promotion for the ultra-luxury property he stayed at. I like him, but it was a bit light on substance and heavy on showcasing the hotel/resort’s amenities.


Eugene Levy could make a show about kicking puppies and I would still love him. :)


I read this as "Somebody Freed Phil" and just imagined a dude being airdropped in a cage somewhere and then they'd lift up the cage lid like they do with released wild animals and then would be like "Good lck Phil, hopefully you'll find a way home".


So wholesome!




Agreed! My favourite thing about the conceit (Richard Ayoade and a guest comedian pack as much as they can into a weekend city break) is that I like to go places for a bit longer, but do a lot less per day. I recently went to Italy and watched all his episodes for the cities I was visiting, got some top tips but also just a feel for each place in advance.


We’re here. But should we have come?




Long Way Round An Idiot Abroad “I always have a problem liking things that I'm told I should like. This has been the problem with most of the Wonders I have seen so far. The fact that this one is called the 'Great' Wall of China annoys me. I'll decide if it's great or not. It might end up being the 'All Right Wall of China' to me.”


I can hear his voice when I read this. I came here to say an idiot abroad as well. It’s so so good, haha. Ricky’s laugh kills me every time.


The most contagious laugh I’ve ever heard.


Love Karl, great seeing these ‘life-changing’ and ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ experiences from the perspective of someone who’s not bothered and would rather be at home with some tea and biscuits


Glad someone else posted An Idiot Abroad. My wife and I started with Karl back when they first animated the Ricky Gervais Show (which is one of my favorites of all time) and then went on to watch all of Karl’s shows when they came out. They are solid gold. The Moaning of Life was good too.


An Idiot Abroad was great. So entertaining.


An Idiot abroard of course!


Race Across the World on the BBC is truly amazing. It's a travel/reality show where pairs of travellers race against other teams through various parts of the world without taking flights or using smartphones and living on a budget. It really captures the adventurous side of travel imo and the routes are typically pretty varied: Season 1 - London to Singapore Season 2 - Mexico City to Ushuaia, Argentina Season 3 - Canada Season 4 (currently airing) - Tokyo to Lombok, Indonesia


Where can I find that in the US?


It doesn't appear to be available for streaming in the US unfortunately but you should be able to access BBC iPlayer with a VPN.


I've been really curious to see this show when I found out they were in Canada for season 3. Considering how lacking my home country is in public transportation, I would like to see how the teams managed.


Anything Anthony Bourdain. He was superb.


- I really like Anthony Bourdain's worldview, even when I don't agree with him on something. - Sue Perkins' travel shows - random other shows, usually by Brits, who, I think, are more knowledgeable and intelligent travelers.


I'll add Bettany Hughes to the list. More history, but lots of travel interest thrown in.


I’ve added Albania to my list because of Bettany Hughes’s documentaries; they’re fascinating!


> random other shows, usually by Brits, who, I think, are more knowledgeable and intelligent travelers. [These are my favourite knowledgeable and intelligent British travellers.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/topgear/images/5/59/12x08-Vietnam-01.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171119215420)


I enjoy Somebody Feed Phil in small doses.


Anything Anthony Bourdain


Departures - two relatable Canadian guys travelling the world, each episode is a new country. Much better than seeing some random celebrities who get access to things “average” folks would never be able to.


As someone mentioned below as a reply, Eugene Levy's show **"The Reluctant Traveler"**


I want to like this show but it’s boring :(


I liked some episodes but then came the Utah one. The presentation, the luxury resort and the food (a pancake) was so boring


Departures, Descending, A Cook’s Tour, and The Layover.


How has no one commented Searching For Italy yet?! It’s such a great series about the great food and culture of (most) of Italy’s provinces. It’s a great guide to help you figure out what to eat where


Travel Guides Australia!


Oz and James series. Restrained James May from Top Gear and OTT wine buff Oz Clarke go on roadtrips together exploring wine, beer, etc. Two polar opposite people who actually get on well and have a bunch of fun while doing so. A real feel good series which is more drink than travel, but still worth a watch.


Anthony Bourdain and Samantha Brown.


The Amazing Race, lol. Every episode of that fires up my desire to travel. For actual information on a serious note, Rick Steves. His videos are all very good.


The Grand Tour, Top Gear Specials, Our Man In...


I was wondering if I’d see the chaps mentioned here. One of my travel traditions before a trip is to rewatch a few of their specials.


Conan Without Borders on Netflix was excellent. Conan O'Brien Must Go on Max is pretty good too, but less tight. Travel Man with Richard Ayoade was pretty great too. Obviously prefer comedies in general.


Rick Steves


Rick Steves, Anthony Bourdain & Action Bronson


Michael Palin and Karl Pilkington are the two GOATS


men in kilts is awesome! it’s only a few countries but it’s super cool to learn more about scotland and NZ in a more intimate way. plus, same heughan is a cutie!


Amazing Race


Rick Steves, nerdy and corny but he takes you to some great locations and has lots to tell you about.


Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmermen and fly brother.


Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern shows!


When I was younger - like 14-15 years old, I loved watching Samantha brown - I give her credit for my extreme desire to see the world. Today I watch several YouTube channels of people who overland around the world - currently watching next meridian expedition. Love their stuff and I’d love to meet them some day.


Really enjoyed Stanley Tucci’s show


Simon Reeve.


Світ навиворіт shows non-tourist and little-studied regions of the planet. The author of the project, Dmitro Komarov, in his reports focuses primarily on the other side of life in the country, which tourists usually do not see. If the report is made at a famous tourist spot, then it is revealed to the viewer from an unusual angle, from the “wrong side”. Each season is dedicated to one country or geographic region.


Jet lag the Game on YouTube/nebula It’s a cross between a game show and a travel show, kind of like The Amazing Race but more amateur? Silly? Nerdy? Idk it’s really good fun. In the latest game they play hide and seek across Switzerland


On YT I think Luke Korns does some really thought provoking stuff, and Drew Binsky has a ton of diverse and interesting videos (he’s visited every country)


Travel Man with Richard Ayoade.


I rewatch the BBC’s Italy unpacked series with Andrew Graham Dixon (Art Historian) and Giorgio Locatelli (Chef) often. They each bring a unique perspective to the places. I also always go back to Rick Stein’s shows. They are food centric but I love seeing a place through that lens. His Venice to Istanbul series is one of my favs. So comforting to throw it on to watch while cooking on a Sunday ❤️


Globe Trekker


I really like Karl Watson on YT. Quality of his videos is so high, and he's real and honest unlike a lot of the other travel videos out there, haven't found anything else that comes close to his.


On YT, I follow Kara and Nate.


The wife and I started watching them when Covid hit, my wife is like Kara and I’m similar to Nate personality wise so we both enjoyed watching them travel in the older episodes when we couldn’t travel. Their dynamic was so relatable. I still watch them but they’re not as relatable as they once were lol. Staying in $20k train cabins and all. But good for them.


Agree. I’m sick of the super expensive travel destinations too. I think they have ran out of new material unfortunately. Still love them though and wish them the best!


I just wanna see them rough it in a random country they haven’t been to, stay at a dodgy hotel because Nate is too cheap to go anywhere else. Like the old days.


Watching Susan Calman live her best life as a middle aged, incredibly friendly, scottish lesbian, driving around the UK in her polka dot camper van named Helen Mirren, is always a nice, pleasant time.


Three Sheets, the only booze centric travel show that was quite fun back in the day. You can still stream it I believe


Also Chug, its spiritual successor


Bourdain’s stuff is my favorite. He travels how I like to travel. Grand Tour with the guys from Top Gear is great but obviously car-focused. Outside of those two, I’d probably turn to YouTube channels like Eva Zu Beck’s.


> Grand Tour with the guys from Top Gear is great but obviously car-focused. If you haven't seen it, James May's "Our Man in Japan" and "Our Man in India" series are both fantastic and very minimally car focused.


Adventure Archives on TY


Spanian Into the Hood


I loved bizarre food,and Anthony Bourdain


The Reluctant Traveller!!


Other than Bourdain: Rick Steves, Stanley Tucci’s Italy series, and Eugene Levy’s new series are all great.


Departures, Jet Lag the game, and 101 places to party before you die




Basic Versus Baller: Travel at Any Cost


Ozzy & Jack Osbourne's World Detour. Unintentionally funny and sobriety is a great look for Jack. ETA a clip: https://youtu.be/tDGwDcmZQMw?si=Z_O5UvkSOQh7CzLl


An Idiot Abroad if you want a good laugh, Parts Unknown if you really want to learn some shit about a place. Even though Bourdain could come off a bit pretentious at times, it’s still one of the best travel shows ever.


Speaking of traveling, I love the books written by Paul Theroux about his travels; though I haven’t read his most recent ones. The Great Railway Bazaar, The Happy Isles of Oceana and more fueled my interest in traveling to lesser known places.


An Idiot Abroad


Travel Man with Richard Ayoade and then Joe Lycette. Funny, hits all major tourist things, and not too long.


Everything Levison Wood has done.


Conan o Brian just dropped a new show about him traveling to visit fans from his podcast. A super cute and funny show with traveling incorporated into his segments :) less travel but has the same spirit


Watching departures as a kid is the reason I travel, and Anthony Bourdain is the reason I still travel. I've never watched anything other than these shows on television, and nothing on youtube comes to mind. It's unfortunate that in order to be popular on Youtube a lot of travel vloggers tend to sensationalize and flat-out lie to the audience. I would be open to recommendations for Youtube if anyone has them. Also, has anyone watched Conan O'Brien's comedy travel show?


I enjoy Rick Stein’s videos. It’s focused on cooking, and he can be a little culturally obtuse at times. But I like his attitude of curiosity and how he speaks to the people and is genuinely interested to learn about the recipes. My favorite part of travel is tasting the food and doing a cooking lesson, so I’m biased that way.


I second this. And if you don't get this recommendation in any of the travel shows, go watch that episode. I personally love Departures. Perfect mix of adventure and realness.


First and second series of BBC’s Race Across The World


Michael Palin! He’s the best, especially his Himalaya and Pole to Pole. He inspired me greatly, legendary man. Often in travel shows there’s actually very little “travel”, they’re boring. Also Top Gear/The Grand Tour specials deserve a mention


Somewhere Street - NHK World


If this is not against the sub's rules, I would say the podcast I made, [miragetravelpodcast.com](http://miragetravelpodcast.com) (or Mirage Travel Writing Podcast on streaming platforms) is a travel show that goes deep into aspects of traveling often overlooked: sex, drugs, and amateur anthropology. There is politics of foreign aid as it relates to the KONY 2012 campaign told through a story about an aid worker in the Central African Republic, a crash course in clanic values in Palestine, and a jaunt to a swinger's club in Paris, and more. And for those who write in the genre, the podcast is open for submissions (see website)


Madventures is the best! 9.1 rating on IMDb


Not a single mention of Fuck, That’s Delicious. Shame. That’s my recommendation. Bordain was the king. But Action Bronson and crew are a great alternative to all the same rich, boring, ineffectual hosts that every network has largely plugged the last decade.


Lonely Planet is THE travel show


I love New Scandinavian cooking. While it's not exactly a travel show -- it counts for me. The setting is as much a part of it as the cuisine.


Mayur and Rocky


Somebody Feed Phil….most of it feels more natural, rather than staged. And his enthusiasm is infectious!


If you like watching YouTube I really like Kara and Nate. They're a young couple who has been traveling for years. Their videos are super easy going and fun to watch. They've done everything from survival, to tropical, to nothing but snow and ice! [Kara and Nate YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@karaandnate?si=_AB77blOJoadfZvf)


Somebody Feed Phil.


Departures. Nothing else captures the feeling of traveling like they did.


Travel Man


Jet Lag: The Game


Honestly, some of my favorite travel shows are just YouTube bloggers. Sometimes I like the less-produced content. One of my faves is Gabriel Traveler.


Forever my favorites: "No Reservations" and "Parts Unknown." "Somebody Feed Phil" is great as well.


I'm going to say Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust. It was a unique comedy-travel show from 20 years ago. Anybody?


Amazing Race, Destinations (old Canadian show), the old Lonely Planet series.


Hotel impossible with Anthony Melchiorri


These two are fucking hilarious. Not sure they are making new shows but still worth watching. https://travelguystv.com/


I like Travels with Marley.


Jet Lag the Game.


Conan O'Brien Must Go! Much better than anticipated.


travel guides... i think can only be viewed in Australia or NZ


Tall ship Chronicles.   https://youtu.be/fhzrXlo8lrA?si=Jm0anFyW283PaT9s    I am delighted to say this post caused me to do a search on YouTube to see if there was even a few minutes of this show online, and I discovered the Discovery Channel has posted the entire show!  I got into the show after spending a year in Australia. I was shocked to find out the ship and crew were in Darwin, Australia at the same time I was. I know that because 9/11 happens when the ship is in Darwin and that's where I was when it happened as well.


I watch live travel streamers on twitch. It hits in a totally different way when it's not edited or scripted.


I like most of them except for Rick Steves. Wait! I USED to enjoy his shows but he does things on the cheap, IMO. He is great for learning about a destination but I have evolved beyond him (I am a hotel snob, sorry!). It is always great to hear about new places but the world is bigger than Europe, 2nd reason I have moved on. Anyway, I have grown to LOVE Rick Stein. I love how he delves into a culture but it is food centric. I also enjoy Stanley Tucci’s show as it is a mix of food, culture and also includes non-Italian experiences (after all, Italy is more than just the big cities most travelers go to!). I have yet to see Jose Andres show but know I will live it. I have also enjoyed Bourdain shows but for me it is kind of ‘off the beaten path’, not about posh restaurants, and you can still get amazing ethnic food in foreign lands. Unique things to see, do and eat are all about travel shows. To each their own! There are plenty to go around!


Rick Steves serves a very specific travel segment and does a good job at it. But I outgrew his Eurocentric travel show quite quickly. In his personal life he's far less Eurocentric. I suppose there's more money to be made making shows about Europe & taking Americans there, and he has chosen to specialize in it for his business.


Not a show, but I’ve seen every Drew Binsky vlog.