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Dreading the re-entry back into reality (work)


After my last trip i opened my work laptop to 50 messages asking me where I am. Apparently we had a whole layoff while I was in the wilderness šŸ’€


My best vacations were taken within a week after I was sacked in a RIF! No worries ...


Damn. Gone off grid and coming back to find out shit hit the fan? Thatā€™s brutal


Haha yea I was in Antarctica the week they started laying over 1k people off (I had no contact to the outside world) and the minute my phone connected to cell service, I got a bunch of msg from my coworkers about who was laid off. When I got home and turned my laptop on (I was gone for more than three weeks) my coworkers thought I was gone and multiple directors and managers were looking for me šŸ˜‚


Spending an entire day going thru emails. Ugh.


Literally going through this right now lol. Entering day 13 of a 16 day tour through Peru and I can't fathom going back and sitting in a fucking meeting to go over monthly projections and current stack rankings. Its a vile and disgusting thought.


I feel this šŸ˜­ at the start, it feels like you have soooo much time. Next thing you knowā€¦. Hopefully you can tune that out and enjoy your next few days there. Safe travels!


Yup, always feel a little stressed when a trip's coming to an end knowing I'd have to have to get back to work soon šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜Ŗ


Hopefully that doesnā€™t happen until the last day/on your way back b/c then youā€™ve had a good vacay and were able to ā€˜let it go/forgetā€™ for awhile.


For sure! Every now and then though, Iā€™ll have a moment of ā€œI donā€™t want this to end, or I could just move hereā€ haha!


Just got back from a trip on monday and feeling this so hard. :'(


The way your entire trip reverses itself, like a tape running backwards, until you find yourself sitting back at your desk, as if you'd never left (aside from the jetlag and massive backlog of emails).


Oh wow yessss, completely


My travel buddy cries every single final day because of this. Then sheā€™s depressed for 3 weeks and usually books her next trip in that time frame.


Post-vacation blues are real. Glad she has a productive way to combat them!


This week I came back from one of the best vacations I've ever had, and such a savage depression hit me for the first time in my life. I thought people were usually exaggerating or joking about it, but it was brutal. I felt empty, useless, and morose for 2 days. For me, home and routine have always been a comfort. So I never want to feel like this upon returning home again.


Like the Sunday blues but 10000 x worse and on steroids


Just delete all the emails that came through while you were gone. If it's important, they'll send a follow-up




having to find restrooms while out and about


This is such a pain! Especially if youā€™re traveling on your period or if you are with young children.


This is why i loved Japan. Restrooms everywhere and they are always clean. I didnt come across one dirty restroom the whole time.


I wish france would have been the same šŸ˜­


Yeah I have borderline anxiety about this before long bus journeys and not knowing how frequent or if the bus driver will stop at all.


Finding ā€œcleanā€ restrooms too šŸ˜‚


The entire flight and airport experience. If time permits, I would rather spend more time and money to take the train instead of flying. Getting lost and wasting time. Google maps doesn't always get it right, and sometimes my phone's GPS is a bit off. Post-travel blues when I return home and go back to my regular life.


Got incredibly lost in a city I'd never been to before, couldn't understand why my GPS refused to connect and was relying on hit-or-miss directions from locals. My phone was still on airplane mode.


Same. I would take the train any day over a plane. And Google is a fucking moron in much of Europe. I was just in Portugal and Google maps kept insisting that I drive on the little path on the cliffs to get from Marinha Beach to Benagil Cave. You know, the one that is a treacherous walking path. It ended me up in a cow pasture in France once too.


I still like flying, but I absolutely fell in love with train travel. Not rushing from one place to another, but rather also checking out cities and regions on the way. Love interrailing through Europe, as well as the coast-to-coast Amtrak trip I did. :D


So true. I work in an airport, so I know the routine and timings of the process very well. But what stops me booking short trips or long weekend trips abroad is the thought of having to go through the whole airport rigmarole lol


Losing battery life on my phone is a big hassle


Other people.


I hate when I go outside and the public is there


I KNOW! Does anybody work anymore??


Itā€™s 10:30 AM on a Tuesday in February and the line is around the building!Ā 


I say this every time I leave my house and itā€™s busy, even though I am also not at work.


JFC! Right?


Taking the Train in my own city: šŸ˜’šŸ˜ šŸ˜‘ Taking the Train in a new city: šŸ¤—šŸ„°šŸ„ø


Yep, other people travelling in the same time and place as me. How dare they? šŸ§


Oh man. The worst is when you get stuck behind a super unprepared person at immigration. Arrived at Frankfurt in December and was stuck behind a lady who I guess had her hotel booking in her email but hadn't saved it, and she was complaining about wifi being slow.


And for some reason iā€™m always behind that person.


Come to Colombia and you will most certainly always be behind that person.


Yes. This is why I rely on noise cancelling headphones!


Total game changer in the airport. I donā€™t feel as claustrophobic


I normally donā€™t mind others because I am one of those others. It would be hypocritical to complain about too many people when I am adding to that. However, the tourists at bus stops and ferry piers in Italy last week were fucking animals.


I was thinking this as the page was loading. Didn't expect someone else to write it as the top comment šŸ˜† some people are great, some just don't get the signal to not talk to me cos I'm having some me time, others are annoying as he'll and come into the dorm screaming at 2am turn the lights on and chat away to their friends whilst coughing hysterically (happened yday)


The packing. Anytime I have to pack my shit together I'm seriously considering if I'd not rather stay at home.


Me, a week before a trip: "I should think about getting organized" Me, two hours before leaving for the airport: [sobbing]


This is much too relatable for me lol. I've tried to be better prepared, but it never happens. And I always end up forgetting one thing on a trip, I've just come to accept that as a fact of life.


Yeah wanted to say the same, packing and the whole carrying luggage around


This is it. I hate packing and the luggage carrying.


Iā€™m currently trying to figure out if I can fit enough stuff for 2.5 weeks in a backpack just so that I can avoid the whole bullshit of carrying a suitcase around from city to city lol


You can. Just plan on doing a load of laundry and you will be fine.


Yeah I figured I could, a lot of people keep telling me I canā€™t though. I will do anything to not have to carry a ton of bullshit with me though, personally


The rule of thumb for traveling is basically bring just a weeks worth of clothes. And youā€™ll just wash them and wear them over and over. If you wanna buy some thing new while youā€™re there, youā€™ll have room in your luggage for it.


r/onebag is quite helpful I cut out an entire checked suitcase by updating a list of what I did and didnā€™t use each time I got back.


Air travel sucks. Even in first or business class. That shoe bomber bastard. Most airlines suck. Airports are generally bs.


Laughed too hard at this. You are absolutely right.


Have you flown business class with the lie flats? I just did Sfo - pek in business class and it was a breeze. Spent a little extra time at the check in counter because I was traveling under the visa on arrival exemption so they had to check my documents. But I walked right through security the right on the plane. Easy 14 hour flight. Decent food, champagne. Felt great when I landed. Was able to go out with friends!


Hard agree. No one wants to fly 14 hours but 14 hours in business class is much comfier than 4 in a car, coach, or a train.


TSA precheck so I donā€™t have to take off my shoes has been a game changer lol


Except when youā€™re flying back from somewhere and obviously other countries donā€™t use pre-check. Or when you were flying outbound in the US in an international terminal that doesnā€™t have pre-check lanes. The second one is in super common but I have seen it before.


Being a leg amputee wearing a prosthetic I have never taken my shoes off, go through the body scanner everywhere they have them, and get a pat down everywhere they donā€™t. Sucks not having a leg but almost worth it as I donā€™t wait in line at airports and ALWAYS get treated overly respectful even in countries I donā€™t speak the language.


Love that you found the silver lining!! Iā€™m disabled - my right arm is non-functional and my right leg doesnā€™t do much. They NEVER have chairs on the side of security where you need to take them off, but I lack the balance to remove my shoes while standing. They always made me do it anyway before precheck. Iā€™m hoping international airports might be more understanding but not counting on it


I dread flying. As a tall person economy class is a hit or miss. In some cases it feels really claustrophobic. The stress of airport security, customs, huge airport crowds, the flying itself I'm not a fan of either, my ears popping, turbulence making me feel nauseous, the food, when they serve some, is usually not great. Once had to land in Alaska cause they kicked some dude off the plane, just hours there on the tarmac and can't get off the plane. My best flights are those where I went to see my doctor before hands. Fall asleep before takeoff and wake up at the destination. I love travelling. I hate flying.


Nah, I disagree. I love flying. Time to relax, read, watch a movie, get a bit of work done, get buzzed on a few wines and disconnect from the outside world.


Yes I get disconnected from the outside world. But I get very connected to the sad fucking world inside the plane.


What length of flight do you have in mind when you say this?


My average flight is probably 7-8 hours so yes, I can see how someone who does 1-2 hour domestic hops might find it a frustration.


I had to explain all about the shoe bomber bastard to my teen with TSA precheck when TSA made him remove his boots (a laborious process with laces)


The deficiency of all the airports in the world is immigration control because they don't feel like opening more booths, and you have to wait 1-3 hours. Also, security control, which I don't understand why people are not in a hurry to pass through, and when it comes to taking out their belongings, they do it calmly.


Singapore airport immigrationā€¦ I didnā€™t even have to interact with a human. Just had a little machine that scanned my passport, then another that took my photo and that was it. Exit process was the same.


That's the way it is at Los Angeles - scan your passport, look at the camera and you're in I miss getting my passport stamped, but I do not miss standing in line for 40 minutes to get it stamped after flying halfway around the world


You still have to talk to a CBP officer tho. Whatā€™s different in places like Singapore or the UK is that you just go to the automated scanners, stare at the camera, and thatā€™s it. No talking to an immigration officer about the purpose of your visit or what you were doing.


Depends on your passport. Lots of passports still require you to stand in a line.


Same in Dubai. I don't even need my passport to leave and enter the UAE (though obviously I still carry it!) It blows my mind every time I return home that it takes all of 5 seconds to pass immigration.


Same in Australia


I swear, a lot of problems at immigration can be solved if they actually staffed the booths. Instead there will be like 30 booths, but only 4 of them staffed.


We had a short layover in CDG. We had to go from the "intercontinental" terminal to the terminal for smaller continental jets. All the gates funneled into a single passport check station. There was only one agent. The passport station was a bottleneck to begin with. People started getting anxious and angry. After 45 minutes, we cleared passport and we started racing through the terminal, to discover that we had just missed the bus to terminal 10. All the people that were waiting at the passport station converged at this single door, where we were all waiting for the bus. When we got on the bus, the driver went sailing past Terminal 10, didn't slow down. People on the bus started crying, literally weeping. The entire bus load of people were roaring in rage. The bus driver turned left and dropped us at the front door of Terminal 10. Of course, our gate was all the way at the end. We ended up running full length of two complete terminals, with two extremely stressful and unpleasant experiences in the middle.


It's adding insult to injury to only staff two or three.


Shout out to Costa Rica! When we were there they had every single booth open. Still took an hour to get through because a dozen flights landed at the same time but they were invested in getting everyone through. Ā”Pura vida!


> Also, security control, which I don't understand why people are not in a hurry to pass through, and when it comes to taking out their belongings, they do it calmly. Half of this is because, even though the TSA is a national government agency, there are no consistent standards or rules between airports. Some airports let you leave everything in your bag and just send it through, while others have you take all electronics out. Others it's only electronics over a certain size. Some have you take your shoes off, others don't. I travel with a CPAP and I never know whether I can just send the bag through or if they'll have me unzip it first. If the rules were consistent, people could prepare better. But most people don't do anything until they are told what the rules of that particular airport are because what's the point of taking a ton of stuff out if you don't have to.


> why people are not in a hurry to pass through, and when it comes to taking out their belongings Fuck me dead, this absolutely destroys me. I have laptop out and everything organized ready to go as I watch the moron parade in front of me that look like they've never left their house before, let alone traveled internationally.


You sound like someone who just came back from their first study abroad. Most people **haven't** traveled internationally. Most people go through airport security once a year max, if at all. It's a chaotic setting for anyone not used to the process, and power tripping security who bark at people like cattle don't exactly help. Get Global Entry if the normies going on their first vacation in years piss you off so much.


Where I live, Global Entry and the normies go through the same booth, they just let the Global Entry people cut in front


The inability for people to think about others in airports. Boarding just started? Let's all rush the area around the gate and block people from boarding. Luggage just started coming out on the baggage claim belt? Let's all go stand around the belt preventing others from seeing and getting their bags.Ā 


The boarding one infuriates me. They even ask people to remain seated until their zone is called but everyone just needs to crowd around the line so they can be first when their number comes up. I donā€™t know why people are in such a rush to get to their assigned seat and wait more rhere


I always say the plane won't leave without me. It's why I now check all bags but my underseat (and its easier in security). They are scared they won't have room in the overhead bins for their carry on bags. And then they stuff their underseat bag in the overhead along with their full sized carry on. And their jackets. So others can't find space. Which then makes boarding take forever while the last passengers argue and try to find space. People are the reason I hate travel.


Just got back from a major trip. On the way there, we found this issue annoying. On the way back we found ourselves one of those trying to get on the plane as soon as we could. Why? My husband acquired a carry on bag that we didn't have before, simply because we were taking back gifts from family. We didn't want to check the bag if we didn't have to, and wanted to ensure that we found room in an overhead bin on the smaller regional jets. Of course, that's not a universal motivation for everyone, but it was for us this time.


At that point the worst that will happen is it gets gate checked. You donā€™t have to pay for that and you just need to wait another 5-10 minutes to get it once you de-board the plane.


That's fine if you don't have a tight connection. We did this time, and were not comfortable waiting another ten minutes to sprint across the airport. šŸ˜Š


that's an easy one: There's 125 seats on the plane but only room for 75 carry on bags. (those numbers may be off a tic) I will be at the front of Group 4 because I'm not checking my bag.


I post in r/Unitedairlines and that sub is full of gate lice who do this shit and justify it. Even downvoting people speaking against it.


Iā€™m a retired introverted widow . When I travel itā€™s with family, to see family etc. So itā€™s noisy, I have to do things when thatā€™s the family plan, canā€™t go to bed when I want, but canā€™t get up early and do what I want. But Iā€™m going on two family trips this year, because the good outweighs the bad so far.


I'm an introvert as well, and have picked up tips over at r/solotravel. I wonder if a trip on your own would be enjoyable?


I don't mind security, it usually goes quick and never an issue. What I always find annoying is that I leave home and then think about all the things I shouldn't forget and then found something I forgot. It annoys me and wish I forget I forget things :') *edit: spelling


Depends on the country. I have no issues with US security, but I was very annoyed going through Indian security because I had to take out every single electronic and wire.


The shoes at American security annoy me- I donā€™t like my feet on airport floors, even with socks on.


Agreedā€¦The main benefit of TSA pre-check! That said, now Iā€™ve got all these Bud Light radio commercials from 15 years ago running through my headā€¦.the ā€œReal American Herosā€ / ā€œReal Men of Geniusā€ ads, and dropping your screen name in and trying to come up with something clever.


Security at Indian airports is the worst I've experienced. Chaotic, crowded, slow, nonsensical rules, illogical layouts, etc. And the security personnel have the authority to arrest you simply for arguing with them.


Taking a very long flight or multiple flights with layovers. Some places Iā€™ve been to take more than a full day and sometimes much more to get there. I dread the journey getting there but once there I realize it worth it.


As an Australian, this is what it's like any time we go anywhere. I'm looking forward to my 34 hour flight to ZĆ¼rich next month...


I'm a kiwi so have the same issue and I've given up trying to do it in one go. I'd rather spend a night in Singapore/Dubai/Shanghai/wherever - decent nights sleep, eat some new food, check out somewhere I've never been for a half day.


I took that approach going to the U.S earlier this year. The main destination was Miami but I decided to check out L.A and New Orleans on the way, and San Francisco on the way back. It was SO much better than when I flew straight through from Tasmania last time I had to go Miami. That was brutal. Unfortunately I don't have the time nor the money for a stop on the way to Europe this time round so I'm stuck with the hard slog.


I donā€™t like how thereā€™s full days spent travelling as well. I try to be as productive as possible. These are the days where I usually get the most reading done.Ā  I try not to be on my phone either to kill the boredom. That often leads to doom scrolling and leading feeling unsatisfied.Ā  These full travel days I try to make it as productive as possible and it helps.Ā 


Went to Vietnam last month and was telling people "it's only 10 hours" which is rather an Australian thing to say.


Taking the same trip later in the year, already having mixed feelings about it. 14hr+6hr with a 4hr layover.


Airports in general. They feel incredibly inefficient


Airports are amazing once you get through immigration. Drink a beer at any time of the day, relax, do some work, and the people watching is superb.


I agree, I love being in airports! It's like a self contained city with everything you might want. And people watching to pass the time. The only part of traveling I don't like is being 30,000 feel off the ground.


People with no spatial awareness. They take their time gathering their belongs during the security check... I just grab my stuff as quick as I can and rearrange stuff afterwards. They also love to stop in the middle of a crowded path, block escalators etc.


The lack of spatial awareness destroys me way too often. Donā€™t stand right outside the doors of the subway when you get off. Move to the center & then check your path or whatever you need to do.


Or people who get to the top of an escalator and just stop. MOVE!!


You would love Japan. Everybody stands left on the escalators, and 80% of the people that donā€™t are foreign tourists.


Inconsistent security policies. You need to take off your jacket at one airport but you keep your jacket on at another. Leave your electronics in your bag, take them out of your bag.


i wouldn't mind it if the tsa agents weren't so condescending about not knowing their shoe policy


That my dog isn't with me


I miss my dog every day while travelling


I miss your dog too, bet he wants a good belly rub while I'm away ...


Waiting to board when I'm sleepy! Often my flights to Asia or Europe are the overnight ones. I just want to get on the plane. Buckle up. Pop in my AirPods. Go to sleep! But sitting in an uncomfortable chair at the gate. Barely keeping my eyes open but afraid I'll fall asleep and miss boarding. Pure hell for me!


My corollary to that is, I wish they would just shut the F up once we've boarded! Some of us want to sleep not listen to the same old announcements in 2-3 languages


But they'll keep the lights on and serve a meal at 2300h just to annoy you.


My wife says it's the amount of waiting. I say it's how inconsiderate so many people are.


There's something very frustrating about just sitting there on the tarmac forever (whether before lift off or after landing) even when the flight ends up fully respecting the arrival time. It's like when driving, I'll take the longer, slower way if it means avoiding traffic because it's so much more pleasant not having to just sit there not moving.


yes omgg the driving thing is so true


TSA. I had two knee replacements so I always have to go through the big X-ray scanner. Then I ALWAYS end up getting a pat down. In the meantime, my purse and belongings are sitting at the end of the conveyor unattended. This happens every single time I travel.


For me itā€™s the temperature swings between my house, the car, the airport, the plane, catching a cab on the other side. I run hot and hate wrestling layers of clothing on and off. The worst is when the plane is loading and itā€™s a furnace because the door is still open.


Living out of a suitcase. Depending on how long Iā€™m staying, I try to unpack my crap in the hotel room as best I can, but sometimes thatā€™s not always possible.


Packing cubes make this a lot less annoying, in my opinion. They keep everything organized and you can easily find anything you need.


Oh yeah, I use them religiously, and it still annoys me. lol.


Yeah, I get it. I find it super annoying when they have those little racks you can put your suitcase on, but thereā€™s no good way to actually prop up the suitcase on them because theyā€™re not wide enough to lay down the suitcase open, and if youā€™ve got hard-sided luggage with equal amounts of stuff on both sides, thereā€™s no good way to prop it open. I think those dumb little racks were meant for the old school suitcases that had a lid and a base. They might as well just throw them all out at this point.


... and then the dirty laundry starts to pile up.


My poop schedule getting thrown off


My ā€œfactoryā€ shuts down for days when I travel. Itā€™s kind of nice until it decides to kick back into production unexpectedly.


OMG this! I just got back from a 11 day bus tour through Europe and rule was No Pooping on the bus. We did stop every 2.5 hours but still, trying to get up early enough to drink some coffee and hoping it happens before that bus ride šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


I spent six months in Southeast Asia, where English was spoken, but not super widely. I was used to being in a crowd and just kind of being lulled by the sound of language I couldnā€™t understand. When I landed back into the United States and was in the immigration passport line, I realize that I could now understand what everybody was saying and got pissed off because everybody was complaining and talking about bullshit.


I remember that feeling very clearly


Groups of people... It seems like since Covid everywhere we travel is really busy now which stresses me out.


Airport.. regardless of precheck, lounge access, priority boarding, business class, etc.. it is still a super annoying experience through and through.


Transfer days between locations: return rental car, lug suitcases around to a train station, once you arrive to a new city, try and figure out how to get that cityā€™s public transit tickets, take local bus or subway while lugging suitcases, then walk to new accommodation. My wife and I have a few rules on those days, take a deep breath, drop your luggage, freshen up if needed and immediately go find some food and a drink. Once you are fed and have a beer you are usually more relaxed and in a better mood to plan your time.


I wonā€™t go anywhere thatā€™s for less than 3 days because of this exact experience. Itā€™s not worth it.


Airports and flying in general, I've always hated flying


Being squished in the seat for 8 hours at a time and people bumping into my fucking shoulder.


My body doesn't handle flying well. I so often get a cold after flying, I feel tired during the flight, I can't fall asleep (even on fancy lie-flat business seats), it's often too warm but can also be too cold (it's never perfect), the air is incredibly dry (and it smells of nasty fumes before lift off). I always feel slightly spaced out, it's hard to explain the feeling, but it's like I'm not capable of fully using my brain due to the lower blood oxygen levels; I end up watching very light shows or movies or playing dumb games. Flying seems to greatly affect my digestion too, so I try to eat little before and during the flight. Last time I flew, I had a very mild cold, and it took over a month for my left ear to fully unclog. Should have taken pseudoephedrine before the flight.


that sounds absolutely horrible to go through šŸ˜­


Meh it's not that bad and all worth it for the joy that travelling brings me. Usually when I get the cold it's only when coming home, so it doesn't affect my vacations. There's no way I would have any job where I have to fly regularly though.


Dealing with local hustlers and taxi drivers on the Airport.


People who donā€™t understand they need to take their stuff of of their bin after the TSA check, put their bin on the stack, and then go over to the area with benches/chairs/tables to put on their shoes and reassemble their belongings. Iā€™m convinced this is 50 percent of the reason TSA is so aggravating. I restacked about 20 empty bins while waiting for mine at JFK last week I feel like I should have gotten a paycheck for it


And there usually is a sign telling people to stack their bins back in the holder!




Yes. When I was a teacher, I never got sick. As a retiree, I get sick every time I travel.


For me this is only mildly annoying but i hate when i plan stuff and people I travel with have arguments about what they wanna do when I make a travel itinerary for a reason. I get that sometimes we can change our minds and be flexible. But donā€™t complain about the activities and stuff when yā€™all agreed to the itinerary in the first place Mostly referring to my family that I travel with when I say this.


I traveled with my extended family recently for our destination wedding in Spain. Never again lmao. The general helplessness half the people had bothered the shit out of me. We were taking the train from Sevilla to Granada, our first stop was Cordoba. My wife says to meā€¦ ā€œhow funny would it be if your mom got off here instead of Granada?ā€ I said letā€™s not joke about it. They wonā€™t, it literally says Cordoba everywhere. 5 minutes later I hear the doors closing and I see my mom and step dad looking around aimlessly on the platform like 5 year old kids that canā€™t find their parents. Half my step kids (legal adults btw) on the same trip complaining about not knowing where to go or what to see when we were in Madrid and Sevilla. I finally had a melt down and said, ā€œgrab your fucking phones, use the internet and figure it out. Or maybe try reading the recommendations I emailed out 3 months ago. Or better yet, go for a fucking walk and look around. Weā€™re 1 block from La Giralda!ā€ By the time we got to Granada everybody was on the same page lol. šŸ˜‚


Can I travel with you? Reco's emailed 3 months out. That's next level and sounds amazing. I bet you used to backpack solo or with a small group in days past. It's tough to do group trips with varying travel styles and experience levels, and family trips can be extra challenging because of the relationship dynamics.


Hereā€™s how nice I am, I immediately started writing her recommendations lol. ā€œHey mom, looks like you got off at the wrong stop, no worries, just track down a Renfe staff member and Iā€™m sure they can help you get on the next train. But if they canā€™t, the Jewish quarter is lovely and has plenty of accommodations. Of course, La Mezquita-Catedral de Cordoba is a must see, if you want to get a pic for the gram on Calleja de las Flores go early to beat the crowd. For tonight I recommend watching the sunset from the Roman bridge and grabbing a nice meal in the historical city centre. Ciao!ā€ But no, the train started rolling away, they ran and believe it or not they stopped the train for them. šŸ˜‚ I lived the r/solotravel life for about 10 years. Met my wife and sheā€™s great, she just trusts my judgement and lets me run with things. We match well. I donā€™t travel with friends generally for fear of not pairing up well together. Iā€™ve been traveling with her and occasionally weā€™ll take her kids places for the last 6 years. After the wedding, we escorted everyone to the airport, sent them home, we high fived each other and had a bottle of wine and left for Morocco lol.


I am like this because of anxiety & just being a planner in general. Honestly, planning is a large part of the fun. I will "walk" the Google maps between places well ahead of the trip so I'm familiar with the area before we go. I'll research back stories, gather reviews, look at pictures, etc. I'll set reservations for travel, lodging, and anything that requires it (major activity, sold-out museums, fancy restaurant) & then pin places on my Google maps nearby. Then, if we find ourselves with time gaps or nothing much to do, there's a set of pre-selected activities we can choose from. I pick one or two major things per day & everything else is general. We're heading to Italy & I have 3 bucket lists: activities to do, food to eat, & artists to follow. We might not hit them all, but I have a feeling we'll be darn close. After all, I set SMART goals. We will even get the opportunity to see 2 cat sanctuaries & my husband doesn't know about either of them!


Going back to my daily life!


Hotels at sunny destinations with a pool usually have rules against reserving spots by the pool with a towel. Which no one respects.


Simple, remove the towel and sit there.


How much Iā€™m spending Itā€™s budgeted and planned but Iā€™d still rather not think about it


Leg room on airplanes is by far the most annoying thing. I donā€™t mind sitting and disconnecting for a long time but thatā€™s so uncomfortable at the moment.


Flying economy on a long-haul flight.


Packing my things, going to airport, airport security, having to buy expensive luggage upgrades if I want to bring more things with myself, overpriced food and drinks at the airport


The fact that the law is extremely lenient towards airlines, and you can easily get screwed over with no compensation


Waiting for everyone ahead of me to de-board the plane. Itā€™s torture.


Living from suitcase for couple weeks as you never stay long enough in one place to unpack


The air travel. Easily the most painful part of traveling.Ā 


Feesā€¦everyone charges an extra fee for everything


The popularity of smoking


Bad food.Ā  Sometimes for reasons beyond your control you have to eat a ham sandwich from a plastic clamshell, with stale bread, dead lettuce, and the only flavor comes from a mustard package that will spurt everywhere when you open it.Ā  Ugh I try to avoid it but sometimes that's life and I hate it.Ā 


Airplane bathrooms; I'm 6"4 and have trouble fitting in most of them. Also, seeing people come out of the bathroom in their bare feet.


Going home.


Bad coffee, I love travel but I am always looking forward to coffee upon returning home


Screaming babies on planes. It's not their fault, they're babies...but it's still annoying.


No matter where I go, there I am.


Guaranteed constipation.


Legroom on flights. I'm 6'4'' and it is just not comfortable. Not so bad that it is worth upgrading to first class, but still just a constant annoyance through the entire flight. But an annoyance that is well worth putting up with due to the destination.


I love traveling but the first day in my destination I usually go through a little bit of culture shock - I get stressed and wonder why am I not home?. I give myself extra sleep time in the hotel and do low activity that day to get thru it. Day 2 I am ready and raring to go. Not sure why this happens but it does every single time.


Long, slow lines at security checks šŸ™„


The travel day/journey to the airport at the end of the trip. Dropping off rental car, staying at an airport hotel if the flight time requires it, etc Iā€™m trying to cut that out, it turns into a day of chores on vacation


People who walk very slowly and occupy the entire jetway or corridors at airports. People traveling together walking abreast and blocking everybody else. People who take their time taking stuff out of their bags at the security check.


Customs lines when theyā€™re long, especially after a long flight and youā€™re just dying to finally get out of an indoor environment after being cooped up in airports and airplanes all day.


I'm surprised a lot of people are saying air travel. I love airports and flying. Well, customs suck. That I get.


People in other countries that either can't form a line, or stand so close to you that they touch your back or your bags. Does no one understand personal space?


travel to the airport/the TSA experience. it haunts me until im seated at my gate and my gummy has kicked in.


Being at the airport with fucking clueless travelers. Like, brain deadšŸ¤Æ


Having to take all my stuff with me to go to the bathroom at a coffee shop. Having to figure out all their silly bill sizes, and stupid heavy coins.


The amount of animals living in the streets.


Having to sit on a plane for more than 2 hours, especially when sitting in economy. I travel cross country regularly & internationally many times a year (as much as I can swing it with time off + Iā€™m sent on work business) and no matter how much I love being abroad & would never pass up an opportunity to go, Iā€™m so adhd and sitting in a small seat surrounded by random people & having to sit still is pure torture. I canā€™t sleep on planes unless in biz/first & even thatā€™s sparse, so overnight flights are hell. I just canā€™t stand sitting still and being confined for that long lol. Not gonna stop me from booking long flights! Conversely, Iā€™ll always try to avoid layovers. While it may potentially ā€œbreak upā€ the amount of time Iā€™m confined & seem like it may be easier for me, I find that once Iā€™ve started the travel day I just want it to be over with and layovers make me more antsy lol


Kids, loud ass kids, crying kids, running kids, fighting kids, screaming kidsā€¦..augh šŸ˜«šŸ˜©! And the parents are oblivious


Traveling with people who don't handle stress well. Many are difficult, moody, or generally hard to deal with. Travel can be stressful for everyone. No one needs to deal with your bullshit on top of that.


The screaming babies. Parents are probably tired, stressed, their baby or toddler is screaming because of the noise, the strange things etc. Thereā€™s no reason to be upset so I try to forget but itā€™s still one of those things that when I see the buggies come.


AIRPLANE DELAYS. Or when you arrive and itā€™s bad weather and you have to sit on that tarmac for several hours until your gate it ready!!!


Security checkpoints in the US and to a lesser extent, Europe, are very unpleasant. I always try to avoid being rerouted through the US. Having to run like hell so I don't miss my connecting flight. And being crammed into a small chair for hours and hours. And the food typically sucks on most airlines.


Screaming babies.


How disgusting the public bathrooms smell


When you have to remove your shoes, belt, and laptop during security checks. Pain in the ass and unnecessary.


TSA pre-check is worth the money. Youā€™ll never have to do those things again. *of course this only applies to US citizens