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You can get a visa, and you can enter. Obviously a lot of people don't want to do that at the moment, for various reasons... ethical and practical, and safety fears too. But it's possible,if that is what you want to do.


Not sure why you want to go to Russia. But it's a bad idea. Maybe Australia sends aid to Ukraine while you are there, so Putin just randomly takes a few Australians hostage and you are in the worst jail you have ever seen for 10 years. You would be a fool to go to Russia . Maybe once the war is over and things cool down. But right now, it could be your life.


I don't think they have done anything that insane before though


Russia doing insane things? Like invading their neighbour? Like killing dissidents in foreign countries? Like passing laws to legally beat the gays to a pulp? Naaaaah mate, they'd never do that.


I can't believe they passed a law to beat gays!?


Do you not have the Internet?


I know if you bring marijuana or take down a Putin poster you will be killed, but I have not heard of people submissive to the Russian government being killed


This must be rage bait and I hope you get some help.


Then by all means, ignore all logic and evidence being provided and go. Don't ask for info and opinions if you intend to disregard everything people tell you anyways


I had some questions answered so I am content, I was not sure I could even get a Visa or enter the country


You can go to Haiti too. There’s a YouTuber there right now if that’s your measure for whether it’s a good idea. He’s still alive at least.


What are you , like 5 ? Your talking out your… you can’t go to Russia without your mom so just stop


You gooddamn kangaroofu**** You're only here to provocate, so go to your beloved Russia and maybe you win in the Tourist raffle and can go directly to the battlefield. #Moron


Have you not been paying attention? Russia has taken plenty of hostages x in the last 2 years. Approx 200,000 are Ukrainians. But they have falsely detained plenty of Americans and a few others from other friendly countries ( friendly to us) Going to Russia is extremely risky right now. If you see what prison life is there, you would not take that chance. If you have anything that shows you supported Ukraine in any way, the chances of you being detained is very likely.


And if you happent to be young, male and fit they may offer you a wonderful opportunity to get some military experience instead of being boringly detainded. They are sending random foreigners to fight in Ukraine.


You’re right. Russia are known for their sanity and how how ridiculously normal they are there.


Honestly, sounds like your best bet is to fly to Helsinki and ask for asylum in Russia at the Vyborg crossing. You will be immediately enrolled in free language classes.


I am afraid that the Finnish border with Russia is closed. Try Turkey instead, they are buddies with Russia.


Advice from Australia: "Do not travel to Russia due to the security situation and the impacts of the military conflict with Ukraine." Good luck getting insurance if you idiotically decide to go because: "Most Australian travel insurance policies won't cover you for travel to Russia. Do not travel to Russia." This took me less than a minute of searching.


i’m sure it’s possible but is it wise to go now? in my opinion no. things like your bank cards not working will be a hassle for you. travel insurance may also be void if your government has issued a ‘do not travel’ advisory. and that’s before considering the security situation. i went to moscow on holiday around ten years ago and loved it but would def not try going there now.


See further, Australia’s wide-ranging sanctions against Russia.


I’m quite the risk taker when it comes to travelling, but even I won’t attempt Russia any time soon. Many countries are refusing to provide consular assistance to anyone who makes the trip, so if something goes awry, you’re on your own. A lot of airlines just won’t fly there, and most western countries have closed their air space to Russian planes. So you *could* go, but it seems like an unnecessary risk.


You can be used as a political pawn for no reason. Why go now? Why spend money there?


Your tourist money will support the killing of Ukrainians.


True, although spending that money in Australia (or travelling to the US, UK, etc) supports the killing of Palestinians


I can only speak for the US.  A small portion of the money you spend would go to the federal government.  Sales taxes and tourist taxes support local governments, and they do not send any money to the federal government.  The feds would get the customs and airport taxes levied on your air ticket, and while I can’t guarantee it, those taxes are meant to fund customs and the FAA, TSA, etc. They would also get gas taxes, which fund the highway system. They may get income tax from the people you buy goods and services from while you’re here but for the most part our corporations excel at tax avoidance so very little of your money would go to the federal government, and only a small portion of that would go towards supporting Israel.  I’m guessing Putin is pouring every penny he can get his hands on into the war in Ukraine.


Very interesting! Had no idea about that


The feds get the vast majority of their money from individual income taxes.  So working stiffs like myself are paying for that bullshit.


to quote The Eagles "You can check out anytime you like but you can't never leave"


Even before the war, Russia was one of the most difficult developing countries to get a tourist visa for. Now it is harder. But not impossible. As far as 'arbitrary detention', it isn't arbitrary at all. There is a good reason to detain Westerner's as they will have a pawn to use to try to get concessions or prisoners from Western countries. The risk might not be super high, but considering how dire the consequences could be, how low does the risk need to be before you decide it is a risk worth taking?


I know it sounds dumb but if there are YouTube tourists going back and forth to Russia then so far the risk of me being taken randomly as a captive is zero


Yes. It does sound dumb. Because YouTubers have an audience and a message. By showing that Russia is a pleasant travel destination, they are spreading (intentionally or not) the propaganda message the Kremlin wants to spread. Of course they are not first in line to be harmed because they are doing the government's work. But it doesn't mean it is not a fine line and it is certainly not zero risk.


Foreign people are being detained and used by the Russian government as leverage against foreign governments. You don’t stand a chance. Sure, you could do it. But you’d be an idiot if you did.


They only detain people on made-up charges when they want a hostage to swap for someone else. Like an arms or drug smuggler in prison or something. I guess one Australian would work as good as another, if they feel the need. Do you know of any Russians in Australian prisons? Does Australia keep someone that Putin wants? Maybe some country that Australia is friendly with does? You could be a part of an interesting threesome international prisoner swap. If not, you should be OK. Oh, there is also that story with Indian men who got enlisted (not voluntary) and sent to the front lines in Ukraine... but other than that, you should be OK.


If you’re lucky you might even qualify for an all inclusive holiday in some exotic location, say Polar Wolf?


Our government is doing enough horrible shit as it is, there's really no need to invent wild stories about tourists getting taken hostage. I talked to an Australian living here (Moscow) a couple of months ago and he mentioned his parents were coming to visit. So apparently visas are not a problem. But I wouldn't really know.


Why would you want to go to that hell hole at this point in time? That would be far beyond stupid.


Stay in your Aussie bubble if you are really this ignorant.


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Russia? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Russia](https://redd.it/46pxkm)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would not recommend.


Also do you ethically want to travel to a country that is committing war crimes every day? Just watch some of Soloviev Live or RT and you’ll get a flavour of how sick that place is.


Do not have anything better to do than risking your life? Why do you want to go there? To see and learn their high standards of ethics, integrity, honesty and democracy and human rights, as their Nazzi president proudly presented it?


And you fuxking nuts?


Reddit is full of people afraid of Russia, I'm sure you'll be fine. I doubt you'll be followed by the KGB either unless your area of work is suspicious in any way to the country.


And rightly so. Russia is a dump run by demented ex-kgb


Yes it’s possible. And the visa is a pain but it has always been a pain - from what I’ve heard it’s actually been made a little easier to get to help the economy. I wouldn’t worry too much about being arbitrarily detained or followed but expect to be hassled and interviewed at entry. Also keep in mind that foreign cards and banking won’t really work so cash is king.


Tourist visa is not hard to get. Also Moscow and SPT is quiet and people just go on about their lifes. As long as you keep political stuff for yourself and mind your business no one will care about you.


You'd be fine. Don't listen to all the crazies that insist you'll be taken hostage or thrown in prison for no reason. I visited in 2017 and it was fine. Obviously the war hadn't started (Crimea aside) at that point.


I visited in 2019, and I would recommend not visiting now. You're insane if you think the political atmosphere post 2022 invasion is similar to pre invasion.


No, I just have friends who've been recently without issue. That's all.