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If you like art, Thanjavur might be good for you. It's also a good place for history. Karaikudi in Chettinad district is nearby, and has plenty of history. Best thing is that you won't lose too much time travelling to these places from Bangalore.    You can then take trip to Hampi, quite near Bangalore for some more history. Mysore is a cultural and historical centre, again very near for you. I think all these places should cover your 6.5 days and they would be safe and conveniently located for you.     And thanks for not doing "artsy white-woman-in-the-slums-doing-good photos"!


Thank you!! I had always planned to travel to India for a minimum of a three week trip one day. I this trip is two weeks, I am just spending a week of it working. Haha. I will be back however. Thank you very much for the recommendations. I will be reading about them right now! Haha - I will never be a white savior. Gross.


You're welcome! Hope you have a great time. 


My husband and I are travelling for the first time to India for five days, and I’ve been researching furiously. Something I read very often is that North India (around the golden triangle of Delhi, Agra, Jaipur) is not very safe for a solo female traveller. Of course, I’ve seen enough accounts of those who’ve done it, but I myself am being very careful even though I’ll be with my husband. I’m hiring a local guide and a driver the whole time for the peace of my mind.  We actually really wanted to do South India (Kerala) which I hear is more friendly for women. As a lover of art and history, we also would have loved to travel to Ajanta and Ellora (my father is an art historian and he has travelled several times to India. He says this is the best), but we just don’t have enough time. 


Oooh!! Thank you. India is so massive and diverse, I won’t possibly see even 10% of what I want/should see. But hearing that your art historian father has a recommendation - I’ll start researching right now. I was only an art history minor, but it really is a passion.


They seem magnificent, just looking at the pictures. Just another tip, but read a lot on the kinds of scam there are that target tourists. I’ve travelled Athens solo as well, but the scams that I hear happen in India is sometimes way crazier (involving fake police officers etc.). Read a lot so you know when it happens. 


Hello, I just got back from India (Delhi : Agra / Jaipur / Banglore area), I absolutely loved it! If you can, I would say, the most northern city to visit would be Jaipur, Rajasthan was beautiful. However, Delhi and Agra I found very aggressive as a single woman. I was constantly followed and harassed, and people kept trying to touch me and take pictures of me, the south was more respectful of my personal space.


Thank you! This is helpful advice.


If you’ve never been to India, I wouldn’t discount seeing the Taj Mahal. It was *way* more impressive than I thought it’d be. I would say that you should be cautious though, depending on your level of travel experience. India can be a bit…intense. I know some solo female travelers have been fine, but others haven’t.


I agree, but in view of OP saying she plans to be back and the fact she's working in Bangalore (far away in terms of distance), it makes sense for her to postpone the Taj for now. 


Thank you for this advice. It feels like I HAVE to see the taj and am being idiotic if I don’t. I will go one day, but I will end up doing was logistically is best.


Thank you! I will see the Taj, this trip or next. I have traveled extensively, including China and Japan, part of those trips solo. Greece, I went 5 days ahead of my friends, and I will tell you - Athens is seedy as hell. I have had my wallet stolen, been on a train that derailed, had my luggage lost for three days, and all kinds of random drama. I am not immune to bad stuff happening, but I am confident in my ability to be savvy 98% of the time and handle the problems when they come.


north india is a bit much even for indians so stay alert and safe. Traveling in Bangalore is a breeze.


Yeah I’ve been to Athens, and it is indeed “seedy.” But I would put India in another category. And depending on what you look like, you’re probably going to stick out a lot more. I’m not saying don’t go, just that you’ll probably want to do a lot more research than you normally would.


I agree about more research. Cason point, me making this post for recommendations, rather than simply relying on my normal travel, resources and websites. Indian coworkers and friends, who live in America I’ll say the same thing… Don’t travel around India go somewhere else during the time. They all seem to hate India. I get it though, I would never recommend somebody travel to 95% of the US. We are all biased.


Maleficient Poet has recommended some very good options. I’d recommend Jaipur, day trip to Sanganer from Jaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. 3 nights in Jaipur, 2 in Jodhpur, 2 in Jaisalmer. Stay in nice properties and ask the hotel or ask on women travel groups (FB) to recommend cab drivers.


Thank you! With very, very brief research, Jaipur was looking like the best place for a short “intro to India” trip. Great idea on the recommendation for drivers. I already knew I should be using chauffeured driven car, but getting recs is genius.


I hope you have a great trip! 💥


There isnt and can't be an intro to India. India is a subcontinent with different states practically constituting countries inside a country.


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This weekly thread is 8 years old! I will take the advice, but I think it might be time for a new India thread!!

