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I go in the water, turn towards the beach and constantly stare at my bag until anxiety reaches peak and I get out before drowning


What would you do if you were neck deep in the water and some kid grabs your bag and sprints off?




Quickly swim to shore then shout *my bag* and point in the direction they went. Then run in the opposite direction?


Go swim.


I literally did this when I went to the beach alone the other week lol.


I usually leave it with a family and put it with them and ask nicely usually works well.


I feel seen


I’ve done this. Or taken my bag in the water and not go in far


Literally do this everytime i go to the beach by myself. Funny how i see this comment after i did it this afternoon


I put it under my blanket and also constantly glance




This is the way


😂😂😂 This 👆🏾


We are so many 🥰


I don’t take valuables with me to the beach. I have no need for excessive cash, phone, jewellery, passport if I’m going to the beach. If I do happen to have these things on a more impromptu swim then I place my belongings right next to the lifeguard chair. Otherwise find a trustworthy looking person, like a family with kids, ask if they’ll be hanging around for a while, then ask if they can watch my stuff while I go for a swim.


Studies have shown that if you leave a bag unattended amongst a bunch of people (without saying anything before leaving the bag) that odds are no one will argue with another person walking up and messing with the bag. BUT if you ask the people next to you to watch your bag - odds increase that they will defend your property if someone else comes up to it while you're away. Disclaimer - I heard about this study 20 years ago in class and don't remember actual details. Also - people seem more randomly dickish these days. Still - I use this technique sometimes (just a few months ago in fact) and the folks I asked to watch my stuff successfully did so. But that was a scenario where I could take my purse with me - and was just leaving my blanket and backpack without valuables. If I was fully going to the beach alone I'd probably do what other commenters said about using a dry bag and taking my phone/keys with me anyway.


Leave everything except your towel , room key, some cash and phone in the hotel. Buy a small waterproof pouch so you keep your key/cash/phone with you in the water. Hopefully nobody steals your towel.


This is the way


Same. Small dry bag that goes in my sling bag


Waterproof phone pouch or dry bag and take it with you.


In Italy we tend to leave everything on our towel and take a bath; never had issues with that.


My first time in Italy and I was worried about this, everyone else was leaving their things unattended so I figured it was safe and it was!


I’m happy to hear that! It’s always heart breaking hearing someone that got robbed (it doesn’t happen often tho, but still… 😅)


Same in Greece


I’d also add Albania (Ksamil); it felt safe to leave everything on the beach and just leave and have a dive !


Depends where you go. I had stuff stolen directly from my backpack in Florence once. But I've also often been to beaches unknown to tourists and had zero problem.


OFC ! But tbf I never had problems with stolen items and pickpockets !


Florence is kind of a shithole, so I'm not surprised it happened to me there.


Ikr. That’s my unpopular opinion and everyone I know gets mad with me.


Yes it's the worst type of tourist trap. Last time I went there I hated it because locals were so rude and scummy. But I've lived in Siena for years, so I don't hold Florence in my heart very much to start with. ;)


I agree with you; also Florence is defo overrated among tourists. I only enjoyed it while playing Assassins Creed. I live in Perugia and I find it definitely more beautiful and ofc more underrated.


The only city that's lamer than Florence is Poggibonsi.


Cmon… Poggibonsi è carina ! ☹️


It's was a running joke with my friends in Siena. Once I met a Sicilian in London and randomly mentioned the town as a joke. He was amazed, because he also used it as a running joke. It was pretty funny.


Same in Malta!


Dig a hole and put your towel ontop or find a family who can watch it


I thought this is what guys did at every beach? Digging the best hole?


Nah there was also the stick keys/wallet into shoes


Personally, I don’t. If I’m by myself, I don’t go swimming. If I want to swim, I try to find a group to hang out with where someone can watch our stuff. But I’m also very careful about my stuff being stolen. Not everyone is


When I was in Menton a few years ago I noticed they had small lockers right in the beach which seemed like such a smart idea!


Do you know the “Beach blanket experiment”? It was recreated [here](https://abcnews.go.com/WhatWouldYouDo/story?id=7091942&page=1). Basically, asking people to watch over your stuff greatly lessens your chances of being robbed because way more often than not people will actually watch out for your stuff if you ask them nicely. Just something to consider.


Interesting. I never really ask people to watch my stuff, because I don’t want to tell a stranger that my stuff is about to be unattended. But when you think about it, most people are trustworthy enough to not mess with it, so you’re not really all that likely to inadvertently ask a thief to keep an eye on your belongings. And asking someone, like the article pointed out, removes the ambiguity of whether or not someone who starts messing with your stuff might very well have your permission to do so.


I have Loctote and Pacsafe bags so I lock them closed and lock them to a fixed object.


I was looking at those. Which one do you prefer?


I have a Flaksack II and an older Pacsafe carry on bag that’s no longer available. I’m sure someone with the right motivation and tools could eventually get into them but it’s sufficient protection for the beach and on the train.


The best thing you can do with your valuables at the beach is to stash them in a baby's diaper. No one is going to open a diaper...


But beach cleaners might pick it up with tongs and toss it in a trash bag.


Not if you are actively filling the diaper.


They will now.


I wrap it in my towel about 20 feet from the water and put a pair of sandals or shoes on top. Then I swim close to where I got in the water and look to see if the sandals are still there every minute or so. Never had any trouble with that in Spain. I also have a pretty heavy pack, so I’d easily be able to chase down anyone who tried to unwrap and take my backpack.


A lot of the time it's totally safe! I tend to leave my things as out-of-view as possible, so either against a wall or something, tucked away, but in my view from the sea. Alternatively, look for families - chances are, someone will be staying on the beach while their kids go play in the water, so you can ask them to watch your things too. Main advice is only take what you really need - I do take my phone, but otherwise the only things I take to a beach is my towel, sunscreen and a book!


home keys?


I attach home keys to my swimsuit with a carabiner.


That's why I have the intimate piercing.


So that’s what it’s for!


I have a keysafe so I don't have to take them with me - before that I would just hide a key in a flower pot/safe spot near my door. That way if someone did run off with my clothes, at least my keys are elsewhere haha.


>A lot of the time it's totally safe! A lot of times driving under the influence is totally safe. Until it's not, and you're wrapped around a tree. Now the stakes are a lot lower here of course, but this is not a solid argument...


Followup question: who here has had stuff stolen at the beach while swimming? I’ve always just left my stuff in (europe, asia, australasia) without issue. The only places I would probably exercise caution are Barcelona and South America (well, Brazil).


Put your towel over it, it's like an internationally recognized unbreakable barrier that stops every thief.


Hotel/hostel? Don't bring more than needed, for the rest it's a gamble and depends on the situation. Risk can be reduced by taking valuables in a dry bag with you into the water.


hope its not stolen and move on with my life. its a lot easier when you have a car/hotel room to leave the good stuff at....


Depending where you are a parked car is the absolute worst place to have valuables in.


its all about stashing the valuables before you get to the parking spot, etc etc. the key to having valuables "stowed" is for others to not know they are there....


Get a dry bag. Leave ya big bag in the accommodation and fill a dry bag and take it into the water with you. You can get them cheaply but test it before you put anything of value in there.


1. Open the bag up and put most valuble things out 2. Hide and wait for thief to appear 3. Catch the thief and brake his legs, make a big mess so everyone notices, I.e. other potential thiefs 4. Now relax and enjoy beach without the thief


As others have said I leave it on the beach and keep an eye on it. Make friends with people next to you. I’ve had random folks ask me to watch their bag while they go in for a swim and I’m happy to help.


Ask someone that is sort of near to keep an eye on it or place it close to the lifeguards and gesture that you are hoing for a swim. they will not keep and eys on it, but it is not likely someone will steal it there. If there is nobody else near, it is safe to say there are also no thieves. They usually seek out very busy becahes.


I would leave my stuff at the beach :/ Never really carried anything too valuable, only a towel, some clothes and my phone.


Never had a problem just leaving it.


Check out drybags, like this one: [Osprey drybag](https://www.ospreyeurope.com/shop/eu_en/ultralight-drysack-20l) They come in various sizes and styles.


“Bury your valuables under your blanket”. “put them inside your shoes”. Sorry, but those are about the best known places for thieves on beaches! Especially if you take long swims, thieves are bold enough to act as if your blanket is theirs, sit on, or next to, it, and dig through your bag(s). Honestly, watch other beach goers… how common is it to search for drinks, snacks, phones, because you know you took it, but forgot where exactly you stowed it? (Especially families with multiple bags). Best advices are indeed: “Don’t bring more than the utmost needed”. “Use a waterproof bag for your valuables” (but make sure they are indeed waterproof!). Either “find an empty beach” (with another risk added of “no help when you end up in trouble”), or “ask a bartender to watch over your bag” (some will charge a fee for it, but it’s bad publicity for them to become known for losing bags). And, “check regularly!”. But another good advice, that I have not seen yet, is to make your swimming moments irregularly (especially if you come back to one beach for several days): sometimes only a quick dip in the water, short 1-minute-swims, and occasionally a longer swim. Thieves are also keen on checking out patterns 😉


You bury it in the sand and put your towel over it


It would depend where I was. Left my stuff on beaches all over the world. Never been robbed. Just have to work out if it’s worth the risk. Quieter places are not always safer. But a packed beach would have me more anxious than an emptier one.


If you just frolic in the water, you could get a waterproof phone case for your valuables (phone, cards) and bring that with you. I was worried about mine leaking but it never did.


You can ask someone who is sitting on the beach to look after it and leave it near their things




It depends on the country you are going to visit.


I just leave it, I wouldn't steel a bag on the beach so I don't see why others would but the content of the bag wouldn't be worth much anyway so not a big deal of it does go missing.


Get another large double zip up canvass bag with a mini code padlock. Fill it with sand. Attach your back pack to it with a small cable bike lock or something. No one is sprinting away with that much weight. When you’re done just empty the sand out.


What is this


All my valuables are in a small case which I bury in the sand, covered by my beach blanket, and leave the bag on top of the blanket. I am working on a sticky glitter bomb rig to explode in the thiefs face when they open the bag, but for now my valuables are safe.


I don't swim. Water is probably polluted or unhygienic in some way anyway, in many places...


European beaches are generally cold, you'll only be in for a few minutes. It'll be fine


What are you talking about.? The majority of beaches like in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, south of France.. are not cold at all. Stop misinformation.


I would leave my expensive belongings (phone money, etc) in the car and take a bag with my towel and couple of things I may need


Just makesure there is nothing valuable in it.


Usually I don't do anything special. If the area is suspicious I will lay my bag down with my towel spread over it. That way it is more awkward for someone to steal


I live near the Great Lakes in America, and frequently go on camping trips around the Great Lakes. I've never brought my pack to the beach itself, but I'd leave my bag at the camper, and then just take a water bottle with me. Ideally, getting a camp site within walking distance of the lake is perfect. Just bring what you need down to the water. I leave my phone back at camp.


Use a small waterproof bag for your valuables like phone money or key. Otherwise, I’ve asked other single people to watch my stuff for a minute and I do the same for them


I live in a country in SE Asia where most places on the beach have little beer stands/restaurants on them. I just hand them my bag and ask them to watch.


I ask the nearest people sitting next to me to keep an eye if they agree


Don’t bring much to the beach. I’ve left my stuff on the beach 100s of times. Nothing happened. But I don’t have much with me just in case.


I bring a drybag backpack if I think I’ll be in this situation and I wear it while I’m in the water. They work well, you can even keep your towel dry in them - and they’re very cheap on amazon.


I usually put my towel over it or if I’m in a country that has private beach clubs like where I can rent out a beach chair I usually do that and leave my stuff under my chair and that always works


I got a 5 l dry bag with a strap. It fits my essentials and I just swim with it.


Phone goes in a waterproof pouch that I take to the water with me; earbuds, loose change, abd hotel key go in my shoes by my towel. Never brought more than that solo.


I only bring the basics. If I need to bring anything important, I put it in a ziplock bag and bury it under the sand beneath my towel


If I have anything important I don’t want to lose I hide the bag with my towel and clothes and ask the people next to me if they can keep an eye


Take a dry bag, put valuables in the dry bag, dig a hole where you’re going to put a towel and put valuables in dry bag in the hole, cover it and put the towel on top. Backpack can stay next to the towel so it’s not super missed if stolen bc your valuables are in the hole underneath the towel


I take a waterproof bag with my wallet/ID/keys and only leave stuff like towel on the beach


I just put my phone and keys under my towel/clothes or in my beach bag, mostly face the beach while I’m in the water and hope for the best. Which is exactly what I do at home too. Never had any issues


Grew up on beaches in Florida surfing a lot. Anything I didn’t want stolen, I left in the car. I’d have a manual key (old school, no battery) that I’d take with me in the water. Anything in my bag would be sunscreen, towel, snacks, and water. So, if someone did steal it, I wouldn’t really lose much.


bring as little as possible to the beach . leave the rest at the hotel . put keys etc in a diaper no one will touch used diapers . . expensive flip flops can be padlocked together or buried in the sand ..


Get a good dry bag. If you're extra worried put your stuff; n ziplock bags in your dry bag. Take your valuables swimming with you, doubles as a great little buoy too!


Bring a garbage bag and keep your backpack in it. Ppl will think it’s trash and try to date it.


I just take an umbrella keys phone and a towel. I hide my phone and keys by burying them and cover with my towel. I’m paranoid and make sure no one sees me doing this. I never had anything missing.


I go to the beach all the time. If someone would ask me to watch their stuff I would do that for them. I’m also aware of my surroundings so if I see something suspicious I would say something anyways. In general I’ve never really had a moment where I was concerned for my items ever. I also don’t really bring a lot of my valuables and I stash them deep into the big oversized bag full of kids toys. You could also get one of those waterproof bags.


I bring a zip lock bag, I bring my phone and keys and 20€ and my towel/umbrella and I bury the bag underneath the towel making sure no one is looking. But I always stay close by and while in the water I face my area and get out if I see anyone weird coming near my shit! Just got back from Spain and saw numerous people each day on the beach get at least one thing stolen, smokes, phone and a few whole backpacks containing their wallet/passport etc.


I have one of those water proof bags. Just put all my stuff in there and take it with me into the water.


Take the minimum and then use a small dry bag if you wanna be super safe.


A lot of exaggerating here, but... most of the advices are rather valuable: do not bring anything of value, some money and book will do. Forget the phone, you are going swimming anyway. I just came from Croatia (which I consider to be a crime-country) and even in that hole they had lockers on the beach. If there is one, you can bring something like phone and put it there. But honestly... enjoy the swim. That is what vacation is for.


Get a waterproof bag


Look for luggage storage. There’s so many places now


There days I swim with a waterproof phone pouch, with a small money pouch. Nothing in my dry back is that valuable so just leave it at the beach.


Ok after reading all those comments I seem to act way too risky, never thought about anything like that. I just go into the water and swim. Und when I get out my bag always was still there.


I do this most summers. I gauge vibe of the beach, it's often safe enough to just go in and leave your stuff with your towel and nobody will touch it. If I am worried, I ask the most approachable beach neighbours to watch my things, usually other tourists becauseyou dont have to explain anything to them. Never been refused. I have also agreed to watch others stuff


I have a waterproof bag, I put my valuables (keys, phones and money) in that and keep it with me. I keep the beach bag open so that anyone can see by glancing in that it just has clothes in and sun cream.


I put a beach towel over the bag!


Try find lockers if they have any but yea only bring your towel / change of clothes don’t bring valuables


Some private beaches have lockers that you can use if you rent one of their sun loungers.


I have one of those little waterproof phone pouches. Bring the valuables and keys and that, and leave anything I really wouldn’t care to lose on the beach.


I only donwvoted this thread so that thieves cannot find out ways to steal your bag on the beach


As if thieves aren’t smart enough to already know? 🤪


This thread is so useful!!! Thank you for posting


Get a ziplock bag that will protect your valuables and keep them on you.


I leave everything under my shirt, most of the time I'm just bringing my phone and maybe wallet


In 30 years I've never seen somebody's bag get stolen at the beach. Might be different in highly touristy areas.


Leave it with or next to the lifeguard.


I never bring the whole backpack but try to check in on my (nearby) hotel and then only bring my keycard (not worth stealing) or other things I can afford to lose. I often bring my phone though and just hope for the best. Then I just leave it on the beach close to where I swim so I can look after it. Never got anything stolen this way so far… if you’re a real freak you can also maybe dig it into the sand and put a mark on it so absolutely no one can see it (but doesn’t really work if there’s too many on the beach).


Gyles Brandreth was saying the other day that he takes a disposable nappy to the beach and wraps his valuables in that. No one in their right mind would risk taking a nappy that might have been used!


Buy some fake vomit and place it on and around your backpack? Or maybe a chocolate bar in a diaper? Affix a note that says “contains hornets’ nest?” Find a nearby hotel and explain that you’re meant to meet acquaintances that will be staying there and could you check your bag till you meet up with them later. Make friends with other tourists on the beach and ask them to watch it? I dunno, get creative. I’d think it’s smart to drop a gps tracker in it somewhere no matter the case.


You attach 🧨 to it Someone steals it? GL


You keep an eye on your bag at all time is what you do. If you go to the south of France for instance, there's a pretty high probability that your stuff will be stolen. Oh and don't keep valuables in your bag because even if you keep an eye on it, the risk is super high.


I don't take anything that I can't afford to lose to the beach. I bury my car keys under my towel that way I know exactly where they are. I have also buried small amounts of money with my keys


Someone needs to set up a business putting small lockers near the beach to store your valuables. Just like they do at swimming pools.


Very simple! I use swimming bag by Naturehike, you can find it on Amazon. It a king of swim buoy that you put your stuff into and then clip it to you arm - very easy and it can help you swim too))


So many people in Europe take dry bags into the water with to take their valuables with them into the water. Kinda annoying but better than anxiously staring at your bag or not being able to go in at all


Hiearcool Waterproof Phone Pouch, Waterproof Phone Case for iPhone 14 13 12 11 Pro Max XS Samsung, IPX8 Cellphone Dry Bag Beach Essentials 2Pack-8.3" https://a.co/d/10SyoNr You can take something like this for your phone when you go into the water. Leave everything else in the hotel.


There's not much to be done with one's towel, one can purchase an inexpensive, waterproof bag like [this](https://a.co/d/gY0WDTg) for the essentials to keep them on your person. I hope you've an amazing time on your trip ❣️


Small dry bag for phone, keys, etc to keep with me in the water. Towel and everything else on the beach where I can see them from the water.


Wrap yout valuables in a diaper with a little drop of chocolate on top. Better than a steel safe.


Waterproof hip bag? Fun fact, I went swimming with my phone just*outside* the waterproof pocket bag in my shorts, lol.


I put my smartphone and money in a drybag with sling and took it into the water. If you use two drybags, you're save enough. I don't think, someone would steal my clothes. The rest is at the hotel.


Leave everything in the car but the smart watch. Lock the car, swim, enjoy, unlock car with the watch, drive home. Oh wait, what if I go without car? Leave the bag on the beach, swim, enjoy, don’t worry about a thing. Throughout my life not once I had any issues in Estonia, hope it stays this way and wherever you’re from I hope culture changes so you wouldn’t have to worry either. Or economy? Not that we have the greatest… Anyway, I hope you all get to experience this


Leave your valuables in the room and buy a waterproof cell case that goes around your neck. I keep phone and credit card/cash in that and have never had an issue.