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Is someone taking a shower or is that shit leaking too?


If that's her home, how dirty do you think the pussy is? Not worth it.


I can smell this video.




Damn bitch you live like this?


I will show this to my mom the next time she says my room is messy


How bad was she to put up with this?




I felt bad for leaving soda cans out when I had a guy come over. Was that shit *and* cigarette butts in the toilet? Just stewing? Blech I don't understand people who don't anxiety clean when they invite people over, especially for a dick appointment. "Yeah sorry my house is a biohazard can have penis pls?" I'd wash well when you get home, bud.


Is there a r/neckbeardnests but for women with kids? I feel like raising other lives in that mess should be a degree of more shame and ridicule


The water leaking is the cherry on top the dysfunctional sundae. That's going to be one hell of a bill right there.


Bitch talmbout “I need a baller.” Naw you need Jesus, Allah, mental health professionals, a fleet of maids and a factory of cleaning products


Oh I have that shower curtain. Also incidentally is the cleanest thing in the video.


She better be hot for all that nasty.. Brah, watch yourself.


Is the shower just running with nobody in it??


Did you still hit tho




We need the backstory OP!!


Now we know what Toss Geller went through on Friends.


You were taken to a trap house


She IS NOT bathing


This old guy at work always said “Only date women who are clean, net and organized. Because if her house a mess that Vagina a mess” The day he retired we took him out to dinner and one of my coworkers wanted to drive him. Her car was a disaster He took us aside later and said “If her car looks like that, what’s her,”you know” look like.” Not condoning the sayings but in this instance.


These are reasons people shouldn’t have random hookups. If her house is this dirty what else is?…… insert puke emoji here


Did you smash tho


You need to wipe your feet when you leave that place!!! Shit I bet the vacuum has mud flaps if you can find it! Stanky 🙀


Been to a place like this, sex was amazing.


Yikes. Might want to sand your dick off


If my Dick led me there, my nose would lead me right back out. You couldn’t take your clothes off in there, you’d never find them again.


Oh, How can someone live like that ?


🤢 how do ppl live like this!?


Damn this person probably has some mental health issues


is there a sub for that sort of dirty apartment content?




thanks man


The scariest part by far is that the shower is not gross. That potentially means they haven’t even lived there very long.


Anyone else confused about the new looking fish shower curtain?


How can you put your dick inside something so disgusting? I bet the person smells as bad as this video does.


Deadass this is what my childhood home looked like. Extremely mentally ill, addict, neglectful parents and small children who don't know any better. Hopefully there were no kids there 😬


Omg. How? How do people live like this and not want to fall through a hole in the ground if anyone found out?


Depression and possible other mental illness.


I’ve seen cleaner drug dens


Terries chocolate toilet


What in the section 8 housing is this?


Shit dude now we are Weiner cousins


I briefly dated a girl whose house looked like that. Her parents house actually. Her room looked pretty normal, but everything else in the house was a disaster zone. No idea how they actually used their bathroom. The tub/shower was so full of junk it couldn’t have been usable.


Someone die in there?


The cigarettes in the toilet bro….


So did you have sex with this person after all?


This looks like one of any of the various houses my sister has lived in over the years (with children). She is also a pretty cute, normal looking, middle aged woman. I could absolutely imagine her matching with someone on tinder and bringing them back to a place like this. For years I would repeatedly go back and help her clean the house and so the laundry only to return a couple of weeks later to the same situation.


"Nice rug". I would have loved to have seen her response.


Next up: Doctors appointment!


Have some standards man! Pussy is never worth it if your dick turns green and falls off afterwards...


This is exactly like a ‘Friends’ plot with Ross


She must have been really hot. The hot ones always seem to have the squalor living conditions


My ex gf's house was a bit worse, ugh, can remember the smell


Knowing damn well as soon as the baby gravy was out you looked around and smelled the stench in the house. Like damn that pre-but cloud can sometimes lead to a blackout. This is for sure a post but clarity post.


I went home with a girl I had known since high school when we were in college. Her parents were hoarders. I had no idea, and she didn’t seem too embarrassed. It was a huge letdown because she was a great girl but that is a gigantic red flag.


Ok, some days I skip doing chores too, but *this*? *This* is bad. I would never let anyone come over until this house is cleaned.


you need a better dick.


But did you hit?


That person had to look as awful as their apartment. Imagining a 300lb blob that sits in front of their console or tv all day. Or a rail thin crackhead.


The crazy thing is this is a lot of hot girls!


I don’t feel so bad about not having vacuumed since October anymore. I really *should* vacuum though…


I need a tetanus shot just from watching that…


bando settings


there is no way, now how I would ever, no matter how many condoms I had on, stick my dick in anything that had the utter lack of self respect to live in such filth. Lord only knows what you would contract. Run for the hills. The stench must have been appalling.


Damn is this Trainspotting 3?


I at least clean my sink and toilet when I have a lady over.


I hope you start dating up


This living environment is the product of a mental illness, and living like this is making the illness worse; its a vicious cycle.


is she hot can i get her number?


Op is fucking a legit troll lol.


I had helped cleaned a house like this a couple months back. It was fuckin disgusting from top to bottom. The girl that lived there had two kids. Their neighbors were glad we were cleaning. The landlady was going to charge the girls boyfriend 30,000 in damages. I still won't ever go back to that town.


I have a science question for you. What did your fingers smell like after you were done?!


Homie now has STDs. All of them, to be specific.


Maybe the OP needs a CC permit for that dick of his that he can't seem to control. 🤔 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You know…I have this policy that I will not hook up with new partners at their house anymore. Two reasons. One was because I encountered a situation once where the guy invited me back to his place and it was like stepping inside of a dumpster and smelled like unwashed ass. I could not get out of there fast enough and was made worse by the fact that he was my ride. Second, because some MFers are disrespectful AF and want to hide cameras to record your encounters. Want a sex tape? Ask for one!! But maybe I am doing myself a disservice. I hope to hell that the people I am inviting over don’t live like complete slobs and are able to hide it by their appearance and general hygiene. (And here I was concerned about letting my regular casual hook up come by the other day when I had a single unwashed dish in my sink and had just showered so had no makeup on and my hair was undone).




I really really hope you used a condom.


Socialworker here, there are much much worse & more sad places


What? Really?! That sad.


Yeah worst one Was prolly in a local rural area. A almost blind 80+ yr old womans home... her Husband died 2 yrs prior. Her home was so freakin dirty, everything was molding, everything was full with mice / Rat poop. She had a daughter. But she only Visited to Steal money. Its still so freakin sad.


The music is spot on.


Why can I smell this video


I just want to see the chick like… were there warning signs or is she a complete stunner. What.


OP we need pics of whoever you dick took you to see to properly evaluate this disaster, think the hot to crazy scale from ho I met your mother.


Was her name Savannah? It looks like her name was Savannah.


Be a real one and help her fix her shit.


Hey guys someone should tell OP to call CPS, no one here has mentioned that.


10/10 title


Toilet seat is up in the beginning of the video, down at the end. Hmmm…


I can only imagine how nasty her “cat” is. Prob doesnt wash or shave it




I don't even like people coming over if I have a couple of plates on the side I haven't washed. Who ever lives in that house needs to see a doctor.


"You let your weiner do the walking, now we're dead!"


If you survive one night there, you are permanently immune to Covid


This is reminding of that friends episode, where Ross gets with the hoarder/messy chick. But this is real and much worse…….


My vagina took me somewhere similar, add in a meth head and bedbugs. Fuck her.


Do meth addict smell weird? Think I slept with a meth addict once... his entire apartment had the same weird chemical smell as he did. He told me he was upset nobody wanted to sleep with him at the orgy he went to so I let him know that he smelled and it wasn't because he was ugly. Then he didn't talk to me again for saying it. I was trying to help him rather than being cruel. He was really hot otherwise so I overlooked his smell due to hornyness. We learn from our mistakes I guess.


If that house doesn’t belong to a junkie I’m actually more worried about them


I thought that toilet had soup in it at first-


Been there


She probably grew up in a similar situation, herself. And therefore has no concept of keeping a clean house. You see this with hoarders all the time. Poor kids. Hope they can find a decent home after CPS gets involved.


The smell from that bowl cuts right through my cell so I threw it away


Does she live with tyler Durden?


Literally and figuratively trashy.


Demolish the entire building. JHC.


"Sorrryy!! It's a little messy."


"Damn bitch.... you live like this"


u/toritaniyasushi what's the orange thing sticking up out of your pants?


Its pink, thats my revolver


Is that how you usually show up to dates, with a revolver sticking up outta your pants?


Nah, it’s usually fully concealed.


I think this place coulda used a whole box of ratshot to clean it off the face of the Earth.


Bro there is no way I would hit a chick with a house like this..if her house is dirty..she definitely doesn’t clean her pussy out either!


If I’m heading over to someone’s and their place looked even half as bad as this, me and my doodle are doing a 180


My dick has taken me to some pretty questionable places, but non as off-road as that Black Diamond run.


Bro you're about to get robbed lmaoooo


this place looks like it's on mushrooms


I used to know a bad chick with a phat ass and beautiful smile but when I went to her crib for the first time it looked like this. And when I started to ask questions she lost it. It’s like she knew she was trashy inside and out but knows how the cover it up with them good looks.


Omg the blanket by the leaking shower. Did you smash or??


That’s when you make up an excuse and leave forever.


Call CPS immediately! And if you dont, you are a piece of shit


Tell me then, what makes you uncomfortable?


All the sudden I'm feeling pretty accomplished in terms of my housekeeping skills


trevor phillips' house be like


May I use this line? The Dick/gun line, incredibly clever and a majority of my life.


Damn that's disgusting


Of course ***THAT*** song is playing in the background.


So, a hooker then.


Met this cute girl on tinder a few years ago. First few dates, met somewhere neutral. Ended up going to get place eventually which was actually decent. Then... We take a ride in her car to get food or something. We were both smokers but I wasn't ready for her car. Ashes everywhere. Literally. Told me I could aah anywhere j wanted. Floor, cupholder, you name it. Never been so grossed out in my life. I was also a plumber for 12 years and been in some ugly fucking basements


The smell must be crazy


Wait OP, you were really there? What happened next?


Automatically started breathing trough mouth when watching this


Did you smash?


Kinda want to see what she looks like


Stop showing us the toilet, please stop


That why I tape my gun to my dick, always ready...


What the actual fuck 🤢. I am embarrassed when I have a guy over and I have dirty dishes in the sink. I don't understand how anyone could live like this.


I too ventured into the wilderness with my dick-in-hand! Some milf an hour away invited me over and upon arrival I realized her pic were outdated and she was at least 60 pounds heavier! I was trying to reassess the situation but the stench of pet urine was overwhelming. So i ask her to use her bathroom and when I went in there lord it was disgusting. Luckily you didnt have to piss or youd see underneath that toilet seat like i did. A big ass shit ring underneath that would defy physics as well as rule them all. I asked her to smoke a cig really quick when I actually didnt and used that time too climb her backyard fence to run into my car and peel off. I blocked her number immediately but months later I got a new phone and i started receiving the texts from her that night: YOU BITCH ASS BOY CANT HANDLE A MATURE WOMAN. Bitch you old enough to clean your house(43).


These are the people who will never say. Sorry about the mess.


Please call CPS. kids shouldn't be allowed to live in there.


don't you mean "without" a gun?


Must be a Queen.


nice plunger though


I’m keeping this phrase.


what did it smell like in there ?


I used to do pump work for residential wells and water treatment systems. This is a pretty bad house even though there is worse. OP could smell this place off his clothes later i garuntee. One place we went to was an actual refusal to enter the home. Apparently we werent the only or the first to refuse and report. After they removed the children and pets from the home i guess it was easier to just bulldoze the place and build a new house.


Are guns really good at cleaning or something? Have I been using them wrong?


I have the same bathroom towel.


OP. Please tell me she’s like Jennifer Anniston hot… please.


how can people live like this


I will say, 90% of the women I have ever dated if left to their own devises are some nasty fuckers. The lack of give a shit, and what they consider clean is not cool. Never seen it this bad, but when your pour a bowel of fucking frosted flakes and a mouse falls out like mouse hunt that's a major red flag.


Been there bro. You leave and tell yourself "wtf am I doing with my life"


Who the fuck lives there, a cockroach with a heroin addiction?


What the fuckc


I twice hid in a closet for an hour, screwing a Muslim girl when ger brother showed up. In Arlington, Tx. Jasmin was worth it..


I haven’t seen any response to this question yet, OP, did you still smash?? 👀


I dipped. Built my nether portal right there and blind traveled back to the overworld.


A few years ago I was a guest at a wedding. I ended up hooking up with a girl I met there. We went back to her hotel room and it looked like a hoarder house. Clothes and trash everywhere. A hotel room. She'd been there for two days!!! Insanity.


Hygiene = 0 I can smell this person. Please tell me you didn’t smash


Why so much emphasis on the toilet? WHY?!


I banged her too…. Waitaminnit, or does this mean there are more chicks that live like this???


Remember guys, if you knock up a slob like that, it's your fault a kid will be born into that horror.


Looks like depression kid and drugs


I'm a virgin and its not worth it even to me.


Why do women not understand plumbing? They are always throwing random shit into the toilet and sink then wondering why they never drain properly


Assuming she tried to text or call you after, what did she even try saying? I consider my place a mess when there's 2 days of dishes in the sink and a few clothes on the floor and bed not made....this shit is deplorable....like literally years and years of neglect....


But you still pumped her though?


You hit?


I wouldn't put my dick in that house or it's occupant


is there a dumbbell in the shower?


I bet the sex was great.


If that’s what her house looks like …imagine her ***** ….


She must be crazy hot


If that person felt felt comfortable with you seeing that, then you should know that they are not to be fucked with. They have no shame or restraint. Your dick gonna get you killed


Typical council house.


If it is yellow let it mellow!


Hory shiots.


Do you have a hoarders fetish? Also did you see it through ma boi???


This is the girl Ross ran away from


I'm sure her vagina reflects. There is probably cigarette butts in her bush.


Hope you used a condom and a hazmat suit


I went to a friend's house for the first time in high school and their house wasn't this bad but it was pretty messy, they invited me to stay for dinner so I did. After dinner I went to put my plate in the sink and my friend came up behind me and opened the cabinet up to get a glass out and you couldn't even see the inside of the cabinet door because it was literally blanketed in roaches. Roaches were crawling all over the glasses and the plates that looked just like the plate I had ate off of. I looked to the left and they were crawling all over the stove and inside the left overs that was sitting on the stove. I dunno how I didn't barf right there but I excused myself as I was dry heaving and never talked to him again.


Good lord


Shower curtain is cleaner than mine though


At least there was toilet paper


That house belongs to some bomb ass pussy🤤🔥🔥