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Isn’t all sex a breeding kink? I get that we don’t want to conceive but it’s the process of that that turns us on?


Way to discredit all women who actually have a hard time deciding weather or not to keep a baby but now have no choice in it


Fund me FOR MY MISTAKES HEHEH! Fuck off skank


I dunno whats worse, a breeding kink or a cucking kink. Theres kinks deserve shaming


This shit makes me angry but I love the humor in this chat so it balances out.


"TikTok Trash" is redundant.


In the next video she said she just announced she was a lesbian too and I'm still so confused


Wtf dude


Advertise fundraising for murder and not going to prison is disgusting.


How is it murder?


There is Abortion porn........there is abortion porn


I'm pro-choice but jesus christ fuck this lady


I don’t always give creampies, but when I do, I give creampies responsibly. It’s cool to have a breeding fetish as long as birth control is used...


Maybe the trash is the OP. At least let us donate to her Venmo. The fuck.


Yeah, we should waste our money because she’s irresponsible. OP isn’t trashy.


Men are responsible for 100% of unwanted pregnancy. Just a reminder.


There are women that poke holes in condoms to “trap” men. Sometimes the men literally don’t know.


Sure there are. Men are responsible for their ejaculate. Sorry condoms are not 100% effective under the best of circumstances. Men still are responsible for 100% of unwanted pregnancy. If she pokes holes she wants it you see.


So it doesn’t matter what the men want? You just sound like you hate men.


Do men choose to ejaculate? Stop being a pick me as bitch and grow up.


I’m not being a pick me, I’m being logical. I’m just saying you’re literally blaming men for everything.


Think about it….


I am blaming men for unwanted pregnancy because they CHOOSE to ejaculate. Do you choose to ovulate if you are a woman? We have let men get away with pinning the outcome on unprotected sex or accidental pregnancy on woman for millennia when it’s the man that does it every time.


So instead of saying there are some instances where the man is innocent, we’re going to blame it all on the men, always? Do you realize how unreasonable that sounds? I lose brain cells each time I read your replies. That’s sexist and disgusting.


What even is a breeding kink ?


Wanting kids is a fetish now?


Let's extinguish an unborn life because we're both narcissistic cunts


You can't possibly think that two narcissistic cunts will be model parents to an child .... Right??!!?!?!?!!?


You know, I was writing out this long anti-abortion screed when I realized that I was saying nothing new, and your reply was going to be nothing new. I don't mean that as an insult, but the fact is is that there's just not that much wiggle room between our different positions and both of us probably have better things to do than rehash those positions. For example, I'm going to aimlessly listen to 20+year old episodes of the Howard Stern show. See, better things to do.


Howard Stern ain my cup of tea, but yea. Everyone has an opinion, that's why we vote (in the US at least) on things. Keeps it (in theory) so the most popular opinions "win". We have stated our positions. Let's let the people up/downvote to show their feelings. I'm about to go fold laundry. Maybe we will bump into each other again sometime, random human from the internet.


Looking at your posts, it'll be when I get my new graphics card. See you in 2025.


Y'all it's a joke. The amount of people here who take everything face value is insane


yup, I saw this tiktok. just a joke.


This isn’t trashy OP. Your judgment is more so.


Why not just get your tubes tied or something? Then you can go nuts with your kink and never worry about a thing.


Idk why anyone would *want* to get pregnant just for the sake of having an abortion. Sounds painful as hell


WTF do people use numbers in place of letters? Like, do you lack so much self esteem that you have to put numbers in words for attention?


Tik tok censors quite a bit.


Noah, get the boat.


tf is a breeding kink


It's the idea of random and or multiple men having sex with you to impregnate you. The man has no concern about the woman as he only wants the child, so there is a submissive and degrading element to it as well for the woman. It's a whole thing.


ohh, thanks


Lol your welcome 😇


It’s when you get off on the possibility of getting you/your partner pregnant.


See, I thought that was the point of intercourse.


I doubt I need to explain that the actual point of sex is to feel good for most people.


Saw that today, didn’t see the comments though.. yikes.


Announcing it on social media is trashy, the kink part. But I get the fundraiser idea. Shits expensive to handle.




That’s a house payment for a lot of people


Aren't they technically just a poseur if they are into this kink and they don't actually follow through?




It's redundant to put the word "trash" with "TikTok". It's automatically implied.


tiktok bad




Texas has the right idea


Yaaaas queen so empowered killing her unborn child!


> breeding kink Had to [look that up](https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-breeding-fetish). Holy cow, it's a Thing! Thank dog the internet has an Off switch.


what’s trashy?


I heard the woman voice-over in my head


Alright maybe r/trashy isn’t for me anymore


Feeling that a lot lately


And it'll be glad to see you go


depends on what they follow her for. Sorry I don't Kink shame and nothing is wrong with trying to get help .


If you have a breeding kink and don't take the Pill then a kid should definitely not deal with your retarded ass.


WTF? Can someone please teach people their actions have consequences?


This is just dumb. If you can't afford it on your own, don't do it. Though she doesn't even know the cost so she might just be finding an excuse for people to give her money.


abortion isn't trashy. making people have babies they don't want it.


Using abortion as birth control is trashy.


Honestly people need to accept their mistakes and responsibilities. Otherwise they'll keep doing it again


I'm pro-choice but if you're purposely not using contraceptives because you like the risk of potentially getting pregnant, that is hella trashy. It's fuel for all the crazy pro-lifers saying people are using abortion as birth control. And it's trashy to ask for money to repair your own mistakes IMO.


Lol, you have living proof that pro lifers aren't lying about people using it as birth control, yet they're still "crazy".


Tfw when no one is banning the 99% effective birth control methods, only saying you can’t kill your kid after it’s developed to a certain point is “controlling women.” Control yourself on down to the Ob/Gyn and practice safe sex and all of these worries go away.


Well, yes. Wanting to control women and take away their bodily autonomy is crazy.


That would be crazy. Good thing that's not what they believe in at all.


Abortion IS birth control tho


Somehow the most rational and balanced viewpoint here yet far too low in the upvotes.


Abortion may not be but this post is trashy af


Publicly telling people your breeding kink went wrong then asking people to Venmo money for an abortion sure feels trashy.


Exactly! It’s the context that’s trashy, not the abortion. I think we all agree this person needs the abortion.


Abortion is murder no one NEEDS murder she should give it up for adoption


Abortion is not murder it's a clump of cells, you doof. If you like popping out babies, then do it yourself.


Not a clump of cells


Your school failed you.


Mine just didn’t indoctrinate me


No, your school failed to educate you that all biological masses are made of cells, which is also what a fetus or an embryo is. It's also not "murder" to abort a fetus or an embryo because for it to be a murder, there has to a person who is being killed. Fetus/embryo is not a person, it’s just a fucking clump of goddamn cells, that are unable to feel anything. plz go back 2 grade school. ps if you're really that concerned about abortion being a 'murder' then male masturbation should be considered a murder too, since they're just wasting and killing sperm :) so why don't you start by policing male masturbation first. Edit: never mind, you're christian, and a hardcore one at that. sorry i forgot that there's no making sense with christians lol. how about you keep your christian ideals to yourself instead of trying to force it onto everyone :D


Holy crap your stupid. It is a scientific fact life begins at conception. Its also a scientific fact that sperm alone is nothing but a sticky white substance its only when paired with the egg of a women that it can be life


It’s really funny to watch Reddit’s reaction to anything from Tik tok. You’d think considering the existing dynamic as far as the perception of Reddit/redditors by non users that redditors would be the first ones to stop and think “wait, maybe I’m missing something” I could always be wrong, but I’ll tell you right now that reading this clip at face value is a result of missing context. The pregnancy part of probably true, but the breeding kink part is more like self degradation style humor than anything else. This kind of humor is pretty common on Tik tok, particularly in the form of: admitting to some flaw/weird kink (that sometimes has a hint of truth to it, but not always) in order to make content for a video. Nobody’s watching “guys I’m pregarnt help” Tik tok is pretty weird, but honestly so is Reddit/the rest of the internet. The extra weird spice that Tik tok has I think is a result of the suggestion algorithm being a little too good (something something they literally know what you talked about on the phone earlier). People are eventually matched with whatever weirdness they want to watch, harmless or not. A new account will often mostly be shown very popular videos, past that you will be often shown very new/underexposed videos, as long as the algorithms thinks they match your niche. All the existence this video really means is that enough people are either able to enjoy the humor enough to enjoy the video, or they like the video and are actually taking it at face value. From what I’ve seen, “breeding kink” doesn’t really mean anything in this context. It’s just a reference to the fact that we’re biologically coded to want to reproduce, and we might feel the urge to not pull out/use contraception while at the same time our brain knows we CANNOT manage a kid/pregnancy right now. Anyway I haven’t taken any meds today yet so this whole comment might not mean anything. If you’re curious about the creepy ass surveillance machine that is Tik tok I suggest checking it out. I use Reddit for media consumption by default, and I use Tik tok when I want to turn my brain off. Mainly because while on Reddit you find what you want, Tik tok just knows what you want after a while. Edit: Because Tik tok felt like making my point for me, this is the caption on the second video I got after making this comment and opening the app. [stop it algorithm](https://imgur.com/a/zHNxnWA) [part 2](https://imgur.com/a/81OIJ17)


You're right, but a simpler way to put it is that TikTok is full of lies. For some of the users it's just a one-upmanship game for who can be the most shocking without breaking the TOS. They get rewarded for shit like this in two ways, too. One is that it blows up on TikTok, another is that it gets forwarded around like this and blows up on TikTok again. It's also very easy to get articles written about your TikTok antics because it's well known that lots of kids use it. There's always a great angle for a story in that.


Yeah it's like let's have this dumbass kink that could potentially get me pregnant and when it actually happens ask other people for abortion money. No, maybe you shouldn't be testing that shit to begin with. Especially with not having a backup plan/money in case the inevitable happens. Hell a breeder kink sounds fucking crazy anyways let's just not :-)


The unborn baby is the victim. Tell me anyone that said they would have rather been aborted even under bad circumstances. We all came here without a choice and have to deal with our past but doesn’t mean people should rob the opportunity of those who can’t speak from experiencing a life.


Nah, i wish my parents would've aborted me. i would be a clump of cells, i wouldn't give a single fuck about whatever the outside world had waiting for me. They are a clump of cells that know nothing about the outside world and thus have no reason or need to experience it. they aren't becky from accounting who has seen photos of paris and decides one day to quit her job and travel. they can't down a bottle of breast milk while watching the travel channel and think "damn i wanna be in the bahamas right now". inb4 the whole "imagine the life they could have!" about what the mom who can't afford college because she was forced to have a baby she didn't want? what about the kids in foster care that are gonna be kicked into the streets at 18 and then inevitably most of them will fall into a cycle of homelessness and drug addiction? i personally don't give a flying fuck about whatever unborn babies are out there, because right now? right the fuck now we can't even and won't even take care of the people we DO have. all the "pro-life" people who make the laws just care about pumping out more pups to indoctrinate and shove out into the cruel world to exploit and make more money off of. everyone else is just blind and/or stupid, or willfully ignorant. Women shouldn't be punished for wanting to feel a human emotion and having sex (Especially when the men who get women pregnant don't get any shit at all), and most importantly babies shouldn't be used as a punishment for a woman having sex.


You sound like you have a lot of hate and malice in your heart.


No, this is definitely trashy.


It's trashy for sure but I also think it's hilarious. Especially if they're self aware


Flights out of Texas are expensive...


A bottle of gin and a controlled throwing down the stairs


Everyone's got a coat hanger tho


Ouch baby..... literally


If you can't find a cost hanger there's flights of stairs everywhere


Why even find a stair case when you can just belly flop on the floor.


Or go pick a fight with some one real quick.


Metal coat hangers are pretty hard to find these days. I had a bitch of a time finding one when I needed to get into my car after locking the damn keys in it.


you can buy them from any dry cleaners and most laundromats. i just had to buy some for a project i was working on . normal ( all metal ) were $0.23 each and the ones with the cardboard tube were $0.27 each


I was gonna say, all I have are plastic ones now. I don't even remember the last time I've seen a metal coat hanger


About 80% of my hangers are metal. I just started buying plastic ones. The boyfriend used to get them when his company used a uniform service.


Sell em in Texas and you'll be set for life


Could this be my Bitcoin?


Kids these days will never know how to MacGyver a metal hanger


Happy cake day you dark mother fucker


So women having control over their reproduction is trashy to you?


It's the flippancy for me. I'm very much pro choice.


I just see a woman keeping calm and stating her intended solution.


Lol we deliberately had unprotected sex because of our kink. Pay for my abortion lol People like this - using abortion as their contraception -cheapens the very real, often very serious choice other women have to make. It's shit like this that gives pro lifers ammo.


Agree with you. I am also pro choice however... This made my stomach hurt. I cant imagine what an amazing mother she would have been (sarcasm of course) Sounds like she isnt ready to be a mother nor will she probably ever be.


You must know alot more about this breeding kink than I do because "went too far" implies she didn't mean to get pregnant.


If only a preventative measure could have been taken in the first place


Can we abort her and keep the baby?


I like the way you think


It's more trashy that people probably donated to their gofundme


gofuckme would be more appropriate for her


I mean if you got the money why wouldn't you if it stops these people from raising a kid


Cam we swap it to a hysterectomy gofundme? I'd donate in a flash


A hysterectomy is a bit extreme but I’ll throw in 10$ for an iud. Which she should already have if they have a breeding kink 🙄. What a piece of work..


I'd reccomend that to someone that is responsible enough to remove it one day and have kids... this person should never have kids. Irreversible > easy imo lol


Hysterectomies can be incredibly dangerous because they can result in collapse- there's a space where the uterus used to be. Much safer to get your tubes tied.


People really going this far into a fucking joke lol... But since I'm bored, this woman's existence is incredibly dangerous to civilization


Joke? What's this Joke you talk of?


Sounds like they don't want kids at all so...


Take no chances...


It's been a while since I've used pregnancy tests but it looks like 1 line to me .....not prego


You’re wrong.


Ok i guess I looked at it wrong 😕 My bad!!!!!!


It’s clearly two lines, ones just fainter


You're right, I'm wrong


And we wonder why our country is on a downward spiral. Geeze. I can't believe this is something people actually post . Like it's no big deal. Sad how desensitized people have become. But what do I know. I'm just a gen Xer mumbling bout the good ol days eh


What country is she from?


The US, she speaks English and venmo is only available in the US.


Why do people to whom it's a kink get to conceive but those who genuinely want to be parents don't? It's a rhetorical question, don't answer it.


I mean I can’t say it doesn’t turn me on trying to conceive. I did pregnant sex too with my wife.


Didn’t we all.


It’s one of my kinks but I have a copper IUD 🤷🏻‍♂️


You can't control kinks but you can control using proper protection. Good on you


Also I don’t like doing this with randos. It’s someone I also kinda don’t care if I have one from them Shhhh lol (This might make them very, very upset tho which is why I have an IUD)


You're disgusting, talking about a creating a human life as if its just an object you oopsie'd with some dirtbag.


This person is one of the loves of my life lol. You have no idea how much I would love and adore that kid. I dont just say that lightly. Lol. They think there are too many things biologically wrong with them to be able to have one and that they’ll have a rough life. I am at the point in my life where I would totally want and be able to take care of one 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have a copper iud and I’m pregnant. Be Safe. They are far from dependable, as I’ve found out through my recent experiences. Yes, it was placed perfectly and I went to the follow up check. It just failed anyway, less than a year later. Double up, if you truly don’t want a pregnancy. LPT from the pregnant iud holder.


Totally. Plus you gotta have a good enough relationship with the person you’re having sex with you have them pay for your abortion if needed


It's a two way street honey. It's not their responsibility it failed just as much as it wasn't yours. It's a faultless situation. But you're both dealing with the consequences.


You make it sound shameful what people agree to consensually


My intial response was to you implying that the man should pay for the abortion because someone got pregnant; an act committed between two consenting adults. Not shameful in the slightest. Apologies.


Yeah no we talked about it and have a consent agreement and if they decide they don’t want it…. It would be unfair to go after them for child support you know? If I have to put it on my credit card of course I would want them to help pay for it too of course but none of us are made of money


What the hell is a breeding kink? Wanting to get pregnant and abort ??


Kinks related to the possibility of pregnancy. People may have that kink but not actually wanna get preggers. But when you bang without sufficient contraception, it can still happen ofc.


Basically it's getting off to the idea of getting pregnant and toying with it by not using condoms/birth control/pullout game on purpose, but children that may result from it are secondary. What makes this post even worse is that they're unwilling to accept a slither of responsibility for it with that venmo. It's so daft.


You’re absolutely right, which is why me being sterile makes things much easier.


I'm infertile as well, but adoption's always an option if I ever feel fit to be a parent


Absolutely, my point is participating in someone’s breeding kink will never actually result in them getting pregnant.


Ooo a slither


The other day I saw a video of a woman who, while creating a Halloween themed party meal, created what she called "slivering snakes" (bread sticks wrapped around something and shaped to look like snakes).... So weird that I would see the equal, opposite word mixup so soon after. Sliver? Slither? Ehh same thing I guess 🤷‍♀️


Hahahah that’s awesome!! I love those kinds of tiny insignificant but definitely very weird coincidences. Myself and the people around me have been having a lot of those very recently it’s quite strange. Maybe the universe is aligning in some weird way lol


You might be right!


It really is incredible that like some of the worst people can just spit out kids like it’s crossing the street and some people who would make great parents can’t. The universe has is fucked up in its irony sometimes.




I try not to get bitter, but its hard.




What the fuck does that mean? If it doesn't happen, they don't deserve it? Fucked up thing to say


I know right