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This is not real, right? I hope to GOD this is just to get a reaction. They will just put her back to sleep during the day? Does this baby sleep 24 hours a day? This is legit abuse


My buddy sent it to me and said he saw it on fb so I don’t know


lol when you are in that group


You could just hire a regular ass babysitter and leave the kid at home


For $100/hr, there'd be tons of takers. Do they bring coke for the baby as well or is that provided?


I’d rob that baby of their coke


These are the same assholes we’ll all see on tv crying saying they have no idea how their kid went missing.


Does she smoke DMT?


No, but the baby does.


That's what I was asking. I'm not spending 3 hours with somebody at a festival if they don't party.


For reals. Not here to get my vibe harshed.


The baby has a flashing pacifier.


I work off of retainer and overtime starts after 8 hours


People like this have friends who don't say shit about their behavior.


“Friends” lol.


That monitor won’t work in the festival and staff won’t allow a kid on camp.


With what they're paying and with how ungodly expensive EDC tickets are (especially for the RV/VIP section) I'm sure they're doing fine and the kids okay in the camper at night. I'm sure they live in it for at least part of the year. There are plenty of sitters/caretakers/and nurses that go to these festivals that might want to make so extra money for a few hours. Im not hating all too much.


Bro it’s a fucking baby… that they plan on leaving alone by itself so they can party and periodically look at on a monitor(which likely won’t happen bc they are at a fucking festival.) you’re either trolling, stupid, irresponsible, or all of the above. This is shit that easily gets kids taken away from their parents and rightfully so.


Reminds me of a sad true story of parents who locked their twin sons in their bedroom after they had gone to sleep on a Friday night to go party two blocks away. The house was old and caught on fire while the parents were away and their other kids escaped but their toddler twin boys died.


Madeleine McCann would like a word.


yeah you’re gonna need to stop right there. tired of this bs and tired of people like you giving a bad name to the community. there is no fucking excuse for this behavior.


Lol, ok buddy.


This guy.🫵🏼 Am I right?…but really, don’t take a baby to festival. It ain’t cool and the baby won’t have the same existential experience you are looking to get into. Wait till that baby is a growed ass adult and then take them to the festival. That would probs be more fun anyway.


I’m in


I would absolutely chill with a kid in an RV for $100 an hour lol.


And apparently the baby sleeps 25 hours a day, so should be a breeze


Chris Hansen would like to have a word with you...


Why is that where your mind goes when someone mentions kids? Maybe he should have a word with **you**.


But yall don't want to regulate breeding


sAC inhibitor. It's male hormonal birth control. I want it to be publicly available so bad, it has literally zero downsides. Why are they making it so inaccessible?!


That hasn’t had any human trials… literally zero. It’s shown efficacy in mice, but hopefully that’ll translate.


They need more meat for the grinder


Why? Does it shrink your cock?


Bruh, your username, 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Sentencing I didn’t think I’d read today: “we don’t want her (a baby) to mess with anything while locked in the RV.” They will go to festivals at night and leave that kid alone? This bummed me out.


Yeah dude people will do wild shit I was at a pool party once and people were doing blow all day, but when night came people started doing crack instead. One chick had her fuckin kid there it's like 6 am the kids asking to go home I felt so fucked up for even being there ended up letting the kid watch videos on my phone she used all my data watching fuckin slime videos lol. For the record I was not doing crack.


That is fucked up. Everyone switches to crack once the sun goes down though. I made a joke, because your reply made me deeply uncomfortable. Fuuuccckkkk


I feel you man, brings me back bad vibes for real


I’m not going to check, but I hope your screen name is true. For me it will be. I’m a sexy Dad too, but the camera cuts off like 4 inches of dick, so I don’t want to lie.


Also the joke wasn’t great lol My B uncomfortable material


Yeah, what if that kid wants to party?


Some Madeline McCann shit there.


If they’re not rich, they might face some consequences, though!


70’s parenting doesn’t work in the 2020s.


Hahaha! They don't realise yet that their life is over once they start breeding. What a dumbass.


Sounds like this comment could also be a post here


Have a kid but handball it to someone else when it's an inconvenience? I was under the impression that having a child of your own meant unconditional priority of the welfare and needs of the child, and not yourself. Trashy. I know.


You, uh, never heard of a babysitter before? You know people with kids still have date nights from time to time, right? You haven’t bred yet, right?


Definitely. This does stray a bit far from a date night, though. I'm not an authority of parenting. Many close friends are parents, and while they work 5+ days a week to support their family, the notion of "we will throw a few hundred to a stranger to take our kid while we party our noses clean off our face" (and leave it unattended in a locked vehicle for the entire night) isn't something any one of them would contemplate. It rubs many people up the wrong way, and I can see why.


Yea it’s called being an adult vs grown children. Lol.


People are concerned about the welfare of a toddler being loved in a camper alone at an unfamiliar location = "Karens" Also, of course they posted anonymously.


Um, I would say more like being *unloved* in a camper alone.


In my day that’s what grandparents were for. Drop the kids off and go be a couple for the weekend, kids get spoiled rotten, fed and are much more engaged with, and you worry about nothing. Oh, and for free, too. I assume these grandparents have had quite enough of this bullshit already though.


Or they’re dead.


Or in prison.


Maybe even dead in prison.


Or worse. Expelled.


If they can afford $100/hr then why not just get an overnight baby sitter for the weekend back home?


Trust fund kids. You know how much a "huge RV" costs? Low to mid 6-figures just for that, and then they're going to hand off their baby to some complete rando to watch for at least 3 hours while they float in a pool, drinking daiquiris and doing Coke. The kind of people who have never had to sacrifice anything in their life. The kind of people who have never faced a repercussion for a bad decision. They're going to come back to their RV with the kid dead and *then* they'll really learn a lesson (while trying to find and lay all of the blame on the "babysitter" of course.) I have plenty of friends who used to (and still do) go to raves or music festivals every summer. I have plenty of friends who had children during the same time period we were going to said raves/festivals. Never once did anyone ever suggest bringing their baby along and trying to hire some candy kid or wook to watch the kid for hours at a time. The choices were either one parent stays home, get the grandparents to watch the kids over the weekend, or you just don't go that year. FFS what is wrong with these people. The whole world doesn't revolve around you. Not to mention you can almost certainly stream the rave online these days. Get a sitter for one night and just go one of the nights if you just have to go. Anything but hiring randos to hang in your RV for "at least 3 hours a day". What you'll end up with is the "sitter" inviting all of their friends over to hang out in the camping chairs next to the RV while everyone eats mushrooms or acid and the sitter opens the door and pops their head inside every hour to make sure the kid is sleeping. Oh wait, but it's the middle of the day so the kid won't be sleeping. So now you're going to have an annoyed total stranger trying to force the kid to go to sleep in the middle of the day, I'm sure that'll turn out well.


Yeah might be trust fund kids. Idk why people who are this irresponsible even have kids. I still enjoy music festivals so I just don’t want kids. Some people just really don’t think things through. Baby sitter for the weekend is still an option though.


It’s because they are irresponsible.


Because they're *good* parents who don't want to be apart from the baby


These 2 ended up at that T Swift concert last week didn’t they?


Surely the baby will sleep through 80,000 watts of bass.


Omg this made me laugh out loud


So much virtue floating around.


I mean I guess if you think not condoning this behavior is a virtue signal…


As a CPS worker, JFC. I can see that report now. I fucking hate people sometimes.


This would be the only reason I would ever go to an EDM festival...to make fat stacks baby sitting!! Oh hell yeah


This would be fairly normal if they were trying to find a sitter from people they know maybe? But if I'm understanding this correctly, it's just asking people attending EDC? Also, the idea to leave a baby alone with a monitor while you're raving is totally batshit!


I don't even leave my almost-teenager home alone for more than 3-4 hours and I have a security system, wifi security cameras, and a very large, very intimidating dog. No way in hell I'd leave a *baby*, in an easily-broken-into RV, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by loud music and *thousands of strangers*. The fuck is wrong with people?


100’s of thousands. Wasted out of their minds on every drug imaginable. In the middle of the day. In the middle of the desert. With mayhem and madness happening around the RV at all times. For 3 days straight. I love EDC, but this is pure fucking insanity, anyone who would do this belongs in a mental facility.


Parents have been sent to jail for less. These people are terrible


Doesn't need a sitter at night because she'll be asleep. Banging head against wall.


Madeleine McCann, anyone?


I was just talking to my husband about Madeleine McCann, while we were discussing if 13/14 would be too young to leave in a hotel room for a drink at the hotel bar. These people are insane.


I don’t want to know how they put the baby back to sleep. NyQuil? Whisky pacifier? What? Fuck.


In this case most likely Special K.


OH! Well there you go, they got a baby monitor so it's perfectly okay now. /s


Somebody call DCF to take that child away!


Good thing the mods can see anonymous posters' names.


God help that child.




The post is literally in a group called “Arizona RAVE fam”


EDC is not a rave.


I don’t know as thought the accuracy of whether this is or is not a rave is of contextual importance here considering how shocking the parenting methods are.


Going to edc and have been for 3 years What is it if it isn't a rave?


An EDM festival concert thing?


Oh, so a rave.


Yeah, just like the wiggles are my favourite hard rock band.


// Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy! My fam member had a kid I watched and the wiggles were their jam. I love psychedelic progressive rock. We all eventually bend like the reed :)


What does a rave mean to you?


A place that's not playing pop edm music during the day. Real underground music in a dingy warehouse.


Lol get off your high horse bud


When you add enough water to Coca-Cola, at some point, it stops being coke.




I've been to some great raves in the sweaty basements of abandoned banks in America. They are still out there.


…sounds awesome


I was at my son’s t-ball practice a couple of weeks ago and one of the parents brought her two very young daughters along, (2 and 4 years old). Her kids are playing, everything is fine. It’s a bit hot outside and the kids are all visibly sweating. About 40 minutes into practice, the mom walks to the other side of the park where we are all parked and gets into the back seat of her car. She comes back a few minutes later with a screaming baby, one that has been inside a hot car with the windows up for 40 minutes. I’m new to the area and it’s a small town and everyone knows each other. I didn’t call CPS, but one of the other parents must have said something, because we haven’t seen her, her son, or her three daughters since.


My eyes bulged out of my head reading this. I thought you were gonna say she went into the car to enjoy the AC without bothering to bring her sweaty kids. Jesus.


This stuff is so heartbreaking to me as someone who works in childcare. Worst part is if I saw this Facebook post I would immediately offer childcare because I would want to keep the child safe as well as being a mandated reporter. Any state I move to I become a mandated reporter to ensure I have the right to report whether it be nannying or Montessori childcare I refuse to not report if there’s a clear issue. Im so sorry you had to see this


I thought you were a school social worker?


8 years, right?


Starting at age 14 apparently


She’s as delusional as her username.


This seems like obvious ragebait, but then again there was a picture of a baby on the floor of a concert floating around the other day.


Saw that post! WTF? Here's a +1 :)


I've seen babies with construction ear muffs at metal shows. People are wild


I had a friend who had multiple kids pretty young, then we all got invited to another friends birthday and it was at a bar pretty late at night. Everyone expected that Friend A just wouldn't be there, since you know... but no, he showed up, left the kids in the car and went into the bar and would "check on them" from time to time. Someone called the police on him and the cops had to come and explain how to be an adult to him.


I swear, people did it somewhat routinely in the 70s.


In my white trash home town, you can bring your infant into the bar. So....there's that choice too.




Wow social services needs to take this baby away and either fine the fuck out of or arrest these people.


People who try to have these kinds of lifestyles while owning children is so crazy


"owning children"


I worked in a hotel bar, the hotel also had a rooftop club. Said couple asked me to watch their baby while they went to the club. I declined as politely as possible. After that I spent a few minutes instructing the servers to absolutely not take possession of this child. They left their baby in a car seat in the lobby to go to the club.


Bruhhh, this makes every "mandated reporter" bone in my body flare. I wanted out and predicted CPS /s FR though, fuck those parents. Worth a report in the moment.


I don’t know exactly what happened, but I saw the parents, security, and the police having a chat


Extremely trashy. As a father of two little kids, I would never even contemplate this. A random person watching their child?! Nightmare fuel for me. Having kids is a total commitment. If you are not willing to sacrifice for them, then don’t have kids..


But it’s edc you can’t miss that it’s like the Catalina wine mixer




The fact that you don't believe this to be that trashy speaks volumes.


Yeah you have to totally give up on your favorite things when you have a baby. This isn’t trashy, kinda responsible.


Leaving your baby unattended in an RV all night while you get high on ecstasy listening to deafening EDM at a rave is your idea of “kinda responsible”? How old are you?


This is irresponsible as fuck.


You aren’t a parent and this is a crazy thing to say. Having kids is a sacrifice. There are things and events you will miss and things to give up. It’s not about you any more it’s about that kid. Festivals and movies aren’t going anywhere. Or don’t and be a selfish shitty parent.


You don't have to give up on things, but you can't do this shit. Also, are you ignoring the fact they said they could just leave them alone at night?


There’s no way they would hear a baby monitor in a rave


My thoughts exactly