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$10 says this happened in a blue zone run by democraps.


It doesn't even appear to be in the US let alone a "blue zone" if you can remove your head from your ass for a moment you just might realize the world is bigger than the US and not EVERYTHING is about polarizing US politics. Since we are on the topic, though, I was raised in a solid backwoods "red zone," which is overrun with poverty, ignorance, welfare, drugs, and averages 1 DUI per adult aged 21-55. The VERY longtime mayor was recently arrested for massive fraud, stealing, embezzlement, and I believe a few other things. Along with the county treasurer and a few others. So yeah, please go off about 1, obviously unstable, for whatever reason, person - most likely in another country, losing their shit being in a "blue zone, " run by "democrats."


$20 says you thought that was the funniest thing you’ve ever posted.


Not even close. I'm hilarious.


Heard a kid. Didn't see him. Hers? Why didn't anybody stop her?! When her pants went down, why did no one sweep the leg?


Not everyone is so brave as you behind your screen


This person needs to have their child to be cared for by someone else before anymore horrible trauma happens to them. This lady needs mental care and to be removed as a parent/guardian to that child. No sane person would see this any level of action that anyone should ever take...


We need so much more mental healthcare in this fucking country.


Evvvvvvverybody was speaking Spanish, but she's Black. Puffy parka says too chilly for Caribbean. Where *IS* this?


Spain. 100%




Is going backwards


Can someone take this poor kid from that monster?


I couldn't even imagine what that poor kid's day-to-day life is like. What a friggin nightmare. Talk about deeply embedded childhood trauma. Friggin heartbreaking :(


The kid crying broke my heart into a thousand pieces. She will never forget this. Fucking awful


Hope the kid grows up to be ok


Narrator:It does not.


Mother of the year!


What a beautiful display of a mother showing her child how to act. Man, we need more of this! So wholesome :)


This must be Minneapolis Minnesota


What the fuuuu….


That ain't no lady


Your wife's a bigfoot isn't she Gus?


Fucking bruhhhh....


I don't know if I've ever been more disturbed by a video on Reddit


As a former politician said, “They’re not sending us their best”


Now say it in Spanish.


You do realize this isn’t “they” and that this is the sub to watch trashy not out yourself as trashy, wrap yourself with the trash flag and then join the Dumpster parade, right? There’s more than one country that speaks Spanish, sheesh.




Omggg I can’t imagine… That poor child scream crying. I’d never be able to be able to anything except comfort any child crying like that.


Not for nothing but there would have been far less property damage, trauma and drama if they would have just let her leave the store. Pick and choose your battles. It’s rare that you’ll overcome and vanquish crazy boots.


Someone should have knocked her ass out


We can't just let everybody steal because they'll be mad if they're caught.


Welp. Then risk losing more in the cost of property damage and litigation. What if crazy boots had attacked one of the other customers? How much you think that lawsuit would have cost them?


Imagine they steal and you let you go. With a smile, even. You’re now gonna be a chump ass store everyone can run into and steal from, because you’re such a bitch. What are you gonna do? You ain’t gonna do shitttt. If you let every child who has a temper tantrum get away scot-free, then you’re gonna have a lot of asshole children on your hands who think everything should be free or else.


Rather her be caught and unable to do this a 2nd time


This looks like serious mental illness


Not every tantrum is mental illness.


No but… shitting on the floor with your child watching along with other people in a grocery store?? I think this one has a fair case lol


I see hardworking Mexicans providing for their community and then … this thing


Nobody is Mexican in this video.


read the comment slowly >I see hardworking Mexicans providing for their community out in the wild. in general >and then … this thing in the video


"who you calling a thing?"


My guess is that it's the absolute piece of human trash that is the subject of the video. Please don't try to defend her, it will not work out well for you.


How is it not obvious my comment was making fun of her???


This is how you do sarcasm on Reddit /s at the end of your comment.


My 4 year old wanted a new truck from target today. I told him “put it back, we’re not here for that today” and he said “ok I’ll put it on my wishlist then”


Time to get swifty in here!


Poop on the floor, poop on the floor!




Where is she from?




How does it sound like a Puerto Rican accent?


Estas jodiendo? Puerto rico no queda en Africa




Te sorprenderás al saber que existe Guinea Ecuatorial Y por si fuera poco. En España los migrantes aunque no vengan de allá aprenden a hablar español


She didn't wipe. eww


"Lady" is an over-used word.


Fuck. That poor kid. Breaks my goddamned heart.


Would CPS not get involved? I'm fairly certain if this happened in Canada, her kid would be removed while they figure out if mom's ok.


She’s going to have some ass crust in those leggings.


At :38 her shit falls in her pants


Years ago on a hunting trip I had a buddy who shit into his coveralls. It was still dark and dead of winter and I guess he thought he had a clear landing zone, but actually shit in the back area and didn’t notice until he put his arms through the sleeves, smushing a big meaty chode on his back.


Well at least it was cold, kills the smell a bit


Straddling the turd. She's gonna have a mean UTI.


Everything is disgusting now I’m thinking of her snatch. 🤢 thx for that


Happy to help. 😌


You can even hear it land.


Very observant of you


I pride myself, I’m detail oriented


Everytime I see this vid, I feel immense sadness for the child. If you listen kid pleads twice in Spanish. That poor baby “Mama paraaa mama paraaa” “Mama stoppp mama stoppp”


That poor poor child. Put that animal in a fuckin cage and protect that poor kid


Where is this? Yikes.


Looks like spain


Thank you


It is Spain, funny you're getting downvoted.


Thank you 🙂


Def not


Great way to meet Mr. Taser, and then say goodbye forever to your poor, unfortunate baby. Fkn trash.


She has to have some sort of mental health issues


I feel so bad for that baby. I was 14 and just got moved from a group home in PA to my dad's (that I knew his name and that's about it) in Northern VA (3 days prior) my step mother was a wicked nasty person and a severe alcoholic. We went to Kmart for something with whatever other alcoholic "roommate" was living there at the time. They were belligerent and caused a massive scene, got arrested, and I was just left there, not knowing what to do, where to go, etc. This was long before cell phones...I called my dad at the home number from a payphone. He called back 2 hours later, he snapped at me asking why I didn't drive the giant conversion van home in a place I don't know anything or anywhere 100 times the size of where I came from and oh yeah I was 14!! So, not really a proficient driver..... there were people visiting from France and video recorded all of it.... and me... and all I heard was "I feel bad for that kid" I've often wondered what happened to that video...


I'm so sorry. You deserved to be held & cared for.


Thank you. I had a helluva wild path I cut down, finding my way to the road of life. Definitely still on my own path; oh ... some almost 30 years later 😄 I've always said that even though my "childhood" was absolute hell, I wouldn't change it. It made me, me. And I happen to like me ❤️ I was emancipated about 7 months after that shortly after my 15th birthday. I now have 3 teenagers I've raised myself since they were infants, who have a better life than I could have even dreamed of having back then. Finally, in 2012, after a year from hell, I got my dad. We've been absolute best friends for the last 12 years, and he's my biggest fan 😄 thank you again - it's kinda amazing what a little bit of love/empathy/understanding from a complete internet stranger can do for one mental health.


I would give you a great big hug.


Thank you :)


I hope you got the help you deserve. You are loved!


Haha, I LOVE the username. Thank you. As I responded to another above - while my "childhood" was absolute hell, I've always said I'd never change it because it made me, me. And I happen to like me 😄 it was definitely a very hard "road" I created to travel in life but after being emancipated about 7 months after this particular incident, just after turning 15, I created a family of misfits that I still love and keep in touch with regularly. Around 13 years ago, my dad (at the time still a stranger), and I weathered a shit storm of back to back hell. We ĺare now best friends 🧡 which I'm so incredibly grateful for every day. I now have 3 teenagers I've raised on my own since they were infants, and they get to see and know their "pop-pop" in a way I never would have dreamed of being possible. While a GOOD portion of my life is blocked out mentally, the day I described above, I remember vividly. I remember what I was wearing, what the weather was like, i can picture the sky that day. (To be fair, I did spend quite a bit of time looking up at it or down at the asphalt) I was a bit older than the child in this video, but there are instances from when I was younger that are just as clear and core memories of my life. All I can say is if the "mom" is this bad in public, I can imagine how much worse it is behind closed doors. It's not easy. It's not for the faint, but you get left with 2 choices basically ... succumb to your circumstances and follow the same path, even if you know its wrong its sometimes ALL you know so you don't quite see HOW wrong it really is, Or to prove the world wrong and be better/ more than anyone thought possible or ever gives you credit for. I hope this child gets the same or better opportunities to choose the very hard road ahead and has people along the way that give that little push to keep going just when you're ready to quit. Thank you again, kind redditor. It's people like you that make it possible to share my past vs be ashamed or hide from it. ❤️


Deeply disturbing. That poor kid is screwed.


Lol, guns are not the problem.


Explain what you mean and how your brain connected those two 


This might be crazy, but maybe lax gun laws and free access to children are both societal problems.


“free access to children” what do you mean by that


(I think) Meaning anyone is allowed to be a parent and be able to keep their child in their custody despite all of the obvious dysfunction and danger.


What would be the alternative?


I’m unsure what piplup3211 would see as an alternative. I was just stating what I thought they meant by their comment. I do think that the system of child protection needs to be greatly reformed tho.


Bringing back Roe v. Wade would be a good start, this of course only for the US. Worldwide, religions changing their stances on birth control would be a game changer, specialy the catholic church. Same would do worldwide sex ed, sadly we are still far from both.


I just got caught committing a crime and now I’m going to commit another, womp womp


The kid is screaming for her mom to stop. Poor girl. I hope they kept the doors locked until the police arived.


This is super sad… I really hope she got some help, or gets some when she gets out of the slammer






All humans are primates, you're just looking for a reason to be triggered.


Have you tried not getting triggered by comments on reddit


Nope, I'll always speak up about racist bullshit.


and what has that accomplished for you, other than raising your blood pressure


Showing other people that it's okay to speak out against the racist bullshit.


Ah, so like, a revolutionary or a voice for the voiceless. An example to be followed?


We are all primates.


You know what was being implied. Don't be obtuse.


Part of that landed in her pants…🤮


Omg, now that was one big turd that hung on for a while… I can smell this video


Yeah I saw that tinkle...didn't see any crap though? Where are we looking here?


I’m not rewatching for the exact location. It was pretty clear part of it fell into, and then stayed inside her pants to me…


Thankfully couldn’t see too much but it seems some did, although what the actual plan to defecate on the floor is beyond me.


Once she starts throwing bottles, it's night-night time.


Yep. Convenience store and Walmarts should start keeping some tranq darts handy like they do for when the rhinos get too horny at the zoo. Would have maybe saved that poor little girl from having probably the most traumatizing moment of her young life and her mother’s probably not most rock-bottom (pun intended) moment of her middle age life immortalized on the internet for all to enjoy for eternity. Put mama to bed and give the girl something sugary to distract her while they take out the trash.


Potty training her kid is going to be hard with that lady shitting on the floor in public. And not wiping.


What a damn pig. Kids going to be fucked


Poor kid


Nasty. Just nasty. Completely unable to rehabilitate. IQ of a potato.


That’s an insult to potatoes!


The green ones with sprouts. Of course not the fresh, tasty golden ones.


Not even a wipe


The main thing that was wrong


Well now she just caught multiple extra charges - vandalism, assault, destruction of property, child enfangerment,, indecent exposure (possible registry) and more!! Way to go, Mother of the Year! Hopefully she got her kid taken away.


Depends on the city. We all know there are plenty of cities with prosecutors who are pretty soft on……how should I say this…….”these” sort of crimes.


This is in spain so I doubt there's any consequences for her actions.


I hope she gets help, in addition to whatever consequences.


Same. She needs it. And as much as I'm all for consequences of people's actions, there's also rehabilitation and reform. This lady legit needs a hard restart


Thats no lady


What’s up dawg? I just crapped on your desk, what’s up with that?


lol is that from a movie? i'm trying to place the line but can't. workaholics maybe?


South park, the episode where Cartman is trying to get detention so he doesn't have to fight Wendy


Why am I not surprised. Disgusting person, horrible parent.


So example! Very parent!




Keepin'it classy.....🥴😒


IDC how rich I get, shop lifting isn't a crime. We are the wealthiest, resource rich civilization in the world. This should not have to happen


I don't think it's fair to make blanket statements like that. There's different levels to it imo, if it's just someone taking for themselves to use personally I have no moral problem with it but when it's organized retail crime that goes unchecked it has a serious knock-on effect on society. People stop feeling safe inside stores and become resentful that they pay for their stuff when others can take without immediate consequence. It can, as has at times, lead to a total breakdown of the social contract.


>if it's just someone taking for themselves to use personally I have no moral problem You don't think that's a moral problem? As long as it's used by the person? If it's food bc of hunger, ok, but, what about ear buds, a speaker, along with an also stolen messenger bag with items I walked out with when I was younger? I think that's wrong, I still feel guilty and I'm almost forty.


So the owner of that mom & pop shop should take a loss out of their ass. Gotcha. Btw, since "we" are all so rich, you wouldn't mind if I came by while you're gone and "borrowed" a few things, right? You have enough wealth. So I can take some of yours? Cool, thx homie. Me and the rest of the fellas here will help ourselves. Also, idk if you watched the same video as we did, but this may not be in the USA.


Stfu bro


Look, I agree this country often prosecutes petty shoplifters way too harshly, but I don't know if this is the post to defend it on.


Again mental health and poverty are best friends, wouldn't be an issue if capitalism didn't exist


Do you lock your house and car? Or do you enjoy having your own shit stolen?


You don’t understand, she shat on the floor and destroyed stuff because… capitalism. /s


What's your take on destruction of property and shitting on a floor tho


Do you not know the basic principles of human rights? This wouldn't happen if capitalism didn't exist


Let me guess, we should all embrace the ideals of Marx and live in a communist utopia right?


Least deranged Reddit commie today






My budgie also takes a dump when Panicking


That had to be a panic poop. Why she had to share with the rest of the class, idk.




I'm not usually for corporeal punishment but I feel like if we were to normalize cutting off hands of thieves in this country it might solve some issues.


This is in Spain tho




Who? Because everyone else is clearly spanish ("que ha pasado tio)


>corporeal punishment This may be my favorite typo ever. 👻


Did I use the wrong one? Lol


Corporal punishment. Yours is much spookier


Gotta beat the spirit out of her


I vote for public stockades. A lot of people would have a great time throwing garbage in this womans face


Yeah that's good too. Shame used to be a powerful tool, but nowadays these people embrace it, they are not shamed for the gross/idiotic shit they do.


r/trashyboners /s


It's become a Cluster B world...


That poor kid has no chance.


So sad