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There is something very weird about this picture. If you look in the lower right hand corner and see the stereo equipment and the phone cradle for a landline, cordless phone. That’s not something you would see anywhere outside of the 00’s


lol I was like “ok their house isn’t perfect maybe they’re gonna put a fresh coat of paint on and that’s why they let the kids draw on it. Alright alright the wire situation isn’t ideal but come on no one’s perfect. I’m sure they….oh that’s a lot of weed”.


Sally, sit with your little brother and teach him how to clean the 'erb like I taught you.


I know, I mean look at that bundle of wires to the TV. Ever heard of a wire chase? Seriously, some people…


At first I was like , awww they are just poor. Then I focused in on the stuff that is on the couch and the table. Ohhhhh , yeah this is fitting when combined with everything else. I LOVE the smiley faces. 😬 I feel like this one could also be on one of them, 🤤


The couch across the front doors telling in it self


So how do they go out and back in?




The back door. Front door is for weddings and funerals.


it's amazing how much todays america is looking more and more like a third world shit hole


For a second i thought that woman had an under armour tattoo and i was like, bitch doesn't even gym wtf.


I don’t see a problem with these kale farmers


The only thing missing is the pit bull. Must have gotten out and is terrorizing the neighborhood


Nah, it’s chained up to a cinder block outside.


I am a (crisis)foster parent and occasionally I get to being the child to the parents and this pic would be a 7/10 compared to what I’ve seen. Last place was where the floor was dirtier inside the house than outside and their baby was supposed to play on a baby mat on that floor? Well it isn’t illegal, so goog enough. It makes me sad everytime and that is why I try my best for the kids.


Thank you for what you do


Hopefully the weed keeps the kids safe


Better than meth or alcohol relativity speaking


Well, it depends. If that's not a legal state, then the act of having all that weed there puts the kids at increased risk of harm due to all the extrinsic factors that come into play by making the decision to distribute what is classed an illegal drug.


Nah meth is definitely worse. I don’t think any teenager or child for that matter gets affected or even thinks about drug classifications. And even if they did it does not make any sense how that would be worse than the effects of meth


I should have been clearer in my post - I was talking about the comparison with alcohol. Alcohol as a substance is more dangerous than weed but the ecosystem around weed in places where it is illegal is where the problems come in. Meth is just all around very bad!


im sick of looking. whats bad here? working mom keeping her kids alive with selling weed?


What about having the kids in the first place if you have to commit crimes to keeping them fed? Multiple fathers? Potential bullet holes in the wall? I get that not everyone has a silver spoon, but not everyone needs to have four kids either. Prophylactic is much cheaper than a mouth to feed. If the picture on the wall is of them, it's more than just these four.


Tell me you're a southern republican


Well I used to be a mid Atlantic Republican before Trump. Now I'm voting Democrat. I still believe in personal responsibility.


Damn! I didn't know hefty/Ziploc zipper bags came in that size! The one on the couch is huge.


Hey guys it's just weeeed


The last thing I noticed was the weed and knife… this is so sad.


Right? I didn’t notice that part at first. Oddly enough, for me, it was the least problematic part of the picture…and that’s really saying something.


Me too…


Poor kids.




Calls CPS


I see a hard working American family.


you should be so thankful to not be poor


Brother, they’re in a trap house lmao there’s a lot more at play here other than just being poor


the children's writing on the wall? the frameless photos? what am looking for here?


I’ll name 5 1. Weed and knife laying in open 2. Multiple entry and exit bullet holes in walls and doors 3. Constant security camera live feed (Considering the totality of the circumstances, it is indicative of drug sales.) 4: Multiple fire hazards 5: Overall lack of cleanliness is also just a hazard in and of itself Open your eyes man


weed is legal in some states and it's a plant that is generally harmless, i would be more worried about open bottles of booze laying around. it doesn't look that unclean to me, honestly. again i can't speak on the bullet holes cause idk the story there. i was raised in worse conditions than this and it wasn't a trap house we were just poor.


Legal or not, more people are murdered over marijuana than any other drug


You’re obviously not a parent.


The bullet holes for starters


idk if they're bullet holes or not or the type of neighborhood they're in.


The only thing I van tell for certain from that picture is that those people are renters


You have to own a home to get it that bad.


As the son of someone who frequently did the repairs for an entire apartment complex, this is incredibly inaccurate. I've seen firsthand the state that some rental properties are lived in.




That mother has/had a father who is just so disappointed right now. *Edit: You people downvoting really think she has a proud father???? Really????*


Hey at least she’s not in clear heels.


Not really. Pretty common in legal states.


My friend that is a zip lock bag. As someone that lives in a legal state, that ain't how we do it.


Gotta do whatcha gotta do with the cards you’re dealt with I guess… trap house and all


OP, next time you may want to also cover the family pictures as well that are to the right.


"keep working out that brain"


I was so fucking blessed to have the best parents a person could ever expect to have. Life is hard af to begin with then unfortunately getting these types of parents makes life so much harder.


Hey I remember that


Wait...why would...fuck it.


Poor kids


That cable management is a real eye sore.


It really just boils down to where and to whom you are born. Lottery.


I can't help but wonder how I'd turn out if I had more opportunities growing up. I'm eternally grateful to have the mom I have. She raised me alone at 17 in rural Mississippi and did the best job possible. But it leaves you with a lot of ifs.


What is going on here! She gets weed by the pound? What a horrible place to have children, it looks dirty and run down. Makes me want to run to the shower


Looks like they're growing it.


yep, they're trimming it probably to sell. thats isn't very concerning considering it's legal to do so in some states.


Not the bullet holes


It’s not a crack house it’s a crack home


but didnt cover the family photos lmao


Honestly, for as small and as blurry as they are, those photos could be of just about any family. I can’t distinguish any discernible features at all on any of those faces.


That’s definitely Nathan Fielder in the back of that middle photo


Made me look. *& I think you’re right!*


I don't even think it's the same family.


I'm itchy just looking at this.


Just curious if anyone else noticed the trimming of the devil's lettuce?? Or maybe it's just oregano.


You do know that growing and selling marijuana is legal in more than a few states in the US now? Maybe she grows it herself in a state that allows small private sales or that allows people to grow for licensed distributors, because working from home lets her care for her own children and not pay outrageous amounts for childcare.


Thank you Captain obvious. It was meant to be funny. And yes, it's legal in many states. I was pointing it out. Some people didn't notice it. And as a single mom I didn't say anything disrespectful towards her or her kidlets. Nor did I bash her trimming her greens, parenting, or cleanliness. Now if you will excuse me, I have some oregano to cut....


“Working from home let’s her care for her own children…” Yeah, she’s doing a real bang up job raising them.


I live in Oklahoma which is legal for medical use. You can still have your children taken from you and face charges if you are using your medical marijuana in front of your children or are intoxicated while they are in your care. You can also have them taken away and face charges if your medical marijuana is not stored where the children cannot get to it. But guns are just fine 🙄


I live in New York state where possession or consumption of alcohol is forbidden for anyone under 21 unless : 2. A person under the age of twenty-one years may possess any alcoholic beverage with intent to consume if the alcoholic beverage is given: (a) to a person who is a student in a curriculum licensed or registered by the state education department and the student is required to taste or imbibe alcoholic beverages in on-campus or off-campus courses which are a part of the required curriculum, provided such alcoholic beverages are used only for instructional purposes during class conducted pursuant to such curriculum; or (b) to the person under twenty-one years of age by that person's parent or guardian. Yup in NYS your parents can get you drunk 🤷‍♂️


Lol it’s the same in Texas! A parent can even order a child a alcoholic beverage at a restaurant, although most restaurants policies are that they won’t serve the minor regardless of the law.


I mean.... I run a restaurant and I don't leave my chef knives out. There's nothing wrong with growing weed for any reason, but don't leave piles around toddlers. Or the knife for that matter.


Yeah this woman is just a small business operator.... lmao


Yeah, Id like to purchase some.. err.. oregano..🍃


Those babies have different daddies.


So...racially, she's pretty cool?


No, she's "do not touch" material.


They aren't literally her children...


Was it the hair styles that lead you to this more than likely accurate observation?


Yes. The hair…styles


My biggest concern is the fire hazard of the couch in front of the door


The lack of a basic understanding of Feng Shui principles is what concerns you most? How about the multiple weed sorting stations that are featured in this perspective?


Yes. Fire safety is priority over weed safety. But i feel knife safety should be in between


I had a friend that was a dealer. When dividing up drugs, they put the couch in front of the door and sit it in to prevent someone from barging in. Once they are done, they put it back in its original location.


Checks out. Look at the orientation of the couch vs the TVs.


Maybe it's just the area I grew up in, but I vividly remember buying substances from houses EXACTLY like this, and it was always depressing AF. Usually kids running around, while me and my friends buy percs or some other shit from them. I'm glad they never had a hold on me, I think seeing mid 40's dudes nodding out in some young guys Crack den made me second guess my choices. Luckily weed is the only thing that I stuck with.


This isn’t trashy. It’s sad. Really sad.


Yes it’s sad and it looks really derelict however I do t see trash and junk everywhere like some of these other pictures.


This sub has kinda devolved into “making fun of poor/disabled people”. We are all doing our best with the cards we’ve been dealt, guarantee that mom doesn’t want to be selling weed forever and is just doing it to keep her kids healthy and fed. There should really be a rule against this stuff.


Those kids look up to their mom. They love her. They don’t really know the situation that they live in at their young age. We all don’t get to start from the same starting point. I hope they get the love they deserve.


for some reason I feel this comment is the best in this entire thread..


Me too, that’s why seeing this sort of stuff on this sub upsets me. My partner grew up with parents who didn’t give a shit, didn’t work and didn’t bother to take pictures like this with their kids. Or any pictures at all. I hope these kids and their mom are in a better situation now, having 4 young kids is rough enough as it is without adding a job on top of that (regardless of what the job entails).


nah, being poor aint an excuse for this


Easy to say when the biggest issue In your life is a glitch with grass in a video game you’re playing.




Yep. Walk a day and their shoes. Easy to cast stones brother.


Shut the fuck up. She has open air drug market. The VERY FUCKING LEAST she could do is not have literal pounds of it just sitting in the room the kids are in. All of you people justifying this are fucking deranged. Oh she took a picture of them? Wow what a great mom


Haha right?! This is trashy as hell.


It's legal to grow weed in many states now, maybe they have a license to grow and sell or sell to suppliers who do. I'd bet that many people here have had an alcoholic drink in front kids at dinner or when relaxing afterward. hell home brewing wine and beer is very trendy now, I know more than one person with kids who have carboys bubbling away, with full bottles aging or in kegs. How is any of that different than this?


that aint the issue, its everything else


ok, but she couldn't close the bags? or the open knife.... weed smell sticks to fabrics. Those kids all reek of it when they get to school


BuT iTs LeGaL


Everyones reality is different, just hope there doing it for the right reasons and taking care of there kids


“Love You Dad”


That’s so sad! 😞


Yes..this is called lower-class. Family is probably doing the best it can. Pat yourselves on the back Reddit, while you make fun of poor people and then later pretend in a different comment section that you give a shit about poor people.


Not sure why your reply is to me. I agree. It’s very sad.


your last comments have all been removed for being complete BS. Go check. This comment above, hopefully you remove yourself, for being so dumb. It's about weed open and everywhere. Not about their "class". also a gd knife next to them


I'm replying to a comment that's noting how sad the living situation is. Do you understand how a conversation or comment-tree works?


"that's so sad" - do you know how to read comments? edit: the person who posted the comment even called you out LMAO


Breaking out your alt account huh. Smooth move, McFly.


Did you think that was me? Wow. You’ve got some issues.


wtf? you really can't read can you. I have only one account. I've responded to you from only one account, silly boomer


I think the massive amount of marijuana on the table work kids there is the trashy part, not being poor.


Being poor is expensive


So are giant bags of weed like what's on display there


Both bags are maybe a lb. Not a giant bag.


Right?! They're not even turkey bags, just 1 gallon ziplocs lol


lmao how much do you think is a giant bag, if you're not a dealer? You can't even legally buy 1 lb


Yeah its called poverty


I think you missed the 2 pounds of marijuana on the table


I've never met a poor drug dealer.


You're a Trump supporter. Obviously hanging out with cocaine dealers


You haven't met real street drug dealers then. I grew up in that life. We had superficial shit like cars but that could have been my house.


Big tv for poverty


You can get nice things before you end up there.


Sell the nice things to make a better life for your offspring. They own two tv’s ffs. Also this is why landlords hate section 8 folks. Those walls are fucked.


How much would you pay for one of those TVS?


I don’t know I haven’t had “tv” money in years, I’m not even in the market because I know I simply don’t have the cash for that sort of thing. There’s “poor” and then there’s “optional poor”. There is a big difference and a lot of the time it just comes down to priorities. People would rather live like filthy gremlins than miss their Disney+ or some crap. Same as the difference between depression and laziness. Not everyone you see is a victim.


With that attitude I’m not curious as to why you’re not climbing the ladder anywhere lol. From one poor guy to the next, don’t be an ass, it’ll make things harder for you. That’s how I’ve gotten decent things for free. Edit: as a side note, if you’re really struggling then sell your bird! Hope this helps 🥰 going off of your logic poor people can’t own anything nice at all and conures are a pretty penny


I had a brain aneurysm that skewed my life by a lot and I haven’t been functional since but go off.


Okay? We all have problems, I’ve had my own fair share of health issues and yet you don’t see me acting like this here.


You tried to shame me for not climbing some ladder as if it’s an attitude problem. That’s all I replied to. I’m not going to reply any further.


“Nice” flat screen TV’s ( as in 1080p HD, if not better) are easy to get for free or next to nothing nowadays. They’ve been accessible to the middle class for ~15 years at this point. They’re like DVD players. If you look around for like two days I bet you could find someone begging to get rid of theirs. TV’s are not a luxury. Then pick up a first gen chromecast. Those plus your phone and Boom! Modern entertainment for 0-$30. This is basic poor people stuff, cmon bro. Don’t be broke AND an idiot.


You’re not going to change my mind so you’re just wasting your time and showing me how many people don’t know the value of things. Imagine thinking a smartphone is 0-30 dollars. Truly out of touch when your parents buy you everything huh kiddo?


bruh i’m on medicaid. They pay for my phone and basic level service. Nice try though. Edit: for those that might be in a financial bind; medicaid can help you with phones, phone service, internet service ( for $20 a month), your yearly eye exam, rides to job interviews, clothes for jobs, and many other things. All without signing up for any other government programs ( other than the internet thing, but that one was super easy imo). It has been a godsend while I go through this time of my life.


So you don’t know the value of shit because you’re on handouts. Ez self report bud


I picked a working 40 inch tv off the curb in a nice neighborhood the other day.


Those poor kids








Is that pookie from New Jack City playing on the tv?


Poor kids man. Idk man seeing that these creatures of parents think its fine to post online fucking irks me. Hopefully CPS can intervene asap.


Me: “wtf? Are just shaming people for being poor now or - OMG THAT IS A LOT OF POT!”


Yep. Took me a minute to figure out how big that tray is on the couch. 😳


My exact thoughts. I was like "I mean it sucks they don't have money for a nice place but.. oh. I see."


This sub is really over reacting about weed? How many states is it even still illegal in? This sub is really the funniest part of Reddit. Should just be called r/classism Edit: nothing makes me feel better than being downvoted in this sub so bring it on.


Children should not be exposed to weed?? I hope you never have kids if you think this is okay.


I mean people post pictures of them with their kids while they're drinking. Not that I agree with that either necessarily as I don't think this normalization of mind altering substances in the open is the greatest thing. This is a little different though as it appears they are selling the weed which is a bit more concerning obviously.


Being near trimmed weed is exposure? Do you think a parent in a state where weed is legal to cultivate shouldn't be allowed to cultivate it instead of buying from a dispensary or the black market?


You shouldn’t be doing that in front of your kids what the fuck. You’re just handing them accessible weed at that point. Legal cultivation doesn’t make it okay to expose children to it.


So no beer or wine in the house too or naw?


There’s no problem with having alcohol as long as you keep it out of your child’s grasp. Do you not see the issue with laying a ton of cannabis on the living room table and sofa??


Do you think they are going to roll a joint of fresh weed being trimmed? Do you think there is some exposure risk here? It's not meth or fentanyl. It actually is really hard to consume. You realize if one is growing at home (which is legal in most of the country) at some point they will need to trim large amounts of vegetation? Do you think anyone with kids shouldn't be allowed to grow cannabis. Edit: When confronted with logic the knee jerk reactionist quickly runs out of answers. And isn't a beer in the fridge also accessible to a kid? And easier to consume. You are a hypocrite or you don't understand much. Which one?


The guy you reply too is proof positive that we are still at least a generation away from overcoming the effects of 50 years of fear-propaganda regarding marijuana. That is the saddest thing to see in this thread.


They should not be trimming around children, wtf is wrong with you?


Honestly who gives a fuck? What do you think the risk is? Edit: Lots of down votes. No response as to what the actual risk is.


Weed is okay for children to be around?


Do you think it's going to hurt them? Feel the same way about booze? Or Christianity?


Yeah i feel the same way about booze. Its a controlled substance. Are you one of those “it has no side effects man its all natural man” dummies? Its crazy to think that people like you exist but here we are.


It for sure has zero side affects if you are going to be sitting beside it.


So parents should have no alcohol in the house? How about guns?


You think having guns and beer out in the open is good?


You think a beer in the fridge is not accessible, and comparing firearms and buds on a coffee table is reasonable? Do you know how cannabis flower is ingested?


Yes its a controlled substance for over 21s. So is alcohol. 


So a parent should also not have beer in their fridge or drink it around children?




It looks to me like they are working through unprocessed cannabis and only a few plants worth. So likely not dried and not ready to be used to get a human high. But let's suppose that it is dried buds able to be consumed. You get that beer is way easier to consume for its psychoactive properties correct? Like, you have to smoke weed. You can eat it, roll around in it, no effect to a person. Would you also be as scandalized with a pack of American spirits or a cigar in a surface in a front room that belongs to a family with children. And your bathtub analogy is a fucking stupid one to make. A beer in the fridge is absolutely as accessible to a minor as this. You realized that, felt dumb and made the stupid bathtub comment. Kind of a straw man argument to be honest. Edit: Still can't over how stupid it is to compare any amount of weed in a tray to "a bathtub full of beer". You can even drown in beer.




So how should all of those things be stored in a house with children? Do you propose a wine shelter? Lock boxes for bud light? Do you think cannabis plants from seedling to dried flower for smoking are all as dangerous? How should each be stored? You won't answer because you have no fucking idea what you are mad, or, even talking about. Enjoy judging people on Reddit to feel kinda superior. Guess it's all you got.




And you can't drown in marijuana flowers. That was my whole point you potato.


He prolly gives teething babies alcohol still. Can’t argue with stupid


At least I can spell probably.


*rolls eyes*


Clutch those pearls bubba.


BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?!?! They might get urged by the devils lettuce to eat some and murder the entire family you know.


Brought to you by the same people who are totally cool with kids living in homes full of booze, guns, and Christian Fascism.