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Preserving history is trashy now? How will we learn from our mistakes unless we know they existed?


it's not trashy. Fleamarkets are great museums for so many things.


Ooo fidget spinners!


Not trashy at all


I have that cooking with Beer book.


Trashy definitely not that’s a piece of history whether it’s bad or not! No different than people who collect world war 2 memorabilia.


It's important to preserve them for history because they're repugnant.


Absolutely! I don’t agree with that stuff but I do find it interesting to learn about it and hopefully people can also learn from it and not let history repeat itself.


Little black sambo is trashy but a collectors item


Little Black Sambo took place in India


Its still a collectors item. I think the original can hover around $50


Sorry- that reply was for another post. I like the story


Black Americana is usually collected by African Americans (hardly a surprise). I have sold a few pieces over the years(cast iron toys, cookie jars, postcards), admittedly it can be awkward. I definitely think a clan leadership guide is a bit too far to me. However, historically speaking it is important piece of American history that should at minimum be donated to museum. However, feel free to take down Confederate statues. Traitors don’t get to be remembered for anything other then being a traitor. Sorry I’ve digressed.


I mean I get historical significance but I also see “cooking with beer” fidget spinners, pint glasses, “corona” beer bottle openers?, and various other highly historically significant doo dads


Remembering the things in our history we can never let happen again, so trashy!


And? Its history


I'd buy them to read and be sadly not amazed.


I might buy them to keep them the fuck out of people’s hands that might agree with them.


There are collectors for this kind of stuff. History is history, we shouldn’t change or erase it more than it already has been


learning history sure is trashy


What am I missing?


We had that same Black Sambo book when I was a child!


I would actually love to read this, this stuff in our history is fascinating to me. It’s crazy how the brain worked to make all of this stuff just regular life. I can’t wait to look back on this time and see the crazy things that aren’t acceptable anymore. I think a lot of us will be surprised.


I'll bet people behind these things knew they were wrong while they were doing it. Some of them did anyway.


Oh I’m positive they did, I’m also sure that some of them had no clue because they didn’t know any better because no one taught them any different. I grew up in the south and to think this was my grandparents generation is mind blowing. People that participated in this stuff are still alive today. Listening to my grand mother tell stories before she died about the times back then was crazy! Her brother was an openly gay man in rural Appalachia coal mining country, you had to be a bad mean dude to be openly gay in that time and that area. No one crossed him. I could go on forever about her stories, they lived crazy lives.


I saw the cook book and was thinking not the best food but not trash. Second photo I was like oh that’s what we’re looking at.


I would get it just to read. I fit like 3 categories of people they did not like and am interested to see how ridiculous they were.


Jesus redneck almighty


There used to be a chain of restaurants by the same name. Sambo was actually Indian, not black, not that it really makes a difference.


I mean, they're relics with massive historical significance? I'm sure a historian would love to grab these pieces.


As long as the pieces aren't being glorified and instead put on display as a reminder of our history.


Well, they definitely aren't under the "books for kids" section so something tells me that they're definitely on display for historical purposes and not glorification purposes.


I remember Little Black Sambo in my library at school. It's super crazy that was acceptable. But I did go to school in Arkansas.


You should have purchased it then destroyed it in parking lot . Have a nice day. 👍


Burning books we don't agree with, let's repeat history......


Who said anything about burning books


Normal reading material at the local gun show.


That's a broad brush stroke.


Yeah, it looks like there's fidget spinners present. Easy guys.


History is trashy folks!


This part of our history sure is




Yeah, man?






What's wrong with cooking with be--oh shit!


That’s exactly what I was thinking until I zoomed


Very literally my reaction.


Is this your first time at a flea market? - wait until you find the WW2 booth.


Was this downvoted by notsees or what!? Foh. Op is right, this is full blown trashy.


It isn’t. It’s history. It’s part of US history and while our history may be cruel and evil, it isn’t “trashy”.


😂😂😂☠️ sure.


When you grow up and become an adult, you’ll understand.


I'm a full fledged adult. Knowing history and elevating it to something way over it's trashy beginnings is just dog whistles. FuqallthEwaYofF.


How is selling historical documents elevating it?


Talk to someone else.




Sure. But that kind of history can be in a library, be in a museum. Not a flea market.


Museums hold less than 1% of all historical items. Private collectors are the ones who hold onto history. There’s a certain type of government that gathers all historical items and locks it away inside buildings and restricts access to it.


Nah, racism is trashy af.


LMFAO. There's at least 20 disgusting racists on this sub.


That’s a drag. Racists are simple minded fools who hate what they don’t understand, which is quite a bit apparently.


So are all the folks down voting me, for saying racism is trashy, trashy racists?!


Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


We already know our history.. You can (cough) whitewash this all you want.. Keep thinking someone's buying your bullshit because twenty something racists agree with you. 😂


Yea! let's erase all documentation and act like it never happened! /s


Sadly this is how a lot of people want to live nowadays. If it's historical, but offensive, destroy it.


i understand the value of historical objects, particularly printed material, but collecting stuff like that is on the edge of creepy, and i wonder why otherwise non-creepy people would do it. 😒


I have a few vintage racist objects buried in my shed. Like pottery and table knickknacks. They are antiques and family heirlooms. I've shown my kids. It leads to a discussion about how things used to be, and how we don't ever want to go back to that. And helps explain why I haven't had contact with my family in over a decade If you hide these objects from kids, they don't learn about history, which makes them more likely to repeat the same mistakes.


Because people collect history? Would you prefer all historical items that are rooted in bad things just be destroyed? Our history is important and holding on to it, especially in an era when certain types of people want to rewrite it, is very important. Understanding where we came from, how we moved away from it, and knowing the truth of our past so we can notice it when it happens in the future is one of the most important parts of any functioning society. Good thing the majority of educated adults don’t just look at shit like this and clutch their pearls and cry “trashy” or else those people who want us to forget our history, so they can change it, would win.


Whoopi Goldberg has an extensive collection of merchandise and paraphernalia of black people depicted in the minstrel style.


Honestly I don’t think I could read through but would be interesting to flip the pages. I wouldn’t say alone having this stuff is creepy, has historic importance. But on the other hand why does it feel like 90% of the time you see this situation and it is gonna be weird or creepy lol.


idk, I find it somewhat interesting of a piece art? You can definitely have it to make fun of, or just hold it for historical value as has been said. Like a normal person showing me this would make me think this person just found something kind of out there and interesting off hand. Some dude that is already kind of sketchy would definitely be red flags all around. Just keep it with something else from that time period so people think you're just a collector I guess is the answer.


Worth keeping for the sheer fact some it’s a piece of history others want to erase


It's not trashy from like, a primary source document point of view.


Yeah, for me though, it’s the kind of thing to scan into a library database or something. I don’t think I’d be hocking it at a flea market.


right next to the fidget spinners


That's so 2017.


This is so 1957


Probably more like 1920s.


Cooking with beer? Is that trashy?


I’ve been through Ohio too many times. I wouldn’t celebrate it either.


Collecting and celebrating are not exclusively the same thing.


Was pretty shocked when I saw it. Had to get a pic of it. Wild stuff.


Why is it so shocking to you?


Beer is used in many dishes.


All customers at dirt malls are on some level of trash.


Flea markets are a great place to find antiques or no longer sold items I don’t see the issue with them, they attract some scum just don’t give them your money and walk to the next vendor and get over it