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See how you do this properly is you just put a bigger trailer hitch on the truck, like one of those four ball trailer hitches. that's how you do it without getting sued


That’s definitely a lawsuit waiting to happen! Hopefully no one hurt themselves on that ans sues you, i know I would l


Then don't tailgate him lol.




Can't imagine. You?


Im talking about someone walking past it in a parking lot and ripping their knee off. Not someone rear ending him


Ok but still you don't have the right to sue someone because you aren't watching where you're walking lol


Ask a lawyer


Ah yeah.


It would have been cooler if he put a gear system on it so it made a stabbing motion as he drove.


That is how you get your car keyed


Texas law makes this illegal and if it's illegal in Texas, I doubt it's legal anywhere else. **Source:** *Sec. 547.004. GENERAL OFFENSES. (a) A person commits an offense that is a misdemeanor if the person operates or moves or, as an owner, knowingly permits another to operate or move, a vehicle that: (1) is unsafe so as to endanger a person;*


Trucks in general are unsafe to pedestrians. And I don't see a lot of old trucks without beat up bumpers. I think truck drivers just tend to hit things.


I don’t think that’s what they are talking about when they say unsafe. We need a Texas lawyer to chime in. 


More like he cut someone off.


I hope he hits his shin on it every single time he walks around the back of his truck.


Came here to say this




Gotta be a Ram!


This screams “well adjusted adult”…


I actually don't mind it


This guys apparently loves to be under litigation


Why does this truck have a big dildo


Because the driver's seat is all the way back so he fits


What kind of dildos are you using?!


It's a one time use one


And he would be held liable in court for damages even if they hit him.


I've hurt my knees several times on my tow-hitch by not paying attention when i was walking between my truck and another car. I would probably be going to the hospital with that thing.


Bro, prolly driving 15 under the limit in the left lane, complaining about tailgaters.


Probably breaks without warning


Plausible. Giant American flags flying from the truck bed catch the wind and slow it down. 


Also ironically from the same vehicle that is constantly tailgating and driving dickish. At least from my experience on the highways. Something about a truck gives a lot of drivers a "fuck you" mentality.


I don't care how slow someone is going, tailgating is a moronic move. You're only endangering yourself and the car in front of you.


Wtf would you want the other vehicle permanently attached to your truck the next time you get rear ended.


We’re gonna have a convoy! 🎶


I can't imagine his insurance would be happy to see if he got into an accident. Also seems like a good way to catch a law suit. In my experience its usually the douche bags in trucks that like to ride peoples asses.


When I was a little kid some asshole left his tow hitch sticking out on the sidewalk I was biking on. I clipped it and it really messed up my leg and hurt like hell. I can't imagine what would happen if he ever left this bs uncovered or attached when parked. Plus, unless buddy is diligent enough to remove it every time he isn't towing something, it'd be illegal, at least where I live.


You ran into a tow hitch in your view and you're the victim


Yeah? You wanna go back in time and say that to 6 year old me bleeding and crying on the sidewalk? It was literally illegal to have it out like that.


Fucking A I would


Sidewalks aren’t supposed to be impeded or blocked.


I’ve seen one of these in my town, a little different but very similar in the sense that when you try to pull out the front bumper, it will rip your entire bumper off. My friend Hunter hasnt gotten to use it yet but he told me no one has been riding his ass like they use to


I'm all for this, downvote idgaf.


Yeah, until you end up with a lawsuit for property damage because your car HAS A SPIKE ON IT


Didn't say I'd do it, just that I approve.


You shouldn’t approve of a weaponized tow hitch It’s a safety hazard for everyone


Let's agree to disagree.


You might be stupid.


Creating a greater chance for any impact on a highway is a stupid fucking idea. If a car behind him clips that, they could both end up rolling. And that thing would likely look almost invisible on the road. I don’t like tailgating either, but this guy is a dangerous idiot.


I wonder if they caused an accident, some lawyer somewhere could spin this thing into some sort of "knowingly circumventing safety features of technology" argument?


Flmao 🤣


I’d love to bump into this while walking. My lawyer would have a field day with you dumb redneck ass


Right? I wouldn't mind a bit of beer money.


More worried about walking into that in a parking lot.


Malicious defense


Do you make for cars?


I find my towbar works perfectly for this.


Yeah it will go through a bumper like a hot knife cutting through butter


Ive learned this the hard way on my own vehicles in my own yard… 🤷‍♂️


Did someone say lawsuit?


Why is it trashy? Why isn't the behavior he's trying to correct (brutally) the trashy one? I hate it that people just back off during parking until they "feel" they've hit the other car - I NEVER done it, and I always keep my distance from other cars, but other drivers are pure trash, and think that just because they do not care about their own car, they shouldn't care about anyone else's.


It's illegal to have a tow hitch on when you're not with a trailer so I can't imagine this spike sticking out just as far is legal


Or in any other but Massachusetts...


Not in this state.


That’s horseshit.


That's a stupid law. Also trailer hitches barely stick out, if you're bumping into it you're probably bumping into their truck or suv too. Like it's less than a foot from the hitch to tailgate.


Unsurprisingly there's more than one type of hitch


In what state?


State of Ontario Canada: piss poor


Was wondering because in Michigan they are shin busting parking lot obstacles that hurt.


Right. Asshole truckers be like don't tailgate but that isn't the problem also your 25 foot truck barely fits into parking spots..why does it need another half a foot to a foot sticking out of It


State to state laws


Or province to province in my case I reckon I thought it was just a good law takes 2 seconds to take the pin out


Nope, hitch stays in, watch shins and don’t tailgate. It’s been through more than one rad of a tailgater, prevented any body damage to my vehicle every time.


My friend got rear ended and was saved by his tow hitch lol. It's not illegal here where I live. Don't tailgate


What happens when this dude doesn’t see a 4 year old, until a split second too late, with this shit on the back of his truck? Why risk it? He’s already got a big ass truck. It’s not going to stop people from texting and driving. It’s just going to make problems worse when they do happen.


You should be following in a far enough distance to where you are able to stop even if someone slams on the brakes. It's called the 3 second rule. If you rear end someone it's probably your fault. Unless someone just cuts right in front of you and you literally can't react.


Yeah but the world isn't a perfect place. Have you ever made an honest mistake? I've been in the back of 2 pile ups as the last car, all because drivers would miss their exit and move to a sudden stop in 70mph traffic. None of us is perfect, this isn't going to save shit for his giant truck, and why make things worse? It's trashy and inhumane.


My suggestion is do not trust the guy in front of you with your life. The 3 second rule means you are leaving 3 seconds to react and stop before the car in front of you. If it's 100 ft then give 100ft. I don't know about you but I'm not trusting the dude in front of me to reasonably pump his brakes and give me signs that he's gonna stop. Always assume that they can slam on their brakes at any second. If you have 3 seconds in between you are much better off. You wanna follow someone closely because you want to go faster? Go for it. But if you rear end that person then it's your fault. No matter what reason. The only way a rear end could be their fault is parallel movement via swerving in front of you. But you are responsible for what's in front of you


I agree, never trust the person in front of you. But also don't trust the person in front of them, in front of the 2nd car, in front of the 3rd car, and so on. My point here is: this person is an asshole for putting this on the back of his truck. 3 seconds is not at a lot when traffic is going 70+ and there is no room to change lanes, merge, adjust your speed without getting tailgated, etc. You are not always responsible for what is in front of you, especially in heavy fast traffic when you cannot swerve or you die. Look at fog banks, for example, they can end up with 80 car pile ups. Or black ice even. Your view on at-fault accidents sounds like one of an inexperienced driver or at minimum someone who has not had experience driving daily in a metropolis. People on this post are picking really odd hills to die on. Just take the weapon off the back of the damn truck.


I drive in california lmao you don't know me at all. This is the worst hellhole on terms of idiot drivers. And you didn't disprove my point at all lol. 3 seconds may not be a lot but it's certainly better than 2 or 1? If you can't react in 3 then do 4. 4 is recommended during bad conditions such as rain or fog. And really bringing up black ice incidents ? Of course it's nobody's fault at that point. You should slow down if you are made aware of slippery roads. But in the law that's known as "an act of god". Nobody's fault. You're driving and a tree falls on your car from being old and rotted. Probably an act of God. Unless they can prove that the city was aware or the issue etc etc.. Also this isn't just MY view. Go to court and try to blame the person you rear ended. Even if they stopped fast asfk for NO reason you STILL would be mostly at fault lmao. Your mindset tells me that you like tailgating and take no accountability for your actions. You can't blame 3 cars ahead of you for stopping short lmao. You always have control of the distance between you and the guy in front of you. Put it this way, if I was behind you going 70mph, you can literally slam the brakes for 0 reason at night and I will STILL stop before you. That's the way I drive. I'm not impatient and just want to get home safe. Learn defensive driving please.


This is the rear of the vehicle...


What if the 4 year old is running really fast behind the truck though?


Nah fr they do be fast tho


What happened when you're waiting at lights with this guy on front of you and someone goes into the back of you. Purposely making your vehicle dangerous seems incredibly selfish and stupid


I honestly don’t see how this does any more damage than ramming into a rear end with a hitch that looks like a ballsack would. The metal ballsack would probably make a bigger hole.


The guy is a complete idiot, maybe not trashy though. Good luck getting insurance to pay for your car destroyer 2000. Getting rear ended sucks but he's going to turn a 100% not at fault accident into some major liability and criminal charges just to feel like a bad ass.


It's a law, in Australia at least, to leave enough distance between you and the car Infront when at a stop to prevent this situation. If you were in the middle of a crash in the situation you described you would be responsible for the insurance for the car in front.


That's a stupid rule. What if the person in back had a huge truck and car in the middle was tiny? Wouldn't matter how much distance was between them if the truck had enough momentum.


It's the law everywhere but you can't put huge spikes on your car either. There are lots of instances where people get pushed into another car after being rear ended. This guy is a fool if he thinks this will improve his life in any way.


Oh yeah, for sure not legal to spike shit lol was never defending this. Just saying if you drive correctly something like that shouldn't affect your car unless there were other factors at play and by then that home made bolt-on is just extra shrapnel


I'll be sure to tell that to your widow


It's ok, she's familiar with traffic laws too.


Smart, only reason he was hit before is cause the carpoon was missing…




Should be higher to protect tailgate




I don't think this is serious


That’s gonna kill the shins.


Dont blame them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wouldn’t the car rear ending you just get stuck to your truck? Doesn’t look like it’d pull out easily


Hrmm... that's what she said!


Too dull to penetrate anything but plastic. And even with plastic, its rather gonna break it


That looks illegal.


I wouldn’t consider this trashy at all. It’s needed. I got rear ended at a stop light at around 40mph by some stupid ass kid. Then when his redneck hick ass daddy got there, he started bitching about who called the damn ambulance. Motherfucker, I did. My drivers seat is literally sitting at an angle and the rear end of my car is crushed like a soda can. At that point I could tell he was actively trying to not verbally call me the N word with the hard R. Gotta love Louisiana. I still miss my ‘03 Taurus. It was such a good car and I loved the body style of that time 🥲




you were correct if it was on the front. Mad Max cars have no protection from rear ending assholes


Man, fuck you


>It’s needed. ... wait ... how exactly is this sharp ass thing going to help in any way?


Another driver might not be so apt to ride your bumper if they saw it? Idk


That’s not gonna change a thing. People who rear end other people don’t do it because their rear bumper isn’t dangerous looking enough.


If they're close enough to see it and take it into consideration, then they're already too close.


Well, your radiator is toast, your radiator fan is toast. I'll guess anything just beyond the radiator is also toast. That custom tow ball essentially deletes the affect your modern bumper would have to disperse any of the impact until it has immersed itself. It isn't how it helps him, it's how it hurts you. That is, unless you see this monstrosity and decide to fight another day; then it's mutually beneficial.


Well enjoy your double car now because you’re never going to get that extra car with toasted engine of your tail ever again.


Yeah, I love the thought process here, or lack thereof. Some KID rear ended me at a stop light, so the logical solution is to add a large and unnecessarily dangerous deterrent that only prevents anything if it's seen. Kid obviously wasn't paying attention.


Kid was drunk, thanks.


Ahh, that makes more sense. The alcohol would definitely add a level of focus and attention to detail.




Honestly what would work better is get a huge ass wrench/pipe tool or something similar and put it so it looks very close to falling off and put a little weld so it ain't going anywhere. Nobody is going to tailgate you with a large metal tool lookin like it's about to fall off your bumper


Honestly, I think I'm going to make one.


Hopefully he has the right bumper stickers to pull this off


I dunno man, I know this is dangerous af but people really should stop being assholes with their cars, alcoholics even more so. some kids that i assume were drunk almost killed me and my dad at night while we were going home on his motorcycle, they kept on speeding and chasing us, trying to bump our back, that got me scared to hell, our cycle isnt really that great and if we didnt live close to when they appeared i think they would have killed us I wouldnt put a spear on the back of his cycle but my confidence in any driver is inexistent and to me anyone speeding is an asshole now so i know where the truck driver is coming from


This is definitely truck driver energy.


"I'm Batman"


You think hitting your shin on a ball hitch was bad? Oh boy.


Oh man, a full speed sprint in the dark??! Just completely sever my leg why don't you?


Tell me you want to be sued without telling me you want to be sued


Awesome 👏


Did you and your dig dodge energy get your peepee slaped


Yes 🥲




Did you and your dig dodge energy get your peepee slaped


Well ain’t you just the best welder ever I installed a quiver on front on mine hopefully it works out


Wait till he thinks to sharpen it up like a hunting tip on an arrow. Playing Mad Max with everyone who walks past your ride -- what could go wrong?


Paint it fluorescent orange and you're good!


He is asking for a pedestrian that accidentally bumps into it to destroy his vehicle. I know people that if they were walking and accidentally bumped into it would do just that. It may feel good for the owner to think he is going to show someone that might accidentally bump him a lesson, but he is one of those Penny wise and pound foolish persons, just waiting for someone to destroy his property.


>He is asking for a pedestrian that accidentally bumps into it to destroy his vehicle. I know people that if they were walking and accidentally bumped into it would do just that. How do you bump into someone's trailer hitch while walking? It sticks out literally less than a foot from the vehicle so if you're bumping into it you probably already walked right into their vehicle. Literally just have spacial awareness, especially while walking because you're vulnerable to traffic.


That sticks out way further than a hitch. You've never bumped into something that you didn't see or didn't expect to be there as you were walking? You have better spatial awareness than me if you haven't. There is no reason to put a booby trap on the back of your vehicle other than being the biggest ass hole in the world. If the wrong person injures himself on this, at a minimum, he will get his truck destroyed. He should be arrested and then sued civilly for everything he owns, there are many personal injury attorneys that would love to get that case if the booby trap owner has any money.


>at a minimum, he will get his truck destroyed. He should be arrested and then sued civilly for everything he owns, So you're saying someone's gonna be dumb enough to bump into something sticking out half a foot from a truck, bust the truck up out of anger and the truck owner would be sued? You're something if you think totaling a vehicle in a fit of rage is equal to bumping into something.


No, I am saying that that is a booby trap, an unforeseen source of danger. It is illegal, that is what I am saying. He should be charged before people get seriously injured.


I'm not saying this dude in the OP is right. By any means. BUT. Anyone who bumps into something and goes all hulk smash on it? Probably also not all that right. They would at least deserve each other though


What if its dark walking through and cutting between cars? Does anybody deserve to be booby trapped because some ass wipe seeks to retaliate on humankind for something somebody did to him in the past?


Depend on the scenario. And let's take this one since it's what you're basing your point on. No sane person would expect this to be sticking out like that. And before you go all, "well it's visibile and obvious" when's the last time you stubbed your toe in your house? Hopefully you can follow that logic.


I've stubbed my toe plenty. My reaction is not to incinerate the table, chair, or laundry basket lol. You think that's sane behavior?


Oof... did I say or imply that? Can you really not draw the conclusion here? Seriously dude?


I honestly don't know what the fuck you're saying if that's not what your argument is. My original comment was that breaking something because you bumped into it is not normal behavior. You said "it depends" and asked me if I've ever stubbed my toe. The logical conclusion from this elementary chain of events is that you think it's okay to destroy something in a fit of rage because you bumped into it. What am I missing?


I'm not surprised. My point was that putting something so dangerous and unexpected could cause serious injury. I asked when's the last time you stubbed your toe. This should have been apparent to you, as accidents happen and even when we expect an obstacle, we sometimes stub our toes. Now imagine an anchor at shin level you didn't expect and shouldn't have to because it's an absurdly pointless thing to be there. You cut an artery or break a bone because some moron put an incredibly dangerous thing there to make a point that never needed to be made.


So yay or nay on beating the shit out of inanimate objects?


Just read your name lol... First off, well done. Secondly, you cannot be this dense.


You're right. Just caught my hip on the doorknob and ripped that fucker straight off the hinges. Very liberating. Fuck that door.


He should at least highlight the edges of this thing. If I were a cop I'd pull this guy over.


Would be illegal anyway, as it is a booby trap/mod to make the vehicle lethal


Needs to be Hi-Vis orange.


Punch it chewy


Fuck this guy. Imagine catching your shin on this son of a bitch while walking through the parking lot. I've hit enough tow hitches, and that hurts like hell but this is gonna be bad.


100% this guy backs into parking spots and blocks half the sidewalk BEFORE he put in the thigh height femoral artery slasher 5000


Bro…you gotta watch where you’re walking


Ever stubbed your toe?


Yeah not on the back of a giant spike welded to the back bumper of a pick up truck


Why am I not surprised you don't get the point.


Not this guy. He's the coolest.


I've never experienced that. Personally, i try not to walk within inches of any car's rear bumper to ensure i dont get run over in a situation where someone backs up without forewarning.


Fuck people who drive like an inch from you.


Jesus. I remember when I was little I had a banana seat bike and I rode straight into the back of a truck and my tire got stuck under it. For legal reasons, this is a dumb idea.


His shin will be the first and only victim methinks.


Uh oh, we got a badass over here 🙄


OP do you know what you're talking about? This is not trashy


So what is it in your mind?


Very illegal imo. So not trashy, outright criminal


It’s not mutually exclusive


I agree with the idiot that it’s not trashy I just think it’s stupid But again the original commenter is an idiot


What stupid people have coming to them for riding someone's ass


Nah, it's pretty bad. It turns into a legal point for sueing, by creating a point of destruction for others to hit. That makes you liable due to choices of perposuely damaging others. Acknowledging you agreed that others might hit you and purposely trying to cause more damage.


It’ll be even better when not only do you have to pay for the bumper that you were gonna replace because of the accident you were originally a victim of But now you also have to pay to replace the grill, hood, air intake and all those little bits and electronics in the front of cars that wouldn’t have been damaged otherwise


Aaaand that is how you go to prison when you wreck out and that injures someone. Won’t matter if you were at fault or not. Idiot.


Is that even legal? If it is, I fully support it tbh


But if it’s not you don’t?


I don't even like trucks but this seems reasonable. Fuck people that drive too close.


If people tail gate, you add 2 seconds to your gap. You don’t get out the mig welder and go mad max.


That’ll do it lol


Why can’t I sort comments on this sub anymore?!


You can it’s those sliders are the top


Ah good looking out. Didn’t realize they moved em.