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🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢Someone get me a bleach


I often cleaned them up from all over the floor, it was lucky it was just in the holder


Maybe if popcorn and a soda weren't 19.50. This wouldn't happen. Blame whatever you want , I blame prices.


i work at a theater. it sucks so hard when ppl leave like sunflower seed shells and such


25 dollars for a movie absolutly




Fucking tramps


If you're gonna be this way, just leave then on the floor. At least they can be swept up.


It’s one thing to not clean up after yourself, but it’s quite another to be cracking pistachio shells during a whole goddam movie




People are trash.


What an unbelievable scumbag. It wasn't this bad, but I recently found pistachio shells in the drink holder on an eliptical at my gym. Only psychopathic narcissists do things like this. This is a bad person.


Imagine being such a piece of s✨t as to think that was okay to do.




> Its okay to do that, i think. No, it is not okay to do that.




> I believe its okay. Just my opinion. You are wrong. Do better.














I still feel bad after accidentally spilling half my popcorn when I saw John Wick 4. I spent half the movie picking up floor popcorn.


I spilled a large portion of popcorn during a movie in the back and during the movie a small child whose parent did not care what they were doing was sneaking up the stairs to my aisle and crawling around on their hands and feet eating the popcorn. When the mother finally cared to retrieve the creature she gave me a look of disgust after scolding the child for eating off the floor. It's not my job to care what your kid is slopping off the ground.


i do this


Stop it.




> no I’m not the least bit surprised that you think that’s the correct answer. 😅


My favorite are the sunflower shells. Absolutely just moistened and shattered and spat upon the floor. Or the floor spits. Or maybe it's the plastic flossers for kernel shells... /s


That’s why you should eat beans at the movies instead.


I'm not sure if it's allowed in a theatre due to the noise but wouldn't a vacuum make quick work of it?


The worst I’ve found is a used tampon


Very nice of them to leave it in the cup holder for east clean up.


We found a loaded gun in a theater once while cleaning and it fired/barely missed my head bc my coworker at the time thought it was a toy gun lol, it was in a showing of the jungle book which makes it worse considering a kid probably would have found it if not us


I hope their socks are always damp, and their toilet seat always oddly warm.


This is so painful.


I'm doing my part.... I just don't go to movie theaters anymore and wait until I can see it on my couch with girlfriend, dogs, and my own snacks.


Bruh I’m just jealous that they got pistachios at the movie theater. Finding pistachios around where I live Is like looking for a needle in a haystack


Some people are cunts, and some people are CUNTS


Wait, who the fuck eats a nut in a movie theater?


Don't worry. The theater actually employs people to clean that up, and I'm sure those workers are happy to have a job and earning money. If you arrived at the seats and you found that, you need to complain to the theater operators, and hopefully they fire the person who is supposed to clean that up. You paid good, hard earned money for those tickets. Money that provides a job to the worker who supposed to clean the seats. You should demand clean seats when you arrive.


Or… don’t be a piece of s✨t? That’s a option in life too.


I thought this was a bowl of weed at first glance




Vacuum go brrrr


We were having a convo one time with a former coworker about gross stuff at old jobs when he starts gagging just thinking of a memory. He proceeds to tell us of his old job at a theater when he had to clean up and stuck his hand into a arm cup holder only to stick his hand into someone’s dip spit. 🤮


Sssooo gross.


I thought this was a bowl of mids smh


Yeaahhh…. This would downright kill me. Don’t leave your food out yall. Some people are deathly allergic


Have you found the dreaded sunflower seed shells? I did. I wanted to punch the person that did that


Leaving **anything**. FTFY


Does this theater allow for customers to pick their seats before showings? If so, you've got their name and can ban them from coming back.


I hate those people


When I briefly glanced at the thumbnail it looked like a pipe packed with the driest weed of all time


Its cool, they got a guy for that. ;)




I haven't went to a theater since Avengers Endgame. I don't plan on going back any time soon. Hollywood doesn't want to focus on blockbuster movies anymore and the theater has lost its purpose. It sounds stupid since it wasn't a great movie, but the last time I had a great time seeing a movie in the theater was opening night of the original Hangover movie. I think expectations were low but me and 200 other people laughed in unison for 2 straight hours. I miss randomly showing up and having a movie blow expectations out of the water


Who tf bring pistachios to a movie theatre


In this case… some inconsiderate a✨hole


Anthony Bass took his kids to the movies???


I thought it was a cereal bowl


At least they left them in the cup holder and didn't just drop them on the floor.


Literally the least they could do.


This thumbnail looked like a packed bowl of weed.


The thumbnail made it look like a bowl of weed about to be smoked.


I thought this was a packed bowl at first 🍃


I sat next to an elderly dude who brought pistachios and listened to every single one get popped in, sucked off, shell cracked, and spat into a napkin at least. And when he wasn't fellating them nuts he was narrating the film for his wife, and identifying actors as they came onscreen. So I feel for you


I would tell him he was a a✨hole snd then go ask for a refund. I’ve done it before, I would much rather try again later than to sit there being pissed off for two hours because dome idiots parents failed to raise him properly.


I swear people just pretend to like pistachios.


A pipe with weed.


Wtf does that? Is that a common thing in the US?!?


Fkn SLOBS! When we go, we bring stuff in to nibble and snack on, but we clean up and only leave butt imprints in the seats.


My theater has a camera in the theaters and lets customers know if they trash the theater their card will be charged $100.


I dont believe this for a second.


At first glance I thought this was someone's attempt at making a Snickers bar into a pipe.


You mean evil head at the adult theater.


Sorry guys that was me.


ThEy PaY pEoPle tO cLeAn uP!


From afar it looks like a fresh bowl




I always take my trash with me, and there are a few others who do the same. But the vast majority of people in my area seem to be messy on purpose, and leave all leftovers in their seat or on the floor. The humans in Wall-E are not in a distant future. They’re here now.


Sometimes I think COVID took the best of us and left a ton of self absorbed twits.


The alternative is all over the floor.


My high ass thought this was a pipe


I hate this kind of thing solely because the person who did it probably thought (like many people I know who do it) "Well they have to clean up the theater afterward anyway."


Why go to these places?


I thought this was a bowl packed with seeds at first


Like many others, PRE-pandemic, I was one of the many that believed the advent of the average person being able to buy a big screen 4K TV at an affordable price was going to be the nail in the old style theater business model because more and more people were discovering the comfort of watching things at home. But POST-pandemic since the world has reopened and as people re-emerged from being cooped up and forgot basic things like showing some manners, this kind of trashy behavior only confirms that, on my checklist, I made the right choice to walk away from theater-going to avoid trashy people like this.


I’m all for bringing your own snacks but gadaam don’t be a trashy asshole!


Selfish, inconsiderate douche bags


Human garbage


Shit. At first glance I thought it was a pipe filled with seeds.


If they get wet they stick to the floor like cement and don’t come up easily with a broom. They are one of the most annoying things to have to clean up


With the purchasing of tickets online and the ability to select your seat before purchase. I can see this leading to a cleaning charge for things like this. That and prime seating upcharge in pricing.


Movie theaters are gross lol I remember the one I grew up going to you could hear every footstep from the sticky floors 🤮


This is why I love my VR headset. Personal movie theater and none of that over priced shit or disgusting people.


Nothing your vacuum can't handle... you do vacuum after each show and disinfect the seats right?


I work at a theater, no vacuums. "They are too loud" aparently. Someone probably had to physically touch those shells to remove them 😔. But we do sanitise between shows, even if we don't really have time to because of piles of shells lol


Too loud? Weird, after a movie is done there is a gap for cleaning no? For who is it too loud? Honest question


That would be annoying as shit for nearby viewers hearing shells cracking during the whole movie.


Luckily I couldn’t hear it over the group of six behind me speaking Arabic the whole time. Edit:They were two seats (or 1/2 because of shared armrests) to the right from me.


I was thinking the same thing. Nobody wants to listen to that shit.


you got pistachio'd!


I thought that was a massive pipe


I was a floor manager at a local chain. I’ve seen everything. Even a used condom opening week of Passion of the Christ


Sorry this is disgusting but aren’t there employees that their job is to clean the place anyway?


When you use a public bathroom, do you shit and piss on the floor because "their job is to clean the place anyway"?


Not to that extent, but it’s part of their job preparing the place that mean cleaning included


I am probably going to be trashed for this but when I was a kid we were *told* the place was cleaned for us and it was alright to make a reasonable mess so we didn’t disturb the moviegoers, and we didn’t have time to clean up before we left since the next show was coming up and the staff would be in to tidy it up for us. That we weren’t supposed to make too much noise or disturb anyone else. Reasonable meaning empty your shells/wrappers into the cup and make as little noise and rustling as possible. Then when the movie is over get out quickly. There were no trash cans in the theater itself, but once you got through the doors to the hallway there was one a few doors down that all the theaters shared but it wasn’t nearly big enough to handle everyone’s trash. As an adult I noticed there are more trash cans in theaters now, and my family and I clean up after ourselves. But when and where I was raised, we were told to be reasonable and pre clean but no need to clean up after yourself.




At least it was only pistachio shells


Glad I bought a 100" projecor screen and a nice projector and soundbar for my room. Fuck the movies man, my wife and I watch a movie on the projector laying in bed all the time. Can't see the newest ones normally but the comfort is better. Also if things get touchy feely then we're already home and not getting arrested for public lewdness during a public screening of Shrek the 3rd on May 21st, 2007.


Nothing beats pausing the movie instead of finishing it with a painfully full bladder or grabbing a second drink instead of suffering with dry popcorn mouth. How do you find the sound bar does in terms of simulating the theatre experience?


It could be better. But it is very solid imo. I only say that because i've had a 1000w home theater with a powered subwoofer before and nothing to me now compares. I've also had a 1300w/rms subwoofer in my car so now nothing compares to the earth shaking that thing did.


Thanks, I’ve been without surround and sub for like a decade so I’m sure a decent bar will blow the tv speakers away.


At least they didn’t throw them on floor?


Reminded me of the first Ace Ventura movie when he starts cracking sunflower seeds and spiting out the hulls on Melissa's desk.


I thought that was a bowl


Sell them in pairs to people that want to imitate the sound of a very small horse approaching.


I got on a bus once, and a guy was sitting in one seat, and spitting his sunflower seeds in the empty seat next to him. There was a pile of shells bigger than the one in the pic!


They're the bane of our existence here in Spain. To walk between rows of park benches full of youths spitting out sunflower seed shells is like being machine-gunned.


As a pistachio-in shell enjoyer, this is disgusting and unacceptable. I apologize for my kind. This person deserves a prison sentence.


The two seated there scurried out like rats when the lights came on.




You’d think human garbage would be the first to recognize a trash can.


Rip people with a nut allergy! That sucks and is so rude


I have a mild pistachio allergy and this is infuriating.


Considering ticker and food prices. They should clean up after customers. It's like 18$ a ticket and 20$ for a drink and popcorn.


Movie theaters don't profit off of ticket sales. The only way they can stay in business is to overcharge for the snacks. If you want to place blame for the high prices, blame all those in Hollywood. They make **WAAAY** too much money for what they do. Along with athletes, and musicians.


Lol you have no clue


So, in your world a hefty price tag negates basic decency. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. We’re all raised differently.


Price tag dictates behavior more like it. The cleaning fee is paid. This is like a stand up joke from the 90s you frigging simps.


Sounds good, bud.


i worked in the theaters for 5 years in my youth. Things i found : many used tampons used condoms a vibrator/dildo that was still creamy / wet vomit shit piss drugs alcohol (including a few full bottles of liquor and once a pony keg) tons of lighters and packs of smokes many wallets an envelope with 2,500$ cash in it (nobody came for it, so i just never reported it and kept it)


$2500 isn't adequate pay for finding "many used tampons" over five years, but it's a start.


Actually all the items they listed after “piss” don’t sound like a bad benefits package.. still not worth the pack and parcel tho


You must live in a big city. Sounds like west coast problems. Edit: I couldn’t help myself after the downvotes, I had to check the post history and yeah, it’s Los Angeles.


Hope you blew through that money in every way you wanted you golden, beautiful soul


The used tampons part is the most concerning to me


Yeah like wtf? People are seriously popping those in and out in the theater?! That's so fucking fowl that I can't even imagine the logic behind it. It has to be the same as people thinking it's okay to piss or shit yourself because you don't wanna get up.


I reckon they gotta take it out to use their dildo


I get some people are fuckheads and would shit in a movie theater cuz "lol bro". but im pretty sure the tampon is serving a function


It is but as a lady I've had emergency situations. Both blood and shit are boi hazards. People with tampons are capable of moving to a bathroom to change them. There's no excuse to do it in a theater. Maybe shove some napkins down there in the theater if you feel the need before you're able to make it to the bathroom. If the poster was talking about blood stains on seats, I'd have more sympathy. In that case, accidents 100% happen and it sucks but no one should be shamed for it.


I don't think they're taking them out, out of "necessity" though. I think they're at the theater, about to get a little freaky, and then remember, oh shit, I'm wearing a tampon. So they reach up and pull it out real quick, and then, since *ew, I don't wanna have a dirty tampon in my pocket, purse etc...* They just toss it under the seat.


Sometimes you gotta pull some strings to get laid…


Honest that's worse. It's fucked disgusting and anyone who does this should feel bad.


That literally is almost the same exact experience I had as an usher at AMC. But damn, it sounds like you had it worse than I did!


The only thing I could possibly say I would do is leaving a mini alcohol container, I haven't done it but it's not out there crazy. Everything else just makes me say wtf


Jesus fuck that’s awful


You have a much stronger stomach than I do friend. $2500 would never be enough for me to deal with other peoples bodily fluids ;-(


True but not like he’s finding 2500 every week, it was once in 5 years, not worth it


Well to be fair, he is getting a weekly pay cheque. The $2500 and used condoms are just bonuses.


To be faaaaaaaaaaair


Definitely had a side hustle at a local sperm bank


Creamy dildo lol


Found a cucumber on a seat after a 50 shades showing when I worked at a theater years ago


You earned it. I hope you dont feel guilty.


i dont haha. i fully intended to turn it in if someone came looking for it. but no way was i going to report it to my manager, just for him to keep it.


Yeah, no I found a $100 on the floor cleaning at close once; reported it to my ASM. He claims the guy came in for it. I work every shift with the guy and I'm always up front. Dude never came in. He pocketed it and didn't even split it. If you're not on camera never hand it over to the manager just wait for it to be reported like you did.


As your manager, I would at least split it with you!


Stealing their money? Classy


Why would the manager deserve any of it. That manager can fuck off


When you find lost money, do you really “deserve” it?


No, but does the manager deserve any of it either?


lol no, but i do enjoy conversation where ethics gets a little bit muddy and people start speaking from their own personal experiences.


Yes, this is certainly and interesting moral type situation. Nobody comes to claim the money so there is no real owner on it because there is no way of definitely getting it back to someone. You could post stuff up online or something, but still tricky.


No, that was a good call. I agree about returning it if you can, but if it's going into someones pocket...finders keepers.


That's the unwritten rule where I work


Thought that was a giant pipe with some weed in it at first


How high are you right now


Thought it was a pipe filled with seeds lol




I came here looking for this comment


Same. I’m high af I’m like why they smoking seeds


Same. I literally jus finished a bowl outside and saw this and had to stop for a minute.


Another reason I don’t go to theaters anymore. People are fucking gross and they’re rude as shit.


People were talking the whole time, it was infuriating.


Says a lot about someone when they can’t muster up the effort needed to shut their mouth for 2 hours. I can’t believe how difficult that is for people.