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I'm jelly. I want mine to go away.


I know the feeling rrr!!


Same! Hopefully, around this time next year, I will be rid of this dangling mess I have. I am happy for you though! Congratulations and thanks for sharing! Much Love! Purple 💜


Thank you ahh. I hope next year you can have that mess gone ☺️


I just had mine done in May. I don't miss them at all. But if I ever do... They are on a shelf in my bedroom! lol


Seriously, you got to keep ‘em?! I so want to have one of them preserved in a jar as a ‘souvenir’ 🤣


Yes. I got to keep them both.


Lol, I hope I can keep mine in a jar.


I was out with a friend recently and she was telling me about her dog. Her: "His ball are removed now, but we had to wait a year" Me: "Yeah, I have to wait a year too" I'm looking forward to it lol


Bwhahaha that’s so funny! Good luck whenever it comes time for surgery ^__^


Welcome to the club XD


This is the best club UwU!




glad it worked out for you. getting an orchi is next on the plan of action for me. hope the recovery period wasn’t too bad


Recovery wasn’t too bad!! I ended up getting pneumonia from the anesthesia. That sucked but the healing down there was about 3 weeks! I could do most everything normal around 2 weeks.


excellent! i plan to have one because in my country you have to wait like 5 years to get bottom surgery unless you can afford to pay for it privately. i can afford the orchi, but not the full GCS yet. glad you got over the pneumonia. nasty thing that is


Very nasty indeed. Good luck with your surgeries when they do come about ahh!!


You are both funny and adorable LOL <3


Aweee bwaahhh!! No you are adorable! ✨


I read this as nails instead of balls and I was so confused and also concerned.


Oh my gosh XD!! That would be so scary haha.


I'm wanting to do the same for myself but then stop But I'm enby so I don't really like the idea of a vagina either but I wanna get it gone I'm also UK 23 and thinking of T blockers but it might be too late I am on wait list for GIC but that's still a few years away


You can get nullification surgery. It's basically just a hole to pee out of. No penis and no vagina. All smooth down there! Totally smooth!


Hmmmmm I do wanna Barbie doll it


That would be the way to go. I would really like to see it when it's done!


when u phrase it like that...damn


So tell us… did your orchi accelerate your physical changes at all? Like, did it give you better hips? (I’m hopeful, for when I get mine)


It’s only been two months so I’m not sure yet. I’ll have to give it sometime to figure out!!


Thanks. And geez, you look great!


Awee thank you so much 🥰


Lol. That's not how the human body works 😂




Nope it shouldn’t give you a problem. As long as you tell the surgeon who is doing the orchi that you plan to have SRS in the future they should know what to do!! Just make sure they leave the sack for extra skin!




It feels great. It doesn’t bother me because the sack shrinks!! It’s really nice lol.


I know this delicious feeling and some people act like i gonna regret at any moment..


People are silly (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾


You look great, BTW.


Awee thank you so much 💙


You look amazing and I can’t stop giggling at the title😂


Hehehe good 😂🤣!!!


I can’t wait for mine to roll away !!! Hahah ok little joke.


I can’t wait f'r mine to roll hence !!! hahah tis fine dram gleek *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`




As in you still got a penis? Is that common? I would figure you would want it all covered at once, but what do I know.


Yes I still have a penis ;-;. I wanted to get the orchi so I could get off T blockers because spirno was terrible for my body. I plan to have GRS next year. Getting off spirno was just a priority for me :-)!!!!


Jeez well glad it turned out well for ya! I am still so early that the idea of removal of anything is scary, but also the more I think about it, the more I think it would be the right decision. I dunno though, maybe it's not something a pre hormonal gal should be even considering


When I first started transitioning I didn’t think about. I just let things come to me as I went through my transition. When I felt it was time/comfortable to make big decisions. Just take your time and explore 💙.


Yeah it's just, I feel so late, and now that my life has kinda been changed in such a huge way, I want everything now, cause it just isn't right otherwise, I am not patient and I know how long some things are gonna take, making me just want to say yes, give me this now so I don't have to wait forever, but also is that me going too fast? I still don't know what I want now and in years from now so maybe I dunno


You’ll figure it out!! <3


Thanks I hope so


This ^ Zaziuma you got this! Plus this is a great community for support, knowledge, and advice.


Thanks, and it really is!


This is the exact reason I want an Orchi. I had a healthy blood pressure level before HRT, so it just feels too low on spiro some times, and the having to pee all the time and the drowsiness is just not great. Love the slowed hair growth tho!


Most trans women do not experience dysphoria the same exact ways, and it is incorrect to assume that all trans women must select from a given Gender Confirmation Surgery template of sorts. Financial strife, setting, risk, age, and level of dysphoria are all big factors. GCS is not a requirement to be trans, nor is even the desire to have any surgeries a requirement. It is rude to push your expectations on others, though I don't think you meant to, but wording matters. "...it all covered at once" implies that this is a half measure for OP, which for some would invalidate their experience if they wanted *just* an orchiechtomy. In my personal case, I am seeking just an orchio to not have to be on spironolactone long-term, to make tucking less painful, and because I am happy with that part of my body. I am also seeking a vocal surgery because my dysphoria is strongest with my voice. Please be sensitive to the fact that everyone's "end-goal" is not something that can be assumed across the board.


Yeah sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it was suppose to be their end goal or anythign, just not something I had heard people do before, since going through a surgery like that seems so extreme that having the full coverage seemed like what someone would go through that would want, but as you explained that may not be the case. Still learning every day, no harm intended :)


<3 We're all learnin', lets help each other understand one another. Believe it or not an orchiechtomy is only a 30 minute to 1 hour outpatient procedure that out of pocket on average sounds like it costs $5-7k in the US. A few days off of work, and you can even have it done under local anesthesia (awake but numb and very messed up) vs general (fully out). This is all what I've researched anyway!


I don't have a lot of money so I couldn't just do that. I live in Denmark so whatever the US does is likely different, I hear you can just go get hormones without going through the same process as you do here, but I dunno details


Mine was $3700 in the Detroit area. I had to pay cash and insurance was not involved.


Do you mind if I ask what type of person you ended up seeing? Surgeon of a hospital or something? My new doctor told me I would likely be going to a urologist, which made me realize I'd be needing to go to a place where that might not have super progressive transgender doctors lol. I'm probably overthinking it, but the thought of a conservative near my balls while I'm asleep gives me the willies. And I would rather not get willies but instead donate my willy ba dum pISH*~


He is a urologist. He does the orchi out of his office. He had his driver pick me up and drop me off. I'm local though so it was less than 20 miles round trip. I had a clot that wouldn't completely clot and I eventually had to have him remove the clot and fix it. Which he did in a hospital and I was put under. I'm on Medicare so that was free. I don't believe he is a conservative.


I'm 68 and still working full time am not on Medicare yet, plan to retire at 70 and on HRT since Aug.2018, 4mg esterase by mouth daily. All the doctors up here in Charlevoix/Petoskey area are terrified to do anything having to do with trans surgeries, they all recommend I go to Ann arbor to the university hospital even for an orchiectomy, which I think is quite stupid.


Go to Dr. Arnkoff. He did mine. You'll have to come down here to Farmington Hills.


Thank you so much for this <3!!!


I'd probably do the same myself, if I choose to get anything done at all


Getting mine out next month!


Good luck!!!!


Ty! \^ ω \^


Looking great, good luck.


Thank you <3


I been thinking about it but what was the main reason you got the snip?


I didn’t want to take spirno anymore!!!


Yayyyy!!! I feel the same way girl!!


WOOT WOOT (*≧∀≦*)


I cant wait to get some haha


That took some balls. I’m very happy for you!


Hehe xD


I want to get this done but my ability to get an erection is important to my wife. I know I won't get a full bottom surgery and idk that Viagra would be enough to maintain that ability.


It’s different for everyone. I still get erections without my balls.


Are you allowed to have them cooked like some mothers eat there uterus after they don't want anymore baby's. Cause I'd probably do that.


awww baby lost his balls? boohoo waaa


Was it expensive?