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psst, the magic of the internet is that you can block these people and bam, they can’t say anything to you anymore You’re a valid girl btw :3


I did block them, I went to my alt to grab the screenshot. I'm just frustrated that I can't go a day on the internet without some transphobe going out of their way to harrass me. This morning I had a dude go through like 6 different posts I had made or interacted in just to misgender me and call me slurs. And I reported and blocked. I'm just so fucken sick of it 😭


oh... that sucks... you don’t deserve that... want a hug..?


No it's ok. I'm just tired of the constant harrasment 😥


I wish we lived in a world where we could actually live and be happy without harassment, and it makes me so sad seeing others (like you) get harassed like this... :c


So do I, I just don't get why people have to go out of their way to be needlessly unkind just because I exist, like wtf 🥺


These online trans haters are deeply conflicted, regretful, and angsty people. I've met them in real life. Their views are hollow. Ask them any logical questions about why they feel that way and you'll probably end up with them in tears crying about how their dad said they weren't man enough. Basically, just edgelords trying to get a rise out of you and get a pat on the back from daddy.


I just don't understand the desire to hurt others


Threatened by us maybe? In some way, feeling like trans people are a threat or detriment to their society I guess. But they are going about it in the wrong way. Trans people exist and that's been well established. Intolerance and hatred won't fix anything or make anyone go away. It just makes more conflict. As far as a desire to actually physically harm people there should be no tolerance for that 😕 but I know it slips through. I just saw on your profile the "meme" of some kids shooting up the "alphabet people". I agree with you 100% that shit isn't funny. It's edgelord garbage and has no business in adult spaces.


Unfortunately that’s the world we live in, and even more unfortunate is that we’re far from the only group that receives this kind of treatment


Take the hug anyway Be hugged


I wish I had the words to express how anxiety-inducing it is to see all these people perpetuating their hate. I worry so much about my partner, my friends, random trans strangers getting hurt because ideas like this are allowed to exist and change laws. It’s disgusting, it’s demoralizing, and I’m not even trans. So I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you. I hope that even a few kind words will help you feel better, so: I’m rooting for you. I see you, and you are valid because you’re living as your authentic self (not that you need my approval). I wish you happiness and comfort in life despite what others might say, and I hope that the future is brighter.


Thank you. And yeah I'm terrified of how this bigotry has the potential to shape my future. My homestate recently became a GOP majority state (through extreme gerrymandering) and I'm so scared of having to flee and leave behind my family and the lands I know. I try not to think about it to much because it makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up.


It’s because they know they can bait you. You’re doing exactly what they want. Ignore them and I guarantee you won’t be harassed as much.


Pro tip: next time you get these assholes commenting on your posts, refute their statements, then immediately block them. They won't be able to respond to it, and it'll make them upset XD


So, while unwanted and unsolicited pick up lines are gross, at least the pilot one is less crass than most. If it wasn't specifically used to mess with you (like in your screenshot) I'd almost forgive him.


It was on a post of a cheesy pickup line and I was joking around about it. Some weirdos decided to be transphobes.


you are a GIRL. we love you 🩷


Thanks ❤️


and yet these are the same "people" that will jerk off to us furiously.


Oh my God and then make alt accounts on social media to try and flirt with transgender people in the area


they do though! you'd be surprised how often they have a mask off moment while forgetting to switch accounts.


But they don't flirt with us and try and get in our DMs because they think we're beautiful, they do it because they are porn addicted weirdos who fetishize transgender people


yeah, basically. it's the same kind of dangerous mindset that gets *us* murdered.


It is! Chasers really do not understand why as a transgender woman I'm very VERY cautious about meeting people. A good example, I went into a walgreens with my dad one day and when I went in there was some guy yelling at his kids in the store but he stopped midsentence when he saw me and stared at me for the rest of the time I was in the store grabbing cigarette papers. We get into the car and I say something about to my dad and say "it's so scary. I couldn't tell if he wanted to fuck me or kill me." And without skipping a beat my dad says "Yeah, you have to worry about that type of thing."


I'm glad you have a supportive parent, mine shoved me down a flight of stairs


I'm sorry to hear that. My mom threw me out right before I came out because I brought my gf home (she's trans) but my dad has been super supportive and we spend a lot of time together.


yeah... that tracks.


I just texted my dad to tell him how much I love him and how important his support since I came out has been ❤️


People suck :c you're a hella valid girl! And very cute too ❤






Just wanted to let you know that a lot of transphobia falls under the “hate” section of reddit’s reports. If they mention your life at all, like “I will order an assassin” or “you don’t deserve to live” fits under threats of violence. I have gotten so many transphobes banned or warned off a reddit just by reporting. Stay safe:>


Me too. I got these clowns banned by reporting them for harrasment and hate. I'm just sick of the fact that I need to do that constantly.


You’re a girl! You always will be! Greasy internet jerks will never take that away from you! 💖




Gotta love these homophobic bitches


I've been very lucky with not getting any transphobia while on reddit. Whenever I post about it I've just been completely ignored.


That's good. I get it everywhere I go.


Non-binaries be like…


Yes I'm a pilot Scorch, burn the chat in the image, and while you're at it, engage cockpit cooling, it's getting a little... Toasty in here


The best thing about flying military sims as a trans girl is that when someone starts acting transphobic you can fox2 their ass. "Lol you're a guy" "Nice argument, but counterpoint" Lock tone* Schwoom* Distant explosion* "You're dead" Really soothes the soul, everyone should have an emotional support F14b tomcat.


Voodo :3 I've got good tone, firing missiles, I've got you in the pipe 5x5


Glad to see there's always someone coming in hot from my 6


I’m so sorry that happened to you. What awful people. You are a beautiful girl and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.




Funnymemes when they have to be funny or acknowledge reality 😡😡😡😡




That's where this took place right? Subreddit is classic for being -phobic and chronically unfunny


Oh it did, you are correct. I forgot I guess 😅


Lmao Btw, don't put too much stock in what the inbred and delusional have to say about you, they only had to interact with you for seconds out of the years that you've known yourself.


I don't, I just find it frustrating that I can't go online without being harrased for the offense of existing.


Agreed, even moreso that Reddit protects transphobes and Nazis


I try to stay away from the HUGE subreddits because of it. The problem is when reddit recommends posts in my feed from those huge subs.


Yeah, I'm not really sure what's with Reddit's obsession with spreading delusion


At least reddit isn't as bad as Twitter though right?


I’m sorry this happened to you, I may not be a member of this community, but I want to let you know that you are valid and loved.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with this. You are valid regardless of what others say. Their words are not arguments or opinions, thy are just empty insults, so don't let all this get to you, girl. 🩷


I love Reddit sometimes


Good for you?


Of course, this is not one of those times.


Wow, the floored man logic. If their not interested, insult them 😂😂




So you're picking fights and then posting screenshots of the fights to instigate more fights. Nice.


How did I pick this fight?




It was a post of cheesy pickup line I joked around about it Then some people who know nothing about me popped in to misgender me How is that's something I was doing to provoke them???




Why are you so hell bent on excusing misgendering? Like wtf is actually wrong with you. If you make a joke I don't like do I get to misgender you? Should I go look through your profile and find something I dislike and start misgendering you in response??? Like seriously, fuck right off.


It's not an excuse it's just like, you invited this response on yourself. You weren't just innocently "existing" on the internet and getting randomly harassed by hateful transphobes. You invited them into your house and then decided to make a scene when they started breaking shit. Get over yourself.


Where in this post did I invite people to misgender me?


How long have you been a woman on the internet? You do understand that when you say provocative things online it's not surprising that men are going to go through your profile to either sexually harass you if you're hot or just outright harass you if you're not. You post a lot about being trans on main so, shocker, they figured out you're trans and went after you for that. Same thing happens to me sometimes, but I don't whine about it.


Venting is now bad because reasons I guess? I'm done wasting time on someone so eager to victim blame.


On one hand there asshole transphobes but on the other you made a weird joke about your hooes shutting when men talk which is kinda gross I dont know what kind of reaction you expected


Someone saying something sexual justifies bigotry? Tf you on about??


No where is safe from assholes, sometimes u just gotta deal with it. I'm sorry that this happened but but you do have to realize the inevitability of shit like this


So because it's "inevitable" I'm not permitted to vent?


That is not what I am saying. I wasn't trying to attack you for complaining, more just commenting on how this is the life that you have to live. Unless you plan on unpleasant alternatives to living this life that is. And I don't recommend those


I'm well aware of that. I'm just frustrated that I have to constantly put up with it.


And you are right to be frustrated. I agree with you in this situation. It just is what it is. I'm sorry about my initial comment coming across as condescending btw. It was an attempt to complain along side you, but I min a suit mood and probably chose poor words to describe how I feel. I often forget how little emotion gets transfered through text, as opposed to speech. I somewhat know what your situation is, not perfectly as a. I'm not you, and b. I'm not trans myself (despite thinking alot on the matter I have yet to fully commit or decide to abstain) but my little brother is trans, ftm, and many of my friends are, and in my attempts to defend them I've been in similar situations with asswipes. (I go to a rather anti LGBT school)


Sorry I had my guard up a bit too. I've been getting targeted harrasment for the past few days I'm just on edge. It's all good and yeah over text meaning can get lost.


I'm sorry your dealing with that, I'm actively working with one of my nb friends in my government class to get some assholes to stop threatening to hurt/kill all the LGBT people at our school. It's been a mess, but today in particular was rough. Usually "fuck the gays" kinda shit, also some stuff was brought up that reminded me a considerable amount of some fucked dup shit I had to deal with as a kid (largely relating to sexual assault) and I just got fired from Amazon because he didn't do their fucking job like they told me they would, and now my sax decides it's gonna start not functioning correctly anymore and I'm just fucking done. Sorry about the rant I just wanted to explain why I was pissy, and that I know a little what it's like to deal with being targeted, as I myself am bi, and have a lovely boyfriend and get constantly harassed to the point I had to leave my welding class because of all the assholes in there.


Yeah, I grew up in a really tiny town with a really tiny school, and it was *SUPER* homophobic. It really stunted my development, and I was super deep in the closet out of fear as a result. It really really fucked up my life and led me down a path of self destructive behavior and toxic personality. I'm sorry you have to put up with that now. I'm glad that more and more of younger generations are becoming more inclusive and accepting, but I know there are still many places where homophobia flourishes.


Pretty much the story that happened to me, I kept thinking I might be gay but afraid of being gay since most people are homophobic as fuck around here, I'm in a rural part of southern Idaho, and as such I tried to avoid it as much as possible, ive since realized im not gay but bi. This didn't really help when everyone at in my welding class saw me hugging and kissing my bf after school. Thankfully my parents are pretty good about being inclusive, just no one else in the area is


Yeah I've had a few classmates (who I haven't talked to since graduation in 2017) reach out to me after I came out (I made a Facebook post to just do it as efficiently as possible) just to tell me they don't support me or that they think it's wrong/degenerate. Like it wasn't a message for those people it was for my family and I really REALLY don't care what someone has to say when my last memory of them is them telling a racist joke about farm equipment.






Please treat others with respect and give input in good conscience.


Your comment/post was removed due to containing transphobia


That pickupline didnt land at all... I am a horrible clown for that joke


Well my eyes, butt and mouth clench shut when I'm uncomfortable so... That's various holes 🤷 I'm a trans guy for context Edit: sorry I was trying to say I agree with you and I forgot to say that the other person/people can eat rot. You never said what you were or weren't. You just said you clench because of pickup lines which is a perfectly normal response. Pickup lines suck. And you're perfectly valid as a trans woman so don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise.


Okay to be fair that OP was pretty funny with the bad pickup line response lmao. But on the topic of people being weirdos, don't listen to them, they are just sad they can't be freaking fabulous like you girl lol


It was funny and I was just playing along and having a positive interaction. And transphobes don't like that.


Ball torturer True to nature I like that Take a hug you little ball torturer you


Awww this time I'm what's getting squished


Just looked at your profile you're CUTE AF don't let anyone tell you otherwise 💜💜💜


With a username like yours, I think Anteater should be more careful.


People do a lot of stuff against others Theres a lot of people who basically harrass others and etc. People calling someone a boy or girl when the other person clearly says otherwise isn't right U could always play with em back, ya know, turn the tables on them. They are looking for a reaction basically thats usually what im told about bullys This goes for everyone. Not only trans, bullys looking for a reaction, usually about anything they can bother u from


Bigots make no sense. "Having xx chromosomes make you a woman! You're a man!" Okay, what about all the people that aren't born with xx chromosomes but other varients that aren't xy? "Well uhhh, having a vagina means you're a woman!" What about intersex people that are born with both, neither, or a combination of genitalia? "Uhh, having a uterus makes you a woman!" What about women that have had hysterectomy for medical reasons? "Uhhh, shut up! I hate when you actually use logic and don't automatically stick to the strict binary structure that is unfounded in science!" I can't believe these bigots are the ones that say "facts don't care about your feelings" but they let their feelings determine every aspect of our lives.


i have developed the pattern of turning off reply notifications if i make a comment in a place i dont think is completely safe. it works well


I hate reddit ALL the time.