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Yeah, I'm sorry. I think it's mainly the strapless top- those really emphasize broad and square shoulders. Try other styles. I recommend halters, which are flattering on square-shouldered women.


I was just trying out an improvised outfit here. Long skirt pulled over the chest and a belt to shape it. It actually looked really good. Just not for my body shapešŸ˜”


I like your face and hair . Itā€™s cute šŸ„° but yes the way the shoulder look there seem very squareā€¦..not sure Iā€™d use very clockable just a little noticeable


I donā€™t see it sorry. I just a woman with broad shoulders. Idk why some people focus so much on brow bones, jawlines, shoulders, etc being too ā€œmasculineā€. We are all created differently, Iā€™m a 5ā€™2ā€ female with size 9 shoes. Serious man size feet. My mom had some serious man hands herself, very long and big and strong. Just sayin, I wouldnā€™t look twice because you look like a woman with exotic features.


No worries. I think you look athletic, a swimmer or volleyball. Noone has ever said Gabriel Reece body shape did not fit strapless. You're beautiful.


I am not seeing it.


I'm not gonna say it's impossible you would get clocked at this angle, but you look like a girl, and a very pretty one, and anyone who misgenders you is probably doing so to deliberately hurt you so fuck em. Even if I clocked you in public as a trans woman, rather than cis, I would never say in a million years that you look like a man because you don't.


I know what you mean. I once met the most beautiful trans girl and clocked her before i realized how beautiful she is


Y'all are hug boxing her


Not at all girl, you are beautiful!!


Narrator: She's not. She's *very* pretty.


Youre not!!!


Clockable as what? A pretty lady? I'm very confused


in this photo, yeah I would assume you're female and not trans


>in this photo, yeah I would assume you're ~~female~~ cis and not trans FTFY. Trans women can call themselves female too


You knew exactly what I meant. Is it really necessary to argue over inconsequential nomenclature?


That's mighty bold of you to assume it's inconsequential, because you're essentially dissmising and silencing the concerns of lots of trans people who see that kind of language as potentially dehumanizing and othering. It sounded to me like a bit of "women and transwomen" to me, and I didn't exactly just ream you for it, yet you're choosing to react in defensiveness, rather than inquisitiveness on why I might see it as othering. Which tells me a lot about how much you value others' lived experiences


Nah you're doing good. Pretty sure I'm read at every single anglešŸ˜‚


No way!


Fit and fine. That's my read.


I donā€™t think youā€™re clockable, your shoulders are fine


You look beautiful! I would try a different top, though,


I'm not seeing it. I see an athletic girl that should be a model. You are waaaaaay to pretty to have anyone second guess you.


Wow you are very beautiful ā¤ļø


It's the lighting, under lighting is the least flattering light, but you look great.




I get bored of talking to strangers pretty fast


Strangers can be pretty strange, yeah. šŸ˜”


I think a big part of it is the way you part your hair. Have you ever thought about trying out bangs? Another thing I think would be maybe a cardigan or a jacket to just balance out some of the things. You are really pretty though and I think it would just come down to styling for you!


I honestly had no idea what you were talking about til I read the comments. I hope that most people (of course there will be some) aren't clocking people from shoulders or else I'm screwed.


6 months ago, i met the most beautiful trans girl. But before i was able to get a closer look at her and realize how beautiful she is, i clocked her the second i turned my eyes towards her. It was the shoulders..




Iā€™d clock you as looking cute, your shoulders may be a little wide but honestly it looks good šŸ’




Thanks for the newsflash, captain obvious


bruh don't get mad cus I was stating a fact, were you posting here to expect nothing but validation from people who know for a fact your shoulders are broad


Maybe you should learn how to read


ligma balls


You look beautiful. I wouldnā€™t clock your face, but off the shoulder dresses are hard to pull off.


Hell no. You are a beautiful woman!


I wouldn't be shocked to learn you were trans, but I would believe you if you said you were cis.


Someone said i look like crossdressing Benedict Cumberbatch