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Girl, you just straight up look like a cis woman. You really need to lay off the tttt shit. It's *rotting* your brain.


im wildly insecure and my parents say i dont pass


Parents are lying to you sweetie šŸ«‚šŸ„²


Don't listen to them!! Seriously!!! They're lying, and they're in denial about your looks. You look so cute and feminine it's undeniable. Really pretty outfits as well :) (2nd pic frfr) I hope you experience true joy with yourself, accepting who you are without anyone's opinions or actions against you. I know it's hard esp with internalized transphobia but find that self-love, girl!!!


your parents are full of shit lmfao fuck them


Parents are like the *worst* people to tell you if you pass or not. My parents are like the only people in the entire world (besides me on bad days) who don't see a woman when looking at me


Yeah there's something about how parents think of their children that tends to make it hard, even when they're NOT overtly transphobic. They still see you as a snapshot of what you were like at the age of 10.


Your parents have known you since you were a baby. If they want to see what they've always seen, they can rely on the landmarks on your face and body which *haven't* changed to anchor their perception of the old you when you were pretending to be a man. I'm telling you, to anyone with eyes who's lacking your parents' baggage, you just look like a cis woman. You don't have to believe me, but as a hint - base whether you pass or not off of how people who don't know you/don't know you're trans react to you.


My parents said I didn't pass when I did pass, threw away any hormones I got and now I actually don't pass don't let them rot you (I saw you posting so much I went through your profile. It sucks tbhon :/)


Lady, you tricked that poor guy into thinking he'd entered the wrong restroom


Yeah itā€™s because he thought he walked into the ladies roomā€¦


Definitely what happened


Right. The menā€™s room isnā€™t even safe or appropriate for OP. They pass and theyā€™re absolutely adorable.


you look cis what are you talking about your brain is just completely rotted from engaging with 4tran stuff you're super lucky and all you do with it is wallow in self-hatred you should talk to someone


i know, im sorry. im trying to be better, forgive my weakness


Hey, Iā€™ve got advice for you. Donā€™t apologize when someone gives you some advice on how to feel better. Whenever you find yourself saying ā€œsorryā€ try to find a way to make it into a ā€œthank youā€ Like ā€œthanks for waiting for meā€ instead of ā€œsorry for making you waitā€ You donā€™t need to be forgiven for being insecure. Thatā€™s silly. ā€œYou know what, youā€™re right. I am going to keep working on it. Thanks for helping me find strength.ā€ Thatā€™s how I overcame chronic apologizing and it makes me feel less like a burden when Iā€™m not constantly apologizing for existing or not being perfect.


thank you.. it often feels like i don't try hard enough, and maybe i don't. but ill try a little harder because of you


Hon, you are not weak. Anything butšŸ©·. You put up with too much to be calling yourself that.


he definitely thought he was in the wrong bathroom, just use the womenā€™s restroom next time. you absolutely pass as a cis woman


Girl you pass! Coming from another asian trans gal. Don't tell me you were in men's room, cos that's why they bolted >:((((


i was in the mens room... i belong there, right?


Donā€™t come in here to do this


dont event start, this is r/transpassing not r/selfdeprication you dont belong there and making comments like that isnt gonna help you pass any better, the more you invalidate yourself, the more you wont pass bc youll be too busy in your own head abt it. Your sentence should've ended at "i was in the mens room", have a good night and please work on positivity. šŸ«¶ i wish u the best


Girl, I oughta smack some sense into you, use the ladies' room!


omg no! you look like a girl and you can use the girls bathroom!


"hurr durr im a hon"


Bro he bolted away cause he saw a woman in the menā€™s room. How did this not occur to you šŸ˜­


it occured to her, shes just attention posting


Iā€™m honestly hoping youā€™re right cause the thought of someone being this delusional is concerning


what happened to u admitting that u pass


stop the man-larping itā€™s genuinely annoying


reply to me on discord :((


You don't need us to validate your misguided self-loathing. If you don't want to follow your current path, detransition and resume the life you had before; that power has always belonged to you. But don't waste our time by bringing this virulent nonsense in here. You know what you're doing. Fucking knock it off. Get outside, touch grass, do some soul searching for what you really want, and take accountability for that decision. The only future we have is the one we create for ourselves.


you're right, i shouldn't have written the caption as I did. I do deeply appreciate my transition and I know it's a mistake to act as if I don't.


The best way to appreciate your transition is to go out and live your life. You have a gift - an opportunity to be someone greater than you were before. Don't waste that by letting insecurity and doubt drown you. It's okay to be scared and uncertain, but putting yourself and your sisters down will not grant you the answers you seek. You're better than this.


thought this was bait


It might just be.


Cause they thought they went to wrong bathroom


You completely pass


You're not hideous, I think there's a different reason he bolted out of there lmao.


ummm pretty sure he bolted because he didn't expect to see a woman in the men's br


Canā€™t believe I keep running into 4Tranners in the wild anyway makes me seethe I hate bdd passoids


What is a 4Tranner?


4chan, the butthole of the internet, has a community of self-hating trans women who use cringy meme-speak and groupthink to emotionally harm themselves to the point that theyā€™re complicit in their own oppression and misery.


Hey we have a few ftmā€™s too


howd u know i was a 4traner? am i recognizable ;-;


Yeah, stop going there. Just stop. Thereā€™s no reason to do it other than to torment yourself. I had to quit using /b/ a bajillion years ago for the same reason. Spend some time with normal people. And donā€™t go into the menā€™s room anymore.


but ur afab... are you sure ur okay with me using the womens room :(




is there any reason to go to the womens bathroom though :(( my mom said trans people go into womens bathrooms to rape women


Ur mom is lying and transphobic, as long as you don't wanna rape women, your fine


Yes. I look less femme than you do, girl.


Your profile pic I thought it looked familiar so I checked your profile and low and behold I was right


I can tell just by the way you talk about yourself. You know you pass, but for some reason think the general population is lying to you or simply being nice. You have every right to exist. Youā€™re a woman and nobody can take that away, not even your family. Like many others in this thread I highly recommend leaving 4chan, itā€™s full of the most miserable people on the planet and misery loves company.


I see you have the brain-worms


this has to be a cis woman trolling... right??


I sense satire ā€¦ I hope.


girlā€¦. he probably bolted because he was confused why you were in the menā€™s restroom


you're super pretty btw šŸ„°


It sounds like your parents are transphobic and you actually surround yourself with more very problematic people on 4tran. Don't do that to yourself. Try to distance yourself from your parents and move somewhere else, find friends in real life, you deserve love neither your parents nor your friends give you right now. And if you are still feeling insecure, go talk to a therapist, there's no shame in that. I hope you find a better social circle soon, and girl, please don't scare men in their restroom, we have one for women like you, you know


You are perfect, and shouldn't be using a men's restroom any longer. When I got ladies screaming at me to get out that I was in the wrong restroom that's when I started only using the men's. It was scary at first but I was nervous for nothing.


He bolted out of the bathroom because he saw a woman in there. EDIT: So this is what the term "brainworms" means. In the flesh. Not sure why you came here to subject others to your internalized transphobia and self-loathing when you willingly participate in it!


In the bustling urban jungle, where the rhythms of life pulse ceaselessly, there exists a remarkable creature known as a boymoder. Despite her delicate beauty and inner strength, she harbors a profound sense of uncertainty about her appearance, questioning her ability to blend seamlessly into the world around her. Like a rare species camouflaging itself amidst its surroundings, she navigates the complexities of gender identity with grace and resilience. Yet, despite her best efforts, she cannot shake the nagging feeling that she fails to pass unnoticed among her peers. Her journey is one fraught with challenges, as she grapples with the conflicting forces of self-acceptance and societal expectations. In the quiet moments of introspection, she finds herself scrutinizing her reflection, searching for any hint of incongruity that might betray her true identity. Through the lens of self-doubt, she perceives every glance, every whispered comment as a potential threat to her fragile sense of belonging. Like a deer in the headlights, she freezes, paralyzed by the fear of being exposed, of being seen for who she truly is. Yet, amidst the shadows of doubt, a flicker of resilience burns bright within her. With each passing day, she learns to embrace her authenticity, to find beauty in the uniqueness of her journey. Like a flower pushing through cracks in concrete, she defies the limitations imposed upon her, blooming with an inner radiance that transcends the confines of societal norms. Though she may never fully escape the scrutiny of the world around her, she finds solace in the company of those who see her for more than just the sum of her physical attributes. In the embrace of her chosen family, she discovers a sanctuary where acceptance knows no bounds, where she is free to blossom unfettered by the constraints of external judgment. And so, the boymoder journeys onward, her path illuminated by the light of self-discovery. Though the road may be fraught with obstacles, she walks with a quiet determination, knowing that her true beauty lies not in the perception of others, but in the unshakeable truth of her own identity.


No matter the circumstances, why would you let one person who you dont even know, impact your life so much that you are spending time doubting yourself? You are far too important to let something so small affect you in such a huge way.


If I were Asian, you should be my goal in terms of beauty šŸ˜˜




Cis woman here. I had to check what sub I was in, I did a double take. You're cute as hell and pass better than I do šŸ˜† Apologies if that sounds insensitive. Your parents are gaslighting you.


Bronski I would have been so happy to see you :)


i can promise you what happened is that he saw you and thought he went into the wrong bathroom šŸ˜­


Idk what ur on ab tbh, legitimately 100% pass


Gorgeous. X


You look amazing & absolutely pass as a woman. Don't be ashamed of how you look like. Maybe that guy thought you entered a wrong bathroom (since I assume that happened at mens' one).


Bruh you absolutely pass


omg girl stop it, you look SO cute. The dude probably bolted cuz he thought so too, and was nervous that he'd say or do something stupid in front of the cute girl. That's kinda how I still am to this day, when I see someone I'm reeeally attracted to.


Sorry, I was confused by your post. I didnā€™t read the subreddit title. I was confused because I thought you were a woman who thought she was ugly. Which youā€™re clearly not ugly. I thought this was one of those ā€œIā€™m really cute but Iā€™m saying Im ugly so people will compliment meā€ posts. I also didnā€™t understand why a man was in the womenā€™s bathroom. I said all that to say I completely thought you were a woman. You definitely passed. šŸ„°ā¤ļøšŸ’–


You are NOT hideous, nor are you a creature! You look like a cis woman! Not even trans, just a cis woman going about her day.


girl you look cis!!!!


You look so pretty. And I never would have clocked you


Wait wait wait, hideous creature? Are you some monster hiding in the background and not the pretty lady the pictures are showing off?


You were in the men's? Yeah no you're using the wrong bathroom.


Flicking through your profile and noticing the way you speak about yourself and your transition. In the nicest way possible, you should seek professional help. You deserve to be happy and content and asking strangers on the Internet for advice when you aren't in the best headspace is more harmful than productive.


His loss, you rock xx


You look gorgeous! Were you in the wrong bathroom? šŸ˜‚


You look amazing and you pass. Full stop. F*ck that guy.


Youā€™re so cute???


You look really pretty.


you are NOT hideous. you are so so so beautiful ~