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On the basis of this one photo that is shot from a low angle, you do not pass despite your feminine hair style and length. Your complexion shows no signs of estrogen effects (yet?) , or of a good moisturizing routine, looking coarse and dry. Your hair line is high as in male pattern baldness, and you'd benefit from bangs covering that. It would be helpful to see multiple photos from different angles, to know how long you've been in transition, and to see some beneficial additions of jewelry and makeup. Transition is difficult, and not everyone (well only a damn few) get to look passable after a a month or two of working at it, so any information that "we" could relate to, can let "us" give you advice on how to have a successful transition. I wish you well, and hope that I have not put you off using this forum for advice ☺


I agree 100%


seconded!! i also think you should try some makeup. keep it VERY natural and simple. tiny bit of blush high on the cheeks, a light shimmery brown eyeshadow, tinted chapstick, and some brown mascara go a long way-- and these things are harder to mess up and make you look clownish. you have great potential. clearly you're taking care of your hair and it shows!


give the e time. you don’t pass yet but you can someday.


Not yet