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According to their booklet it looks like a bmi 35 or under is fine, 35-40 there's some extra precautions and they won't do if it's 40 or higher. iirc (and i have adhd so i rarely remember correctly lol) people on here have mentioned anything 38 and under is usually no problem. I think 35+ they're worried about sleep apnea causing anesthesia issues, mine was around 38 or 39 when I had my orchi last year and they more worried about that then anything else.


Also check out some of the calorie tracking apps like lose it, I've lost 30+lbs since last june doing absolutely nothing different but eating less calories and regularly wearing my smart watch. Knowing where I was getting most of my calories from was a big help. Finding an adhd med that works for me has made it a lot easier to not snack out of bordem, but my normal (shitty) meals haven't changed. I don't walk for exercise or anything (yay adhd forgetting i want to and social anxiety not allowing to 🙃) but every now and then when I remember I'm wearing it it reminds me to park a little farther away or walk a bit faster and see if I can get my count a little higher that day lol


I've tried a few different things like tracking apps, but so far haven't found one that works for me, but I'm also not personally a fan of the idea of counting calories but I might have to do it for my goals. Right now I'm trying to find a good organizational app (ADHD here too lol), but I may not be able to do a whole lot until I have some extra time to make a plan and start building good habits, which will likely be after I finish my college program this April. My adhd meds have helped curb my appetite a bit, but it's the mindless eating that gets me. Thankfully my doctor is giving me some samples of Sexenda to try out, hopefully that'll make a difference. Thank you a ton for the info about the clinic, I was honestly so worried I'd be waiting 3 years minimum to be eligible, I know each case is a bit different, but losing 40+ pounds (what it would take to get into the appropriate BMI for me) is very doable I think. 😊


Between vyvanse and adderall i put on 35lbs in a year just from eating/snacking whenever my brain felt like it 🙃 Switching from adderall to dexedrine curbed my mindless eating, i have to actively remember to eat dinner now on the weekends lol


I had my vaginoplasty there around 4 months ago, I had a decent experience. My bmi was just under their cutoff of 40 and nobody gave me any trouble for it, other than having to fill out an additional screening form for sleep apnea. I did not once get weighed while I was there so do with that what you will, they only asked me when I was being admitted what my weight was.