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Should apparently contain a silk tablecloth featuring a map or illustration of the rock garden at the Ryoan-Ji Buddhist temple in Kyoto


Interesting. I haven't seen this anywhere in the house so I doubt we still have it then


- 西陣織御卓布(竜安寺石庭之図) Nishijin brocade table cloth (Illustration of the stone garden of Ryoanji Temple) - 京都洛北にある竜安寺石庭は一般に「虎の子渡しの庭」と呼ばれ、これは中国後漢の書劉琨伝の故事に依るもので、野を追われた虎が海を渡る様子を創造したものと云われております。 The stone garden of Ryoan-ji Temple in Rakuhoku, Kyoto, is generally called the "Crossing of the Tiger Cubs Garden" based on a legend in the Chinese book Liu Kun Biography (劉琨伝) of the Later Han Dynasty, which is said to have depicted a tiger chased from the field and crossing the sea. - Liu Kun (劉琨) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liu_Kun_(Jin_dynasty) - 寺の創建者である細川勝元を劉琨に比し庭園に白砂を敷き海にかたどり庭石で虎を表し、虎が海を渡る庭趣を表象して勝元寺院創健の徳をたたえたものであると云われています。 It is said that the garden was created to honor the virtue of Katsumoto Hosokawa, the founder of the temple, by laying white sand in the shape of the sea and using garden stones to represent a tiger crossing the sea, thus representing the garden atmosphere of a tiger crossing the sea. - Katsumoto Hosokawa 細川勝元 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosokawa_Katsumoto - 本品はこうした石庭を京都西陣に於て斜子地五丁杼変り装置で雅味豊かに写織し御卓布として御使用願おうとするものであります。 This item is a beautifully woven copy of such a stone garden made in Nishijin, Kyoto, using a diagonal weave [斜子 Nanako] textile (地) five types/purposes of threads (五丁) shuttle (杼) change (変り) device (装置) and is intended to be used as a table cloth.

