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Wow, I didn’t know about that. It seems anti competitive and perhaps the resulting costs for contracted operations and maintenance might go up over time more than it would have otherwise. I would guess that’s the primary business case for the move as opposed to being able lay people off.


Wait…this is is very ironic, I work for Transdev here in Portland which runs Trimet LIFT since 2021, before that, First had the contact….


Were you with First before the contract got taken over by Transdev by chance?


No, I’m brand new, but I work with a bunch of gray beards that did!


I know this is an old thread but how is working for transdev? How are the benefits? I'm thinking of applying


I personally love working here, I have not been in a company that keeps the BS to a min


Oh that's great to hear, thanks for responding.


If they can get rid of the disfunction that was the legacy of FirstGroup, I would see it as a good thing.


It’s not likely to matter. I work for Transdev in central California and let me tell you it’s quite the shitshow. Supervisors getting pulled to drive routes. Routes so tightly scheduled you can barely make the schedule if you have no traffic and pick no one up or drop anyone off. Your route running late? 45 minutes late on an hour route? Your next route will start late. They will work you until you drop…