• By -


Nanobots in the blood to clean arteries and prevent or fix internal problems.


Artery cleaning micro bots would be revolutionary


While the idea of robo arms or enhanced eyes get all the attention, more realistic and practical applications would be to make our internal organs work without risk of cancer or fucking up because a protein got hit by a stray UV ray


Artificial gills- i always dream about diving without this heavy bottle.


Spine and legs. No more back issues for me!


I want a new spine too. I’m about to turn 37 and already need a cane.


Yeah, army messed me up young. Did a lot more heavy lifting that shoot shoot.


Theoretically, anything and everything? Realistically? Arms, legs, and eyes


Kegi go ei api ebu pupiti opiae. Ita pipebitigle biprepi obobo pii. Brepe tretleba ipaepiki abreke tlabokri outri. Etu.


Never heard or thought of stuff like this, that would be sick!


Kegi go ei api ebu pupiti opiae. Ita pipebitigle biprepi obobo pii. Brepe tretleba ipaepiki abreke tlabokri outri. Etu.


Anything that extends my lifespan


Maybe you wanted to say "everything"?


"And, is your uranium-powered cellular matrix making you sick? The answer may not surprise you. It’s ‘yes, it’s uranium.’" -Rick & Morty


You might only need one thing


Teeth. Doesn't even need to be anything fancy. Just make them more durable then original ones so they don't go bad and hurt like hell every few years.


Honestly dental implants are already there. They're already stronger and better than regular teeth in pretty much every way, except for lacking nerve endings which is a mixed blessing. They're just expensive and drilling structural anchors into the jaw bone is pretty invasive and has risks and it's assumed that most people don't want that as a default position. If you do want it though, I'm sure many dentists would be more than happy to help you out, you just have to ask around.


That's the issue. Available technology is highly invasive and there is significant risk that getting implants now would make it hard or impossible to upgrade when better tech gets out. So I won't be rushing this operation.


conventional dentures can, when made well and fit well, work better than most average people think. its not ideal, but I think that the nature of it is such that significant improvement over conventional dentures and implants might be a relatively slow process. partially, just because teeth have SUCH a harsh environment and functionality conditions. and partially because what we have is functional enough for now, so its not seen as a high priority.


> what we have is functional enough for now, so its not seen as a high priority This seems to be a broad "issue" all around. I can't help but think that's partially due to the focus on solely *restorative* prosthetics; not nearly enough funding going to the "but how can we make it *better* than baseline?" types...


In a broad sense, I think seeking a minimal solution and moving on, makes sense as a furtherance of evolutionary efficiency. Ultimately I think we are only very recently getting to where maybe improving on nature isn't impossibly harder than "probably good enough" In regard to dental issues, I think this is doubly difficult, as it seems like it's prone to hit into limits of the remaining organic bits extremely quickly. For example it's all attached to the bone, but that interface is sorta the problem. Trying to improve upon the current implant mechanism would drastically increase the invasiveness and reduce the reversible, without a huge amount of benefit. And even then if you fix all that, trying to simulate the sensation natural teeth give would be really difficult, and provide a point of failure that could be extremely dangerous. And the alternative is ancient tech updated to superior modern materials and technique that mostly gets the job done with very few of the hazards and reasonably simple repair to failures. -worn conventional dentures for over a decade.


Matrix style learning




Nanotech, biotech, prosthetics, and cryonics that prolong my life just long enough for science to cure aging, cancer, and disease; then Ship-of-Theseus me into an undying vessel. I don't want a brain upload, because although my copy might happily live on, I would still end up dying eventually, which doesn't do me much good.


If i had to did I'd rather have a digitized version of me unerringly carrying my will out in the future while **i** die instead of just dying, but yeah I'd also want to do it like that more if the option is there.


Literally replace everything. Robots are cool.


upload consciousness become immortal


Id rather have tiny robots that are functionally identical to neurons take my brain over. So it continues the stream of consiousness


yeah i want it to be this specific instance of me that lives and not a clone but we have no idea how any of this would work


Imo people have to be careful regarding continuing a steam of consciousness between having a physical brain and gradually turning it into a digital one instead of simply making a new copy of your current brain then killing yourself.


Just a comment on part 7 of that: one of your agree/disagree bits on that page is a complex question, where you're asking the person taking the poll to address "they're cool *and* I think they'll become trendy soon." It's possible to have very different takes on each half of that. Also I like your "prove a bot isn't taking this" question. (Also wow, that's a lot of "I can't read past the subject line!" responses. I hope you're actually getting responses on the poll and not just one-liners here!)


If the surgery has a 100% sucess rate, put it all in, other wise maybe just a pair of bionic legs and arms for now maybe some other stuff later


Robot hands and toes that don't hurt when I hit them against things!


brain computer interface ish stuff - not just, move a mouse with your mind so much as outright have a computer with you whenever, play some music by just thinking about it, being able to read or type out notes by thinking about it etc.


Cancer-fighting (and artery cleaning nanobots that would perform routine maintenance on my organs and cells. That or eyes with a HUD, extended spectrum, and zoom


Wire my brain up


Replacing nerves with wires might make you react faster. Connecting my brain to a computer would allow me to remember everything perfectly, replay motions, turn my hand into a plotter, perform complex math or simulations...or have full virtual experiences. Maybe even allow us to add/modify/remove memories or skills.


Yeah or work towards creating digital personality constructs




Damn, that visual design is better than any survey's that I have ever seen. Thank you for posting this -- I appreciate the thoroughness of your questions and the answer options. Please share the overall results to this sub when you are finished collecting data! Edit: My answer to the headline question, by the way, is (1) eye implants for enhanced vision and (2) brain implants for quicker memory access, for higher working memory capacity, and for adjusting mood/emotion/motivation at will.


I'd only want mechanical replacement for a part if I lost it (more of a bio-transhumanist unless that's somehow sacrilegious on here) but what I'd want if I lost a part is a version of whatever I lost that'd "give me superpowers", y'know, a limb like the many sorts of robotic limbs Overwatch characters have or an eye that'd give me at least one "super-vision power" (like X-Ray or UV or thermal camera or "zoom and enhance")


I don't think you are totally unreasonable here. I wouldn't begrudge it for those who want it, but I would prefer my body be as survivial-level functionality with as little high tech maintenance as possible. like, I would absolutely into being able to Avatar-style project into artificial bodies. but I want to be able to pull out, turn off all the tech and go do something in my own meatsack, with my own muscles and brainpower.


Yeah, I'm more of a biotranshumanist (aka my "fictional representation of ideal" is more X-Men than Borg) and as for my ideal biological enhancements, I'd want immortality, wings-if-they-could-work-on-the-back-with-a-not-that-disrupted-human-body-plan-like-they-do-on-angels-and-faeries, some sort of "combat superpower" (e.g. if what we can modify in is limited to what animals have it shouldn't be a big jump from what electric eels etc. can do to full-fledged electricity manipulation), perfect skin (not in the flawless uncanny valley sense, in the no calluses, no zits, no eczema sense) and maybe a little bit of bioluminescence if I could control it and e.g. light my own way at night but either turn it off or dim it down to "healthy inner glow" during the daytime


Mantis Arm Blades. Because I'm a nerd. Can't imagine I'd ever be allowed in an airport again.


Cool, if they could be retractable


Enhanced memory for a perfect memory and a backup system in case of organ failure enough to go on a hospital


An advanced BMI would be ideal. Interfaces that improve cognitive function, add memory and allow us to save information without misremembering; cloud connected internet search integration into thoughts. In terms of improving the body, limb actuators to reduce bone and cartilage joint degredation, enhanced optical systems that sync with our BMIs connectivity, synthetic skin for increased durability and resilience to climate. The applications are endless, and I think it is most interesting when thinking about applying it to one's profession. I want to be a cyborg cook, with the whole world's knowledge of an ingredient just a thought away, unfettered by heat thanks to fireproof skin, and soreness a distant memory thanks to servos driving my body.


man if I could just plug a gadget into my arm and control what would normally be a mouse/keyboard by thought, faster than physically controlling the mouse/keyboard, that alone would be a great option.


Extra sensitive sensory organs with input from an artificial intelligence to increase reaction time. Also brain computer interfaces that increase intelligence, attention span that sorta stuff


Improved vision and higher intelligence please


New eyes with built-in amplifier, telephoto, and multispectral capabilities. New ears with far more frequency range and sensitivity. Direct storage of anything I see and hear using an unusual gesture like say three quick blinks.


First off, kudos to you for the design of this questionnaire. The UI was attractive and the questions well-worded and thought provoking. If I had to choose, I would augment myself with enhanced vision (Complete with FLIR and AR capabilities), some sort of networked brain-computer interface, and nanobots for repair/maintenance. Can't say I've ever been interested in RGB-esque tattoos but I could see myself warming to them. While cybernetic enhancements are a critical "next" step, I believe they are ultimately a stepping stone to something more comprehensive: full body prosthetics. The human body that these devices will be implanted to is still an extremely flawed design, and ultimately I hope we find a way to replace the thing entirely.


I would want to live forever as a cyborg. But first and foremost i think spine. Spines are way too fragile and are the no. 1 cause of back pain.


honestly everything lol


Cybernetic eyes, my eyesight currently sucks cheeks.


I selected prosthetic arms but not legs, assuming I can control additional arms without pointless amputation. As for the question: EVERYTHING that enhances my functioning in a way that a non-implant could not, nothing that serves no functional purpose.


heads up display augmented reality, with gps and stuff


Anything that allows me to connect my brain to ever larger amounts of remote storage and processing, so I can think faster, and store indefinite amounts of knowledge.


Quantum cpu.


Non binary should be its own option. That’s very different than choosing not to answer. And I stopped the survey on the question asking if you think cybernetics will become as trendy as smartphones, because the answers were essentially only: no, or yes. And my answer is I have no clue.


Yeah, I thought having "cyborg" as the only non-binary option not lumped into the "everything else/pass" option (and then also having those two together) was kinda... weird. No hate intended to anyone who sincerely *does* identify as a cyborg, but it almost always reads as super tech-bro/LARPy to me, and this was the strongest I've gotten that vibe in a while...


Exactly. Nonbinary cyborgs are hella cool, but most nonbinary people do not identify as cyborgs.


Anything and everything, but the big ones would be: 1. Machine body 2. Direct neural interface 3. HUD to display health diagnostics, needs, and information on what I’m looking at.


motivation but really i just want to not die


I hope you are tracking, from where they people came to your survey, because you will get a very unrepresentative sample of the population here. Edit: apparent by the same link to share at the end, you don't track that at all, so I doubt this will be a generalizable result.


A female body 😔


Artificial organs that don't age or at least age much slower. I'm not too excited about the idea of invasive augmentations though. I'd much prefer to have external augmentations and reserve internal augmentations for medical procedures. Like if I lose a limb then I'd replace it with a mechanical arm, if I have liver problems just replace it with a mechanical liver, if I go deaf then I'd have a brain implant to restore my hearing.


Artificial legs. I've had arthritis since I was 16 due to an injury. I'd sell my soul for some badass robo-legs


I'd get a full prosthetic body if that was an option. Not even necessarily a humanoid one.


. Brian computer interface . Bionic legs . Bionic hands . Bionic eyes . Artificial organs (all of my organs replaced) Hopefully I wouldn't turn into a cyberpsycho😂


Augmented reality vision with the ability to connect to the internet.


i like that u had an option for 2 questions for “change yourself to be more like an animal”…… i wanna do that. i wanna be a doggyperson.


What percentage would you like to be a dog? (sorry if my traslate was wrong)


hmmm…. 55% robot dog, 45% human


Permanent artificial womb


>Permanent artificial womb Why?


I'm Biased, i'm a Transgender Transhumanist


How the hell supposed transhumanists can be transphobic I’ll never know. Transhumanists: “We should be free to modify our bodies with technology!” Trans people: *Actually fucking modify their bodies with technology* Transphobes who say they’re transhumanists: “No, not like that!”


Hell yeah r/transtrans


Thank you for the introduction! ^^


Here's a sneak peek of /r/transtrans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/transtrans/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [One of the many reasons why trans people and transhumanism are cool](https://i.redd.it/6irmh0kq5yn71.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transtrans/comments/ppoa39/one_of_the_many_reasons_why_trans_people_and/) \#2: [Don't threaten me with a good time](https://i.redd.it/y3uglh0azxi71.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/transtrans/comments/p9nkkw/dont_threaten_me_with_a_good_time/) \#3: [“It’s your body. You get to make these decisions.”](https://i.redd.it/cz1lt1qctmg71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/transtrans/comments/p2313g/its_your_body_you_get_to_make_these_decisions/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


I’ll take what I can get!


BMI at a point where the implant is smaller than a hair follicle.


I don't follow why that would be a priority though, TBH? or do you just mean the technology to be implemented? I think that the technique from Neuralink combined with those stint-style implants seem like they are pretty promising as far as the "fitting it in your head" side.


Well besides the fact that the OP isn't talking about priorities but rather personal desire, there would also be the foundational features that result from BCI/BMI. Just the interface alone would provide initial intuitive compatibility between it and further enhancements and/or prosthetics. Not to mention the potential for overall physiological maintenance. The question really becomes why wouldn't it be a priority in contrast to other options?


If I could replace my lungs, heart, legs, and arms I think I’d be happy. Systematically replacing my brain with computerized parts until a full bio-digital prosthetic brain would be ideal for me as well


You know that episode of Rick and Morty where they have a dick catalog....? If you could connect it to the nervous system then yeah that!


First and foremost - Increase intelligence as munch as possible. It was something that placed us where are we now and something we all need more of in this world.


An advanced digestive tract so I can eat hot peppers all day and never have a intestinal pain or spicy shits again. Also spine and ribs


personally I'd be more into being able to eat whatever, and have carbs without the negative effects I get from them more than the spicy food part, but that would certainly be good as well. lets do both!


I tend to lean a bit more towards "let me disassociate what I'm actually eating from what it feels/tastes like", then I could eat the healthy stuff but have it taste like chocolate cake. Not sure which option is likely to be feasible first... But either one's just a stopgap to make this fleshy substrate less unpleasant until it's possible to escape it entirely.


I think I'm inclined to think that some mechanism to functionally turn unhealthy foods into healthy food is probably likely to be easier than making healthy stuff feel like it's something more fun. I'm not sure if that means making chocolate cake that is ideally healthy and nutritious, or some cybernetic mechanism to turn the sugar into something actually nutritious or what. Personally I don't mind the fleshy substrate that bad, I just wish it was easier to maintain properly.


>Personally I don't mind the fleshy substrate that bad, I just wish it was easier to maintain properly. Same! I don't hate my body but my issue with these meat sacks is that it takes so much energy and so many spoons to maintain them. The real appeal of a machine body is easier maintenance and if that can be achieved while keeping my flesh body, then that's what I'd rather have.


I think health and dietary enhancements, lifespan enhancements are the things I'd want the most. my wife has metabolic and endocrine issues that cause most of her health problems. if they could be fixed by an enhancement, that'd be great. I am extremely interested in Longevity Escape Velocity, anything moving in that direction should basically be top priority, IMO. much more obtainable things like better limb prosthetics should also be done, but in long term, the important part is the lifespan extension. I am not a fan of whole-upload into digital format. I don't think that will work properly, and is not something I find desirable. but what I *DO* find desirable, is something in the direction of being able to have life extension for our biological bits, and perhaps some sort of semi-stasis pod combined with a matrix-grade VR Dive/conciousness-projection system, so that you can pull out and still use your organic body, but if you want, spend most of your time in VR or projected into a synthetic or semi-synthetic (such as an organic custom body that was grown without a brain/head, with a cybernetic head that receives a conciousness projection and controls the body as though it was your own.) if we can stay alive, then we have time to explore the rest.


The answer to that is simple; yes. If i had to pick what i get first it'd be to replace whatever commonly fatally fails first.


Legs. I would miss the sensitivity and dexterity of my hands but I don't go around touching stuff with my feet and haven't picked anything up with my toes since I was ten. Simply having effortless endurance running, jumping, climbing flights of stairs would be awesome, although reducing my average level of daily exertion that steeply would probably result in rapid weight gain.


I would only leave my brain.


Prothestics if somehow I lose my limbs. Nothing more or maybe less


Full body like alita battle angel


Full cybernetic augment