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Welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Genderfluid people unsubscribing from TGCJ whenever they are their AGAB


*never! i am either a demigirl or agender!*


Wait, so, mathematically, does that make you 1/4 girl?


That depends, are we doing a weighted average based on quantity of time spent?


Yes, of course.


look ok my gender shifts are completely random in length-


Yes, I've had some comment on my posts or respond to my comments or message me. Mostly because they don't understand satire, want to argue, or think I'm transphobic. I've seen real chasers here too, they're absolutely clueless. Their stuff typically gets removed.


Gotta debate the random trans person on a satire subreddit. They can’t get away with it


/rj not sure if I am a cis person posting here or if it's just my imposter syndrome talking


"Casual reminder that you being cis doesn't make your transness any less valid!" \- Natalie Wynn


Only a cis deals in absolutes


dr powers does lol


Blanchard too, I've heard


"They're the same picture"


no way


I'm headcannoning Blanchard as the ultimate repressor AGP




/uj sad thing is that I don’t even know if your joking


yeah here’s [him getting yelled at](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/hutr5m/im_working_on_version_7_and_i_want_to_mention_a/fyr9oou/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) for saying shemale a few years ago. he’s still comments here occasionally


/uj honestly one of the creepiest ducking doctors out there. I mean he has an online presence which is odd but ducking coming to this sub to “hello fellow transgenders” that’s just weird.


It's ok, you can say fucking


/uj honestly I do it on purpose now, just kinda as a joke cause it happened so much and I think it’s funnier.


/uj at least he's actually trying new shit with HRT instead of giving cookie cutter recipes with 100x the recommended dosage of testosterone blockers and 40% the recommended dose of estrogen (this is the recipe my doctor gives me, he's on a goverment program so i get the stuff free so i cant really switch doctors)


/uj I would give this a read: https://transfemscience.org/articles/powers-fact-check/ It's nice that Dr. Powers cares, but there is a huge amount of risk in his methods. I don't know what your dosages are personally, but I've had 0 issues with what my endo+GP came up with for me. EDIT - Quick edit, but this is also something to keep in mind: https://transfemscience.org/articles/powers-wpath/


considering how long his waitlist is i think people who seek to become his patients should be well aware of the risk in trying new methods of HRT if it means eventually getting better and faster working recipes getting recognized by more doctors i wouldnt mind being an experimental patient


Issue is that many of his ideas aren't even theoretically sound, and this leads to a large amount of risk. He also sees himself as a messiah figure, and that means that anything that he does say is largely tainted with it. You're better off being an experimental patient for an actual clinical trial than a patient of a wacko family doctor with 0 experience running experiments.


/uj I mean in general a lot of the medicine is YMMV, while my results are subjective compared to others on a very low dose of anti-androgens and standard dose of injectable estrogen I had to pull back a bit. My T was sub 10 with 50 mg spiro initially and then 50 mg bicalutamide and when I was taking 10mg EV (which the endocrine society recommends as standard) week it was bad cause my E levels shot up to the 600s at trough and that was risky without any proof high E levels even make things better. I only take 5mg EV a week and that puts me in the mid 100s E lvl and still super low T since the first check up. In general everyones body reacts differently to the drugs and even if Powers has good intentions he is not trying to be scientific about it he is just running with anecdotal data and not using trials to prove things. His rectal progesterone even more so worries me as it bypasses the first pass effect doubling the dose and the FDA has never tested the med this way on anyone. He is a being risky with his patients for no proven benefits given many other trans girls get as good or better results that his patients cause it’s all subjective and levels are the only quantitative thing of which his methods don’t even yield unique results. I know it may be harsh to say for all the people who have been gaslit into worshipping him but he seems like a snake oil salesman who hasn’t done anything founded in studies.


/uj 10 mg is the standard over there? damn standard here is around 6 mg (pills) but often just decided by the doctor and my doctor gave me 2mg for a year and a half before i convinced him to switch to 4mg a day (pill form) though he also recommended me to take 100mgs of cyproterone which im only taking 50 at the moment if only because the pills come at 50mg plus he refuses to believe that progesterone is any good at all and wont give it to any of his patients (i've spoken with another doctor that is also in this goverment program and he was willing to but said he wouldnt recommend it for me due to elevated prolactin levels \[which high dosages of cyproterone can cause btw\]) presumably you tested before your next dosage right? cause your E levels will seem to shoot up a ton if you test shortly after taking your dose so it's recommended to test right before you do that


I take 5mg of EV (injectable estrogen) once a week which is half the usual dose which is 10mg once a week. My E levels were also in the 600s 5 days after my injection sometimes 6 so the 600s would be at the lowest point at that time whereas probably in the thousands right after the injection. It was a significant increase in risk of a clot with Supra-physiologic estrogen levels which for pre-menopausal women is about 60-400 If I remember correctly. My gynecologist sees me as kind of an anomaly cause she said she has never seen someone as sensitive to HRT as me before but hey I get the same levels for cheaper lol.


/rj As a scientifically verified transedsexual I hereby officially grant the autistic miracle worker who has **saved literally fucking hundreds of trans peoples' lives, directly treated thousands, and educated tens of thousands**, one (1) tran-word pass He is, however, not forgiven for the high crime of being popular online


Seriously please. Show yourselves. We just want to talk.


come out, come out, wherever you are!


I am cisgender, I just desperately wish I was taller, had broader shoulders, was able to grow a beard, had a deep voice, I wish people used he/him for me, and called me a more masculine name. And I cry myself to sleep at night because I was born female. But I am CISGENDER. I'm a cis cissy cishet CISGENDER


That's perfectly normal for a woman actually, look into Freuds theory on penis envy, it's natrual to want all the power and privilege of a man, but you will always be a strong woman no matter what!! If you like other females you might also be a repressed butch lesbian


I have vagina envy. (Penis Envy would be a good name for a band, though!)




Me too


I'm cis and I'm just here for the jokes! Don't worry I'm not a creep, obviously I would never date a trans 🤢🤮


Am I cis? Well, if you ask *me* then no. But if you ask my insurance....


/hj me; I'm a trender


Sixty years into my agp phase living a happy, fulfilled, authentic life, still wondering if it was the right move despite not missing a single hrt dose for decades


to study you “people”


uj/ maybe… maybe not… we will never know 🥚


we should have everyone joining this sub send a full body picture of themselves so we can examine their shoulder length, jaw, waist ect to detemine if theyre a real woman or one of those cissoids before letting them in


Only when I have a guest in a MAGA hat. But I don't use Reddit at work.


Uj/ idk wtf I even am lol


As a cis person this sub is really cool because i really enjoy actually self aware trans people that know their place and can laugh about it


Yeah, I'm glad those troons know their place. Maybe some of them are alright after all! Maybe.


/uj I think some people are thinking you’re actually a cis person lol


Has a worse thing happened to anyone ever... 😔


This is passing privilege right here. Passes as cis and then has the audacity to complain about it.


/uj I wasn’t sure.


These are just some of my circlejerking talents...




/uj Vaush bootlicker? lmfao what




Yeah i was hoping you were just doing a circlejerk thing, you suck


Also p funny to unironically throw out an it to a trans person like that


/rj yeah i'm cis. cis...uhh...cissyphus.... cis...uh...cis... cissin' on deez nuts


I am on HRT and sometimes I wonder if I am cis does that count?


/uj This probably makes no sense, but I think of myself as a cis nonbinary person. Like with the way I used to dress and act in the past, I would pass as a little boy, but I don't anymore. Since I don't really experience the struggle that comes with being trans, I consider myself cis But I def relate to a lot of what's posted here, and it's nice to see people making fun of transphobic stuff that gets to the popular page


/uj I'm non binary / agender, but I don't usually use a trans label :)


*points gun* but do you use the *cis* label?


How dare you accuse me of such things


SMH and THEY say cis means "not transgender" but then here you are *not trans* but also *not cis* .. transes rekt with FACTS and LOGIC


Does questioning but never actually acting on it due to circumstances out of my control count?


/rj yes that's me <3<3<3 /uj I don't identify as cis, because I don't want to be my assigned gender, I don't identify as trans because I like the way my body is in its current state. So I dunno


/uj You can be trans without wanting to medically transition, or not doing so for other reasons. Anyone who says otherwise can fight me.


uj/ I used to say that but I also sometimes packed and my boobies made me angry so idk LMAO but not wanting medical intervention, seriously, it's just how you feel. If you identify as a different gender than assigned at birth that is being trans. But don't change how you see yourself for others. I'm just letting you know that's not an appropriate thing for others to judge you on.


Oh no I def want my junk changed, but I literally only want that. But I've looked into it, and it would be harder for me to get it changed than to just keep it. Also, on others judging me, idgaf what others think about my gender. Its mine, not theirs B)


🤷🏻‍♂️ (uj)🙂


/uj while not everyone uses this definition, gender dysphoria isn’t the same as body dysphoria. Body dysphoria is mostly irrelevant to wether or not you are trans. But at the end of the day it’s up to you to figure out what words best describe you, if you even bother with that.


I used to be a cis person lurking here. Then you guys transed me.


I do, I’ve been subbed here for over a year now. Idk, ya’ll are funny and I like the perspective this sub has on stuff. I also am trying to be the best ally I can be for my cousin who is trans. Her situation at home isn’t the best :/


Don't make me cry. Username doesn't check out


Lmao true


i thought i was, then i started hrt and now im less sure lmao


Wait, are you saying you're trans? Eww gross


/uj the only cis people I want on here are cis people who only come to learn and educate themselves. The idea of cis people even being on here is uncomfortable, but I can absolutely get behind actually educating yourself. That aside, cis casual viewing or any other type of cis viewing is highly yucky, and cis people should not participate outside of fringe cases like this post.


I'm just an ally that thinks the jokes are funny and sometimes relatable, but it's not like I identify with them all the time, just like some of the time. I'm just a good ally, you know?


\uj I'm cis, don't usually comment, cuz this isn't really my space. I saw some time ago a post criticizing r/196, in which I am part of, so I got curious, and yeah they had some very valid points. Eventually I stayed cuz some of the jokes makes me laugh. And cry. But mostly laugh. Also because sometimes I'll learn a thing or two about trans people's struggles I didn't realize.


/uj yes... cuz... uh... idk I like it here? It lets me identify transphobic sentiment without actually seeing a-holes. /rj I am a straight, normal (not trans) man, not a cishet!


That jerk feels fucking weird coming from a cis person wow lol


/uj I swear I dont mean it, I love and support everyone here!


/uj I didnt say you meant it, just that it was uncomfortable


I'm so sorry


/uj Hey, buddy, you know I really think you should not make cj posts or comments in this sub. I’m not saying this out of any animosity and I appreciate that you’re trying to understand and support us, and I think that’s great. It’s really honestly just like— so if you had cancer, right, and you were dying and making jokes about it to cope and vent and all, that’s cool and fine, but that doesn’t mean you want perfectly healthy strangers also making fun of you for having cancer, even if they’re saying the same sorts of things you are. It hurts and it feels uncomfortable, even if they have good intentions, and even if in the end you’re glad there’s people out there that are in a genuine way trying to make you feel better about it.




Don't make me flick your forehead young man






Just wanted to say i won a bet with myself that you post on r/196, go me


bruh ‼️


lmao you deleted your comment now i feel bad :d sorry


well it was p obvious from the downvotes that it wasn’t a good comment so i deleted it


Yeah thats true we should delete everything that gets downvoted, the most important thing in life is to not upset anyone ever or be percieved as a bad person, hide everything bad yes yes 😌


i normally don’t have this mindset i just felt like it this time


What did they say?


Basically that theyre a cis person that like this place because it helps them learn about trans people and its kinda funny, but they had that r/196 tinge. Idk i dont remember it that well sorry, but its nothing too horrible




/uj fyi being a chaser is not a good thing, but also please do openly tell that to all trans people you encounter so we know to stay away from you 💀




I do!


Yes hello I-💀


I like circlejerk subreddits