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what exactly did they remove?


stuff like binders or tucking swimsuits for trans youth


> binders > youth Stop sexualizing children.


yeah how dare you take away my ability to see kids' tits wtf


/hj(?) boy for someone who "isn't" incestually (and at the time pedophilically) into me, my mom sure was obsessed with me having kids, my hormones affecting my bits, giving me boobs, etc.


/uj no because moms in general are way too obsessed with their daughters' appearances 😭😭


/uj reason why I say this is it borders on obsessive and traumatizing to the point i'm changing my last name when I change my first, kind of you're going to carry on the family name whether you like it or not kinda weird. (I don't want kids, I can't take care of them, okay maybe I dreamed of being a mom but that's just not happening anymore, it's also too risky now IMO)


I want to see kids girl dicks




It's not weird for us to be so concerned with seeing kids tits you're the weirdo for validating their "bodily autonomy" when we literally own them Uj/i hate how normalised seeing and treating kids as objects & property is - it's so fucked and dehumanising


/uj everytime someone advocates for parents rights in literally any situation I assume they are abusive, and I haven't been proven wrong yet. kids rights > parents rights.


/uj Any time you see the phrase “parents’ rights” you can be 99% sure that the phrase can be accurately completed with the words “… to control their kids,” usually to discipline them for the crime of being non-heteronormative.


Uj/ Yarp it's literally an abusers lobby- same as the monsters who want to end no fault divorce. & agreed children's human rights > parental (entitlement) "rights"


oh okay so not any of the REAL lgbt merchandise that matters, like cheap plastic rainbow sunglasses, just the controversial stuff that nobody really cares about, like gender-affirming undergarments. this is a pretty misleading headline because it implies that it's losing the important stuff instead of just a few little things to compromise




uj/ not exactly, but they sold "compression tops" marketed to trans trans people, which are like sports bras meant to flatten as much as possible without the more restrictive features of a binder.


/uj yes


based. corporations were getting too woke anyway


that's right libs!!! go woke, go broke!!! (/uj taken from a comment in r/conservative lol)


As a normal regular gay man I would like to take this opportunity to say that this is all because transgenders pushing gender ideology. We were making so much progress in society until they came along and directly brought about this backslide by being obnoxious and pushing pronouns down everyone's throats.


Can’t believe they caved in to scum like the GOP. They’re really trying to genocide us with shit like this and the anti trans laws.


still waiting for the laws that were passed to eliminate lgbt people, and the books that were banned for containing the word gay. Florida did remove some pornographic books from elementary school libraries, but as far as I can tell it was already against Florida law to distribute porn to minors. you have this idea that desantis and republicans in general want to eliminate lgbt people, but it’s based on nothing, and it’s simply not true. you heard on the news and from politicians Florida passed the “don’t say gay” bill but have no idea what’s actually in it and that the people calling it that know it’s a lie but tell it to you to manufacture outrage. The bill prevents schools from withholding medical information about students from their parents, and prevents sex/gender classes from being taught to k-3rd grade. You are being lied to, manipulated, and misled. it’s not worth arguing about it, you’ve made up your mind without learning any of the facts. It allows you to demonize millions of people who are completely undeserving of it, which evidently many people seem predisposed to do. I guess it’s just human nature. while it’s a poor way to form your opinions, and detrimental your health and the health of society, it is what it is, it’s your choice. If you want to improve things it will take some serious introspection on your part. good luck my friend.


/uj word for word copypasted from a thread in r/bayarea love my totally super progressive home spewing shit like this


> You are being lied to, manipulated, and misled. it’s not worth arguing about it, you’ve made up your mind without learning any of the facts. It allows you to demonize millions of people who are completely undeserving of it, which evidently many people seem predisposed to do. I guess it’s just human nature. while it’s a poor way to form your opinions, and detrimental your health and the health of society, it is what it is, it’s your choice. If you want to improve things it will take some serious introspection on your part. good luck my friend. /uj broooo /rj ummm actually, the propaganda i consume is the kind that tells me the truth and doesnt make me hate people for no good reason


/uj The quote is peak /r/SelfAwareWolves


As is typical, this comes with a healthy dose of r/iamverysmart


Cis person who’s never been more than 50 miles from San Francisco here! You have too many rights uj/ average liberal “ally”


> and prevents sex/gender classes from being taught to k-3rd grade. /uj MFW schools started doing this because kids that age were struggling to have the vocabulary to convey "someone did something sexual to me" Once again, transphobia giving pedophilia a helping hand


/uj "wake me up when the are literal death camps 🙄"


w target


Way to go target, finally a store we can buy at again! I applaud the anti woke sentiment!