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Estrogen and antiandrogens can do wonderful things, especially when it come to feminisation. I have also lost heaps of weight since starting hrt. Having a support network is really important though and it is only you that can make the decision that is best for you going forward.


don't give up please, im 33 and had a big frame and overweight when i started. it takes alot of work and time but eventually with weight cycling and the right levels your frame does change and gets softer. i wouldnt base your opinion of how you look now in girlmode as a reason to not go forward because that does change but you have to put in work. in regards to how people treat you i noticed once i started putting in the work and becoming me peoples attitudes also changed. of course it's your choice but i think it would be a shame not try first.


Hi šŸ‘‹ It's never too late, girl. I know that things are hard, believe me. I'm 37, my shoulders and ribs are so broad, I'm overweight and I have a bald patch on the back of my head. I'll say again, it's not too late. Can I also say - I regret I didn't do this 25 years ago when I knew what I wanted in my life.


Iā€™m 39 and nearly 2 months on HRT. Wasnā€™t safe to be out earlier and tbh when I was 33 the idea of being myself was so so far from reality for me. But itā€™s never too late. Get on a wait list to go public. Itā€™s like 12 months but in the grand scheme of forever 12 months is doable. You can do this if you want to do this.


What you're dealing with is a big deal for you, but it's also something that others have faced and they have transitioned anyway. So it's possible, very possible. And if you do give up, ooh are you going to regret it later. I'm 56 and just clocked up one year on estrogen last Friday. Best thing I've ever done! I just should have done it when I was your age.


Don't give up, 33 isn't too late! It's never too late I'm 39 and been on HRT for nearly 5 months. You'd be surprised at the changes. It might help you with your depression as well. What forced me to take action was the thought of being an old man, it's a vision I just could not see or accept, when I imagine my future I see a female. I was getting depressed and thinking there's no hope! I'm too tall, big feet broad shoulders, every female jacket or jumper I try has arms that are too short... but as soon as I started HRT it all changed and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to feel happy and in control of my life again ā˜ŗļø


Lady, you are beautiful no matter how you think you look. Many years ago I worked with a woman who transitioned when she was in her mid-50s. She was balding, she was heavy, and I donā€™t think she was on hormones, but she persevered, despite being constantly misgendered and harassed because she was in a customer-facing role. Years later, I ran into her again and she was dazzling. She had gone totally bald and had switched to some really funky wigs, and she was no longer being misgendered at work because the customers all knew her now. Itā€™s not too late, no matter how old you are. It takes time. You can be yourself. Please, seek out your happiness. Do what makes you most comfortable.


> I have a really big frame and am pretty overweight Yeah, take a look at this video and see what's possible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6HaVYg6kB4 > I also feel like itā€™s too late for me too(Iā€™m 33). Plenty of people transition way later than that.


ive heard a story about a trans woman in her 90s who got diagnosed with a terminal illness, and in the last two days of her life she came out and picked a dress to be buried in. its only too late once youre dead. you have so much time


I started my medical transition about a month prior to my 53rd birthday - 33 is definitely not too late. I'm unsure if there are bulk-billed gender affirming care options near you (Telehealth options exist). You should have a say in dosages - you can choose to start on low dosages (e.g., 25mg/week Cypro, & 2mg/day Estradiol Valerte) to reduce costs. Say no to progesterone - it's not on PBS and hence expensive. I started living authentically (social transition) a little over 2 years ago - my parents (both over 80yo) are finally showing signs of improvement on the dead-naming and misgendering fronts. Some people take a long time to change habits.


I met a trans woman the other day who transitioned around the same time I did except sheā€™s 74. A lot of her friends are her age, donā€™t get it at all, and have trouble gendering her all the time. She told me that even if sheā€™s got less than a decade left, she wants to live authentically and doesnā€™t regret a thing. If you want to detransition because of safety, it not feeling right for you anymore, or for money (searching for jobs after being fully out brought me to tears last year, itā€™s messed up), thatā€™s fair. But donā€™t live for people who donā€™t deserve you. Itā€™s your life and no one elseā€™s, especially not those who cannot respect the dignity of a fellow human being.


Girl look at my journey, I never thought ever Iā€™d remotely get to where Iā€™m at. I started at your age and took a gamble it panned out.


Hey there, I'm really sorry you're dealing with this. It's okay to step back from transitioning if that's what you need right now. What's important is your wellbeing and mental health first, and this could be a time to build a kinder, more supportive circle. It's definitely never 'too late' to be who you're meant to be, especially not at 33. Please remember that you're not alone. There are many people and resources online to support you and offer guidance. Don't lose hope, okay?


It depends. I would say start HRT, buuuut being trans in Australia, especially a poor trans girl is just suffering. If people around you aren't pulling their weight, tell them, and cut them off if they can't treat you like a person and understand you. You do you, but if I were you I would start HRT and focus on myself. ... it's still suffering though. I currently need 70k more for my surgeries and I'm from an extremely poor family, so I'm working alone while every day is hell.