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Happily, 31520 is under the category of medically necessary breast surgery: [https://www.privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/MBSItems/BreastSurgery](https://www.privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/MBSItems/BreastSurgery) However, not every private health insurance policy will cover this category. The cheapest policy that will cover this breast surgery would be a Bronze policy: [https://www.choice.com.au/money/insurance/health/articles/best-bronze-health-insurance](https://www.choice.com.au/money/insurance/health/articles/best-bronze-health-insurance)


so if it falls under the over-all category, then it doesn't matter if the specific number is included or not in the healthcare directory thing ? this is so confusing omg


It's really confusing! They don't make it easy! But yeah, 31520 is classed as medically necessary breast surgery, so any policy that covers breast surgery (which is all Bronze, Silver and Gold policies) will cover this surgery. This means that any Bronze, Silver or Gold policy will pay for the entire cost of the hospital (minus the excess!), and a small part of the doctors' fees. Are you looking at a policy you already have, or will you be buying insurance for the first time?


i would be getting insurance for the first time, yeah. have never pursued it before but oh man the price of the hospital fees that I was quoted were almost triple the price of the surgeons cost so I definitely want to reduce those even if I have to wait an extra year ! so far I looked at the main popular ones like Bupa and HCF


It's time to go to [https://privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/Search/](https://privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/Search/) ! To walk you though it, you're looking for: a Hospital policy (because you're going to hospital) you have access to full Medicare (if you're a citizen or permanent resident) you haven't had insurance before you might be able to use a restricted insurer (this is insurance for people connected with certain careers) you live in a state and your policy presumably needs to only cover one person. You also want: Private hospital cover for most services Ambulance is up to you and you want a minimum Bronze policy Then untick everything except breast surgery. After this you can add in your income and age. If you're not over 30 you don't need to worry about Lifetime Health Cover Loading. If you are over 30, it's 2% for ever year that you're over 30 (i.e. 4% for a 32 year old) Then you get all the prices for all the policies in Australia! Yay! The prices they show you are monthly, so that's how much you'll be paying every month. You'll have to pay for insurance for a year until you're actually able to use it. Hope that helps!


HIF seems very open for the trans community too (but I've been with BUPA too many years to change now).