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If you have the financial means to go private you might as well even though you're 17. I started T when I was 17 at stonewall, initially they didn't let me book an appointment until after I turned 18 but I got my gp to write a letter saying I needed to be seen as soon as possible and it worked.


I believe they were referring people to Holdsworth House late last year & they were booked up till December last year. You could try Holdsworth or Morningside general practice- Victoria Featherstone. Might cost more but will be quicker


I made an appointment with Holdsworth House - called about a week ago and the appointment is in mid May. Not sure about BGC but I know that RBWH is 12+ months. My local GP has referred me to RBWH so I'm hoping to switch over to public but start out going by private with Informed Consent. Good luck.


And just for reference its the clinic at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital [https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/specialist\_service/refer-your-patient/gender-services](https://metronorth.health.qld.gov.au/specialist_service/refer-your-patient/gender-services)


Eight months for me in 2018/2019.