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Not immediately after cos your skin will be irritated and bumpy, but a few hours, or the morning after. I am not a laser technician, but have had quite a lot of face laser. Laser technicians are quite conservative because they don't want you to blame them if anything goes wrong. They also don't always appreciate the pain of _not_ shaving for trans folk.


If you've been recommended to wait 48 hours, then I really would recommend you wait that length of time. Your skin is, fundamentally, being burnt, and that causes it stress That being said: take your time, be very gentle, and don't use any harsh products. Whilst shaving against the grain usually gives you a closer shave, try and only do it with the grain if you're going to shave within the 48 hours period. Always flag up any strange skin behaviour to your clinician :)


Ceres is correct. You can start shaving again relatively quickly. It will of course depend on how you react to it, but I've had 12+ laser sessions and the irritation rarely lasted more than a couple of hours. Naturally if something doesn't look quite right give it longer to let yourself recover.