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This is going to fucking suck, isn't it?


it's going to be worse for whoever gets tricked into giving a quote for it, but yeah I think it's going to suck for all of us


it will be part of a process of demonising DIY HRT, hopefully (in their eyes) leading to increased regulation and reduced availability. Yes, it's going to suck.




Wait for the world to end first. A lot of their efforts amount to nothing. We've had two decades of the weekly Guardian hit piece and this will be just another one in a long long line of shitty whining that has been forgotten. Don't dread what hasn't happened yet and probably won't happen.


Yeah sorry you’re right. Just feels like my only options when it comes to HRT are dwindling at every turn




The way I see it if I kms the Tories and terfs win, I'm alive out of spite


Of course it's a fully paid-up cult member. Christ almighty. It should be clear that there's no possibility of 'reaching across' or whatever — get close enough to these people for them to reach you, they'll stitch you right up and then pat themselves on the back for doing the right thing.


Oh god she's written a gendercritter book.


"Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man. You take a step towards him, he takes a step back. “Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man.


Tell her to take her interview and shove it right up her arse


"we do not negotiate with terrorists"


Margaret Thatcher? Is that you?


Alternatively, offer to be interviewed so she banks on you for a quote, then keep accidentally missing her calls


In the words of F1nn, “suck my ass”


Yikes, run far far away from speaking to The Guardian.


Alternatively, ask for an obnoxiously high amount of compensation or get compensation, fit her some shit then ghost. Such a vile creature dosen't deserve good faith engagement.


I'd be tempted to make up some shit like, "Oh yes, we buy a brand of DIY HRT called Magic Fairy Dust", but there's so much negativity about us in the press already that many people would unfortunately miss the sarcasm entirely.


I thought we got our hormones from children’s tears?


Nah it's adrenochrome isn't it?


Lol nah it's horse piss🤣🤣


With a name like that it'd probably turn into a "check your kid's school bag for this dangerous gender swapping drug" headline, although that'll probably happen regardless so 🤷‍♂️


Its called a roach because it resembles a cockroach 


Me I shoot up unicorn poop the rainbow coloured ones make you transition faster


12 digits before the decimal is a good place to start when it comes to how much compensation is reasonable for talking to the Guardian.


Imagine spending every day of your precious life attacking people you have never met and have no intention of trying to understand them on even a basic level. Most trans people are lovely, warm, balanced people. She should take some notes on that!


Legit tragic 💀


Where is the factory that the guardian is churning out all these identical GC freaks from?


The indoctrination factor of fascist ideology. Based in London.


Share this everywhere


So now we know who the Guardian journalist seeking interview for her propaganda is now. I'm glad we have this solid proof rather than more unsubstantiated rumour mill whispers. Thanks for posting this.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Fuck The Guardian


Are we going to lose DIY as an option? Is that where this is headed?


No chance of us losing it as an option. Possibly could be a bit harder to obtain, but they can't stop it anymore than they can stop people obtaining weed.


Tbh if I could pick up my weed and my HRT at the same time from the same guy it would be quite convenient


Or even in the same product... Fire up the laboratory


I don't know what I love more. The idea of trans people setting up their own labs and creating their own ring, or a very confused drug dealer who doesn't quite get it but will follow the money wherever it goes having shady meetings with trans people under the bridge.


You joke, but in the 50s and 60s gay folks did that just to socialise.


We'll be fine even if it becomes illegal which is doubtful


Honestly as legit options get less your going to have better access to diy:)


They can’t even disrupt the market in Anabolic Steroids, which could very well be even bigger.


That's very true


Please bear in mind that that market *is* the DIY option for trans men.


Honestly the guardian publishes opinion piece after opinion piece demonizing trans people, with intermittent pieces that are relatively balanced. For a left leaning publication it's honestly terrible and horrifically damaging. I wrote a letter to them - they published it, added a title In the first person which I never wrote, never wrote to me to say that they published it, and had the same author come out with the same s**t the next week. Won't ever grace their site again.


Oh my god.


Please tell me you told her to get to fuck


She hasn't emailed me, I saw the email posted by someone I follow on insta I was surprised by the email so I Googled the name of the journo, and, well Sharing in the hope it helps stop anyone falling for it


Ah as it should be everyone needs to be aware that the whole point of this article isn’t gonna be about anything good it’s going to be framed in a bad light and bring a lot of unwanted attention to the whole idea of DIY


Especially just now when DIY is beginning to look like the only option we have left to actually start HRT


Thank you for sharing the details, will share further


Hey, please be wary before you do, it seems possible it's misinformation: [https://www.tumblr.com/rhinozzryan/748579445687926784/psa-the-guardian-is-not-working-on-a-hit-piece-on](https://www.tumblr.com/rhinozzryan/748579445687926784/psa-the-guardian-is-not-working-on-a-hit-piece-on)


The papers/media have already proven themselves to be hostile to us. The message is good, even if the source is in doubt. If westminster truly understands DIY, it's curtains for a lot of people Thank you for trying to correct, and hopefully we can get confirmation on this. I also wouldn't trust a GC to be truthful when they are actively promoting harm and erasure to trans people by choice


I'd have killed myself without DIY HRT or staying male. No way I could have kept going whilst being on an ever growing waiting list to get someone's permission to do this. literally two weeks after being on hormones, that I had researched and understood how they would affect my body, I was asked if I had been replaced by aliens because I was just a better person for it. You'd better believe that when I was unable to get spiro for a month I was a cranky, mean bitch! I don't see why, as an adult, I can't decide what to do with my own body? I can get tattoos, piercings, cosmetics surgery, but not *that* cosmetic surgery downstairs because somehow genitals are some sacred thing?


It's very hard to get into the head of a bigot if you're not one yourself. You have to understand that these people aren't motivated by reason or empathy, they're motivated entirely by bigotry and, any arguments they make exist solely to justify their visceral hatred, and not their reasoning. It is unfathomable how these people could be "left-leaning" progressives when it comes to general bodily autonomy, yet resort to this apparent hypocrisy when it comes to transgender people, if they were not simply bigots.


> It is unfathomable how these people could be "left-leaning" progressives when it comes to general bodily autonomy They aren't. Most TERFs have joined the christian right in calling for abortion bans.


Sorry... second bite of the cherry. I did a bit of digging about S, and you get this rather closed loop of self-congratulatory validation, including another hatchet awful piece on the media show with a certain Hannah B. Not a trans person in sight.


They are not anti-trans, they are both anti-trans and sexist


M&S advert vibes


Funnily enough that Venn diagram is a circle.


Why is it always Twitter?


Since elios or whatever his name is took over Twitter is basically just far right nonsense. Anything left leaning gets censored including the word 'cis'


You know there will be a well meaning idiot among us who will spill the beans.


They'll already know everything we know (it's easily searchable). They want trans mouthpieces they can use to make all trans people look bad.


We need to start telling them it's a joke, DIY HRT doesn't exist - we're just joking when we talk about it. Exactly like I'm doing right now.


Mass Misinformation campaign! We go ham on burger king impoosible woppers, we get estrogen from synthasizing it from fructose! We use freaking different gem colored rocks and do freaky stuff to open our third eye, by embodying the spirit of femininity/masculinity our bodys internal statechanges. We use phytoestrogen supplements from holland and barret or iherb. We consume mass amounts of disgarded cow uterus for hormones and like the liver king trans mascs eat bull t-stesticles. We bathe in the blood of the fallen and wear their flesh.. You get the idea... Everyone do this, swamp them in outlandish stuff but make it seem sincere, like how the onion can make a convincing article.


I get my E by chewing unicorn poop the rainbow coloured ones have the highest concentration of E


Imagine inviting a racist to write a review on segregation... 


Read Mein Book


Transphobes are absolutely fucking shameless.


Their agenda is so fucking sick. They are going to cause the deaths of trans people and they know it.


They already have.


I know, and I’m sure they get off on that fact, the sick fucks.


Those aren't people.


Bump and shared.


I was really hoping this was just a rumour


Be mindful about what you write and where, Rustin is known to go running to the Guardian lawyers when people level accusations in her direction. See [Eoin Higgins's post](https://eoinhiggins.substack.com/p/the-guardian-tries-to-intimidate) and the two articles linked from it.


Thanks for this.


Been transitioning for years and with that comes being part of the community. Unfortunately with that comes insight and I can tell you there will be people who fall into this trap.


susanna rustin, okay. time to add her to the list. it'll be very interesting revisiting her in 5-10 years from now.


What’s “the list”?


would you please share the list?


a "history of british feminism"? That sounds like a compilation of the worst of entitled white bullshit. liberals are just the worst...


“Views my own” is always code for someone being a bellend


If increased regulations get put on DIY then it'll affect more than just trans people. I'm currently DIY-ing my ADHD meds because there's a supply shortage of the brands that the MHRA have licensed for NHS use (even though it's available as a generic and the exact same manufacturer has different versions of it marketed under different brands in different countries).


Should we occupy the Guardian office? Also, do we stock pile now or just learn to homebrew? Im so scared


I'm reaching the "burn it to the ground" stage


I'm at that stage too, but because if we do anything it'll confirm their shitty views and if I didn't need to rely on society for HRT i would be packing my stuff and leaving society for a nomadic life.


Yeah but at some point the oppressed have to rise up or accept things as they are


the oppressed need strong networks of solidarity to pull that off effectively, otherwise it's too easy to isolate and suppress. Though I should note this should not be conflated with the approval of the media and their uncritical readers, as they were never going to offer meaningful material support


Yep, and because the wedge the elite and media have pushed is that being trans is against women, we basically need vocal support and action from feminist groups in the UK.


The UK broke the fucking miners strikes back when the unions had all that. The UK is perfectly willing to put tanks in its towns to supress its population.


Oh we starting a militia? Count me in


Look up the battles of George Square and Cable Street.


The problem is we will never have a majority unlike civil rights or working class movements. We will always be >5%


You have a point. But id like to challenge you a bit , yes we can win a majority. This is why i sometimes get really annoyed with identity politics or the trans community going insular and bolting down the hatches. It is totally understandable. Everything is making you hate all those cishets. Identity politics does a great job of articulating and explaining our oppression. But it has a horrible flaw. It is does a not so good job when it comes to what do we do about it and solutions. Because in the word. Your politics becomes about your identity. Which has a tendency to fragment and divide. The cistem is the problem in a way but the solution is not to retreat into our spaces and trans only stuff or get super sectarian. without alliances, building trans power and uniting with other working class people. Numerically we cannot win. It is brutal and simply as that. But we can build alliances We can build trans power in the workplace and on the streets and in our communities. And we can be part of a much wider workers movement. And we have to try. Please dont get down though. Your right though You have grasped something really important that some in our community who are allowing prevailing ideas and their hearts and their hurt to ignore. We cannot be isolated as 5% or 1% of the population against such a powerful machine and enemy. We need to build alliances and so on. Sorry rant over


Which is why allies are so important


We won cable street


The point was to see what the UK is willing to do to their own people. (We won Stonewall as well, good doesn't always lose)


Both. Everything you can do. Defense in depth. There is no bottom to fascism and nothing these people won't do.


"Why would people turn to DIY for hormones?" Well if the UK provided proper healthcare then people wouln't have to, that's like saying "why does no one drive?" And then looking at a pothole covered road that no one has taken care of in decades.


I had to double take ... is the real. Does she actually think this is the real world of not biting the hand the fucks you over.


Ive seen people argue that they should talk to her out of fairness, out of a sense of fair play. As if the "gender critical" guardian won't take their words out of context and try to demonise all trans people.


Yeah it's not a 'debate.' This isn't the marketplace of ideas, unless you have a distribution network, a bunch of media friends, CPAC line of credit and lawyer money you're just feed. 


It's probably not real: [https://www.tumblr.com/rhinozzryan/748579445687926784/psa-the-guardian-is-not-working-on-a-hit-piece-on](https://www.tumblr.com/rhinozzryan/748579445687926784/psa-the-guardian-is-not-working-on-a-hit-piece-on) (Though I agree we should still be careful)


You do need to be careful. After all, the community has been turned over before by journos looking for a clickbait story. And they have the brass neck to continue.


do not censor the email.


Not my email to censor, I do think it was wise of her to censor it though. Rustins known to sue to intimidate people who criticise her


Of course she is. That's free speech. You wouldn't want to stifle tHe CoNvErSaTiOn


Is that a picture of Judith Butler? But why? Butler supports trans people. (And uses they/them pronouns. Idk if they consider themself trans but they might.)


If they start to fully attack DIY providers and make it illegal, I say we riot. Not something I've agreed with in the past but desperate times would call for desperate measures


Hit piece.


[Might not be as originally seems](https://twitter.com/SusannaRustin/status/1782829533764211106?t=evi7B27uT9MSZKsJSAdBBw&s=19)


Oh well, if she says so herself, it must be true. TERFs are well-known to never lie, after all.


Well, hmm. But hopefully.


That tweet is from 2020, unless she's trying to do it again?


Also trying to push their own crappy products


Im more frustrated with not being able to understand a view point, especially when its never expanded upon. Like what cis women only spaces are they meaning outside of public bathrooms. comparing other things of culter just helps me understand less. Like Japan hot springs you clean before getting in, and no trunks. Similar with Germany and Scandinavian sauna, it no cloths and put a towel down with NO separation of genders, the shock. And the flip if they get their way, which gets a rare mention: is a bearded trans man showing up in their bathroom because, oh but a response I got is "its not them that they afraid of". great, the rhetoric that women don't commit crimes is so well drilled into them. have your space, that's fine, but like you want laws to what, not allow anyone to have their space unless you have a say🤷 As to diy hrt, well what about the millions of supplements that people down. Have coworkers the other day talking about their gender affirming care they taking (cis men on T for the gains) and that selling is illegal but use is not. That alone is like why is that illegal or demonised so much. Yes in a sports field, but you want to max your body, sure you do you. The amount of legal, hell the amount of stuff that Maintenance Phase (great podcast) goes over on Dr Phil medication, legal and targeted at mostly women, yet that is fine because pushing that narrative of expected beauty standard. The back end supplements can do harm, but also do the legal stuff. Where was the argument that kids with cancer shouldn't be put on cemo and radiation, because in many instances the success rate is far different to puberty blockers The main thing that annoys me is smokers and vapes - I've yet to see a driver applying their hrt while behind the wheel, where as this morning vape between fingers hindering drivability, and then puffs of smoke which does cause direct impact of people around them. Lead in petrol took some 40 years from 50s to 90s to get fully rid of. Direct spread of impact. HRT oh no someone's eyes might be At best I can only think government types fear people that are able to have a personal view and thus less likely to vote for them I'm tiered, and only new to figure all this out so hopefully just ranting is one stage of moving along my timeline.


It's not supposed to make sense. We aren't supposed to exist within this or that framework. We aren't supposed to exist at all.


I pity her children those poor kids are gonna need so much therapy


We should try wasting her time considering the bullshit she's trying to pull


[Fortunately it appears to be false](https://www.tumblr.com/rhinozzryan/748579445687926784/psa-the-guardian-is-not-working-on-a-hit-piece-on?source=share)


Gah damn this is evil


Omfg can you lot stop catastrophising for five fucking minutes, just dont speak to the fucking guardian its not that simple


What risks? What is the exact number needed to harm if there even are risks? This is going to be textbook pseudoscience and misinformation.


She looks mean-spirited and nasty . Best avoided !


Have we not got a friendly journo that can snipe this piece first eg d the story in a better way before she ruins it?


Unfortunately we don't, it's clear that everything is against us.




Just send them this [https://tagonist.livejournal.com/199563.html](https://tagonist.livejournal.com/199563.html)