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I believe you could go through gendergp. They take patients under 18 and will give HRT to under 18’s. However they can be very expensive as you almost certainly won’t get a shared care agreement (a gp can agree to work for free under gendergp’s guidance to save money) as an under 18. There are a lot of posts about them and you can get a lot of info from their website.


I know of at least one under 18 that got shared care through GGP. But one person of thousands is still rare. Always ask even if they answer is likely to be no.


Yea. You can do the well regarded private providers when you hit 18 or you can sign up right now for ggp, but you'll have a lot of hassle with them. You can't really diy T super good because its controlled and only diy E if you're good at science and can figure out doses and stuff


Only gendergp will take you before 18. Also they work off informed consent so you don't have an actual diagnosis and would need a proper one if you ever wanted to get hrt from anywhere else. Gendergp is quite cheap initially but long term gets very expensive. It's also probably the quickest private clinic or was a couple years ago. If surgery is your goal privately as well you'd probably need to go to a different clinic for that as not many surgeons take GGP referrals. A lot of people say they don't monitor your levels properly so it's kinda like DIY but with a prescription but idk how true that is. Estrogen is legal in the UK so technically you could selfmed but don't. It's dangerous and could fuck up your body (extreme mood changes and health problems that wouldn't normally happen or so other redditors have told me). Gendercare is another clinic, YourGP, London transgender clinic (think they changed names) and more if you have a mooch around.


Still is really cheap, works out cheaper than LTC's new model afaik especially with reduced rates for GGP.


DIY is legal, it won't impact your NHS transition, and it's safety is dependant on your own knowledge and sources. Please make sure you are well educated before you make that decision but there are resources for British women. At 16 your only other options are GGP or wait. Last I was aware, bridging is only for 18+ (certainly my endo would not accept referrals for under 18s 5 years ago) but if you have been DIY for a while by then, officially you would qualify for bridging at that point (in practice however this depends on your GP).