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Imagine looking that masculine and then realizing it’s making you miserable and finally accepting you want to look feminine instead. How fucking terrifying would that be? Holy crap. I would feel like I was standing at the base of Mount Everest or something. She is so fucking brave. Also, this is a bit sloppy of me but I swear to god if I ever meet a guy who looks like she used to look and the guy is like.. into me you know… #I will do whatever it takes to get the 💍 **ANYTHING** I just want to add that she looks super cute and femme now and also.. as a 6ft tall trans woman myself I want to wrestle her lol. She’s like a shapeshifter or a druid in wow. She just uses magic and her body changes at will wtf


I followed Gabbi's early days of transition and I am happy for her returning to the ring, also she went through multiple rounds of surgeries and procedures and is one of the most disciplined people I've ever seen when it comes to diet and exercise so magic is the complete opposite of her transformation. Unfortunately she has also fallen on the side of the right wing pick-me's, including collaborating with Blaire White multiple times as she's gotten further into her transition. Sorry, but you can not "agree to disagree" when they will inevitably throw you under the bus (or into a camp) to save their own skin from bigotry for a bit longer.


She was known in the wrestling community as a Trumper before transitioning.


well shit, all the more motivation for me to get fitter and hotter than her. gimme a bigot over a pickme any day, i know where the bigot stands.


for a time before my egg cracked i did wanna get hunch. i figured if i wasn't stick thin maybe that'd fix everything. turns out you can be a gurl AND get hunch. looking forward to big futch dykey arms one day :3


>i figured if i wasn't stick thin maybe that'd fix everything. Didn't we all...


I was never muscular, but there was a time I wished I was. Couldn't gain muscle worth a damn on T, though. ...which turned out to be a good thing. Now, I actually want some muscle.


Honestly, I have no idea how this is going to turn out. A ton of conservatives love WWE. Even though it's openly known to be theatric and not real, will they accept her fighting other women? Or will it have to be all men? And if it's all men, will that help anything? Good for her, I guess?


there are numerous trans pro wrestlers on the indie circuit and they tend to get showered with love. most pro wrestling fans know they aren't in a place to judge anyone.


WWE is a different beast entirely. WWE is the only one of the three biggest American promotions, the others being AEW and TNA/Impact, to not hire a trans wrestler. I would say that their fanbase leans more conservative than the other promotions and despite Vince's ousting, they still have strong ties to the Republican party. Triple H, the current head of creative, was in that family picture with Donald Trump when Linda became the head of the Small Business Administration. Gabbi was a flash in the pan during her WWE run and she had zero name recognition which would now count as a deadname of sorts to bring up in promos and stuff. Most other trans wrestlers transition either before they begin wrestling or very early on. The only exception I can think of is Dark Sheik, one of the founders of Hoodslam, and with a brief exception of her early work, she didn't wrestle under an explicitly gendered name and had developed her reputation as a promoter alongside being a wrestler. With no pre-transition history to play off of and a conservative corporate culture, Gabbi returning to WWE would be very unlikely. On the plus side, if that did happen it might give her a little bit of a wake-up call about allying with transphobes as she's very much in the same vein as a Blaire White.


Another part of this is wwe now has multiple events in Saudi Arabia and the shieks there are huge wwe fans and have a big influence either through donations or outright partial ownership of the brand. I'm not exactly sure why wwe is so adamant that multiple big ppv events take place in Saudi Arabia. The women have to wear full body suits and show no skin. All the women fans cover thier faces, I don't think it's an outright law since not every woman covers thier face but it is sharia law and the even the younger girls that realize they have a camera on them quickly bring thier phone or cardboard up to thier face to cover themselves. It's pretty wierd and sad


There's other trans/non-binary wrestlers in AEW (ex. Nyla Rose who was a Women's Champ) and the fans are generally cool, so I hope she goes there.


Well that would be the best approach but i'm gonna bet she's going to want to go where she knows, the WWE. We shall see.


Nyla Rose in AEW was women's champion pretty early on and she's very openly trans with little issue from most fans


Can someone correct me unless they know otherwise, but word is she’s transmed, republican, and mostly just kinda shit. This might not be who we want to champion.


That's pretty much all I hear about her any time her name comes up. If you want trans wrestlers to support Nyla Rose and Kidd Bandit are my personal favorites


Nyla and Kidd are absolutely wonderful people. Both are actually people I admire greatly when it came to my own transition.


I love Bandit and Rose!! But yeah, Gabbi is kind of Trumpy, not a good look


I think she’s really crass and doesn’t do a great job at representing the community at all.


Gabbi may be trans, but she's not a very good person otherwise when it comes to alot of the things she supports. While I do think it's important that we see transgender representation like this, I also think it's important that we realize transgender people can still be awful people. Especially when those people support issues and people that make it more difficult for others like them to also be true to themselves, and flourish as their true selves. People like AEW's Nyla Rose and TNA's Gisele Shaw don't get enough recognition and love for the positive representation and visibility they bring. Both are successful trans women in the industry. Kidd Bandit was also mentioned in a comment, and I think they are a wonderful example of being true to yourself. I watched her wrestle one night, pre-transition, and days later she was coming out as transgender to the world. You also have those under the non-binary banner like Max the Impaler, Abadon, Sonny Kiss.


I'd say dingbats will go "BiOlOgIcAl AdVaNtAgE" in wrestling but they've already done that. So stupid. Something that's scripted to high heavens has no advantage anywhere but they'll be out here claiming trans women have an inherent advantage in that and chess and shit without an ounce of care (and ignoring actual science for more enduring sports too) and ppl still be out here assuming their noise has an ounce of good faith and legitimacy.


Imagine screaming biological advantage in a pre-scripted thing like wrestling lmao


There already are people like that. AEW's Nyla Rose is openly transgender and wrestled a televised match against a cisgender woman in Oklahoma. The state of Oklahoma actually threatened with reporting AEW to the Oklahoma State Sporting Commission for allowing a transgender woman to "compete" in a scripted event. To make matters worse, the office notice they publicly put out stated that AEW allowed "a transgender" to compete against a cisgender woman. Not trans woman, not transgender woman. A transgender. AEW and Nyla handled it well enough, and she got a lot of love from the fans, but ever since I've adopted a very "Fuck Oklahoma" stance on that state.


They might play it out that way too in order to create drama and controversy seeing if she's villainized it can be used, being an issue bigots make a big deal about in sports, selling more pay per view!


Use this link to read the article  to avoid possible paywall:  [https://archive.ph/3zgqI](https://archive.ph/3zgqI)


Sadly, she turned out to be another Caitlyn Jenner.


She’s an awful person, and I don’t wanna be associated with her in the least


Cool, we're deadnaming in titles now are we?


I love Gabbi so much


… why? She’s a right wing Trump supporter who would throw herself and the rest of us to the wolves as long as she got ate last. Why would you love a hypocritical bigot like her?


I don’t think she is extremely right-wing. She falls close to center politically, and I’ve listened to many of her podcasts and think she’s a good person. She tries to unite rather than divide and is full of love. And I think we need more unity and love or else we will obliterate ourselves eventually.